CakePHP 3.7: Function name must be a string - cakephp-3.7

I've got a method in UsersController
public function addMailbox($data)
$mailbox = $this->Mailbox->newEntity();
$mailbox->username = $data('username');
$mailbox->name = $data('name');
if ($this->Mailbox->save($mailbox)) {
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
, the code works fine when pasted into the add() method, but after using
all i get is
error: Function name must be a string
Any ideas?

You've got the wrong syntax for accessing arrays in PHP, use square brackets:
$mailbox->username = $data['username'];
$mailbox->name = $data['name'];
The way you've got it, it's trying to call a function with the variable named in $data, but $data is an array not a string (see Variable functions for more info on that).
Also you shouldn't set user input on $mailbox properties directly - this bypasses validation. Instead just stick $data in newEntity():
public function addMailbox($data)
$this->loadModel('Mailbox'); // This also is not required if this function is inside the MailboxController
$mailbox = $this->Mailbox->newEntity($data);
if ($this->Mailbox->save($mailbox)) {
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);


Laravel testing - Problems with created routes

I have a question about routing while testing packages. The function setRoutes creates new routes in the test file as follows:
class PackageTests extends \Orchestra\Testbench\TestCase {
protected function setRoutes()
'prefix' => Package::functionToCall1(),
'before' => 'filter'
], function() {
Route::get('/', function () {
return "hello";
protected function getEnvironmentSetUp($app)
$this->app = $app;
Config::set('app.url', "http://localhost/" );
public function testFunction1()
$crawler = $this->call(
// doing this call, the function on the prefix is called
Inside the function called in the prefix, functionToCall1() urls are not taken successfully. A call to URL::current() returns "/" and a call to Request::fullUrl() returns "http://:" when phpunit is executed but they returns the full url when used executing a url in the browser. This is the code of the package:
class Package
function functionToCall1()
var_dump(URL::current() ); // returns "/"
var_dump(Request::fullUrl()); // returns "http://:"
// I want them to return 'http://localhost'
I tried setting up the url Config::set('app.url', "http://localhost/" ); but it was useless.
To sum up, is there a way to call a function in the prefix and get the testing url?
Thanks, I would really appreciate your answers :)
I have had to deal with a similar issue. My solution was found here:
Mocking Laravel's Request::segment method
Apparently there is an order of operations issue with testing a Request facade.
I was trying to use Request::segments() before the request was being built, so there were never any segments to return.
I imagine it's the same problem with Request::fullUrl().
Here is my solution:
class MyTestClass extends TestCase
public function setUp()
// No call to parent::setUp()
$this->app = $this->createApplication();
$this->app->request->server->set('REQUEST_URI', '/some/uri');
$this->client = $this->createClient();
public function testWhatever()
$this->call('GET', '/some/uri');
This allows me to get the request data properly, even though it looks pretty bad.

dwoo addPlugin not working

I followed the tutorial on github how to implemented a Plugin as user-defined function.
I used exactly the same code as in the example:
$dwoo->addPlugin('email_safe', 'fix_address');
But I get this error:
Error: Class 'fix_address', does not exist
Instead of using a function
function fix_address(Dwoo\Core $core, $str) {
return $value;
it works when using a class, which is odd because it says functions are allowed too
class fix_address{
public static function process($value) {
return $value;

prestashop assign a cookie in a module

I would like to get the var $param from file blockcart.php in the module block cart and put it in a cookie. I'm not so good in POO so can anyone tell me what is wrong with my code.
public function hookAjaxCall($params)
global $cookie; //mycode
if (Configuration::get('PS_CATALOG_MODE'))
$res = $this->display(__FILE__, 'blockcart-json.tpl');
$cookie->__set('test', $param); //my code
return $res;
The __set is a "magic method" not for use directly. Use this coding form instead:
$cookie->test = $params;
The __set() function will handle the assignment of the new member variable you have created. Likewise you can use:
global $cookie;
if (isset($cookie->test))
// Use $cookie->test in your custom code

ExpressionEngine templates: pass a plugin/module's output as parameter to another plugin/module

