How to prepare the multilevel multivalued training dataset in python - python-2.7

I am a beginner in machine learning. My academic project involves detecting human posture from acceleration and gyro data. I am stuck at the beginning itself. My accelerometer data has x,y,z values and gyro also has x,y,z values stored in file acc.csv and gyro.csv. I want to classify the 'standing', 'sitting', 'walking' and 'lying' position. The idea is to train the machine using some ML algorithm (supervised) and then throw a new acc + gyro data set to identify what this new dataset predict (what the subject is doing at present). I am facing the following problems--
Constructing a training dataset -- I think my activities will be dependent variable, and acc & gyro axis readings will be independent. So if I like to combine it in single matrix with each element of the matrix again has it's own set of acc and gyro value [Something like main and sub matrix], how can I do that? or is there any alternative idea to do the same?
How can I take the data of multiple activities with multiple readings in a single training matrix,
I mean 10 walking data each with it's own acc(xyz) and gyro (xyz) + 10 standing data each with it's own acc(xyz) and gyro (xyz) + 10 sitting data each with it's own acc(xyz) and gyro (xyz) and so on.
Each data file has different number of records and time stamp, how to bring them into a common platform.
I know I am asking very basic things but these are the confusion part nobody has clearly explained to me. I am feeling like standing in front of a big closed door, inside very interesting things are happening where I cannot participate at this moment with my limited knowledge. My mathematical background is high school level only. Please help.
I have gone through some projects on activity recognition in Github. But they are way too complicated for a beginner like me.
import pandas as pd
import os
import warnings
from sklearn.utils import shuffle
base_train_dir = '../input/testtraindata/Train_Set/'
#Train Data
train_data = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['activity','ax','ay','az','gx','gy','gz'])
train_folders = os.listdir(base_train_dir)
for tf in train_folders:
files = os.listdir(base_train_dir+tf)
for f in files:
df = pd.read_csv(base_train_dir+tf+'/'+f)
train_data = pd.concat([train_data,df],axis = 0)
train_data = shuffle(train_data)
train_data.reset_index(drop = True,inplace = True)
The Data Set
Problem in Train_set
Surprisingly if I remove the last 'gz' from
train_data = pd.DataFrame(columns =['activity','ax','ay','az','gx','gy','gz'])
Everything is working fine.

You have the data labeled? --> position of x,y,z... = positure?
I have no clue about the values (as I have not seen the dataset, and have no clue about positions, acc or gyro), but Im guessing you should have a dataset within a matrise with x, y, z as categories and a target category ;"positions".
If you need all 6 (3 from one csv and 3 from the other) to define the positions you can make 6 categories + positions.
Something like : x_1, y_1 z_1 , x_2, y_2, and z_2 + position label ("position" category).
You can also make each position an own category with 0/1 as true/false.
"sitting" , "walking" etc... and have 0 and 1 as the values in the columns.
Is the timestamp of any importance towards the position? If it is not a feature of importance I would just drop it. If it is important in some way, you might want to bin them.
Here is a beginners guide from Medium in which you can see a bit how to preprocess your data. It also shows one hot encoding :)
Also try googling Preprocessing your data, then you will probably find the right recipe


