Why is my code getting a segmentation error - c++

For the life of me I cannot understand at all why this program is getting a segmentation error. The issue is that it retrieves an object within the vector container uses a function within the menu class using the get_command() and for some reason after testing the main function line by line this one results in a segmentation fault:
I have tried changing the syntax to create a new command object that stores the returned object from get_command() and changed the index between 0 and -1 and still nothing fixes the error. I have spent at least a couple of hours trying to figure out why but I cannot seem to find a solution.
class Base {
/* Constructors */
Base() { };
/* Pure Virtual Functions */
virtual double evaluate() = 0;
virtual std::string stringify() = 0;
class op : public Base
op() { };
op(double op1) { operand = op1; }
double evaluate() { return operand; }
string stringify() {
string value = to_string(operand);
return value;
double operand;
class Command {
Base* root;
Command() { this->root = nullptr; }
double execute() { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() { return root; }
class Menu {
int history_index; // Indexes which command was last executed, accounting for undo and redo functions
std::vector<Command*> history; // Holds all the commands that have been executed until now
Menu() {
// Constructor which initializes the internal members
history_index = -1;
std::string execute() {
// Returns the string converted evaluation of the current command
return to_string(history[history_index - 1]->execute());
std::string stringify() {
// Returns the stringified version of the current command
return history[history_index]->stringify();
bool initialized() {
// Returns if the history has an InitialCommand, which is necessary to start the calculation
if (history[history_index] != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void add_command(Command* cmd) {
// Adds a command to the history (does not execute it), this may require removal of some other commands depending on where history_index is
Command* get_command() {
// Returns the command that the history_index is currently referring to
return history[history_index];
void undo() {
// Move back one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to undo
void redo() {
// Moves forward one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to redo
class InitialCommand : public Command {
Base* root;
InitialCommand(Base* b) { this->root = b; }
double execute() { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() { return root; }
void main()
Menu* menu = new Menu();
InitialCommand* temp = new InitialCommand(new op(7));
EXPECT_EQ(menu->get_command()->execute(), 7);

You're not doing inheritance right, as you are duplicating fields between Command and InitialCommand that lead to the error.
Both command classes have a Base *root member, and non-virtual execute methods. When you construct a new InitialCommand object, the InitialCommand::root object points at the op that was created for it, while Command::root remains NULL because of the default constructor for Command. Then, when you call menu->get_command(), it will call Command::execute because execute is non-virtual and menu is a Command *. Command::execute will then dereference a NULL root, causing your segmentation error.
Remove the Base *root member from InitialCommand, and pass the parameter to a constructor in Command. You probably want to make some methods like execute virtual.

The problem is that your Command and InitialCommand both have root variable.
InitialCommand* temp = new InitialCommand(new op(7)); will according to your constructor set InitialCommand::root. So Command::root remains uninitialized. Then Menu holds std::vector<Command*>, so InitialCommand* is implicitly converted to Command*.
At alst calling Command::execute will indeed call Command:execute because the method is not virtual. So, the uninitialized Command::root is used -> seg. fault.
Please don't use new. Use smart pointers - std::unique_ptr should be the default way to manage dynamic memory.
That said, your code seems too Java/C# like. This is C++, use value semantics if you can. There's no reason for Menu* menu = new Menu();. Menu menu; is simpler and works the same in your case. Here's a code I would've written
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
using namespace std;//Not a good practice and definitely a big no in header files.
class Base {
/* Constructors */
Base() { };
/* Pure Virtual Functions */
virtual double evaluate() = 0;
virtual std::string stringify() = 0;
class op : public Base
op() { };
op(double op1) { operand = op1; }
double evaluate() { return operand; }
string stringify() {
string value = to_string(operand);
return value;
double operand;
class Command {
std::unique_ptr<Base> root;
Command(std::unique_ptr<Base>&& root):root(std::move(root)) { }
//Be const-correct
double execute() const { return root->evaluate(); }
std::string stringify() const { return root->stringify(); }
Base* get_root() const { return root.get(); }
class Menu {
int history_index; // Indexes which command was last executed, accounting for undo and redo functions
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Command>> history; // Holds all the commands that have been executed until now
Menu() {
// Constructor which initializes the internal members
history_index = -1;
std::string execute() const{
// Returns the string converted evaluation of the current command
return to_string(history[history_index - 1]->execute());
std::string stringify() const{
// Returns the stringified version of the current command
return history[history_index]->stringify();
bool initialized() const{
// Returns if the history has an InitialCommand, which is necessary to start the calculation
if (history[history_index] != nullptr)
return true;
return false;
void add_command(std::unique_ptr<Command>&& cmd) {
// Adds a command to the history (does not execute it), this may require removal of some other commands depending on where history_index is
Command* get_command() const {
// Returns the command that the history_index is currently referring to
return history[history_index].get();
void undo() {
// Move back one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to undo
void redo() {
// Moves forward one command (does not execute it) if there is a command to redo
class InitialCommand : public Command {
InitialCommand(std::unique_ptr<Base>&& b): Command(std::move(b)){}
// There's no such thing as void main
int main()
Menu menu;
auto temp = std::make_unique<InitialCommand>(std::make_unique<op>(7));
//EXPECT_EQ(menu.get_command()->execute(), 7);
It uses move semantics which used to not be a beginners concept, but it's such integral part of modern C++ that every C++ programmer must learn it sooner rather than later.


