What does validity of a templated code mean? - c++

Validity of a non-template code is more or less clear to everyone - a compiler checks the syntax, types, and rules. The compiler has everything it needs to perform these checks.
But when the compiler has to compile a templated code (for example STL, or Boost) it does't have enough information.
While the templated code isn't instantiated the compiler doesn't know what operations mean, whether or not they are defined for the types that will be used to instantiate this templated code, etc. Templated code can't be compiled untill instantiated.
Is there such a thing as a validity of a templated code? Would it require us to compile every instantiation of a templated code to verify its validity?

The standard talks about such validity:
The validity of a template may be checked prior to any instantiation. [ Note: Knowing which names are type names allows the syntax of every template to be checked in this way. — end note ]
As the note says, the reliable check is merely syntactic (or grammar-based). Even rules like looking up non-dependent names are covered by the rule that any template that cannot be instantiated is ill-formed, no diagnostic required. The implementation may then do anything at all, including compiling a program that does… something. (This is really too much implementation freedom; some of these rules could just be “may be ill-formed (with a diagnostic) at the implementation’s discretion”.)


Is `sizeof(T)` with an incomplete type a valid substitution-failure as per the C++ Standard?

I've seen it come up a few times on StackOverflow and elsewhere that decltype(sizeof(T)) can be used with std::void_t to SFINAE off of whether T is complete or not. This process is even documented by Raymond Chen in Microsoft's blog titled Detecting in C++ whether a type is defined with the explicit comment stating:
I’m not sure if this is technically legal, but all the compilers I tried seemed to be okay with it.
Is this behavior reliable and well-defined as per the C++ standard?
The only indication I can find in the standard is from [expr.sizeof]/1 wherein it states:
... The sizeof operator shall not be applied to an expression that has function or incomplete type, to the parenthesized name of such types, or to a glvalue that designates a bit-field ...
However it is unclear to me whether the wording "shall not be applied" would imply that this is "invalid" for the purposes of substitution as per the rules in [temp], or whether this is ill-formed.
ℹ️ Note: This question is not directed at any particular version of the standard, but it would be interesting to compare if this has changed at any point.
"Shall not be applied" means that it would normally be ill-formed. In an SFINAE context, if something would normally be ill-formed due to resulting in "an invalid type or expression", this becomes a substitution failure, as long as it is in the "immediate context" (C++20 [temp.deduct]/8) and not otherwise excluded from SFINAE (e.g. see p9 regarding lambda expressions).
There is no difference between "invalid" and "ill-formed" in this context. p8 explicitly says: "An invalid type or expression is one that would be ill-formed, with a diagnostic required, if written using the substituted arguments." This wording has been present since C++11. However, in C++03, invalid expressions were not substitution failures. This is the famous "expression SFINAE" feature that was added in C++11, after compiler implementers were sufficiently convinced that they would be able to implement it.
There is no rule in the standard that says that sizeof expressions are an exception to the SFINAE rules, so as long as an invalid sizeof expression occurs in the immediate context, SFINAE applies.
The "immediate context" has still not been explicitly defined in the standard. An answer by Jonathan Wakely, a GCC dev, explains the intent. Eventually, someone might get around to formally defining it in the standard.
However, the case of incomplete types, the problem is that this technique is very dangerous. First, if the completeness check is performed twice in the same translation unit on the same type, the instantiation is only performed once; this implies that the second time it's checked, the result of the check will still be false, because the is_type_complete_v<T> will simply refer to the previous instantiation. Chen's post appears to simply be wrong about this: GCC, Clang, and MSVC all behave the same way. See godbolt. It's possible that the behaviour was different on an older version of MSVC.
Second, if there is cross-translation-unit variance: that is, is_type_complete_v<T> is instantiated in one translation unit and is false, and is instantiated in another translation unit and is true there, the program is ill-formed NDR. See C++20 [temp.point]/7.
For this reason, completeness checks are generally not done; instead, library implementers either say that you are allowed to pass incomplete types to their templates and they will work properly, or that you must pass a complete type but the behaviour is undefined if you violate this requirement, as it cannot be reliably checked at compile time.
One creative way around the template instantiation rules is to use a macro with __COUNTER__ to make sure that you have a fresh instantiation every time you use the type trait, and you have to define the is_type_complete_v template with internal linkage, to avoid the issue of cross-TU variance. I got this technique from this answer. Unfortunately, __COUNTER__ is not in standard C++, but this technique should work on compilers that support it.
(I looked into whether the C++20 source_location feature can replace the non-standard __COUNTER__ in this technique. I think it can't, because IS_COMPLETE may be referenced from the same line and column but within two different template instantiations that somehow both decide to check the same type, which is incomplete in one and complete in the other.)