Here's basically what I want to accomplish:
{exp:plugin1:method arg="{exp:plugin2:method}"}
I’ve tried a number of different approaches.
Approach 1:
{exp:plugin1:method arg="{exp:plugin2:method}"}
Result: Plugin1->method’s arg parameter value is the string, {exp:plugin2:method}, and it’s never parsed.
Approach 2:
My understanding of the parsing order suggests that this might have different results, but apparently it does not.
{exp:plugin1:method arg="{replaced}"}
Result: The arg parameter has the same value as approach 1.
Approach 3:
First I define a snippet (snip), whose content is:
Then in the template:
{exp:plugin1:method arg="{snip}"}
Result: Same as approaches 1 and 2.
Approach 4:
Noting that plugins are processed in the order they appear, I have even tested simply placing an instance of {exp:plugin2:method} before the {exp:plugin1:method} call. My thinking is that I could wrap this first call in a regex replacement plugin in order to suppress output, but that it would trigger Plugin2’s parsing first.
{exp:plugin1:method arg="{exp:plugin2:method}"}
Result: Plugin1->method’s arg parameter value is the temporary hash placeholder for Plugin2->method’s output (MD5 I believe) that the Template class reserves until later.
Interesting approach. However, this can be achieved more simply like this:
{exp:plugin1:method arg="{exp:plugin2:method}" parse="inward"}
I have a workaround, but I'll wait a while to see if a better solution comes up before I accept my own answer. The workaround is to wrap plugin1 with plugin2 and replace template tags referring to its methods within the tagdata. Note that this requires a parse="inward" parameter on the plugin2 call.
In the template:
{exp:plugin2 parse="inward"}
{exp:plugin1:method arg="{someplugin2method}"}
In the plugin class:
static $public_methods;
function __construct() {
// Actual construction code omitted...
if(($tagdata = $this->EE->TMPL->tagdata) !== false && trim($tagdata) !== '') {
if(!isset(self::$public_methods)) {
self::$public_methods = array();
$methods = get_class_methods($this);
foreach($methods as $method) {
if($method == get_class($this) || $method == '__construct') {
$reflection = new ReflectionMethod(get_class($this), $method);
if($reflection->isPublic()) {
self::$public_methods[] = $method;
self::$public_methods = implode('|', self::$public_methods);
$tagdata = preg_replace_callback('/\{(' . self::$public_methods . ')\}/',
array($this, 'tagdata_callback'), $tagdata);
$this->return_data = $tagdata;
private function tagdata_callback($matches) {
$method = $matches[1];
return $this->$method();
This can make for messier templates.
Maintaining a list of public methods apparently requires Reflection which is not available in PHP 4. You can, of course, maintain a list of expected methods manually.

RegExpValidator never matches

I've got a class that's meant to validate input fields to make sure the value is always a decimal. I've tested the regex here:, and it looks like it does the right thing, but in my app, I can't seem to get it to match to a number format.
Class Definition:
public class DecimalValidator {
//------------------------------- ATTRIBUTES
public var isDecimalValidator:RegExpValidator;
//------------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS
public function DecimalValidator() {
isDecimalValidator = new RegExpValidator();
isDecimalValidator.expression = "^-?(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$";
isDecimalValidator.flags = "g";
isDecimalValidator.required = true; = "text";
isDecimalValidator.triggerEvent = FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT;
isDecimalValidator.noMatchError = "Float Expected";
Setting the source here:
public function registerDecimalInputValidator(inputBox:TextInput, valArr:Array):void {
// Add Validators
var dValidator:DecimalValidator = new DecimalValidator();
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.source = inputBox;
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.trigger = inputBox;
inputBox.restrict = "[0-9].\\.\\-";
inputBox.maxChars = 10;
And Calling it here:
registerDecimalInputValidator(textInput, validatorArr);
Where textInput is an input box created earlier.
Clearly I'm missing something simple yet important, but I'm not entirely sure what! Any help would be much appreciated.
I don't know ActionScript, but as far as I know it's an ECMAScript language, so I expect you need to escape the backslashes if you use a string to define a regex:
isDecimalValidator.expression = "^-?(\\d+\\.\\d*|\\.\\d+)$";
This strikes me as wrong; but I can't quite put my finger on it. For your DecimalValidator instead of composing a RegExpValidator; why not extend it?
public class DecimalValidator extend RegExpValidator{
//------------------------------- CONSTRUCTORS
public function DecimalValidator() {
this.expression = "^-?(\d+\.\d*|\.\d+)$";
this.flags = "g";
this.required = true; = "text";
this.triggerEvent = FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT;
this.noMatchError = "Float Expected";
How when is the registerdecimalInputValidator called? I have a slight worry about the Validator instance is a local variable to a method instead of 'global' property to the function.
protected var dValidator:DecimalValidator = new DecimalValidator();
public function registerDecimalInputValidator(inputBox:TextInput):void {
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.source = inputBox;
dValidator.isDecimalValidator.trigger = inputBox;
I'm not sure why you are setting restrictions on the TextInput in the registerDecimalInputValidator method; that should be done when you create the method (in createChildren() or possibly in response to public properties changing, in commitProperties . It is also not obvious to me what the validatorArr does. If you're expecting to access values inside the validatorArrray outside of the method; it would often be a common practice to return that value from the method. Without looking it up; I'm not sure if Arrays are passed by value or reference in Flex.