Parallel async tasks not executing concurrently - concurrency

I am trying to parallelise a set simulations of multi agent systems so they can utilise as many cpu cores as are available to me (currently 72). To do this I am trying to package each simulation as a separate asynchronous computation and then running them in parallel.
The following code is how I run the simulation. SimulationLst is a list of simulation initial states. Each simulation returns a list of integers which I then average over all the simulations. Each simulation has no side effects.
|> (fun simulation -> async {return runSimulation simulation})
|> Async.Parallel
|> Async.RunSynchonously
|> Aray.toList
|> List.concat
|> List.average
The problem is that when I run the program, the first four simulations start immediately but the next start very slowly one after another. The result is that the cpu utilisation starts off very poor and very slowly ramps up to use more cores.
What reasons could there be for these computations not starting immediately? Is it because I am doing this at quite a high level (ie simulation by simulation)? Would finer grain concurrency make this work better?
There is not much detail in this question about the code I'm using since there is a lot of it but please ask for more detail if it would help.

My guess would be that you're in a situation where the ThreadPool has a limited number of threads available to process tasks and so is slowly ramping up the thread count at a rate of 0.5/sec or 1/sec. You should try adjusting the minimum ThreadPool thread count before running your code to see if that alleviates the problem.


How do I optimize the parallelization of Monte Carlo data generation with MPI?

I am currently building a Monte Carlo application in C++ and I have a question regarding parallelization with MPI.
The process I want to parallelize is the MC generation of data. To have good precision in my final results, I specify the goal number of data points. Each data point is generated independently, but might require vastly differing amounts of time.
How do I organize the parallelization and workload distribution of the data generation most efficiently?
What I have done so far
So far I have come up with three possible ways of organizing the MPI part of the code:
The simplest way, but most likely inefficient way: I divide the desired sample size by the number of workers and let every worker generate that amount of data in isolation. However, when the slowest worker finishes, all other workers have been idling for a potentially long time. They could have been "supporting" the slowest worker by sharing its workload.
Use a master: A master communicates with the workers who work continuously until the master process registers that we have enough data and tells everybody to stop what they are doing. The disadvantage I see is that the master process might not be necessary and could be generating data instead (especially when I don't have a lot of workers).
A "ring communication" algorithm I came up with myself: A message is continuously sent and updated in a circle (1->2, 2->3, ... , N ->1). This message contains the global number of generated data point. Once the desired goal is met, the message is tagged, circles one more time and thereby tells everybody to stop working. Important here is I use non-blocking communication (with MPI_Iprobe before receiving via MPI_Recv, and sending via MPI_Isend). This way, everybody works, and no one ever idles.
No matter, which solution is chosen, in the end I reduce all data sets to one big set and continue to process the data.
The concrete questions:
Is there an "optimal" way of parallelizing such a fairly simple process? Would you prefer any of the proposed solutions for some reason?
What do you think of this "ring communication" solution?
I'm sure I'm not the first one to come up with e.g. the ring communication algorithm. I have tried to google this problem, but it seems to me that I do not know the right terminology in this context. I'm sure there must be a lot of material and literature on such simple algorithms, but I never had a formal course on MPI/parallelization. What are the "keywords" to look for?
Any advice and tips are much appreciated.