How to get y axis range in Stata

Suppose I am using some twoway graph command in Stata. Without any action on my part Stata will choose some reasonable values for the ranges of both y and x axes, based both upon the minimum and maximum y and x values in my data, but also upon some algorithm that decides when it would be prettier for the range to extend instead to a number like '0' instead of '0.0139'. Wonderful! Great.
Now suppose that after (or while) I draw my graph, I want to slap some very important text onto it, and I want to be choosy about precisely where the text appears. Having the minimum and maximum values of the displayed axes would be useful: how can I get these min and max numbers? (Either before or while calling the graph command.)
NB: I am not asking how to set the y or x axis ranges.
Since this issue has been a bit of a headache for me for quite some time and I believe there is no good solution out there yet I wanted to write up two ways in which I was able to solve a similar problem to the one described in the post. Specifically, I was able to solve the issue of gray shading for part of the graph using these.
Define a global macro in the code generating the axis labels This is the less elegant way to do it but it works well. Locate the tickset_g.class file in your ado path. The graph twoway command uses this to draw the axes of any graph. There, I defined a global macro in the draw program that takes the value of the omin and omax locals after they have been set to the minimum between the axis range and data range (the command that does this is local omin = min(.scale.min,omin) and analogously for the max), since the latter sometimes exceeds the former. You could also define the global further up in that code block to only get the axis extent. You can then access the axis range using the globals after the graph command (and use something like addplot to add to the previously drawn graph). Two caveats for this approach: using global macros is, as far as I understand, bad practice and can be dangerous. I used names I was sure wouldn't be included in any program with the prefix userwritten. Also, you may not have administrator privileges that allow you to alter this file based on your organization's decisions. However, it is the simpler way. If you prefer a more elegant approach along the lines of what Nick Cox suggested, then you can:
Use the undocumented gdi natscale command to define your own axis labels The gdi commands are the internal commands that are used to generate what you see as graph output (cf. The tickset_g.class uses the gdi natscale command to generate the nice numbers of the axes. Basic documentation is available with help _natscale, basically you enter the minimum and maximum, e.g. from a summarize return, and a suggested number of steps and the command returns a min, max, and delta to be used in the x|ylabel option (several possible ways, all rather straightforward once you have those numbers so I won't spell them out for brevity). You'd have to adjust this approach in case you use some scale transformation.
Hope this helps!
I like Nick's suggestion, but if you're really determined, it seems that you can find these values by inspecting the output after you set trace on. Here's some inefficient code that seems to do exactly what you want. Three notes:
when I import the log file I get this message:
Note: Unmatched quote while processing row XXXX; this can be due to a formatting problem in the file or because a quoted data element spans multiple lines. You should carefully inspect your data after importing. Consider using option bindquote(strict) if quoted data spans multiple lines or option bindquote(nobind) if quotes are not used for binding data.
Sometimes the data fall outside of the min and max range values that are chosen for the graph's axis labels (but you can easily test for this).
The log linesize is actually important to my code below because the key values must fall on the same line as the strings that I use to identify the helpful rows.
* start a log (critical step for my solution)
cap log close _all
set linesize 255
log using "log", replace text
* make up some data:
set obs 3
gen xvar = rnormal(0,10)
gen yvar = rnormal(0,.01)
* turn trace on, run the -twoway- call, and then turn trace off
set trace on
twoway scatter yvar xvar
set trace off
cap log close _all
* now read the log file in and find the desired info
import delimited "log.log", clear
egen my_string = concat(v*)
keep if regexm(my_string,"forvalues yf") | regexm(my_string,"forvalues xf")
drop if regexm(my_string,"delta")
split my_string, parse("=") gen(new)
gen axis = "vertical" if regexm(my_string,"yf")
replace axis = "horizontal" if regexm(my_string,"xf")
keep axis new*
duplicates drop
loc my_regex = "(.*[0-9]+)\((.*[0-9]+)\)(.*[0-9]+)"
gen min = regexs(1) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
gen delta = regexs(2) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
gen max_temp= regexs(3) if regexm(new3,"`my_regex'")
destring min max delta , replace
gen max = min + delta* int((max_temp-min)/delta)
*here is the info you want:
list axis min delta max

Proper Python data structure for real-time analysis?

Objective: I'm running a Pi project (i.e. Python) that communicates with an Arduino to get data from a load cell once a second. What data structure should I use to log (and do real-time analysis) on this data in Python?
I want to be able to do things like:
Slice the data to get the value of the last logged datapoint.
Slice the data to get the mean of the datapoints for the last n seconds.
Perform a regression on the last n data points to get g/s.
Remove from the log data points older than n seconds.
Current Attempts:
Dictionaries: I have appended a new key with a rounded time to a dictionary (see below), but this makes slicing and analysis hard.
log = {}
def log_data():
log[round(time.time(), 4)] = read_data()
Pandas DataFrame: this was the one I was hopping for, because is makes time-series slicing and analysis easy, but this (How to handle incoming real time data with python pandas) seems to say its a bad idea. I can't follow their solution (i.e. storing in dictionary, and df.append()-ing in bulk every few seconds) because I want my rate calculations (regressions) to be in real time.
This question (ECG Data Analysis on a real-time signal in Python) seems to have the same problem as I did, but with no real solutions.
So what is the proper way to handle and analyze real-time time-series data in Python? It seems like something everyone would need to do, so I imagine there has to pre-built functionality for this?
To start, I would question two assumptions:
You mention in your post that the data comes in once per second. If you can rely on that, you don't need the timestamps at all -- finding the last N data points is exactly the same as finding the data points from the last N seconds.
You have a constraint that your summary data needs to be absolutely 100% real time. That may make life more complicated -- is it possible to relax that at all?
Anyway, here's a very naive approach using a list. It satisfies your needs. Performance may become a problem depending on how many of the previous data points you need to store.
Also, you may not have thought of this, but do you need the full record of past data? Or can you just drop stuff?
data = []
new_observation = (timestamp, value)
# new data comes in
# Slice the data to get the value of the last logged datapoint.
# Slice the data to get the mean of the datapoints for the last n seconds.
mean(map(lambda x: x[1], filter(lambda o: current_time - o[0] < n, data)))
# Perform a regression on the last n data points to get g/s.
# Remove from the log data points older than n seconds.
data = filter(lambda o: current_time - o[0] < n, data)