Better way to store inherited class to the file

This code works, but what is the correct way of doing this?
I mean, how can I eliminate the switch statement in read_in function, or to handle all reading in animal class, or its sub-classes, so my read_in function can be as simple as my write_out function?
I have a vector<animal*> *animals filled with cats and generic animals that I need to write/read to/from a file.
I have omitted some code, so the post doesn't get too big...
enum class animal_type
Suppose I have a class animal
class animal
animal_type m_type;
string m_name;
virtual void write_binary(ofstream &out)
out.write((char*)(&m_type), sizeof(m_type)); //first 'animal_type'
out.write((char*)(&m_type), sizeof(m_type)); //second 'animal_type'
out.write(m_name.c_str(), m_name.size()+1);
virtual void read_binary(std::ifstream &in)
in.read((char*)(&m_type), sizeof(m_type)); //read the second animal type here
m_name = read_null_string(in);//this function returns next string from input
and a class that derives from animal
class cat : public animal
bool m_is_cute;
void write_binary(std::ofstream &out)
out.write((char*)(&m_is_cute), sizeof(m_is_cute));
void read_binary(std::ifstream &in)
in.read((char*)(&m_is_cute), sizeof(m_is_cute));
I write them to a file like this
void write_out(std::ofstream &out, std::vector<animal*> *animals)
int size = animals->size();
out.write((char*)(&size), sizeof(size));
for(animal* a : *animals)
And read them from the file like this
void read_in(std::ifstream &in, std::vector<animal*> *animals)
int size;
in.read((char*)(&size), sizeof(size));
for(int i = 0; i< size; ++i)
animal_type type;
//read the first 'animal_type' here
in.read((char*)(&type), sizeof(type));
animal *a;
a = new animal(in);//this constructor just calls the read_binary method
a = new cat(in);//this constructor just calls the read_binary method
Here is one (of many) options:
First, we change enum class animal_type to a plain old enum becaysuse we want to use it as an integer. If this is not allowed, leave it enum class animal_type and use a static_cast<size_t> to convert it later.
enum animal_type
GENERIC_ANIMAL = 0, // must be 0. First index in array
LAST, // must be last. Put no animals after it
FIRST = GENERIC_ANIMAL // makes it easy to loop FIRST to LAST
Then define all of your animals.
Next, build an array of functions that call the appropriate animal constructors. This array must exactly match the enum above. If this is a concern, consider using std::map instead.
std::function<animal *(std::ifstream &)> animalFactory[] =
[](std::ifstream & in) {return new animal(in);},
[](std::ifstream & in) {return new cat(in);}
Documentation on std::function
Documentation on Lambda expressions
Next define exceptions to be thrown should bad things happen. The could be as simple as
class Bogus_File_Exception: public std::exception
const char* what() const
return "File read failed.";
Finally read_in becomes
void read_in(std::ifstream &in, std::vector<animal*> & animals) // note the reference
int size;
if (in.read((char*)(&size), sizeof(size))) // testing for successful read
for(int i = 0; i< size; ++i)
animal_type type;
if (in.read((char*)(&type), sizeof(type))) // testing again
if (type < animal_type::LAST)
throw Unknown_Animal_Exception();
throw Bogus_File_Exception();
throw Bogus_File_Exception();