Clueless on how to execute big tasks on C++ AMP

I have a task to see if an algorithm I developed can be ran faster using computing on GPU rather than CPU. I'm new to computing on accelerators, I was given a book "C++ AMP" which I've read thoroughly, and I thought I understood it reasonably well (I coded in C and C++ in the past but nowadays its mostly C#).
However, when going into real application, I seem to just not get it. So please, help me if you can.
Let's say I have a task to compute some complicated function that takes a huge matrix input (like 50000 x 50000) and some other data and outputs matrix of same size. Total calculation for the whole matrix takes several hours.
On CPU, I'd just cut tasks into several pieces (number of pieces being something like 100 or so) and execute them using Parralel.For or just a simple task managing loop I wrote myself. Basically, keep several threads running (num of threads = num of cores), start new part when thread finishes, until all parts are done. And it worked well!
However, on GPU, I cannot use the same approach, not only because of memory constraints (that's ok, can partition into several parts) but because of the fact that if something runs for over 2 seconds it's considered a "timeout" and GPU gets reset! So, I must ensure that every part of my calculation takes less than 2 seconds to run.
But that's not every task (like, partition a hour-long work into 60 tasks of 1sec each), which would be easy enough, thats every bunch of tasks, because no matter what queue mode I choose (immediate or automatic), if I run (via parralel_for_each) anything that takes in total more than 2s to execute, GPU will get reset.
Not only that, but if my CPU program hogs all CPU resource, as long as it is kept in lower priority, UI stays interactive - system is responsive, however, when executing code on GPU, it seems that screen is frozen until execution is finished!
So, what do I do? In the demonstrations to the book (N-Body problem), it shows that it is supposed to be like 100x as effective (multicore calculations give 2 gflops, or w/e amount of flops that was, while amp give 200 gflops), but in real application, I just don't see how to do it!
Do I have to partition my big task into like, into billions of pieces, like, partition into pieces that each take 10ms to execute and run 100 of them in parralel_for_each at a time?
Or am I just doing it wrong, and there is a better solution I just don't get?
Help please!
TDRs (the 2s timeouts you see) are a reality of using a resource that is shared between rendering the display and executing your compute work. The OS protects your application from completely locking up the display by enforcing a timeout. This will also impact applications which try and render to the screen. Moving your AMP code to a separate CPU thread will not help, this will free up your UI thread on the CPU but rendering will still be blocked on the GPU.
You can actually see this behavior in the n-body example when you set N to be very large on a low power system. The maximum value of N is actually limited in the application to prevent you running into these types of issues in typical scenarios.
You are actually on the right track. You do indeed need to break up your work into chunks that fit into sub 2s chunks or smaller ones if you want to hit a particular frame rate. You should also consider how your work is being queued. Remember that all AMP work is queued and in automatic mode you have no control over when it runs. Using immediate mode is the way to have better control over how commands are batched.
Note: TDRs are not an issue on dedicated compute GPU hardware (like Tesla) and Windows 8 offers more flexibility when dealing with TDR timeout limits if the underlying GPU supports it.

Measuring parallel computation time for interdependent threads

I have a question concerning runtime measurements in parallel programs (I used C++ but I think the question is more general).
Some short explanations: 3 threads are running parallel (pthread), solving the same problem in different ways. Each thread may pass information to the other thread (e.g. partial solutions obtained by the one thread but not by the other, yet) for speeding up the other threads, depending on his own status / available information in his own calculation. The whole process stops as soon as the first thread is ready.
Now I would like to have a unique time measurement for evaluating the runtime from start until the problem is solved. ( In the end, I want to determine if using synergy effects through a parallel calculation is faster then calculation on a single thread).
