Camunda Modeler Decision Table : Can we source the predefined values (InputValues) for a string input from an external endpoint? - camunda

I have an api endpoint which returns a set of values. I want to use these values as a source for predefined values for the input fields in the decision table.
As of now, I can only see the possibility of adding these values as static values in the Modeler. Checked the camunda documentation, could not find anything relevant to this requirement.
Any pointers would be helpful.

You have a few different options to pull values from an external source for use in a decision table. For the purposes of this response, I'll assume your external source is a REST API endpoint. Here are those options:
You could call the decision table from a process definition, and you could source the external values in the process definition prior to the call to the decision table. For example, you could use a Service Task configured as an 'http-connector' to pull the values.
You could expand your decision table such that it becomes a DRD (Decision Requirements Diagram) and utilize a Decision Literal Expression to pull that data.
Finally, you could embed your code to pull data from the external source within a Java bean that is known to the process engine in the current context and call that bean from within your decision table.
I know there's a lot there; if any of it sounds foreign, please review the Camunda documentation at
Let me focus on #2 above for a moment and give you a specific example... If you chose that route, your Decision Literal Expression could have the following code within it:
//Get access to the Connectors and Spin Objects.
var Connectors = Java.type('org.camunda.connect.Connectors');
var Spin = Java.type('org.camunda.spin.Spin');
//Create an instance of the HTTP Connector and make the request.
var httpConnector = Connectors.http();
var resp = httpConnector.createRequest()
.payload('{"ssn":\"' + ssn + '\"}')
//Retrieve the credit score from the response.
var creditScore = Spin.JSON(resp).prop('creditScore').numberValue();
//Return the credit score, setting it to the variable name specified here.
In that example, I've set the variable name to "creditScore", the type of the variable to "long" and the expression language to "javascript". It requires one variable as input, with that being "ssn". You would be able to use that variable "creditScore" in any decision tables that depend on that decision literal expression in your DRD.


How to get history of a state in corda?

In My corda project state may evolve over time. I have made the state of type LinearState. Now I want to retrieve the history of a corda state that means, How it evolved over time. How can I see the evolution history of a particular state in Corda?
Particularly, I want to access the complete transaction chain of a state.
Of course without access to your code this answer will vary, but there's two pieces of documentation to be aware of here.
What you want to perform is essentially a vault query (depending on what information you're looking to get).
From the docs on LinearState:
Whenever a node records a new transaction, it also decides whether it should store each of the transaction’s output states in its vault. The default vault implementation makes the decision based on the following rules.
That being said, to perform your vault query you would do it just like you would other states. Here's the docs on the vault query API :
If you have the linear Id you can do it from the node shell or using H2 and looking in places like the VAULT_LINEAR_STATES table.
If you want an example of querying in code take a look at the obligation cordapp that takes the linearID as a parameter to the flow.
// 1. Retrieve the IOU State from the vault using LinearStateQueryCriteria
List<UUID> listOfLinearIds = Arrays.asList(stateLinearId.getId());
QueryCriteria queryCriteria = new QueryCriteria.LinearStateQueryCriteria(null, listOfLinearIds);
Vault.Page results = getServiceHub().getVaultService().queryBy(IOUState.class, queryCriteria);
StateAndRef inputStateAndRefToSettle = (StateAndRef) results.getStates().get(0);
IOUState inputStateToSettle = (IOUState) ((StateAndRef) results.getStates().get(0)).getState().getData();
Source Code example here:

How can I take a random input value as a slot variable in Google Actions NLP (google assistant) Console?

Let say I have an app where I want to give someone the weather in a city.
The first scene has a prompt: "What city would you like the weather of?"
I then have to collect a slot/parameter called and then use it in my node webhook which is:
const { conversation } = require('#assistant/conversation');
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const app = conversation();
app.handle('schedule', (conv, {location}) => {
let temperature = callApi(location);// this part doesn't matter right now
**conv.add(`You want to know the weather in ${location}`);
conv.close(`The weather in ${location} is ${temperature}`);
exports.ActionsOnGoogleFulfillment = functions.https.onRequest(app);
From what I can tell, you can only take in parameters/slots that are predefined by types/intents. I cannot make a list of all cities that exist to train with. How can I basically say: Whatever the user says at this point, make that word into this variable.
How can i do this with the Google Actions SDK?
You can accomplish this by setting your intent parameter type to be free text (here's an example from one of the sample repos).
freeText: {}
If you apply this type to an intent parameter, you can use the training phrases to provide the necessary context on where in the phrase that "word" should be matched (example from the same repo).
I cannot make a list of all cities that exist to train with.
Another option exists if your API can return the set of locations supported. You can also use runtime type overrides to dynamically generate the type from the list of list of locations the API provides. This will be more accurate, but is dependent on what your data source looks like.

Is there a way to pass data source connection string as a parameter to power bi embedded?

