display regular date for FormattedRelative - react-intl

I want to display friendly format date just like whatsapp and telegram do. For example, for today's date it shows "today" and yesterday date it shows "yesterday". But I don't want to show three days before as "3 days ago". It should be the regular date like this "Sun, 7 Jul 2019".
I don't have any custom to the current code because it still uses the example from the repo. But I tried to change the format but none of that works.

What does your code look like? You'd have to do some logic like
if (daysAgo > -2) {
return <FormattedRelativeTime numeric="auto" unit="day" value={daysAgo} />
return <FormattedDate weekday="short" day="numeric" month="short" year="numeric" value={ts} />


How to reformat this datetime without regex in Google Sheets?

In Google Sheets i want to reformat this datetime Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:57:15 GMT into this 08/03/2021.
Using RegEx i achieve the goal with
=to_date(datevalue(REGEXEXTRACT("Mon, 08 Mar 2021 10:57:15 GMT","\b[0-9]{2}\s\D{3}\s[0-9]{4}\b")))
But how can i do it without RegEx? This datetime format seems to be a classic one - can it really be, that no onboard formula can't do it? I rather think, i miss the right knowledge here...
Please try the following formula and format as date
(do adjust according to your locale)
Another option is to use Custom Script.
function formatDate(date) {
return Utilities.formatDate(new Date(date), "GMT", "dd/MM/YYYY")
Formula in B1: =formatDate(A1)
Custom Functions in Google Sheets

How to format first 7 rows in this txt file using Regex

I have a text file with data formatted as below. Figured out how to format the second part of the file to format it for upload into a db table. Hitting a wall trying to get the just the first 7 lines to format in the same way.
If it wasn't obvious, I'm trying to get it pipe delimited with the exact same number of columns, so I can easily upload it to the db.
Year: 2019 Period: 03
Office: NY
Dept: Sales
Acct: 111222333
SubAcct: 11122234-8
Status: Pending
some kind folks answered my question about the bottom part, using the following code I can format that to look like so -
substitute with |||||||$1|$2|$3\n
just need help formatting the top part - to look like this, so the entire file matches with the exact same number of columns.
Year: 2019|Period: 03|Office: NY|Dept: Sales|Acct: 111222333|SubAcct: 11122234-8|blahblahblahblahblahblahblah|Status: Pending|||
I'm ok with having multiple passes on the file to get the desired end result.
I've helped you on your previous question, so I will focus now on the first part of your file.
You can use this regex:
Working demo
And use | as the replacement string
If you don't want the previous space before Period, then you can use:

Yahoo Finance API .get_historical() not working python

So I recently downloaded the yahoo_finance API and its version 1.4.0. I got it a few days ago, and the .get_historical() was working fine. Now however, it doesn't. Heres what its doing:
import yahoo_finance as yf
print apple.get_historical('2016-02-15', '2016-04-29')
The error I get is:YQLResponseMalformedError: Response malformed. Is there a bug in the API or am I forgetting something?
The Yahoo Stock Price API doesn't work anymore, which a lot of modules are based on, unfortunately.
Alternatively, you could use Google's API
q=1101 is the stock quote
x=TPE is the exchange (List of Exchanges here: https://www.google.com/googlefinance/disclaimer/ )
i=86400 interval in seconds (86400 sec = 1 day)
p=3d data since how long ago
f= fields of data (d=date, c=close, h=high, l=low, o=open, v=volume)
Data would look like this:
a1496295000 is the Unix timestamp of first row of data
the second row 1 is the interval offset from first row (offset 1 day)

Python Time Series

I am working on a real estate cash-flow simulation.
What I want in the end is a time series where everyday I report if the property is vacant, leased and if I collected rent.
In my present code, I create first a profit array with values of "Leased", "Vacant" or "Today you collected rent of $1000", so I used this to create my time series:
rng=pd.date_range('6/1/2016', periods=len(profit), freq='D')
ts=pd.Series(profit, index=rng)
To simplify, I assumed I collected rent every 30 days. Now I want to be more specific and collect it every 5th day of the month (for example) and be flexible on the day the next tenant will move in.
Do you know commands or a good source where I can learn how to iterate from month to month?
Any help would be appreciated
You can build a sequence of dates using date_range and .shift() (freq='M' is for month-end frequencies) with pd.datetools.day like so:
date_sequence = pd.date_range(start, end, freq='M').shift(num_of_days, freq=pd.datetools.day)
and then use this sequence to select dates from the DateTimeIndex using
df.loc[date_sequence, 'column_name'] = value
Alternatively, you can use pd.DateOffset() like so:
ts = pd.date_range(start=date(2015, 6, 1), end=date(2015, 12, 1), freq='MS')
DatetimeIndex(['2015-06-01', '2015-07-01', '2015-08-01', '2015-09-01',
'2015-10-01', '2015-11-01', '2015-12-01'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq='MS')
Now add 5 days:
ts + pd.DateOffset(days=5)
to get:
DatetimeIndex(['2015-06-06', '2015-07-06', '2015-08-06', '2015-09-06',
'2015-10-06', '2015-11-06', '2015-12-06'],
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)

Check if string is of SortableDateTimePattern format

Is there any way I can easily check if a string conforms to the SortableDateTimePattern ("s"), or do I need to write a regular expression?
I've got a form where users can input a copyright date (as a string), and these are the allowed formats:
Year: YYYY (eg 1997)
Year and month: YYYY-MM (eg 1997-07)
Complete date: YYYY-MM-DD (eg 1997-07-16)
Complete date plus hours and minutes: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mmTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes and seconds: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00)
Complete date plus hours, minutes, seconds and a decimal fraction of a second
YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD (eg 1997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00)
I don't have much experience of writing regular expressions so if there's an easier way of doing it I'd be very grateful!
Not thoroughly tested and hence not foolproof, but the following seems to work:
var regex:RegExp = /(?<=\s|^)\d{4}(-\d{2}(-\d{2}(T\d{2}:\d{2}(:\d{2}(\.\d{2})?)?\+\d{2}:\d{2})?)?)?(?=\s|$)/g;
var test:String = "23 1997 1998-07 1995-07s 1937-04-16 " +
"1970-0716 1993-07-16T19:20+01:01 1979-07-16T19:20+0100 " +
"2997-07-16T19:20:30+01:08 3997-07-16T19:20:30.45+01:00";
var result:Object
while(result = regex.exec(test))
Traced output:
I am using ActionScript here, but the regex should work in most flavors. When implementing it in your language, note that the first and last / are delimiters and the last g stands for global.
I'd split the input field into many (one for year, month, day etc.).
You can use Javscript to advance from one field to the next once full (i.e. once four characters are in the year box, move focus to month) for smoother entry.
You can then validate each field independently and finally construct the complete date string.