Building Speech Dataset for LSTM binary classification

I'm trying to do binary LSTM classification using theano.
I have gone through the example code however I want to build my own.
I have a small set of "Hello" & "Goodbye" recordings that I am using. I preprocess these by extracting the MFCC features for them and saving these features in a text file. I have 20 speech files(10 each) and I am generating a text file for each word, so 20 text files that contains the MFCC features. Each file is a 13x56 matrix.
My problem now is: How do I use this text file to train the LSTM?
I am relatively new to this. I have gone through some literature on it as well but not found really good understanding of the concept.
Any simpler way using LSTM's would also be welcome.
There are many existing implementation for example Tensorflow Implementation, Kaldi-focused implementation with all the scripts, it is better to check them first.
Theano is too low-level, you might try with keras instead, as described in tutorial. You can run tutorial "as is" to understand how things goes.
Then, you need to prepare a dataset. You need to turn your data into sequences of data frames and for every data frame in sequence you need to assign an output label.
Keras supports two types of RNNs - layers returning sequences and layers returning simple values. You can experiment with both, in code you just use return_sequences=True or return_sequences=False
To train with sequences you can assign dummy label for all frames except the last one where you can assign the label of the word you want to recognize. You need to place input and output labels to arrays. So it will be:
X = [[word1frame1, word1frame2, ..., word1framen],[word2frame1, word2frame2,...word2framen]]
Y = [[0,0,...,1], [0,0,....,2]]
In X every element is a vector of 13 floats. In Y every element is just a number - 0 for intermediate frames and word ID for final frame.
To train with just labels you need to place input and output labels to arrays and output array is simpler. So the data will be:
X = [[word1frame1, word1frame2, ..., word1framen],[word2frame1, word2frame2,...word2framen]]
Y = [[0,0,1], [0,1,0]]
Note that output is vectorized (np_utils.to_categorical) to turn it to vectors instead of just numbers.
Then you create network architecture. You can have 13 floats for input, a vector for output. In the middle you might have one fully connected layer followed by one lstm layer. Do not use too big layers, start with small ones.
Then you feed this dataset into and it trains you the model. You can estimate model quality on heldout set after training.
You will have a problem with convergence since you have just 20 examples. You need way more examples, preferably thousands to train LSTM, you will only be able to use very small models.

Arcpy.CompositeBands can't access the input datasets but the path is correct. Any ideas?

I have about 30 rasters with 4 bands each that I am trying to create composites so that I can eventually bring all of the rasters together into 1 large raster. But the first step is to create composite rasters. I would like to do this all at once and I found a few examples on various sites on how to do it, including ESRI's. I've pieced them together to create my own code, unfortunately I keep getting error 000271: Cannot open the input datasets. I know the path is correct because arcpy.ListRasters() returns the files in the folder in a large list, so the problem is definitely with the CompositeBands tool. I've looked up possible solutions to this problem, but I did not understand the solutions or how they worked, so if you do have an answer or suggestion, could you comment on your code (if you write one) or answer so I know what is going on and why? About the data - they are all ERDAS Imagine image rasters with 4 image color bands : R, G, B, and whatever N is. All but a few rasters have bands named Layer_1, Layer_2 and so on. The few are called Band_1, Band_2 and so on. Here is my code:
arcpy.env.workspace = r'\\network\folder\subfolder1\subfolder2\All_RGBN'
ws = arcpy.env.workspace
outws = r'\\network\folder\subfolder1\subfolder2\RGBN_Composit'
for ras in arcpy.ListRasters("*.img"):
name = outws+"\\"+ras
arcpy.CompositeBands_management("Layer_1.img;Layer_2.img;Layer_3.img,Layer_4.img", name)
arcpy.CompositeBands_management("Band_1.img;Band_2.img;Band_3.img,Band_4.img", name)
If your rasters have multiple bands, they are already composite. Composite Bands should be used when your bands are distinct raster datasets that you want to merge into one raster.
If you want to merge all your rasters (composite or not) into one single dataset, you should create a Mosaic Dataset or a Raster Catalog and load your rasters into it.
And FYI, you get an error message in the Composite Band tool because your raster bands (inputs) are not correctly referenced, you should write something like:
ras + "\\Layer_x" instead of "Layer_x.img"
But doing this will output the exact same raster as the original one.

