OpenCL and C++: events not working properly - c++

I'm very lost, but luckily I narrowed the problem to a few lines of code.
I'm defining a class that stores events as pointers in member std::vector<cl::Event*> m_lastaccesses. In call to operator= between class instances A and B, enqueueWriteBuffer is called with blockingWrite set to CL_FALSE and A.m_lastaccesses[0] as its return event. Before exiting operator= this event is copied with *B.m_lastaccesses[1]=*A.m_lastaccesses[0], and operator= is exited.
If I change CL_FALSE to CL_TRUE or call A.m_lastaccesses[0]->wait() before exiting operator= the host effectively waits for the data transfer and everything works fine. If I instead leave CL_FALSE and call A.m_lastaccesses[0]->wait() right after exiting operator= the host doesn't wait, even though I verify that A.m_lastaccesses[0] points to the same memory address as before.
My conjecture is that some reference count works unexpectedly and cl::Event is freed or modified by OpenCL's C++ wrapper

So... you have a vector of pointers:
std::vector<cl::Event*> m_lastaccesses
... and you're copying pointer contents:
... how do you know B.m_lastaccesses[1] is a valid pointer ? If it is a valid pointer, what happens to the instance stored there when that line of code overwrites it ? Is this the actual code, because i'm surprised it works at all...
My conjecture is that some reference count works unexpectedly
Perhaps. My conjecture is that you're messing with pointers and pointer contents, and somewhere it blows up. And i don't really see a good reason to use pointers here; i'd simply store cl::Event objects directly. The classes in cl2.hpp usually only store a single pointer to the underlying CL object, copying/deleting them is cheap (only results in clRetain/clRelease) and you can avoid even those clRetain/clRelease calls with move-assignments. In a way, cl::Event acts as a "smart" pointer.
Oh, and you can always take a look at cl2.hpp source. It's not that complicated.