Passing data by reference to build it

Under C++ I usually ran into an error.
Suppose I have the following classes:
class ClassData
ClassData() { a=-1; }
int a;
class MyClass
MyClass() { m_classData = 0; }
MyClass(ClassData* classData) { m_classData = new ClassData(*classData); m_classData->a=1; }
inline bool getClassData(ClassData* classData) {
if (m_classData) { classData = m_classData; return true; }
else return false;
ClassData* m_classData;
Now in the main I run this test code:
ClassData cdata;
MyClass* m_myClass = new MyClass(&cdata);
int value = 0;
ClassData classData;
if (m_myClass->getClassData(&classData))
value = classData.a;
If the code is run, value is equal to -1 (instead of 1).
First question: why I've not been able to take a reference to ClassData in MyClass? While I'm thinking to have the ClassData object of m_myClass (like doing m_myClass->m_classData if it would be public), in reality I'm calling the member a on local ClassData object.
I was thinking that the cause was that I cannot change the local variable address, but if I change the code into this:
ClassData* classData=0;
if (m_myClass->getClassData(classData))
value = classData->a;
I get my program crashing.
Second question: what is the correct way to manage this situation? Is the issue located in the program main function or in how getClassData is defined giving room for mistakes?
bool getClassData(ClassData* classData) {
if (m_classData) { classData = m_classData; return true; }
else return false;
Notice that classData is a local variable. It dies when the function terminates, so the function really does nothing except report whether its m_classData is null or not.
So in the first case:
ClassData classData; // <-- classData.a is -1
if (m_myClass->getClassData(&classData))
value = classData.a; // <-- classData.a is still -1
In the second case:
ClassData* classData=0; // classData is null
if (m_myClass->getClassData(classData))
value = classData->a; // classData is still null
you dereference a null pointer, which is Undefined Behavior. You're lucky all it does is crash.
A correct (but still unsafe) way to do it is like this:
bool getClassData(ClassData* classData) {
if (m_classData!=0 && classData!=0)
{ classData->a = m_classData->a; return true; }
else return false;
I say "still unsafe" because this function cannot really verify that these pointers point to valid data structures. To avoid this danger you must refrain from using pointers so much, and look into references.
Using values instead of pointers simplifies things and will also remove your memory leak. See live example
#include <iostream>
class ClassData
ClassData() { a=-1; }
int a;
class MyClass
MyClass() { }
MyClass(ClassData const& classData) {
m_classData = classData;
ClassData const& getClassData() const {
return m_classData;
ClassData m_classData;
int main()
ClassData classData;
MyClass myClass( classData );
classData = myClass.getClassData();
int value = classData.a;
std::cout << value;

Memory Management with Command Pattern

So, I've got the following Command Pattern implementation, which is contained within a std::map<CString, IWrite*> commandMap:
class IWrite
CStdioFile* fileWriter;
IWrite(CStdioFile* _fileWriter)
: fileWriter(_fileWriter)
virtual ~IWrite()
virtual BOOL exec() = 0;
class FloatWrite : public IWrite
float input;
FloatWrite(CStdioFile* _fileWriter, float _input)
: IWrite(_fileWriter), input(_input)
BOOL exec()
CString fieldvalue;
fieldvalue.Format("%f", input);
return TRUE;
The issue I'm having is that my static analysis tool complains that fileWriter is not freed or zeroed in the destructor of IWrite. However, by adding a delete fileWriter in the destructor, I get a memory access error when I delete the Command Pattern object in the map before calling std::map.clear() as below:
// free map memory
for ( std::map<CString, IWrite*>::iterator mapItr = commandMap.begin();
mapItr != commandMap.end();
delete mapItr->second;
Am I approaching memory management incorrectly here? I have not done much work with STL maps, so I'm not familiar with an idiomatic approach.
EDIT: How I add elements to the map:
void FooClass::initCommandMap(const MSG_DATA_STRUCT * msgdata)
// Write a float, foo
commandMap[_T("foo")] = new FloatWrite(&fileWriter, msgdata->foo);
// Write an unsigned int, bar
commandMap[_T("bar")] = new UIntWrite(&fileWriter, msgdata->bar);
// etc...
This is called each time the user chooses to write out the data, so the fileWriter object used by the various exec()'s is current with the file selected by the user.
Note that CStdioFile fileWriter is a member variable of FooClass.
Why do you keep a pointer to fileWriter? From what I see, your Command object assumes that a writer should exist before the command can be used. It also shouldn't try to manage the writer object, since it can be shared by multiple command objects.
Try keeping a reference instead.
class IWrite
CStdioFile &fileWriter;
IWrite(CStdioFile &_fileWriter)
: fileWriter(_fileWriter)
virtual ~IWrite()
virtual BOOL exec() = 0;

Print out the values stored in vars of different classes, that have the same ancestor

