How to create a session for Run Dialog in Appium? - unit-testing

By using powershell command I can get the run dialog program id, which is Microsoft.Windows.Shell.RunDialog. However, I can't get this working with the code below. Any idea?
DesiredCapabilities desktopCapabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
desktopCapabilities.SetCapability("app", "Microsoft.Windows.Shell.RunDialog");
desktopCapabilities.SetCapability("deviceName", "WindowsPC");
desktopCapabilities.SetCapability("platformName", "Windows");
session = new WindowsDriver<WindowsElement>(new Uri(""), desktopCapabilities);

Take a look at the answers from this post about the run dialog. My best guess is that winappdriver is calling rundll32.exe and that's not the dialog itself.
You could try your luck changing this line
desktopCapabilities.SetCapability("app", "Microsoft.Windows.Shell.RunDialog");
desktopCapabilities.SetCapability("app", "c:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,#61");
Alternatively, you could get the desktop session and send "windows key + r" to it. Here is how you can get the desktop session.


Making a simple message box using C++/WinRT

I'm having trouble making a simple message dialog in C++/WinRT. Something as simple as "You clicked this: press ok to continue" nothing fancy. In the standard Windows API you can simply write MessageBox() and new popup will show up where you can click ok, and you can do somthing similiar in C++/CX with
auto messageDialog = ref new Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog("You clicked on the button!"); messageDialog->ShowAsync();
I've tried using IMessageDialog and ContentDialog classes with no success and can't seem to find a single example out there on how to do it without getting into writing Xaml code which for my perticular project seems unnecisary for something as simple as a message box. Maybe I'm just not setting them up right? But then again there are no examples on how to set it up in the first place (in C++). What am I missing?
I was able to form a simple message dialog using this:
winrt::hstring Title = L"Hello";
winrt::hstring Content = L"Some cool content!";
winrt::Windows::UI::Popups::MessageDialog dialog(Content, Title);
Make sure to also include <winrt/Windows.UI.Core.h> so you can get access to the UI library.
And here is the result:

Problem with Keypress simulation on Linux (Ubuntu 18)

I'm making a hobby project that is basically a bot for a very old flash game, the mouse move and click works fine, but all key presses make the operating system lag/stutter and sometimes stop listening to all keyboard inputs, real or fake.
I started using just XLib with XTests but didn't work, so I tried XSendEvent instead of XTests, but all symptoms stayed the same, so the last attempt was with XDO, which gave better results, but still freezes the OS.
this is the current snippet that I'm trying to use to simulate a keypress:
CheatCore::CheatCore() {
xdo_t x = xdo_new(NULL);
Window *list;
xdo_search_t search;
unsigned int nwindows;
memset(&search, 0, sizeof(xdo_search_t));
search.max_depth = -1;
search.require = xdo_search::SEARCH_ANY;
search.winclass = "Chrome";
int id = xdo_search_windows(x, &search, &list, &nwindows);
qDebug() << nwindows;
qDebug() << "Chrome not found";
w = list[0];
//I have to call activate twice to really bring it forward, I suspect that its
//because I use a transparent "overlay" that show stats for the cheat and it is set as Aways on top
//(i used Qt to set it to not get any Events)
//there is a function that executes every second to check if a pixel color has changed,
//if so, then the SendKey is called to Reload weapon magazine pressing the "space" key
void CheatCore::SendKey(){
xdo_send_keysequence_window(x, w, "space", 500);
I'm using a transparent overlay to show the bot status, with just some numbers appearing, it is a widget created using Qt that is AlwaysOnTop and the paint event draws the desired information's, it is another object and don't have direct impact in the CheatCore, but this is the window flags used to draw over a transparent window and ignore events.
setWindowFlags(Qt::WindowTransparentForInput | Qt::FramelessWindowHint |
I didn't manage to understand what could be provoking this weird behavior, could it be the windowing system?
Also, I tried to find a Qt way of simulating mouse/keyboard inputs, but i didn't manage to find any solution to send events to other windows if there is a way possible of achieving this would be great!
The game i'm trying to automate is called "Storm the House"
If interested this is the link to the online repo : link
Can you help me make this work? Thank you!
Context about the setup:
Ubuntu 18.10 using VGA and Nvidia drivers (if it may influence the xserver)
Did you ever try to use xdotool from command line. To use xdotool you need to install package first.
To simualte a key press, you can use.
xdotool key <key>
For example if you want to simulate key press for X you can use this code
xdotool key x
Or any other combination like
xdotool key ctrl+f
Also you can replace key press with another one, for example if you want to replace pressing D with Backspace you can try this one
xdotool key D BackSpace
You can read complete guid online, also you can write script with this tool and use it in many different situations.
Also you can use it for remote connection too.
I hope this helps you with your little problem.
Using evdev is a linux specific option.
It's a simpler solution as you just need to open the correct file and write to it.
Take a look at this similar question to see how to get started.

