Customising socket/close syscalls in boost::asio - c++

I have a library which communicates with TCP and UDP sockets using boost::asio. This library is cross-platform and delegates some operations to the application using it via callbacks. In the case of sockets, the following must occur:
Library opens a socket (for an outbound connection).
Application receives a callback allowing it to customise behaviour
Library connects a socket and uses it
Application receives a callback allowing it to do any necessary cleanup
Library closes the socket
Here's how I thought I can achieve this:
class CustomizableTcpSocket {
template <typename T, typename U>
auto async_connect(T&& endpoint, U&& handler) {
boost::system::error_code ec;, ec);
return socket_.async_connect(std::forward<U>(handler));
// same for async_write_some as well
template <typename... Args>
auto async_read_some(Args&&... args) {
return socket_.async_read_some(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
~CustomizableTcpSocket() {
if (socket_.is_open()) {
NativeCode native_code_;
boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket socket_;
What I'm finding is that asio is sometimes closing the socket (at the OS level) before my destructor fires.
Is there a way I can be notified of a socket closing before asio actually does it?

ASIO has a debugging feature called handler tracking.
You could use it to intercept socket closures which are invoked as:
BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_OPERATION((reactor_.context(), "socket", &impl, impl.socket_, "close"));
Just #define BOOST_ASIO_HANDLER_OPERATION(...) to whatever function you want called and in there check that arg 5 == "close".
Here's an example of how to use handler tracking.
For reference: the actual close() operation is not straightforward. Better to leave that as it is.


How to wait for a function to return with Boost:::Asio?

I'm new to using Boost::Asio library and am having trouble getting the behaviour I want. I am trying to implement some network communication for custom hardware solution. The communication protocol stack we are using relies heavily on Boost::Asio async methods and I don't believe it is entirely thread safe.
I have successfully implemented sending but encountered a problem when trying to setup the await for receiving. Most boost::asio examples I have found rely on socket behaviour to implement async await with socket_.async_read_some() or other similar functions. However this doesn't work for us as our hardware solution requires calling driver function directly rather than utilising sockets.
The application uses an io_service that is passed into boost::asio::generic::raw_protocol::socket as well as other classes.
Example code from protocol stack using sockets
This is the example code from the protocol stack. do_receive() is called in the constructor of RawSocketLink.
void RawSocketLink::do_receive()
namespace sph = std::placeholders;
boost::asio::buffer(receive_buffer_), receive_endpoint_,
std::bind(&RawSocketLink::on_read, this, sph::_1, sph::_2));
void RawSocketLink::on_read(const boost::system::error_code& ec, std::size_t read_bytes)
if (!ec) {
// Do something with received data...
Our previous receive code without the protocol stack
Prior to implementing the stack we had been using the threading library to create separate threads for send and recieve. The receive method is shown below. Mostly it relies on calling the receive_data() function from the hardware drivers and waiting for it to return. This is a blocking call but is required to return data.
void NetworkAdapter::Receive() {
uint8_t temp_rx_buffer[2048];
rc_t rc;
socket_t *socket_ptr;
receive_params_t rx_params;
size_t rx_buffer_size;
char str[100];
socket_ptr = network_if[0];
while (1) {
rx_buffer_size = sizeof(temp_rx_buffer);
// Wait until receive_data returns then process
rc = receive_data(socket_ptr,
if (rc_error(rc)) {
(void)fprintf(stderr, "Receive failed");
// Do something with received packet ....
Note that the socket_t pointer in this code is not the same thing as a TCP/UDP socket for Boost::Asio.
Current implement of async receive
This is my current code and where I need help. I'm not sure how to use boost::asio method to wait for receive_data to return. We are trying to replicate the behaviour of socket.async_read_from(). The NetworkAdapter has access to the io_service.
void NetworkAdapter::do_receive() {
rc_t rc;
socket_t *socket_ptr;
receive_params_t rx_params;
size_t rx_buffer_size;
socket_ptr = network_if[0];
rx_buffer_size = receive_buffer_.size();
// What do I put here to await for this to return asynchronously?
rc = receive_data(socket_ptr,, &rx_buffer_size, &rx_params, ATLK_WAIT_FOREVER);
on_read(rc, rx_buffer_size, rx_params);
void NetworkAdapter::on_read(const rc_t &rc, std::size_t read_bytes, const receive_params_t &rx_params) {
if (!rc) {
// Do something with received data...
} else {
LOG(ERROR) << "Packet receieve failure";
How do I use boost::asio async/await functions to await a function return? In particular I want to replicate the behaviour of socket.async_receive_from() but with a function rather than a socket.
*Some function names and types have been changed due to data protection requirements.
N4045 Library Foundations for Asynchronous Operations, Revision 2
On page 24 there is an example on how to implement an asio async API in terms of callback-based os API.
// the async version of your operation, implementing all kinds of async paradigm in terms of callback async paradigm
template <class CompletionToken>
auto async_my_operation(/* any parameters needed by the sync version of your operation */, CompletionToken&& token)
// if CompletionToken is a callback function object, async_my_operation returns void, the callback's signature should be void(/* return type of the sync version of your operation, */error_code)
// if CompletionToken is boost::asio::use_future, async_my_operation returns future</* return type of the sync version of your operation */>
// if CompletionToken is ..., ...
// you are not inventing new async paradigms so you don't have to specialize async_completion or handler_type, you should focus on implement the os_api below
  async_completion<CompletionToken, void(/* return type of the sync version of your operation, */error_code)/* signature of callback in the callback case */> completion(token);
  typedef handler_type_t<CompletionToken, void(error_code)> Handler;
  unique_ptr<wait_op<Handler>> op(new wait_op<Handler>(move(completion.handler))); // async_my_operation initates your async operation and exits, so you have to store completion.handler on the heap, the completion.handler will be invoked later on a thread pool (e.g. threads blocked in IOCP if you are using os api, threads in io_context::run() if you are using asio (sockets accept an io_context during construction, so they know to use which io_context to run completion.handler))
// most os api accepts a void* and a void(*)(result_t, void*) as its C callback function, this is type erasure: the void* points to (some struct that at least contains) the C++ callback function object (can be any type you want), the void(*)(result_t, void*) points to a C callback function to cast the void* to a pointer to C++ callback function object and call it
  os_api(/* arguments, at least including:*/ op.get(), &wait_callback<Handler>);
  return completion.result.get();
// store the handler on the heap
template <class Handler>
struct wait_op {
  Handler handler_;
  explicit wait_op(Handler  handler) : handler_(move(handler)) {}
// os post a message into your process's message queue, you have several threads blocking in a os api (such as IOCP) or asio api (such as io_context::run()) that continuously takes message out from the queue and then call the C callback function, the C callback function calls your C++ callback function
template <class Handler>
void wait_callback(result_t result, void* param)
  unique_ptr<wait_op<Handler>> op(static_cast<wait_op<Handler>*>(param));
  op‐>handler_(/* turn raw result into C++ classes before passing it to C++ code */, error_code{});
//trivial implementation, you should consult the socket object to get the io_context it uses
void os_api(/* arguments needed by your operation */, void* p_callback_data, void(*p_callback_function)(result_t, void*))
get the result, blocks[](){ (*p_callback_function)(result, p_callback_data); });
boost.asio has changed from async_completion and handler_type to async_result, so the above code is outdated.
Requirements on asynchronous operations - 1.75.0

