What to download in visual studio to create UML diagram - visual-studio-2017

I'm a C++ beginner, and usually use DevC++.I need to create a UML diagram and I am trying to use visual studio. In videos that I have seen online I notice that they use templates from the C# library to access modeling projects such as UML diagrams. Does anyone know the extension that I'm supposed to download for this? Some options include SteelToe.net and ASP.net (in case I'm not using the proper terminology for the downloads available in C# template). Or does anyone know any good free websites to create UML diagrams in?
I tried downloading the React Core boilerplate extension because in the description it said TypeScript, and I saw that in one of the videos. However, it would not even open for me.

Starting with Visual Studio 2017, the UML Designers have been removed from Visual Studio. For more information, see Microsoft's Documentation site and Microsoft's Developer Blog.
What exactly do you need to model and why? There is a hell of tools but it is hard to recommend any without specification of your needs.

use Visio - a lot of UML templates and images.
option 3.
depends what type of UML you want to create.


How to use OXml with C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin Update 2 Starter

I want to use the OXml component (OXml website) with C++ Builder 10.1 Berlin Update 2 Starter. I asked arround in the newsgroups of Embarcadero, in the Community of Embarcadero, on the forum of the creator of OXml. But no-one replied. I am new at using components. I used the TXMLDocument in Turbo C++ Explorer which worked well. But now I want to use a modern developmenttool.
My question is basically: How do I use OXml in C++ Builder Starter. I installed it as a component which created .hpp and .dcu files. But how do I use it further. I looked at the .hpp files and every .hpp file has its own namespace. I want to read XML files and extract the data within them so I can use it in my programs.
Hope someone can give me some examples how to do this.

Sitecore SPEAK Basics

I am pretty new to Sitecore SPEAK and i am looking for some of the basics to start with. Basics like even which version of Sitecore Supports SPEAK. I see that many places they mention that it is supported in 7.0 and few places say 7.1 version. I have a Sitecore 7.0 Version and when i open the Core database, i would like to know if i need to install any particular module as i dont see anything related to SPEAK.
This link is the sitecore's Official blog where they speak about it. But fail to mention the requirements.
Sitecore SPEAK Blog- Introduction
Any Help would be Greatly Appreciated
According to the release notes, the SPEAK UI framework was introduced in Sitecore 7.1. At least you need this version and the Sitecore Rocks Visual Studio plugin, as building SPEAK applications are not very handy to build within the Content Editor.
Here you find a summary of SPEAK documentations.
I would personally recommend to start with the blog post series from Martina Welander.
I recommend using the later versions of Sitecore 7.1 or preferably Sitecore 7.2. A lot of bugs have been fixed since the initial release of SPEAK.
I have two open source SPEAK applications, if you want to see examples of SPEAK applications are built.
I have also created Visual Studio 2013 Templates for creating blank Visual Studio Projects for SPEAK.

Most compatible C++ Doxygen comments for IDE's

I've been working on some C++ code that some of the other developers I work with will use. A lot of the developers here are MS based (they use Visual Studio as their main IDE) we also have a lot of developers who use other IDE's as well for different projects (like Eclipse and Qt, even some C++ Mac development with XCode).
The code I have are generic library functions that are cross platform compatible, so it will be used by different developers on different platforms/IDE's. Which brings me to my question: is there a compatible Doxygen comment 'style' that can be 'understood' and used with the code completion ability by most popular IDE's (VS, Eclipse, Qt, Netbeans, XCode)?
Something like VS's IntelliSence where when you use your scope resultion a description pops up for that item.
If there is not a 'compatible' way, are there any plugins that can be used for all IDE's that would allow for this ability, or would I have to write my own? Googling has lead me to many dead ends (possibly because I may not be inputing my question into correct search terms), and writing my own plugins is an option, though I'd prefer a 'compatible' style or existing plugin if possible to save time.
Thanks in advance!
Edit 1: I should mention that I am requesting Doxygen style commenting becuase it is the documenting tool we use to build out some of our documentation thus all comments in any code we make must be Doxygen style (not sure why this issue never came up before here, haha)
So I have been struggling with this question for awhile now. In the past I have used several different software suites for development, with each having its own quirks in regards to using the documentation to drive some of the more fancy features. After working on a project in C# (and Visual Studio 2010) I have come to realize that the XML commenting seems to work the best for me.
I personally believe that this is a failure in most of the IDE applications themselves, for example, it seems that Visual Studio really only supports XML commenting for C# applications to feed features such as Intellisense, and the less fancy syntax highlighting. I have found that there is a commercial plugin available to "enable" this feature in Visual Studio, but why should I pay for something that just has not been enabled?
But I have diverged from your original question. When I was first researching this it seemed that Apple themselves must use Doxygen as they seem to use this standard for highlighting code already. With that said, here are some other resources to get the same functionality in other applications:
Atomineer Pro Documentation seems to be the tool for the job in regards to Visual Studio although I have not personally used it. It seems relatively simple to use.
Eclox seems to be a front-end plugin for Eclipse that actually uses Doxygen. But from what I remember you should be able to tweak the IDE itself in the C++ settings in regards to syntax highlighting.
Doxymacs maintains a symbol table inside of Emacs for some quick searching abilities.
It seems that on the Vim project page there's a script that handles this for that editor as well, it is called DoxygenToolkit.
I absolutely feel your pain. There's something warm and toasty about having a nightly crontab generate cleanly documented markup that is easily searchable. I have only recently been on a warpath for finding the best mechanism available for achieving this cross-platform. From what I've gathered most development environments support extensions of sorts, and since Doxygen is basically the "gold standard" there's usually one way or another to shoehorn support in if it doesn't exist out of the box.
If you're interested Doxygen actually supports the C# XML comments out of the box, but unfortunately I wasn't able to get it working in Xcode, and I'm not well versed enough in AppleScript to hack it together. But by all means please update if you do!