showing cmd terminal in qt widgets application

I'm trying to pass some cmd commands using system() and I would like to be able to "communicate" with cmd, say I code in system("dir") in my mainwindow.cpp under my clicked function
this is what it looks like for example
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_login_clicked()
std::string platform_server_ip = ui->lineEdit_platform_server_ip->text().toStdString();
if (platform_server_ip == "dir"
QMessageBox::information(this,"Login", "all required log in details are correct");
const char* c = platform_server_ip.c_str();
I would like to know why it behaves like this and if that's normal. I've included CONFIG += console
in my project file, and checked "run in terminal" (tried it also without) but it never shows me my desired outcome.
Instead what I get, is a blank terminal that pops up along side my GUI, and then when I enter "dir" in my GUI and hit enter, a cmd window pops up really fast and in less than a second, its gone. I've even tried it with system("ipconfig")andsystem ("pause")
as well as with one system command like this system("ipconfig" "&pause")
desired outcome: is just a normal execution of system("ipconfig"), followed by other system commands, that display the same result as typing them in cmd itself.
I've also tried all this in "qt Console application" and I either get the same result, or the output (what would normally be as output on cmd) is then found in "application output" of qt creator.
Is there another better way I can achieve what I want?
I'm truly a noob and would really appreciate some guidance.
You can try
system("cmd /k ipconfig");
This will open another terminal window which will stay open (k stands for keep) at the end of the command execution.
I think you don't need the CONFIG += console project setting, to achieve this. Calling system will start another process, which isn't related at all with the calling application.
If you want to start external programs from within a Qt application, you can use QProcess class, which lets you somehow interact with the started processes through standard in/out. For a very simple example, have a form with a push button and a text edit called textEdit; in the push button clicked slot:
QProcess process;
This way, you won't see additional console windows, and the command output will be shown directly in your text edit.
This can be generalized in a function like this:
bool exec(QString command)
QProcess process;
return false; //the process failed to start
return true;
Depending on whether this is not just a quick hack/tool, you can look at QProcess for more indepth control over your process so that you can read / write the child process pipes.

Blink/Alert in Taskbar for c++

I'm writing my own class to create and handle a progress/overlayicons for a programs taskbar icon.
I'm using the ITaskbarList3 for Windows 7/higher to do this. I can now create a progress or overlayicons, but what I'm missing is the alert/blink effect, that appears if a program wants to get the users attention (e.g. if you have to confirm admin rights and are working on a different tab).
I do not mean the pause/error-indicators for a progress, I need the blinking orange effect, and i wasn't able to find something until now.
Thanks for your help.
Use FlashWindowEx function. See the doc on FLASHWINFO - you can start flashing, stop flashing and specify flashing parameters.
For continuous blinking until the user clicks on the window the code is like this:
fi.cbSize = sizeof(FLASHWINFO);
fi.hwnd = yourHwnd;
fi.uCount = 0;
fi.dwTimeout = 0;

Open URL with ShellExecute - SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED dont active window in C++

I used this function to open new tab in Chrome and active it:
ShellExecuteA(0,0,"chrome.exe"," --incognito",0,SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED);
but Chrome only open new tab but it doesnt active window.
(I call this function from global keyboard-hook of an application with no user interface, if user press specified key).
How I can fix it?
Looks like a bug in chrome.exe. I could repro with your ShellExecute call from a simple console app, if a regular (non-incognito) chrome.exe session was running and no incognito session was running. In other words, if a new incognito chrome session needed to be spawned, the regular session did not appear to correctly propagate the ShowWindow flags to the spawned incognito process. Another factor was that the activation failure also required the regular chrome session to be active before the test app ran. If any other app was active (say notepad.exe), then activation of the incognito session succeeded. The same behavior occurs with ShellExecuteEx and CreateProcess. Observing in Process Explorer (from sysinternals), it's clear that chrome.exe is forking the child process as necessary and then terminating itself. This makes it difficult to intercept an hProcess or processId in order to ultimately call SetActiveWindow.
Its not possible. You have to make Google Chrome as default browser and than try this:
(only tested on WinXP using
first a function, that finds the default app for any File extension:**
enter code here
AnsiString GetDefaultApp(AnsiString ext)
TRegistry* reg = new(TRegistry);
AnsiString MRUList = reg->ReadString("MRUList");
AnsiString ret = reg->ReadString(AnsiString(char(MRUList[1])));
now the code to launch the default app for html files and giving
the URL as parameter:**
void OpenURL(AnsiString URL)
AnsiString app = GetDefaultApp("html");
if(app == NULL)
Now you can open a URL in a new Browser using this command: