Using ApplescriptObjC to convert color spaces of an image using NSColorSpace and iccProfileData - applescript-objc

I have some code that will change an images colorspace from RGB to a GenericCMYK profile. I would like to be able to use an ICC Profile to convert the image to a CMYK colorspace. There is a way to do this in Photoshop, but the process takes too much of a users time when you are dealing with 100's of images, I am trying to create an AppleScript droplet that will do this for them.
I have already looked at the page for NSColorspace and there looks like there is a way to do this. I just have no idea how to convert this Objective-C into ApplescriptObjC. Here are the two references to the ICC Profiles in NSColorSpace:
init?(iccProfileData: Data)
Initializes and returns an NSColorSpace object given an ICC profile.
var iccProfileData: Data?
The ICC profile data from which the receiver was created.
Here is the code I have thanks to Shane at
set theImage to (current application's NSImage's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfURL:theInput)
set imageRep to (theImage's representations()'s objectAtIndex:0)
set targetSpace to current application's NSColorSpace's genericCMYKColorSpace()
set bitmapRep to (imageRep's bitmapImageRepByConvertingToColorSpace:targetSpace renderingIntent:(current application's NSColorRenderingIntentPerceptual))
set theProps to (current application's NSDictionary's dictionaryWithObjects:{1.0, true} forKeys:{current application's NSImageCompressionFactor, current application's NSImageProgressive})
set jpegData to (bitmapRep's representationUsingType:(current application's NSJPEGFileType) |properties|:theProps)
set colorSpace to bitmapRep's colorSpaceName() as text
(jpegData's writeToURL:theOutput atomically:true)
I just need to figure out how to include the ICC Profile as a part of the CMYK conversion process that happens I believe on this line of code:
set targetSpace to current application's NSColorSpace's genericCMYKColorSpace()
Can anyone give me some guidance on this?

You are looking at the NSColorSpace documentation in Swift. AppleScriptObjC is an Objective-C bridge, so it makes more sense viewing the documentation in Objective-C (the language can be set in the page header), where your snippet becomes
set targetSpace to current application's NSColorSpace's alloc's initWithICCProfileData:iccData
where iccData is the ICC profile data you are going to use.


Reverse engineering the checksum algorithm

I have an IP camera that receives commands using POST HTTP requests(for example to call PTZ commands or set various camera settings). The standard way of controlling it is through it's own web interface which is partially an ActiveX plugin and partially standard html+js. Of course because of the ActiveX part it only works in IE under Windows.
I'm attempting to change that by figuring out all the commands and writing a small python or javascript code to do the same, so that it is more cross platform.
I have one major problem. Each POST request contains a calculated "cc" field which I assume is a checksum. The JS code in the cam interface points out that it is calculated by calling a function inside the plugin:
tt = new Date().Format("yyyyMMddhhmmss");
jo_header["tt"] = tt;
if (getCpPlugin() != null && getCpPlugin().valid) {
jo_header["cc"] = getCpPlugin().nsstpGetCC(tt, session_id);
nsstpGetCC function obviously calculates the checksum from two parameters the timestamp and session_id. Real example(captured with Wireshark):
tt = "20171018231918"
session_id = "30303532646561302D623434612D3131"
cc = "849e586524385e1071caa4023a3df75401e5bb82"
Checksum seems to be 160bit. I tried both sha-1 and ripemd-160 and all combinations of concatenating tt and session_id I could think of. But I can't seem to get the same hash as the one the original plugin gets. The plugin dll seems to be written in c++. And I have almost no experience with decompilation to dive into this problem from that angle.
So my question basically is can someone figure out how they calculated that cc, or at least give me an idea in which direction to research further. Maybe I'm looking at wrong hash algorithms or something... Or give me some idea how I could somehow figure out what the original ActiveX function nsstpGetCC is doing for example by decompilation or maybe by monitoring it's operation in memory while running. What tools should I use?

Getting capture date of heic image

I am using the nokiatech heif api ( to process heic files produced by the IOS betas.
I am able to get the tiles and metadata like rotation and dimensions, but I am unable to locate the capture date of the image. I found some timestamp functions but they complain about "Forced FPS not set for meta context" which leads me to think these functions are related to tracks and not items.
Any help would be appreciated.
So there is a typo in the documentation for getReferencedToItemListByType (and getReferencedFromItemListByType), it says it takes "cdcs" as a referenceType parameter. It is ofcource "cdsc" (Content Describe).
So to get the metadata blob from a stil image as of now you can do the following:
reader.getItemListByType(contextId, "grid", gridItemIds);
ImageFileReaderInterface::IdVector cdscItemIds;
reader.getReferencedToItemListByType(contextId,, "cdsc", cdscItemIds);
ImageFileReaderInterface::DataVector data;
reader.getItemData(contextId,, data);
Then you need to decode the exif. You can easily use Exiftool cli or an api like exiv2.