Best way to create a standalone-exe (Forms) (C++)

I have to create an application for testing that is relatively simple. If a user plugs in a device into a USB (hid library), the form will say "Pass". If no device is detected, it will say "Fail".
I want to create the app to run on WinXP+. It must be a forms application as it needs to be visual and have colors. The biggest requirement for me is that it must be stand-alone (a user just double clicks, the file and it opens, no installation). I need to avoid installing any extra .dll files and want to avoid the .net framework all together. It has to be written in C++.
So my question is, what are my options? I am new to Forms applications and the only forms application I have written required the .net framework.
From my research, Visual C++ seems out of the question as it requires .net for Forms apps. What about Turbo C++ by Borland? It seems outdated, but can it do the job?
I would suggest Borland C++ Builder 5 or 6. Visual C++ lacks the functionality to create C++ form apps, if we dismiss MFC
I'd say Visual C++ would probably still be your best option. A standard simple Win32 C/C++ program using only the native API will should suite your needs just fine. If you're targeting XP+, then the only dependency would be "msvcrt.dll" which is included with Windows by default.
Edit: This article on MSDN should get you started in the right direction.
What you're talking about is C++/CLI, it's microsoft's dialect of C++ that requires a .Net framework. Please distinguish it from real (native) C++, which can be used to create what you want to. Visual C++ is perfectly fine, just make sure you don't create a .Net project.
Forms are a .NET library. It's not Windows or anything like that, you can use the native GUI libraries in Win32 with no problem or any native wrapping of them. You can implement this in native C++ easily in Visual Studio.
If you're looking to create the application in a rapid fashion (i.e. stock UI components that you can drag and drop onto forms), my experience is that Embarcardero C++ Builder effectively solves that problem space.
I like Visual C++ but it's not a great environment for rapidly creating forms based applications. I want to emphasize that I'm referring to Rapid Application Development (RAD) tools. There are plenty of great C++ IDEs and libraries for creating forms based applications and all of them should be able to create standalone exes.
Here is a list of related questions that might help in your decision:
Best C++ IDE or Editor for Windows

Challenge working with Visual Studio and VC++?

I have started working with C++ recently and am not comfortable with Visual Studio Development Environment and also I do not have proper understanding of MFC, Win32, ATL, COM Terminologies.
From example point of view, I had taken a simple C++ program to see how it works with Visual Studio Environment and I was having some issues to get that code up and running.
I would like to request if someone could point me to some online resources/books where I can get more understanding about Visual Studio Development Environment from C++ perspective and get some knowledge about MFC, Win32, ATL, COM Terminologies than it would be really very helpful to me.
Note: I have checked MSDN library and some related Microsoft sites but when I see HOW DO I kind of video tutorials they are more from .Net/C#/ASP.Net perspective but I am looking for some online resource for C++/VC++ perspective.
www.stackoverflow.com of course will have plenty of resources around if you look # the right tags
The Code Project is also a good resource for windows / C++ programming, here are a couple areas to start looking #:
http://www.codeproject.com/KB/COM/comintro.aspx (via Andy in comments)
The classic book about Win32 is presumably Petzold's. Petzold's book is I think (I've never read it) mostly about GUI programming; whereas the other classic/recommended Win32 book, which is Richter's, is about 'system' (non-GUI) programming.
For learning COM, perhaps Essential COM? Some reviewers praise it, but some others reviews say things like "not for beginners"; but it's how I learned COM, and I found it thorough, low-level, and detailed. It assumes you know C++ (not COM) already.
IMO you don't need books about MFC if you already know C++ and the Win32 API, in which case the reference libraries are sufficient. Alternatively, some people recommend an MFC book like Prosise's.
I learned using Visual Studio IDE and MFC using the Scribble Tutorial. It was a step-by-step tutorial creating a simple MFC application. Unfortunately the tutorial was written for Visual Studio 6.0, and in the meantime almost all wizards and menus changed, so it's not applicable anymore.
The tutorial can be found in MSDN, here, though:
The scribble sample source for Visual Studio 2008 can be found here:
Don't bother learning ATL, WTL, MFC or COM for now (or at all, really). Just use standard C++ for starters. If you want to write GUI programs, I recommend Qt, it is much easier and fun to use than any of the former APIs.
If you have trouble compiling Qt for Visual C++ you can download the entire Qt SDK and it comes with a C++ IDE called Qt Creator. It uses MinGW as a backend.