Boost asio handler that does not keep the io_service running

I want to add a signal handler to my boost io_service, allowing the application to shut down cleanly when the user presses Ctrl-C. This is of course easily done by stopping the loop, something like this:
boost::asio::io_service service;
boost::asio::signal_set signals{ service, SIGINT, SIGTERM };
signals.async_wait(std::bind(&boost::asio::io_service::stop, &service));
This stops the loop normally, allowing the destructors to do their routine clean-up behaviour.
The problem is, once the application runs out of work it does not stop because the signal handler still has a handler registered and thus the io_service never stops running.
I have not found a clean way around this. I could of course do the signal handling myself and then just stop the loop, but this kind of defeats the idea of using boost (portability).
In the following code, http_server has a "listening socket" to accept multiple connections. The listening socket constantly runs async_accept so the io_service never runs out of work. The http_server.shutdown() function closes the listening socket and all open connections, so the io_service has no more work and stops running:
void handle_stop(ASIO_ERROR_CODE const&, // error,
int, // signal_number,
http_server_type& http_server)
std::cout << "Shutting down" << std::endl;
ASIO::io_service io_service;
http_server_type http_server(io_service);
// The signal set is used to register termination notifications
ASIO::signal_set signals_(io_service);
#if defined(SIGQUIT)
#endif // #if defined(SIGQUIT)
// register the handle_stop callback
(ASIO_ERROR_CODE const& error, int signal_number)
{ handle_stop(error, signal_number, http_server); });
std::cout << " complete, shutdown successful" << std::endl;
This method also works for thread pools, see:thread_pool_http_server.cpp
I am probably going to hell for this, but I found a workaround to get a handler that doesn't coun't towards the number of running handlers. It seriously abuses both the work_guard boost provides, calls destructors by hand and misuses placement new, but it works.
#pragma once
#include <boost/asio/io_service.hpp>
#include <utility>
#include <memory>
template <typename HANDLER>
class unwork
unwork(boost::asio::io_service &service, HANDLER &&handler) :
// wait for the handler to be installed[work_guard = _work_guard.operator->()]() {
// remove the work guard and the handler that has now been installed
unwork(const unwork &that) :
unwork(that._work_guard->get_io_service(), that._handler)
unwork(unwork &&that) :
// was the work guard not moved out?
if (_work_guard) {
// add the work guard reference and the handler reference again
new (_work_guard.operator->()) boost::asio::io_service::work{ _work_guard->get_io_service() };
new (_work_guard.operator->()) boost::asio::io_service::work{ _work_guard->get_io_service() };
template <class ...Arguments>
auto operator()(Arguments ...parameters)
return _handler(std::forward<Arguments>(parameters)...);
std::unique_ptr<boost::asio::io_service::work> _work_guard;
HANDLER _handler;
// maker function, for c++ < c++17
template <typename HANDLER>
unwork<HANDLER> make_unwork(boost::asio::io_service &service, HANDLER &&handler)
// create the new unwork wrapper
return { service, std::forward<HANDLER>(handler) };
It is used by wrapping your handler in a make_unwork() call if you are using c++14. In c++17 the constructor can be used directly.