COM Reference Counting Questions

I am writing code that utilizes COM interfaces. I am basing my code on examples that I have found online. I do not want to utilize smart pointers in this case because I want to understand the basics of COM and not just have a smart pointer class do all of the work for me.
In order to frame my questions, let's assume I have a class similar to the following:
public class TestClass
IUnknown *m_pUnknown;
void AssignValue();
m_pUnknown = NULL;
void TestClass::AssignValue()
IUnknown *pUnknown = NULL;
//Assign value to pUnknown here - not relevant to my questions
m_pUnknown = pUnknown;
Now on to my specific questions.
1) The examples I've seen to not use AddRef() when initializing a value, such as in the class constructor. Does the AddRef() happen "automatically" behind the scenes when a COM pointer is first assigned a value?
2) Although my code example does not show it, it is my understanding that in the AssignValue() method, when you assign a second value to overwrite the value of pUnknown (originally set in the class constructor), Release() is automatically called. After assigning the new value to pUnknown its reference count stands at zero. I need to call pUnknown->AddRef() immediately after the reassignment. Is my understanding correct?
Notes: I assume we are ignoring exceptions for simplicity here. If this was for real, you would want to use smart pointers to help keep things straight in the presence of exceptions. Similarly, I am not worrying about proper copying or destruction of instances of your example class or multi-threading. (Your raw pointers cannot be used from different threads as simply as you might assume.)
First, You need to make any necessary calls to COM. The only way anything might happen "automatically" behind the scenes would be if you were using smart pointers to do them.
1) The examples you refer to have to be getting their COM interface pointers from somewhere. This would be by making COM calls, e.g., CoCreateInstance() and QueryInterface(). These calls are passed the address of your raw pointer and set that raw pointer to the appropriate value. If they weren't also implicitly AddRef'ed, the reference count might be 0 and COM could delete the associated COM object before your program could do anything about it. So such COM calls must include an implicit AddRef() on your behalf. You are responsible for a Release() to match this implicit AddRef() that you instigated with one of these other calls.
2a) Raw pointers are raw pointers. Their value is garbage until you arrange for them to be set to something valid. In particular, assigning a value to one will NOT auto-magically call a function. Assigning to a raw pointer to an interface does not call Release() - you need to do that at the appropriate time. In your post, it appears that you are "overwriting" a raw pointer that had previously been set to NULL, hence there was no existing COM interface instance in the picture. There could not have been an AddRef() on something that doesn't exist, and must not be a Release() on something that isn't there.
Some of the code you indicated by a comment in your example is very relevant, but can easily be inferred. You have a local raw pointer variable, pUnknown. In the absent code, you presumably use a COM call that obtains an interface pointer, implicitly AddRefs it, and fills in your raw pointer with the proper value to use it. This gives you the responsibility for one corresponding Release() when you are done with it.
Next, you set a member raw pointer variable (m_pUnknown) with this same value. Depending on the previous use of this member variable, you might have needed to call Release() with its former value before doing this.
You now have 2 raw pointers set to the value to work with this COM interface instance and responsibility for one Release() due to 1 implicit AddRef() call. There are two ways to deal with this, but neither is quite what you have in your sample.
The first, most straightforward, and proper approach (which others have correctly pointed out & I skipped passed in the first version of this answer) is one AddRef() and one Release() per pointer. Your code is missing this for m_pUnknown. This requires adding m_pUnknown->AddRef() immediately after the assignment to m_pUnknown and 1 corresponding call to Release() "someplace else" when you are done using the current interface pointer from m_pUnknown. One usual candidate for this "someplace else" in your code is in the class destructor.
The second approach is more efficient, but less obvious. Even if you decide not to use it, you may see it, so should at least be aware of it. Following the first approach you would have the code sequence:
m_pUnknown = pUnknown;
Since pUnknown and m_pUnknown are set the same here, the Release() is immediately undoing the AddRef(). In this circumstance, eliding this AddRef/Release pair is reference count neutral and saves 2 round trips into COM. My mental model for this is a transfer of the interface and reference count from one pointer to the other. (With smart pointers it would look like newPtr.Attach( oldPtr.Detach() ); ) This approach leaves you with the original/not shown implicit AddRef() and needing to add the same m_pUnknown->Release() "someplace else" as in the first alternative.
In either approach, you exactly match AddRefs (implicit or explicit) with Releases for each interface and never go to a 0 reference count until you are done with the interface. Once you do hit 0, you do not attempt to use the value in the pointer.
Avi Berger already posted a great answer, but here is the same thing stated another way in case it helps with understanding.
In COM, reference counting is done within the COM object. The COM runtime will destruct and free an object whose reference count reaches 0. (This might be delayed by some time from the point of the count hitting 0).
Everything else is a convention. The usual convention amongst C++ COM programmers is that raw interface pointers should be treated as owning pointers. This concept means that any time a pointer points to a COM object, the pointer owns that object.
Using this terminology, the object may have multiple owners at any one time, and the object will be destroyed when nobody owns it.
However, raw pointers in C++ don't have ownership semantics built in. So you have to implement it yourself by making function calls:
Call AddRef on an interface pointer when that pointer takes ownership of an object. (You'll need to be aware of which Windows API functions or other library functions already do this, to avoid you doing it twice)
Call Release on an interface pointer when that pointer is about to stop owning an object.
The benefit of smart pointers is that they make it impossible for you to forget to call Release when an interface pointer stops owning an object. This includes the following cases:
Pointer goes out of scope.
Pointer is made to stop pointing to the object, by using assignment operator.
So, looking at your sample code. You have the pointer m_pUnknown. You want this pointer to take ownership of the object, so the code should be:
m_pUnknown = pUnknown;
You will also need to add code to your class destructor and your class assignment operator to call m_pUnknown->Release(). I would very strongly recommend wrapping these calls in the smallest class possible (that is, write your own smart pointer and make TestClass have that smart pointer as a member variable). Assuming of course you don't want to use an existing COM smart pointer class for pedagogical reasons.
The call pUnknown->Release(); is correct because pUnknown currently owns the object, and the pointer is about to stop owning the object due to the fact that it will be destroyed when the function block ends.
You may observe that it would be possible to remove both of the lines m_pUnknown->AddRef() and pUnknown->Release(). The code will behave exactly the same. However , it is better to follow the convention outlined above. Sticking to a convention helps yourself to avoid errors and it also helps other coders to understand your code.
To put it another way, the usual convention is to think of the pointer as having a reference count of either 0 or 1, even though the reference counting is not actually implemented that way.
First, my apologies. My attempt to simplify my code for the sake of clarity turned out to be misguided. However, I believe my questions were answered. If I may, I will summarize.
1) Any COM object that is assigned a value other than NULL needs to be immediately followed by AddRef() unless the AddRef() was implicitly handled (as is the case with some Windows API calls).
2) Any reassignment of value to a COM pointer, assuming that the "before" value is not NULL must be immediately proceeded by Release(). AddRef() would then by needed as mentioned in #1.
3) Any COM variable whose value needs to be preserved beyond its current scope requires that it have a reference count of at least 1 upon exiting its said scope. This may mean that an AddRef() is required.
Would this be a fair summary? Did I miss anything?