I have this class:
class CComputer {
// constructor
CComputer(string name) {
this->name = name;
// overloaded operator << for printing
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const CComputer& c);
// adds some component for this computer
CComputer & AddComponent(Component const & component) {
return *this;
// sets address for this computer
CComputer & AddAddress(const string & address) {
this->address = address;
return *this;
string name;
string address;
list<Component> listOfComponents;
and then these classes:
// ancestor for other classes...It's really dummy yet, but I dunno what to add there
class Component {
Component() {};
~Component() {};
class CCPU : public Component {
CCPU(int cores, int freq) {
this->cores = cores;
this->freq = freq;
int cores;
int freq;
class CMemory : public Component {
CMemory(int mem) {
this->mem = mem;
int mem;
Now I feed my CComputer class with some values:
CComputer c("test.com");
c . AddAddress("123.45.678.910") .
AddComponent(CCPU(8, 2400)) .
AddComponent(CCPU(8, 1200)).
And now I would like to print it out with all the info I've put in there (CCPU & CMemory details including)
but how to implement it, to be able to iterate through CComputer::listOfComponents and don't care if I acctually access CCPU or CMemory ? I can add it to that list, but I have really no idea, how to make it, to be able to access the variables of those components.
So the output should look like:
##### STARTING #####
cores:8, freq:1200
###### FINISHED! #####
As others have mentioned, you need to implement a virtual function (e.g. virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;) in the base class that is inherited and overridden by each child class.
However, that isn’t enough. Your code exhibits slicing which happens when you copy your child class instances into the list: the list contains objects of type Component, not of the relevant child class.
What you need to do is store polymorphic instances. Values themselves are never polymorphic, you need to use (smart) pointers or references for this. References are out, however, since you cannot store them in a standard container (such as std::list). Using raw pointers is considered bad style nowadays, but judging from the naming conventions of your classes you don’t learn modern C++ in your class (sorry!).
Therefore, raw pointers is probably the way to go. Change your code accordingly:
Store a list of pointers:
list<Component*> listOfComponents;
Make the argument type of AddComponent a pointer instead of const&.
Call the function by passing a newed object, e.g.:
AddComponent(new CCPU(8, 2400))
Now your code leaks memory left, right and center. You need to implement a destructor to free the memory:
~CComputer() {
typedef std::list<Component*>::iterator iter_t;
for (iter_t i = listOfComponents.begin(); i != listOfComponents.end(); ++i)
delete *i;
But now your code violates the Rule of Three (read this article! It’s important, and it may be the most useful thing about C++ you’re going to learn in this programming class) and consequently you also need to implement the copy constructor and copy assignment operator. However, we can’t. Sorry. In order to implement copying for your class, you would have to implement another virtual function in your Component class, namely one that clones an object (virtual Component* Clone() const = 0;). Only then can we proceed.
Here’s a sample implementation in CCPU:
Component* Clone() const {
return new CCPU(cores, freq);
… this needs to be done in all classes deriving from Component, otherwise we cannot correctly copy an object of a type that derives from Component and is hidden behind a pointer.
And now we can implement copying in the CComputer class:
CComputer(CComputer const& other)
: name(name)
, address(addess) {
typedef std::list<Component*>::iterator iter_t;
for (iter_t i = other.listOfComponents.begin(); i != other.listOfComponents.end(); ++i)
CComputer& operator =(CComputer const& other) {
if (this == &other)
return *this;
name = other.name;
address = other.address;
for (iter_t i = other.listOfComponents.begin(); i != other.listOfComponents.end(); ++i)
return *this;
This code is brittle, not thread-safe and error-prone and no competent C++ programmer would ever write this1. Real code would for instance use smart pointers instead – but as mentioned before I’m pretty sure that this would be beyond the scope of the class.
1 What does this make me now, I wonder?
Just add a virtual method to Class Component called e.g. toString(), which returns a string describing the component. Then you can iterate through all components and call toString() without worrying about exactly what each component is. If you do that, then for each computer you would be able to print out the values of all the components.
However, as pointed out in one of the comments, the example output you give in the question outputs the CCPU for all computers, then all the memory for all computers. To order the output like that, you'll need to add another virtual method to Component called e.g. getType() which returns an enum or integer that represents the type of the information. You can then have two for-next loops, one nested inside the other, where the outer loop iterates through all the types and the inner loop iterating through all the computers calling the toString() on all components which match the type specified in the outer for loop.
Here's something that implements this idea.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <list>
using namespace std;
int const TYPE_CCPU = 1;
int const TYPE_MEMORY = 2;
class Component {
virtual int GetType() { return -1; }
virtual std::string ToString() const {
return "OOPS! Default `ToString` called";
class CComputer {
typedef std::list<Component*>::iterator iter_t;
// constructor
CComputer(string name) {
this->name = name;
~CComputer() {
for (iter_t i = listOfComponents.begin(); i != listOfComponents.end(); ++i) {
delete *i;
// overloaded operator << for printing
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const CComputer& c);
// adds some component for this computer
CComputer & AddComponent(Component *component) {
return *this;
// sets address for this computer
CComputer & AddAddress(const string & address) {
this->address = address;
return *this;
void PrintType(int type) {
for (iter_t i = listOfComponents.begin(); i != listOfComponents.end(); ++i) {
if ((*i)->GetType() == type)
std::cout << (*i)->ToString() << '\n';
string name;
string address;
list<Component*> listOfComponents;
class CCPU : public Component {
CCPU(int cores, int freq) {
this->cores = cores;
this->freq = freq;
int GetType() { return TYPE_CCPU; }
std::string ToString() const {
return "CCPU::ToString()";
int cores;
int freq;
class CMemory : public Component {
CMemory(int mem) { this->mem = mem; };
int GetType() { return TYPE_MEMORY; }
std::string ToString() const {
return "CMemory::ToString()";
int mem;
typedef std::list<CComputer*>::iterator iter_c;
int main() {
list<CComputer*> computerlist;
CComputer *c1 = new CComputer("test.com"), *c2 = new CComputer("test2.com");
AddComponent(new CCPU(8, 1200)).
AddComponent(new CMemory(2000));
AddComponent(new CCPU(8, 2400)).
AddComponent(new CMemory(4000));
for(int t=TYPE_CCPU; t<=TYPE_MEMORY; t++)
for (iter_c i = computerlist.begin(); i != computerlist.end(); ++i) {
for (iter_c i = computerlist.begin(); i != computerlist.end(); ++i) {
delete (*i);
Implement ToString() in each of your classes. In .NET this is a standard even the "object" type implements.

