TensorBoard: How to add email link? - tensorboard

Goal: Would like to add a link in the TensorBoard GUI that when clicked, allows user to send us an email.
I grepped through the entire code base and did not find any hooks or links or tests that supports any references to any email system.
I'm looking for something like this:
<div id="sendEmail">
We would like to hear from you. Please contact us at:
When I include a link to an email address in the TensorBoard HTML file, then compile, I get the following bazel compiler error message:
ERROR: file.html: Referenced mailto:xxx#yyy.com (/path/mailto:xxx#yyy.com) without depending on a web_library() rule providing it


Info.plist added but Xcode still crashing

I'm setting up a project utilizing OpenCV and Xcode and I want to open up the webcam using VideoCapture. I have added my own Info.plist file (as a command-line project in C++ doesn't have an Info.plist) and I have added it to the project under targets/general/identity. My info.plist is verified as OK from the command "plutil Info.plist".
I also have the "Pre-Process Info.plist" tag under "Packaging" changed to "yes". However, I still get this error:
"This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive
data without a usage description. The app's Info.plist must contain
an NSCameraUsageDescription key with a string value explaining to the
user how the app uses this data."
I have tried many StackOverFlow links and they have all failed, including this one: Accessing webcam in Xcode with OpenCV (C++)
If I don't add the Info.plist file to finder (the link at the bottom of the link), I get the same error.
When I add it to finder along with the executable, I get this error along with the previous error:
"There was an error parsing the Info.plist for the bundle at URL"
Please let me know how I can fix this. Thank you so much for your time.
You need to have some text (Usage Description) in Info.plist for key "NSCameraUsageDescription". Otherwise, the app will crash when app access Camera. Please see the snapshot below.
Hope it helps. Otherwise, please let us know.

Zurb foundation 6 , what-input.min.js file functionality

Id like to know the relevance of what-input.min.js include in Zurbs foundation-6 framework , in the js/vendor directory , this is because i keep getting an 404 not found error not loading while running the site , ... js/vendor/jquery.min.map file , is there any connection ?
You don't need the .map file which is used to map a minified file back to the original. It is available for download from jquery's site. Source maps are can be ignored in inspector settings which makes sense when you don't plan on debugging minified javascript files
It is unrelated to the source map file 404 but what-input.min.js is a JS library "to watch for mouse, keyboard and touch events"
They have a github page with more documentation: https://github.com/ten1seven/what-input
and a demo:
"Tab, click or tap the links and form controls to see how What Input allows them to be styled differently"
I had this exact same problem on every site when using JointsWP with Foundation 6 framework. I finally just figured it out. I turned off css source mapping and still received the error. It turns out that it wasn't lying to me and the js file really does not exist where it is trying to load it from:
But it is under the dist folder within that same directory. So if you find your enqueue-scripts.php file where the what-input.min.js is loaded, you can fix the directory path to:
And no more 404!

Android Action bar

I am trying to demo the Android Action Bar and have created an app to try it with. I have installed and linked the library to the project ( I think properly ), and have to the best of my knowledge set it up correctly. The problem though, is that the MainActivity fails to load any of the main resource files.
MainActivity layout:
Create field 'activity_main' in type 'layout'
Menu xml file:
Create field 'menu' in type 'R'
The theme in the Manifest:
No resource found that matches the given name ( at 'theme' with a value
The main layout and the menu xml both exist, but I admit i don't know where the theme file is to confirm that it exists, though I don't think that is the issue.
I have taken a screenshot that shows the configuration of my projects
The test application and the appcompat folders exist in the same place in the file system, and the build path and library entries all look correct. I can attach screens of those configurations as well if need be.
I feel that this is some kind of configuration error, but i am very new to android development and don't have enough information about the project structure to see where I need to make a change.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There seems to be an error in your AndroidManifest.xml. Eclipse won't generate the R ( references file) file until there are no errors in your xml files.
You'll also need the android-support-v13.jar library as that would have some themes in there as well.
If that doesn't work for the theme in the Manifest, you'll need an appropriate themes.xml in your values folder that has the theme name you're looking for. Here's an example:
the theme applied to the application or activity
<style name="CustomLightTheme" parent="#android:style/Theme.Holo.Light">

How to load an external html into an html using emberjs

My current HTML page has run into 1000 lines of code. I wanted to make it more manageable.
So the kind of solution I'm looking for is -
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-load-template="detail.html">
And the code should be able to load detail.html from an external source.
How do I do it?
You may choose to use some kind of build tool like grunt that will compile handlebars files to javascript and attach them to you code.
Here is a project that you may find useful: https://github.com/yaymukund/grunt-ember-handlebars

If seems I have duplicate dll, but I have tried to elimate or then the other... they both are required

Hi I am trying to load/install a software product called "YAF" YetAnotherForum"... it runs great as a standalone, but now I am trying to integrate it in my Sitecore CMS system so that I may utilize the single sign-on features and create an IFrame. in any case, I am making some progress but this is my current error that I cannot seem to get past, any help will be appreciated.
Compiler Error Message: CS0433: The type 'YAF.Forum' exists in both 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\6b359048\ea17b5f1\App_Code.70udshq8.dll' and 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\6b359048\ea17b5f1\assembly\dl3\698b7e4b\be26b750_b845ce01\YAF.DLL'
Line 18: <img src="~/images/YAFLogo.jpg" runat="server" alt="YetAnotherForum" id="imgBanner" /><br/>
Line 19: <form id="form1" runat="server" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Line 20: <YAF:Forum runat="server" ID="forum"></YAF:Forum>
Line 21: </form>
Line 22: </body>
I believe YAF uses the "Web Site Project" project type which uses dynamic compilation rather than the "Web Application" project type, which you would generally use with Sitecore and which are pre-compiled. See MSDN definition
The dynamic compilation folder is the path mentioned in the error. See this other answer about how it's used.
The GAC is something else, and isn't being cited in the error. I would expect that clearing the temporary ASP.net files folder and restarting the application should fix it. Here's a related answer about clearing this folder.
There's a number of Sitecore modules available on marketplace, which offer various types of integration with YAF:
YAF Integration
YAF Single sign-on
Sitecore YAF
I would recommend you review these options, choose the one which fits your requirements, and follow the guideline to set it up and configure.
Clear the global assembly cache, that might help.
Run the Gacuitl tool with the command gacutil /u YAF.Forum.dll
Also remove all files from the folder c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\. Stop your IIS before clearing so there won't be any locked files.
Then restart IIS and see if the issue is resolved.