In my eyes, the problem is, that (because of the operating system pausing / unpausing the single threads), the point when information is passed in the process is not deterministic in each process' state. That means, a certain information is acquired after xxx units of cpu time on thread 1, but it can not be controlled, whether thread 2 receives this information after yyy or zzz units of cpu time spent in its calculations. Assumed that this information would have finished thread 2's calculation in any case, the runtime of thread 2 was either yyy or zzz, depending on the operating system's action.
What can I do for obtaining a deterministic behaviour for runtime comparisons? Can I order the operation system to run each thread "undisturbed" (on a multicore machine)? Is there something I can do on implementation (c++) - basis?
Or are there other concepts for evaluating runtime (time gain) of such implementations?
Best regards
Any time someone uses the terms 'deterministic' and 'multicore' in the same sentence, it sets alarm bells ringing :-)
There are two big sources of non-determinism in your program: 1) the operating system, which adds noise to thread timings through OS jitter and scheduling decisions; and 2) the algorithm, because the program follows a different path depending on the order in which communication (of the partial solutions) occurs.
As a programmer, there's not much you can do about OS noise. A standard OS adds a lot of noise even for a program running on a dedicated (quiescent) node. Special purpose operating systems for compute nodes go some way to reducing this noise, for example Blue Gene systems exhibit significantly less OS noise and therefore less variation in timings.
Regarding the algorithm, you can introduce determinism to your program by adding synchronisation. If two threads synchronise, for example to exchange partial solutions, then the ordering of the computation before and after the synchronisation is deterministic. Your current code is asynchronous, as one thread 'sends' a partial solution but does not wait for it to be 'received'. You could convert this to a deterministic code by dividing the computation into steps and synchronising between threads after each step. For example, for each thread:
Compute one step
Record partial solution (if any)
Barrier - wait for all other threads
Read partial solutions from other threads
Repeat 1-4
Of course, we would not expect this code to perform as well, because now each thread has to wait for all the other threads to complete their computation before proceeding to the next step.
The best approach is probably to just accept the non-determinism, and use statistical methods to compare your timings. Run the program many times for a given number of threads and record the range, mean and standard deviation of the timings. It may be enough for you to know e.g. the maximum computation time across all runs for a given number of threads, or you may need a statistical test such as Student's t-test to answer more complicated questions like 'how certain is it that increasing from 4 to 8 threads reduces the runtime?'. As DanielKO says, the fluctuations in timings are what will actually be experienced by a user, so it makes sense to measure these and quantify them statistically, rather than aiming to eliminate them altogether.
What's the use of such a measurement?
Suppose you can, by some contrived method, set up the OS scheduler in a way that the threads run undisturbed (even by indirect events such as other processes using caches, MMU, etc), will that be realistic for the actual usage of the parallel program?
It's pretty rare for a modern OS to let an application take control over general interrupts handling, memory management, thread scheduling, etc. Unless you are talking directly to the metal, your deterministic measurements will not only be impractical, but the users of your program will never experience them (unless they are equally close to the metal as when you did the measurements.)
So my question is, why do you need such strict conditions for measuring your program? In the general case, just accept the fluctuations, as that is what the users will most likely see. If the speed up of a certain algorithm/implementation is so insignificant as to be indistinguishable from the background noise, that's more useful information to me than knowing the actual speedup fraction.