C++ Destructor crashing on a call to delete

I have a very weird and probably obvious problem, but I can't seem to find the bug. I've got a class object that holds a pointer to another class object, and when the first's deconstructer is called, it tries to delete its pointer, but instead causes a segfault without ever entering the second's deconstructor.
Specifically, I have an instance of the class Optimizer:
class Optimizer {
//Lot's of public methods and such
PredictionRenderer *_predictionRenderer;
//Lot's of member variables
Optimizer::~Optimizer() {
std::cout<<"optimizer destructor:"<<_predictionRenderer->getWidth()<<std::endl;
//other calls
(This is a big project, so for brevity I removed all the extra methods/variables).
Optimizer has a pointer to a PredictionRenderer object, _predictionRenderer. This pointer is initialized during the call to the constructor. The pointer is private, and I checked and made sure that it can't "get out" (that is, no one outside this Optimizer object can get ahold of this pointer. It is never returned by any of optimizer's methods and it is never passed to any method by an optimizer method).
When attempting to delete the Optimizer object, my program segfaults on the delete _predictionRenderer line. Execution never makes it into the PredictionRenderer deconstructor. I added in the print statement before the delete call to verify that the pointer was not NULL or already deleted, and the call to PredictionRenderer's getWidth method returns successfully, which suggests that it must be a valid pointer (is it possible to call a method of a deleted object?). Also, the print statement is only printed out once, so I'm pretty sure that the Optimizer object isn't being copied and deleted twice. Finally, the deconstructor for PredictionRenderer is never called, not by delete or anywhere else.
I have not idea what could be causing this. Does anyone have any insight into what is going on?
Edit: As I mentioned in the comments, this code base is big. I apologize for not showing much, but I can't really show everything as there just isn't enough space. This is someone else's code that I'm using, and from what I can tell, he never actually destructs this object, he just lets it get deallocated when the program quits. I could do this too, but it seems like a hack and not a good way to do business.
Are you sure there is even a _predictionRenderer to delete? You should check first.
if (_predictionRenderer)
delete _predictionRenderer;
If you try to delete a pointer that was never allocated memory, your program will crash.
nothing wrong in the lines of code you posted.
i suggest cross-check the value of _predictionRenderer ptr right after its initialization and compare it with the value you see in the Optimizer::~Optimizer(). they should be the same, if not you have a problem outside. may be your container object is corrupted.

Is it safe to log the value of this in constructor

I am working on tracing the constructor and its destructed instance and for that I am planning to log the value of "this" in constructor and destructor. I don't know whether it is safe to log value of "this" in constructor. If it is not safe then I wan't to know the scenarios where it will fail ?
If by "logging" you mean "writing out the value as e.g. a hexadecimal address to a log file", it is fine and safe. If not, please clarify.
Objects are not fully constructed until the constructor call is finished. So before that (i.e. from within the constructor) it is not safe to publish this to the rest of the program. Because that might result in someone trying to actually use the half-constructed object. This may lead to subtle and hard to find bugs.
Publishing this may mean one of the following things:
passing it as a parameter to an external (non-member) function,
storing it in a data structure available to other objects,
(for the sake of completeness: returning it from a function call - which does not apply in this specific case, because you can't return anything from a constructor).
Writing out the address of this to a file is thus not publishing it to the rest of your program* so it should be fine.
*well, unless you do some very arcane things afterwards, like loading back the address from the file in a different thread/process and casting it back to an object pointer... which is already unsafe enough by itself :-)
Memory is allocated first, then this is set, then the constructor(s) is called. So you're fine to use this during the constructor, as it points to the right place - the construction won't change this. However if construction fails (throws) the memory will disappear and the value pointed to by this will be garbage so you shouldn't store it and use it for anything outside the constructor until you know the construction will succeed.
Why would you think it is not safe? it is no different to logging the address of any objects in fact so long as those objects are valid.
The long and short of it is that it is safe in the scenarios you are intending to use it for.