I have a pbix file that takes an Azure Storage account as a parameter and reads data from there accordingly. The next step is to be able to embed this powerbi dashboard on a webpage and let the end user specify the storage account. I see a lot of questions and answers surrounding passing in filter query parameters--this is different, we're trying to read from a completely different data source and not filtering on a static data source.
Another way to ask this question is: is there a way to embed powerbi template files, if not, is there a feature request somewhere we can upvote?
The short answer is no.
There is a reason to use filters in this case instead of parameters. Parameters are something that is part of the report itself. Each users that looks at your reports will get the same parameter values as the others. If one of them changes some parameter, this will affect all other users. Filters on the other hand, is something local for your session. You can filter the report the way you like, and this will not affect other users experience in any way.
You can't embed templates, because template is simply a state of the report on the disk. When you open it, it's not a template anymore, but becomes a report.
You can either combine the data from all of your data sources in a single report, adding one more column to indicate from where this data comes from, and then filter on this new column. Or create/modify ETL process (for example dataflows can be used for this) to combine these data sources into a single one.

BIRT - using multiple webservices to get the data

I am trying to generate a report using Eclipse BIRT report designer.
The scenario is this:
There are 2 web service data sources. There are 2 datasets for webservices 'WS1' and 'WS2' respectively.
The output element 'COUNTRYID' of one webservice 'WS1' would go as input for another webservice 'WS2'.
What I did:
Created a parameter COUNTRYID.
Created a dummy Computed Column in the dataset of the web service 'WS1' with the expression:
Now the input parameters for the 'WS2' dataset is related to the global paramter 'COUNTRYID'.
When I run the report, I see that the global parameter contains the value from the 'WS1' output.
But the report does not display the values from the response of the web service 'WS2'
My questions:
How can I see, if the webservice got fired or not?
How can I see, if the webservice got fired with correct values ?
WS1 is not fired unless it is explicitely bound to a report element. Typically, to achieve this we apply following steps:
insert a data element at the beginning of the report body
turn the property visibility of this new element to false (or let it visible during testing)
bind it to the first dataset WS1
It will force a silent execution of WS1, and therefore this will populate your parameter COUNTRYID before WS2 runs.
However this approach would not work if:
WS2 dataset has to be used to populate selection items of a report parameter (which does not seem to be the case here)
If COUNTRYID parameter is used at render time. This point is much more annoying, if you need this parameter in chart expressions for example. If so, i would recommend to store WS1 in a report variable instead of (or why not in addition to) a report parameter. See this topic to see how to create a report variable.
You can initialize it at the same place you did for the report parameter with:
and use it anywhere with
Report variables are available from the palette of expressions editor :

UUIDs for DynamoDB?

Is it possible to get DynamoDB to automatically generate unique IDs when adding new items to a table?
I noticed the Java API mentions #DynamoDBAutoGeneratedKey so I'm assuming there's a way to get this working with PHP as well.
If so, does the application code generate these IDs or is it done on the DynamoDB side?
Good question - while conceptually possible, this seems not currently available as a DynamoDB API level feature, insofar neither CreateTable nor PutItem refer to such a functionality.
The #DynamoDBAutoGeneratedKey notation you have noticed is a Java annotation, i.e. syntactic sugar offered by the Java SDK indeed:
An annotation, in the Java computer programming language, is a special
form of syntactic metadata that can be added to Java source code.
As such #DynamoDBAutoGeneratedKey is one of the Amazon DynamoDB Annotations offered as part of the Object Persistence Model within the Java SDK's high-level API (see Using the Object Persistence Model with Amazon DynamoDB):
Marks a hash key or range key property as being auto-generated. The
Object Persistence Model will generate a random UUID when saving these
attributes. Only String properties can be marked as auto-generated
While working with dynamodb in javascript with nodejs. I use the npm module uuid to genrate unique key.
refer :uuid npm
By using schema based AWS dynamodb data mapper library in Node.js, Hash key (id) will be generated automatically. Auto generated ids are based on uuid v4.
For more details, have a look on following aws package.
Data Mapper with annotation
Data Mapper package for Javascript
Sample snipet
class MyDomainClass {
id: string;
#rangeKey({defaultProvider: () => new Date()})
createdAt: Date;
The client can create a (for all intents and purposes) unique ID either by picking a long random id (DynamoDB supports 128-bit integers, for example), or by picking an ID which contains the client's IP address, CPU number, and current time - or something along these lines.
The UUID standard even includes a standard way to do this (and you have libraries in various languages to create such UUIDs on the client side), but you don't really need to use a standard.
And interesting question is how do you plan to find these items if they have random keys. Or are you planning to use a secondary index?
The 2022 answer is here:
External libraries are no longer needed.
Here is another good method taken from mkyong
I adjusted his method to get the milliseconds instead of the actual date
java.util.Date date= new java.util.Date();
System.out.println(new Timestamp(date.getTime()).getTime());
The approach I'm taking is to use the current timestamp for the hash-key (or the range-key, if using a range-key too). Store the timestamp as an integer, representing the number of milliseconds since the start of the "UNIX epoch" (in the UTC timezone). Many date/time libraries can produce this number for you.
This has the advantage that if you want to have a "creation time" field in your table, your UUID already stores this information. Just call another method in your date/time library to convert the timestamp to a readable format.
(Be sure to handle the exception which will occur if a second item is created in the same table with the same millisecond timestamp; just fall back and retry the operation in that case, with a slightly later, current timestamp.)
For example:
User table
hash-key only: userID (timestamp of the creation of this user).
WidgetAttributes table
hash-key plus range-key.
hash-key: userID (use the userID from the User table of the user to whom the widget belongs).
range-key: attribID (use the timestamp of the creation of this widget-attribute).
Now you can run "query" operations on the WidgetAttributes table to get all widget-attributes for a certain user; by using "greater-than-zero" as the query-parameter for the range-key.