C++ Design: Multiple TCP clients, boost asio and observers

In my system, I have a juggle a bunch of TCP clients and I am bit confused on how to design it [most of my experience is in C, hence the insecurity]. I am using boost ASIO for managing connection. These are the components I have
A TCPStream class : thin wrapper over boost asio
an IPC protocol, which implement a protocol over TCP:
basically Each message starts with a type and length field
so we can read the individual messages out of the stream.
Connection classes which handle the messages
Observer class which monitors connections
I am writing pseudo C++ code to be concise. I think you will get the idea
class TCPStream {
boost::asio::socket socket_;
template <typename F>
void connect (F f)
template <typename F>
void read (F f)
class IpcProtocol : public TCPStream {
template <typename F
void read (F f)
[f] (buffer, err) {
while (msg = read_indvidual_message(buffer)) {
// **** this is a violation of how this pattern is
// supposed to work. Ideally there should a callback
// for individual message. Here the same callback
// is called for N no. of messages. But in our case
// its the same callback everytime so this should be
// fine - just avoids some function calls.
Lets say I have a bunch of TCP connections and there are a handler class
for each of the connection. Lets name it Connection1, Connection2 ...
class Connection {
virtual int type() = 0;
class Connection1 : public Connection {
shared_ptr<IpcProtocol> ipc_;
int type ()
return 1;
void start ()
ipc_.connect([self = shared_from_this()](){ self->connected(); });
[self = shared_from_this()](msg, err) {
if (!err)
} else {
void connected ()
void error ()
This pattern repeats for all connections one way or other.
messages are processed by the connection class itself. But it will let know of
other events [connect, error] to an observer. The reason -
Restart the connection, everytime it disconnect
Bunch of guys needs to know if the connection is established so that they can
send initial request/confguration to server.
There are things that needs be done based on connection status of muliple connections
Eg: if connection1 and connection2 are established, then start connection3 etc.
I added a middle Observer class is there so that the observers do have to directly connect to the connection everytime it is restarted. Each time connection breaks, the connection class is deleted and new one is created.
class Listeners {
virtual void notify_error(shared_ptr<Connection>) = 0;
virtual void notify_connect(shared_ptr<Connection>) = 0;
virtual void interested(int type) = 0;
class Observer {
std::vector<Listeners *> listeners_;
void notify_connect(shared_ptr<Connection> connection)
for (listener : listeners_) {
if (listener->interested(connection->type())) {
Now a rough prototype of this works. But I was wondering if this class design
any good. There are multiple streaming servers which will continuously produce states and send it to my module to program the state in h/w. This needs to be extensible as more clients will be added in future.
The legacy code had one thread per TCP connection and this worked fine. Here I am trying to handle multiple connections on same thread. Still there will be multiple threads calling ioservice. So the observer will run on multiple threads. I am planning to have a mutex per Listener, so that listeners wont get multiple events concurrently.
HTTP Implements a protocol over TCP so the HTTP Server asio examples are a good starting point for your design, especially: HTTP Server 2, HTTP Server 3 and HTTP Server 4.
Note: that connection lifetime is likely to be an issue, especially since you intend to use class member functions as handlers, see the question and answers here: How to design proper release of a boost::asio socket or wrapper thereof.