Creating train, test and cross validation datasets in sklearn (python 2.7) with a grouping constraints?

While creating a train,test & cross validation sample in Python, I see the default method as -:
1. Reading the dataset , after skipping headers
2. Creating the train, test and Cross validation sample
import csv
with open('C:/Users/Train/Trainl.csv', 'r') as f1:
reader = csv.reader(f1, delimiter=',')
input_set = []
for row in reader:
import numpy as np
from numpy import genfromtxt
from sklearn import cross_validation
train, intermediate_set = cross_validation.train_test_split(input_set, train_size=0.6, test_size=0.4)
cv, test = cross_validation.train_test_split(intermediate_set, train_size=0.5, test_size=0.5)
My problem though is that I have a field say "A" in the csv file that I read into the numpy array, and all sampling should respect this field. That is, all entries with similar values for "A" should go in one sample .
Line #|A | B | C | D
1 |1 |
2 |1 |
3 |1 |
4 |1 |
5 |2 |
6 |2 |
7 |2 |
Required : line 1,2,3,4 should go in "one" sample and 5,6,7 should go in the "one" sample.
Value of column A is a unique id, corresponding to one single entity(could be seen as a cross section data points on one SINGLE user, so it MUST go in one unique sample of train, test, or cv), and there are many such entities, so a grouping by entity id is required.
B, C,D columns may have any values, but a grouping preservation is not required on them. (Bonus: can I group the sampling for multiple fields?)
What I tried :
A. Finding all unique values of A's - denoting this as my sample I now distribute the sample among-st train, intermediate & cv & test -> then putting the rest of the rows for this value of "A" in each of these files.
that is if train had entry for "3" , test for"2" and cv for "1" then all rows with value of A as 3 go in train, all with 2 go in test and all with 1 go in cv.
Ofcourse this approach is not scalable.
And I doubt, it may have introduced bias into the datasets, since the number of 1's in column A , no of 2's etc. is not equal, meaning this approach will not work !
B. I also tried numpy.random.shuffle, or numpy.random.permutation as per the thread here - Numpy: How to split/partition a dataset (array) into training and test datasets for, e.g., cross validation? , but it did not meet my requirement.
C. A third option of-course is writing a custom function that does this grouping, and then balances the training, test and cv data-sets based on number of data points in each group. But just wondering, if there's already an efficient way to implement this ?
Note my data set is huge, so ideally I would like to have a deterministic way to partition my datasets, without having multiple eye-ball-scans to be sure that the partition is correct.
EDIT Part 2:
Since I did not find any that fit my sampling criteria - I actually wrote a module to sample with grouping constraints. This is the github code to it. The code was not written for very large data in mind, so it's not very efficient. Should you FORK this code - please point out how can I improve the run-time.
By forcing such constraints you will introduce bias either way, to you procedure. So approach based on the partition of the "users" data and then collecting their respective "measurements" does not seem bad. And it will scale just fine, this is O(n) method, the only reason for not scaling up is bad implementation, not bad method.
The reason for no such functionality in existing methods (like sklearn library) is because it looks highly artificial, and counter machine learning models idea. If these are somehow one entities then they should not be treated as separate data points. If you need this separate representation then requiring such division, that the particular entity cannot be partially in test test and partially in training will for sure bias the whole model.
To sum up - you should really deeply analyze whether your approach is reasonable from the machine learning point of view. If you are sure about it, I think the only possibility is to write the segmentation by yourself, as even though using many ML libraries in the past, I've never seen such functionality.
In fact I am not sure, if the problem of creating segmentation of the set containing N numbers (sizes of entities) into K (=3) subsets of given sums proportions with uniform distribution when treated as a random process is not NP problem on itself. If you cannot guarantee uniform distribution, then your datasets cannot be used as a statistically correct method of training/testing/validating your model. Even if it has a reasonable polynomial solution, it can still scale up badly (much worse then linear methods). This doubt applies if your constraints are "strict", if they are "weak" you can always do "generate and reject" approach, which should have amortized linear complexity.
I was also facing similar kind of issue, though my coding is not too good I came up with the solution as given below:
Created a new data frame that only contains the Unique Id of the df and removed duplicates.
new = df[["Unique_Id "]].copy()
New_DF = new.drop_duplicates()
Created training and test set on the basis of New_DF
train, test = train_test_split(New_DF, test_size=0.2)
And then merged those training and test set with original df.
df_Test = pd.merge(df, test, how='inner', on = “Unique_Id”)
df_Train = pd.merge(df, train, how='inner', on = “Unique_Id”)
Similarly, we can create sample for the validation part too.