Will specialization of function templates in std for program-defined types no longer be allowed in C++20?

Quote from cppreference.com:
Adding template specializations
It is allowed to add template specializations for any standard library |class (since C++20)| template to the namespace std only if the declaration depends on at least one program-defined type and the specialization satisfies all requirements for the original template, except where such specializations are prohibited.
Does it mean, that starting from C++20, adding specializations of function templates to the std namespace for user-defined types will be no longer allowed? If so, it implies that many pieces of existing code can break, doesn't it? (It seems to me to be kind-of a "radical" change.) Moreover, it will inject into such codes undefined behavior, which will not trigger compilations errors (warnings hopefully will).
As it stands now it definitly looks that way. Previously [namespace.std] contained
A program may add a template specialization for any standard library template to namespace std only if the declaration depends on a user-defined type and the specialization meets the standard library requirements for the original template and is not explicitly prohibited.
While the current draft states
Unless explicitly prohibited, a program may add a template specialization for any standard library class template to namespace std provided that (a) the added declaration depends on at least one program-defined type and (b) the specialization meets the standard library requirements for the original template.
emphasis mine
And it looks like the paper Thou Shalt Not Specialize std Function Templates! by Walter E. Brown is responsible for it. In it he details an number of reason why this should be changed such as:
Herb Sutter: “specializations don’t participate in overloading. [...] If you want to customize a function base template and want that
customization to participate in overload resolution (or, to always be
used in the case of exact match), make it a plain old function, not a
specialization. And, if you do provide overloads, avoid also providing
David Abrahams: “it’s wrong to use function template specialization [because] it interacts in bad ways with overloads. [...] For example,
if you specialize the regular std::swap for std::vector<mytype>&,
your specialization won’t get chosen over the standard’s vector
specific swap, because specializations aren’t considered during
overload resolution.”
Howard Hinnant: “this issue has been settled for a long time. . . . Disregard Dave’s expert opinion/answer in this area at your own
Eric Niebler: “[because of] the decidedly wonky way C++ resolves function calls in templates. . . , [w]e make an unqualified call to
swap in order to find an overload that might be defined in [...]
associated namespaces[...] , and we do using std::swap so that, on
the off-chance that there is no such overload, we find the default
version defined in the std namespace.”
High Integrity C++ Coding Standard: “Overload resolution does not take into account explicit specializations of function templates. Only
after overload resolution has chosen a function template will any
explicit specializations be considered.”
Not really that radical. This change is based on this paper from Walter E. Brown. The paper goes into rationale rather deeply, but ultimately it boils down to this:
Specialization of function templates is rather poor as a customization point. Overloading and ADL are much better in that regard. There are other customization points discussed in the paper as well.
The standard library doesn't rely on this poor customization point too much already.
The wording change that's put into place actually permits adding entire declarations to namespace std (not just specializations) where it's explicitly permitted. So now there are better customization points.
Given #1 and #2, it's rather unlikely existing code will break. Or at least, not enough for this to be a major problem. Code that used auto and register also "broke" in the past, but that minuscule amount of C++ code didn't stop progress.

C++ Code generation and template specialization

Does a C++ compiler generates code if a function template or a class template is specialized but not actually used? I know it will not, if not specialized (function or class template) and not used.
Technically the compiler may choose to eliminate your specialization since it's elimination would not affect the observable behavior of your program. See the as-if rule. Compilers generally provide facilities for exporting symbols such that they are preserved even if unused.