Overloadable boost::asio::basic_stream_socket

Developing a network application, I have a Connection class that manages sending and receiving messages on the network. I'm using boost::asio.
I now want to let the Connection class handle connections both over TCP, and over local UNIX stream sockets. However, the template-design of boost confuses me. AFAICT, there's no shared base-class between local::stream_protocol::socket and ip::tcp::socket.
How would I go about creating a Connection that encapsulates the network-semantics such that other code don't have to deal with the details of what protocol is used?
I.E. I want to implemented something like:
class Connection() {
Connection(ip::tcp::endpoint& ep);
Connection(local::stream_protocol::endpoint& ep);
void send(Buffer& buf);
How would I achieve this?
After some pondering, my current solution is to make the send and recv functions of Connection virtual, and create a template-subclass of Connection, roughly:
template <typename Protocol>
class ConnectionImpl : public Connection {
typedef typename Protocol::socket Socket;
typedef typename Protocol::endpoint EndPoint;
Socket _socket;
ConnectionImpl(boost::asio::io_service& ioSvc, const EndPoint& addr)
: Connection(ioSvc), _socket(ioSvc) {
void trySend() {
// Initiate async send on _socket here
void tryRead() {
// Initiate async recv on _socket here
Is there a way to avoid the need to subclass and use of virtual functions?
AFAICT, there's no shared base-class between
local::stream_protocol::socket and ip::tcp::socket.
There is explicitly no base class for all socket objects on purpose, the documentation describes the rationale quite well
Unsafe and error prone aspects of the BSD socket API not included. For
example, the use of int to represent all sockets lacks type safety.
The socket representation in Boost.Asio uses a distinct type for each
protocol, e.g. for TCP one would use ip::tcp::socket, and for UDP one
uses ip::udp::socket
Use boost::asio:generic::stream_protocol::socket instead. When you call async_connect()/connect(), it will extract the family and protocol from the remote endpoint and then pass them to the socket() syscall to create the correct socket.
boost::asio::generic::stream_protocol::socket socket_{io_service};
if (use_unix_socket) {
boost::asio::local::stream_protocol::endpoint unix_endpoint{"/tmp/socketpath.sock"};
socket_.async_connect(unix_endpoint, [](boost::system::error_code ec){
else {
boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint tcp_endpoint{...};
socket_.async_connect(tcp_endpoint, [](boost::system::error_code ec){
And there is the code from boost::asio::basic_socket:
template <typename ConnectHandler>
void (boost::system::error_code))
async_connect(const endpoint_type& peer_endpoint,
BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_ARG(ConnectHandler) handler)
// If you get an error on the following line it means that your handler does
// not meet the documented type requirements for a ConnectHandler.
BOOST_ASIO_CONNECT_HANDLER_CHECK(ConnectHandler, handler) type_check;
if (!is_open())
boost::system::error_code ec;
const protocol_type protocol = peer_endpoint.protocol();
if (this->get_service().open(this->get_implementation(), protocol, ec))
ConnectHandler, void (boost::system::error_code)> init(
ConnectHandler, void (boost::system::error_code)))(
init.handler), ec));
return init.result.get();
return this->get_service().async_connect(this->get_implementation(),
peer_endpoint, BOOST_ASIO_MOVE_CAST(ConnectHandler)(handler));

Asynchronous write to socket and user values (boost::asio question)

I'm pretty new to boost. I needed a cross platform low level C++ network API, so I chose asio. Now, I've successfully connected and written to a socket, but since I'm using the asynchronous read/write, I need a way to keep track of the requests (to have some kind of IDs, if you will). I've looked at the documentation/reference, and I found no way to pass user data to my handler, the only option I can think of is creating a special class that acts as a callback and keeps track of it's id, then pass it to the socket as a callback. Is there a better way? Or is the best way to do it?
The async_xxx functions are templated on the type of the completion handler. The handler does not have to be a plain "callback", and it can be anything that exposes the right operator() signature.
You should thus be able to do something like this:
// Warning: Not tested
struct MyReadHandler
MyReadHandler(Whatever ContextInformation) : m_Context(ContextInformation){}
operator()(const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
// Use m_Context
// ...
Whatever m_Context;
boost::asio::async_read(socket, buffer, MyReadHander(the_context));
Alternatively, you could also have your handler as a plain function and bind it at the call site, as described in the asio tutorial. The example above would then be:
const boost::system::error_code& error,
std::size_t bytes_transferred
Whatever context
boost::asio::async_read(socket, buffer, boost::bind(&HandleRead,