Cocos2d-Swift v3.x Sprite Builder : In iPad iPhone sd images are used. -ipad suffix ignored

var bg = CCSprite(imageNamed:"Background.png")
Images used in Resource:
In all device Background.png(320x480) used, other images are ignored. How to fix this ?
Retina display is not enabled...How to enable retina display in v3 ?
Here is working sample code with this problem.
I'm not really advanced user of SpriteBuilder but have some concerns about your issue.
As you are using Sprite Builder for starting the project, it configures your CCFileUtils to distinguish different devices' resources by looking at folders, not prefixes. In your app delegate you can see this line:
[CCBReader configureCCFileUtils];
going into this method you can see that search mode for file utils is set to CCFileUtilsSearchModeDirectory
sharedFileUtils.searchMode = CCFileUtilsSearchModeDirectory;
So you need to use Publish folders and copy your Background image to each of them with the same name (Background.png), but with different resolution for each device.
You don't need to use image suffixes in SpriteBuilder at all.
Finally Updated Cocos2d and now -hd,-ipad files are used. Just updated one line
sharedFileUtils.searchMode = CCFileUtilsSearchModeSuffix

How to disable cache in Windows 8 Xaml based ListView?

What I'm trying to do is to fill ListView in Windows 8 Metro application dynamically with pre-loaded images.
for each item (URI) I'm doing it plain simple with the code like this (C++):
Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Imaging::BitmapImage^ bitmapSrc =
ref new Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Imaging::BitmapImage();
bitmapSrc->CreateOptions = Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Imaging::BitmapCreateOptions::IgnoreImageCache;
bitmapSrc->UriSource = uri;
img->Source = bitmapSrc;
but when I delete (in the app) source image described by URI and I create new file with the same name and try to reload it into the list then I fail and image shown is the old one (deleted). I presume some cache works here. I tried to avoid caching by IgnoreImageCache value in CreateOptions but it didn't work.
Any clues how to disable caching of BitmapSource (Image) potentially bound to ListView in Windows 8 app?
I tried several directions inspired by Silverlight and WPF, none worked unfortunately.
Encouraged by comments, I put answer I've found myself.
Broader context (and also C# perspective) is explained here:
Shortly I believe it's a problem with reference counting here.
WinRT keeps the image loaded (cached) in BitmapImage^ as long as Uri is valid and asigned to the object instance, that in my example is added to the list.
Cleaning Uri from BitmapImage^ prior to releasing it from the list solved problem in my case.
According to example in question, below code solves the problem (included in the part where the list removal is performed):
auto item = (Image^)LoadListView->Items->GetAt(selected);
auto src = (Windows::UI::Xaml::Media::Imaging::BitmapImage^)item->Source;
src->UriSource = nullptr; //this line is critical

Getting an incorrect permissions screen in the webview Blackberry 10 Cascades Beta 3 SDK in Dev Alpha Simulator

I am trying to make dynamically generated html 5 graphs show up in a webview in Blackberry 10 Cascades. I have confirmed the html5 that I have generated, draws the correct graphs. My problem is that when I try to implement this in the Blackberry 10 Cascades Beta 3 SDK (using the Blackberry 10 Dev Alpha Simulator), the webview that is supposed to show the graph, just looks like this:
Here is the code that leads to this error:
//html_ already contains the html-5 code to make the graph at this point in the code
//This is the file path to a local file that is actually accessable in the emulator
//and not just from Windows
QFile *chartFile = new QFile("app/native/assets/data/chart.html");
if (chartFile->open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) {
if (chartFile) delete chartFile;
if (graphView_) {
I checked the permissions of that file, put they are all Allow (777 permissions for those who know Unix style permissions).
I added access_internet to the bar-descriptor.xml, eventhough my app was already able to access remote sites, just to see if that would fix it, but it did not.
I've been searching around trying to find a solution to this problem, but I have not.
If anyone could help me out with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
I changed the code to set the html directly, now I have this:
if (graphView_) {
graphView_->setHtml(html_, QUrl("app/native/assets/data/chart.html"));
But nothing shows. It seems I have the wrong relative path relative to my base url.
My base url is this: QUrl("app/native/assets/data/chart.html")
My relative paths all begin with: ./Highcharts/js/...
My relative paths are located under: app/native/assets/data/Highcharts/js
It seems to me that I this should work, but when I do this, I just a blank screen, as if it can not find my relative paths. So I don't know what's going on here either.
I found a solution that works. I'm using the first approach, not the updated approach, but instead of
I'm using:
And I have left the rest of the code the same, and it works.