Will the compiler exclude unused template code?

When you use a template with numerous methods (like vector) and compile your code, will the compiler discard the code from the unused methods?
A template is not instantiated unless it is used, so there is actually no code to discard.
The standard says (14.7.1/10)
An implementation shall not implicitly instantiate a function template, a member template, a non-virtual member function, a member class, or a static data member of a class template that does not require instantiation. It is unspecified whether or not an implementation implicitly instantiates a virtual member function of a class template if the virtual member function would not otherwise be instantiated. The use of a template specialization in a default argument shall not cause the template to be implicitly instantiated except that a class template may be instantiated where its complete type is needed to determine the correctness of the default argument. The use of a default argument in a function call causes specializations in the default argument to be implicitly instantiated.
So if you can avoid making the template's member functions virtual, the compiler will not generate any code for them (and that might work for virtual functions as well, if the compiler is smart enough).
It depends on your optimization level. At higher optimization settings, yes, dead code elimination will most likely occur.
the compiler, optimizers, and the linker can omit and/or reduce that information. each mature tool likely has options specific to dead code elimination.
with templates, the code may not really be created in the first place (unless instantiated).
certainly not all of it will be removed in every scenario, however (rtti is a silent killer). a bit of caution and testing using your build settings can go a long way to help you reduce the binary sizes and dead code.
Smart compilers will exclude it most likely. Long time ago when I played with Borland C++ Builder, I think, it did not throw out unused template class methods. Can not confirm though

Why can't templates take function local types?

In C++ it's OK to have a funcction that takes a function local type:
int main() {
struct S { static void M(const S& s) { } };
S s;
but not OK to have a template that does:
template<typename T> void Foo(const T& t) { }
int main() {
struct S { } s;
Foo(s); // Line 5: error: no matching function for call to 'Foo(main()::S&)'
14.3.1 paragraph 2 in the c++ standard.
A type with no linkage [...] shall not be used as a template-argument for a template type-parameter
Why does C++ disallow that?
The best explanation I've heard so far it that inner types have no linkage and that this could imply that a function that takes them as an arg must have no linkage. But there is no reason I can see that a template instantiation must have linkage.
p.s. Please don't just say "thats not allowed because the standard says it's not"
I believe the difficulty that was foreseen was with two instantiations of Foo<T> actually meaning entirely different things, because T wasn't the same for both. Quite a few early implementations of templates (including cfront's) used a repository of template instantiations, so the compiler could automatically instantiate a template over a required type when/if it was found that an instantiation over that type wasn't already in the repository.
To make that work with local types, the repository wouldn't just be able to store the type over which the template was instantiated, but instead it would have to do something like creating a complete "path" to the type for the instantiation. While that's probably possible, I think it was seen as a lot of extra work for little (if any) real benefit.
Since then, the rules have changed enough that the compiler is already required to do something that's just about equivalent, finding (and coalescing) instantiations over the same type at different places (including across TUs) so that two instantiations of foo<int> (for example) don't violate the ODR. Based on that realization, the restriction has been loosened in (the current draft of) C++0x (you still can't instantiate a template class over a local type, but you can use a local type as parameter to a template function).
I'm guessing it is because it would require the template to be effectively instantiated within the scope of the function, since that is where such types are visible. However, at the same time, template instantiations are supposed to act as if they are in the scope in which the template is defined. I'm sure this it's possible to deal with that somehow, but if I'm right the standards body decided not to put that burden on compiler writers.
A similar decision was the reason vector<vector<int>> is invalid syntax per the standard; detecting that construction requires some interaction between compiler lexer and parser phases. However, that's changing, because the C++0x standards folk found that all the compilers are detecting it anyway to emit sane error messages.
I suspect that if it were to be demonstrated that allowing this construction was trivial to implement, and that it didn't introduce any ambiguities in the language scoping rules, you might someday see the standard changed here too.