Know what references an object

I have an object which implements reference counting mechanism. If the number of references to it becomes zero, the object is deleted.
I found that my object is never deleted, even when I am done with it. This is leading to memory overuse. All I have is the number of references to the object and I want to know the places which reference it so that I can write appropriate cleanup code.
Is there some way to accomplish this without having to grep in the source files? (That would be very cumbersome.)
A huge part of getting reference counting (refcounting) done correctly in C++ is to use Resource Allocation Is Initialization so it's much harder to accidentally leak references. However, this doesn't solve everything with refcounts.
That said, you can implement a debug feature in your refcounting which tracks what is holding references. You can then analyze this information when necessary, and remove it from release builds. (Use a configuration macro similar in purpose to how DEBUG macros are used.)
Exactly how you should implement it is going to depend on all your requirements, but there are two main ways to do this (with a brief overview of differences):
store the information on the referenced object itself
accessible from your debugger
easier to implement
output to a special trace file every time a reference is acquired or released
still available after the program exits (even abnormally)
possible to use while the program is running, without running in your debugger
can be used even in special release builds and sent back to you for analysis
The basic problem, of knowing what is referencing a given object, is hard to solve in general, and will require some work. Compare: can you tell me every person and business that knows your postal address or phone number?
One known weakness of reference counting is that it does not work when there are cyclic references, i.e. (in the simplest case) when one object has a reference to another object which in turn has a reference to the former object. This sounds like a non-issue, but in data structures such as binary trees with back-references to parent nodes, there you are.
If you don't explicitly provide for a list of "reverse" references in the referenced (un-freed) object, I don't see a way to figure out who is referencing it.
In the following suggestions, I assume that you don't want to modify your source, or if so, just a little.
You could of course walk the whole heap / freestore and search for the memory address of your un-freed object, but if its address turns up, it's not guaranteed to actually be a memory address reference; it could just as well be any random floating point number, of anything else. However, if the found value lies inside a block a memory that your application allocated for an object, chances improve a little that it's indeed a pointer to another object.
One possible improvement over this approach would be to modify the memory allocator you use -- e.g. your global operator new -- so that it keeps a list of all allocated memory blocks and their sizes. (In a complete implementation of this, operator delete would have remove the list entry for the freed block of memory.) Now, at the end of your program, you have a clue where to search for the un-freed object's memory address, since you have a list of memory blocks that your program actually used.
The above suggestions don't sound very reliable to me, to be honest; but maybe defining a custom global operator new and operator delete that does some logging / tracing goes in the right direction to solve your problem.
I am assuming you have some class with say addRef() and release() member functions, and you call these when you need to increase and decrease the reference count on each instance, and that the instances that cause problems are on the heap and referred to with raw pointers. The simplest fix may be to replace all pointers to the controlled object with boost::shared_ptr. This is surprisingly easy to do and should enable you to dispense with your own reference counting - you can just make those functions I mentioned do nothing. The main change required in your code is in the signatures of functions that pass or return your pointers. Other places to change are in initializer lists (if you initialize pointers to null) and if()-statements (if you compare pointers with null). The compiler will find all such places after you change the declarations of the pointers.
If you do not want to use the shared_ptr - maybe you want to keep the reference count intrinsic to the class - you can craft your own simple smart pointer just to deal with your class. Then use it to control the lifetime of your class objects. So for example, instead of pointer assignment being done with raw pointers and you "manually" calling addRef(), you just do an assignment of your smart pointer class which includes the addRef() automatically.
I don't think it's possible to do something without code change. With code change you can for example remember the pointers of the objects which increase reference count, and then see what pointer is left and examine it in the debugger. If possible - store more verbose information, such as object name.
I have created one for my needs. You can compare your code with this one and see what's missing. It's not perfect but it should work in most of the cases.
when I use it I do:
util::autopointer<A> aptr=new A();
I never do it like this:
A* ptr = new A();
util::autopointer<A> aptr = ptr;
and later to start fulling around with ptr; That's not allowed.
Further I am using only aptr to refer to this object.
If I am wrong I have now the chance to get corrections. :) See ya!

Storing a COM pointer in a struct

My program is crashing every time I try to store a COM pointer into a struct, and then later try to use the original pointer. I don't have debug access to tell exactly what's wrong.
pRend->cp = cpRT;
ID2D1SolidColorBrush *scBrush;
ERF(cpRT->CreateSolidColorBrush(D2D1::ColorF(D2D1::ColorF::CornflowerBlue), &scBrush));
It crashes on CreateSolidColorBrush. However, if I comment out pRend->cp = cpRT, it doesn't.
By the way, pRend->cp and cpRT are of type ID2D1HwndRenderTarget *.
Instead of assigning directly QI and then store i.e.,
pRend->cp = cpRT;
should be replaced with
It's unclear how much code exists between when you assign it into the struct and later use it in CreateSolidColorBrush. If it's a non-trivial amount of time, it's possible that you have a reference counting issue.
Are you storing a raw pointer in the struct? If so, switch it to a CComPtr and see if the crash goes away.
For instance. If you had the following type definition for the value of pRend (call it Render) and the value pRend was destroyed before making the CreateSolidColorBrush call, you could see this behavior.
struct Render {
ID2D1HwndRenderTarget *pCt;
~Render() {
As it turns out, I managed to stop the crashing by allocating pRend with malloc. This is not a problem because I will call free when I don't need it anymore. I'm interested in why calling malloc fixes this though. I'm used to just doing Datatype * var; and then just using var. Is that bad?
It's a smart pointer. I'm guessing you're inadvertantly calling release on it. In particular, it's addressof operator (unary op&) is overriden to call Release().
See what happens if you instead assign it to a reference, an ID2D1HwndRenderTarget*&.
Obviously, if you assign to a reference, you won't be able to reseat it.