How come a pointer to a derived class cannot be passed to a function expecting a reference to a pointer to the base class?

Sorry for the long title but I did want to be specific.
I expected the following code to work but it doesn't and I can't figure out why :/
#include <cstdio>
#include <cassert>
class UniquePointer
void Dispose()
delete this;
friend void SafeDispose(UniquePointer*& p)
if (p != NULL)
p = NULL;
UniquePointer() { }
UniquePointer(const UniquePointer&) { }
virtual ~UniquePointer() { }
class Building : public UniquePointer
: mType(0)
void SetBuildingType(int type) { mType = type; }
int GetBuildingType() const { return mType; }
virtual ~Building() { }
int mType;
void Foo()
Building* b = new Building();
int a = b->GetBuildingType();
SafeDispose(b); // error C2664: 'SafeDispose' : cannot convert parameter 1 from 'Building *' to 'UniquePointer *&'
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
return 0;
Imagine it were legal. Then you could write code like this:
class Animal : public UniquePointer
void Transmogrify(UniquePointer*& p)
p = new Animal();
void Foo()
Building* b = nullptr;
b->SetBuildingType(0); // crash
Observe that you have violated the type system (you put an Animal where a Building should be) without requiring a cast or raising a compiler error.
I do not think that it is possible to make it work the way you have it designed. Instead, try the following:
template <typename T>
void SafeDispose(T * & p)
if (p != NULL)
p = NULL;
class UniquePointer
void Dispose()
delete this;
UniquePointer() { }
UniquePointer(const UniquePointer&) { }
virtual ~UniquePointer() { }
It is not allowed because if it were you could do the following:
friend void SafeDispose(UniquePointer*& p)
p = new UniquePointer();
Building* building;
//building points to a UniquePointer not a Building.
I guess the work around would be a template function.
To answer the title of your question, you cannot bind a non-const reference to base to a derived class instance because you could then set that reference to a pointer to a base instance that isn't a derived. Consider this function:
void Renew(UniquePointer *& p) {
delete p;
p = new UniquePointer();
if you could pass it a pointer to Building you would be able to set it incorrectly to point to a UniquePointer instance.
As it has already been suggested the solution is to change your reference to a plain pointer. Not only this solves your problem, but it is also a better implementation of SafeDispose(); as you wrote it this function gave the false idea that you would always set to 0 all your UniquePointer instances. But what would happen if somebody wrote (assuming UniquePointer constructor was public for simplicity):
UniquePointer *p1 = new UniquePointer();
UniquePointer *p2 = p1;
They would expect all of their UniquePointers to be properly taken care of, when p2 is actually invalid.
I guess your SafeDispose should probably look more like :
friend void SafeDispose(UniquePointer** p) ...
In order to invoke it using
Then it should work this way.
But your next statement
will break cause b should now be NULL, cause it has been disposed and set to NULL by your SafeDispose method.