Change admin theme in a ongoing project - django

I have developed a project in django as core technology and i need to change the admin theme but cant change it can any one specify an experienced steps for this process

If you want to create your own theme, you need to override admin 'static files' and 'templates'.
Otherwise, the best way is to use an already available theme like


WYSIWYG form for users in Django CMS

Recently I started using Django CMS, it turns out to be a great tool for web developer. But one thing I couldn't have achieved so far is creating a form for users so they could submit some content created with WYSIWYG editor. I thought maybe there's some easy way to add editor available in admin panel (the one you use with creating / modifying Text plugins), doesn't seem like that unfortunately.
Long story short - I'd like to enbable users to use the same WYISWYG editor available from admin panel, without giving them permission to access admin panel. Is it possible? Or do I have to use some additional extension so I could embed similiar editor on my Page(s)?
Maybe you should look into divio/djangocms-text-ckeditor. It offers a HTMLFieldto be parts of models and a TextEditorWidgetto be parts of your app's forms.
So based on the comments I assume, when you say "users", you mean anonymous site visitors that are not registered to the CMS? And you want to display a WYSIWYG form field to them to "submit some content"?
If my assumptions are correct, you just need to create an own plugin or maybe an app.

How to change 'Django Administration' name to a custom name in admin login and admin page

I am trying to change the name of django administration to custom name how do i do that.Is there any way completely customize the admin page give it more professional look
There are several ways to customize the Django admin.
First of all, you can always override any template (see docs : it is actually using this very case as example)
Starting with Django 1.7, it will be accessible via settings :
Finally, you could use a admin skin app such as the wonderful Grappelli wich already provides a similar setting :
Hope this helps,
Copy the admin templates to your project template folders (if you don't know how, just create an admin subdirectory in your project/templates folder).
The django branding is located in: base_site.html file.
You can find the source of it either in your django installed package or by checking the source code in github:
Additionally with this method you can also completely override the default admin implementation, if you are not familiar or you don't want to spend so much time in it, you can also use a ready to use package such as grapelli: or django suit:
Note that branding will change in the next django release, the user will be able to define those in the settings file:

Magento how to make my own admin based custom template?

I am newbie to the magento. I want to develop my own custom template in magento. Where I would like to have some custom settings from admin panel to change the looks of the theme like change colour or to upload logo etc.. So can someone kindly tell me is there any documentation available or any referenced link? Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable.
Have a look at this link
Near the bottom you have the Magento System Configuration section, with this you can create a module to handle all your admin settings for your entire site. This is by far the best way to learn how to setup modules, especially complicated ones that involve admin settings.
There will however be plugins for what you want so check on Magento connect first, and there are some free themes for older Magento installs that include similar custom plugins for customizing the themes you can use as a potential reference if you can dig them up (sorry I don't have any examples to hand as I used bought themes to learn from).

How to handle project or app specific settings in django?

How can one store, retrieve and allow the user to change the settings of a project or an app? A constant in is not good enough, as I want some users to be able to change the value of the setting. A way to present these in the admin interface would be optimal.
If it's via an admin interface then using the database sounds like a sure bet. Check out this similar looking question on StackOverflow.

Custom Django admin panel

I want to use Django for a web application I'm building that will have an admin panel. I know that you need to just activate the admin app and you're ready to go. However, I would like to have a custom panel, I mean, I want to design the layout myself, I want to add menus and forms for the admin to insert new data in the database etc. Is it possible? or I should write a similar application that will have such features?
For more control over the layout (custom menus etc.) you should check django-admin-tools.
And if you take a look at Django's docs you'll learn that you can easily tweak and override most parts of the admin. For example here is a demonstration on how to use a custom form:
So the admin is pretty customizable. But the question if you should build your own app or reuse the admin depends pretty much on your specific needs. At least make sure you know in which directions the admin can be easily bend.
The sole purpose for Django's admin is to allow you to manipulate (add/edit/remove) data in your database. I think you should at least try to check what the admin is capable of before trying to reinvent the wheel. You'll soon discover the level of complex insight the admin allows you to have. Then you'll discover that making it yourself is unnecessary excess of work and you'll end up with modifying a couple of admin-templates and CSS styles.
Yes, you can customize Django Admin Panel, Django provides some sort of customization for showing database tables structure from their own, for that you can follow DJANGO ADMIN SITE DOC , it will really help you.
For the customizations beyond the Django admin site settings, you can customize admin panel add manual layout, by adding manual detailing in Django template files which are stored in Django environment, django/django/contrib/admin/templates/admin/index.html of your current Django version. You can update its HTML, CSS, and JS according to need.