how to design threading for many short tasks

I want to use multi-threads to accelerate my program, but not sure which way is optimal.
Say we have 10000 small tasks, it takes maybe only 0.1s to finish one of them. Now I have a CPU with 12 cores and I want to use 12 threads to make it faster.
So far as I know, there are two ways:
1.Tasks Pool
There are always 12 threads running, each of them get one new task from the tasks pool after it finished its current work.
2.Separate Tasks
By separating the 10000 tasks into 12 parts and each thread works on one part.
The problem is, if I use tasks pool it is a waste of time for lock/unlock when multiple threads try to access the tasks pool. But the 2nd way is not ideal because some of the threads finish early, the total time depends on the slowest thread.
I am wondering how you deal with this kind of work and any other best way to do it? Thank you.
EDIT: Please note that the number 10000 is just for example, in practice, it may be 1e8 or more tasks and 0.1 per task is also an average time.
EDIT2: Thanks for all your answers :] It is good to know kinds of options.
So one midway between the two approaches is to break into say 100 batches of 100 tasks each and let the a core pick a batch of 100 tasks at a time from the task pool.
Perhaps if you model the randomness in execution time in a single core for a single task, and get an estimate of mutex locking time, you might be able to find an optimal batch size.
But without too much work we at least have the following lemma :
The slowest thread can only take at max 100*.1 = 10s more than others.
Task pool is always the best solution here. It's not just optimum time, it's also comprehensibility of code. You should never force your tasks to conform to the completely unrelated criteria of having the same number of subtasks as cores - your tasks have nothing to do with that (in general), and such a separation doesn't scale when you change machines, etc. It requires overhead to collaborate on combining results in subtasks for the final task, and just generally makes an easy task hard.
But you should not be worrying about the use of locks for taskpools. There are lockfree queues available if you ever determined them necessary. But determine that first. If time is your concern, use the appropriate methods of speeding up your task, and put your effort where you will get the most benefit. Profile your code. Why do your tasks take 0.1 s? Do they use an inefficient algorithm? Can loop unrolling help? If you find the hotspots in your code through profiling, you may find that locks are the least of your worries. And if you find everything is running as fast as possible, and you want that extra second from removing locks, search the internet with your favorite search engine for "lockfree queue" and "waitfree queue". Compare and swap makes atomic lists easy.
Both ways suggested in the question will perform well and similarly to each another (in simple cases with predictable and relatively long duration of the tasks). If the target system type is known and available (and if performance is really a top concern), the approach should be chosen based on prototyping and measurements.
Do not necessarily prejudice yourself as to the optimal number of threads matching the number of the cores. If this is a regular server or desktop system, there will be various system processes kicking in here and then and you may see your 12 threads variously floating between processors which hurts memory caching.
There are also crucial non-measurement factors you should check: do those small tasks require any resources to execute? Do these resources impose additional potential delays (blocking) or competition? Are there additional apps competing for the CPU power? Will the application need to be grow to accommodate different execution environments, task types, or user interaction models?
If the answer to all is negative, here are some additional approaches that you can measure and consider.
Use only 10 or 11 threads. You will observe a small slowdown, or even
a small speedup (the additional core will serve OS processes, so that
thread affinity of the rest will become more stable compared to 12
threads). Any concurrent interactive activity on the system will see
a big boost in responsiveness.
Create exactly 12 threads but explicitly set a different processor
affinity mask to each, to impose a 1-1 mapping between threads and processors.
This is good in the simplest near-academical case
where there are no resources other than CPU and shared memory
involved; you will see no chronic migration of threads across
processes. The drawback is an
algorithm closely coupled to a particular machine; on another machine
it could behave so poorly as to finish never at all (because of an
unrelated real time task that
blocks one of your threads forever).
Create 12 threads and split the tasks evenly. Have each thread
downgrade its own priority once it is past 40% and again once it is
past 80% of its load. This will improve load balancing inside your
process, but it will behave poorly if your application is competing
with other CPU-bound processes.
100ms/task - pile 'em on as they are - pool overhead will be insignificant.
1E8 tasks # 0.1s/task = 10,000,000 seconds
= 2777.7r hours
= 115.7 days
That's much more than the interval between patch Tuesday reboots.
Even if you run this on Linux, you should batch up the output and flush it to disk in such a manner that the job is restartable.
Is there a database involved? If so, you should have told us!
Each working thread may have its own small task queue with the capacity of no more than one or two memory pages. When the queue size becomes low (a half of capacity) it should send a signal to some manager thread to populate it with more tasks. If queue is organized in batches then working threads do not need to enter critical sections as long as current batch is not empty. Avoiding critical sections will give you extra cycles for actual job. Two batches per queue are enough, and in this case one batch can take one memory page, and so queue takes two.
The point of memory pages is that thread does not have to jump all over the memory to fetch data. If all data are in one place (one memory page) you avoid cache misses.

Maximize CPU Usage

How do I maximize the CPU usage for my application? I tried setting it to "Real-time" in the Task Manager, but there was no noticeable improvement - it's stuck at 50%.
I'm working in Windows XP with Visual C++ 2005.
I'm assuming you running on a dual-core computer. Try starting another thread.
If you only have one thread of execution in your application, it can only be run on one CPU core at a time. The solution to this is to divide the work in half, and get one CPU core to run one half and the other core to run the other half. Of course you might want to generalize this to work with 4 cores or more....
Setting the priority for your application is only going to move it up the queue for which process gets first chance to use the CPU. If there is a real-time process waiting for the CPU, it will always get it before a high priority, and so on down the priority list. Even if your app is low priority, it can still max out a CPU core if it has enough work to do, and no higher-priority process is wanting to use that core.
For an introduction to multithreading, check out these questions:
C++ multithreading tutorial
What is easiest way to create multithreaded applications with C/C++?
Good multithreading guides?
You probably have a dual core processor and your program is probably single-threaded.
Priority will have little or nothing to do with how much CPU your process uses. This is because if there is something available to run, the OS will schedule it to be run, even if it is low priority. Priority only comes into it when there are two or more runnable threads to choose from. (Note: This is an extreme simplification.)
Number crunching programs such as Prime95 run at the lowest possible priority and spawn multiple threads to use all of as many CPUs as you have.
Real time will not necessarily eat CPU cycles. Try spawning a thread or two, or three that run tight loops that count, at the most basic. If you want to (ab)use memory, you can also allocate and deallocate some arbitrary objects within your loops.