I want to make a simple flow for registration app.
User sign up with only email -> The verification/registration link is sent to the email -> People register (putting in their password) on that link
I've googled anything but haven't found any way to make it with AWS Cognito.
Looks like Cognito is forcing users to sign up with at least email AND password to get the confirmation link
You can sign up users with adminCreateUser API call. They will receive an email with temporary passwords. This approach is configurable.
See: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito-user-identity-pools/latest/APIReference/API_AdminCreateUser.html
Use: AdminCreateUser
Create a new user profile by using the AWS Management Console or by calling the AdminCreateUser API. Specify the temporary password(will be your user's password) or allow Amazon Cognito to automatically generate one.
Specify whether provided email addresses and phone numbers are marked as verified for new users.
Specify custom SMS and email invitation messages for new users via the AWS Management Console.
Specify whether invitation messages are sent via SMS, email, or both.
After successful user creation,
1. authenticate user using same user credentials
Use: SDK calls InitiateAuth(Username, USER_SRP_AUTH)
2. After success of initateAuth, amazon Cognito returns the PASSWORD_VERIFIER challenge with Salt & Secret block.
3. Use RespondToAuthChallenge(Username, <SRP variables>, PASSWORD_VERIFIER
4. Amazon Cognito returns the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge along with the current and required attributes.
5. The user is prompted and enters a new password and any missing values for required attributes.
6. Call RespondToAuthChallenge(Username, <New password>, <User attributes>).
7. After successful password change user can be able to login using same credentials added by you.
Short answer
- In that case, you can specify the temporary password(will allow Amazon Cognito to automatically generate one.).
- all user users will be forced to change their password only at first login.
The AWS documentation for JS SDK says:
Force Change Password
The user account is confirmed and the user can sign in using a temporary password, but on first sign-in, the user must change his or her password to a new value before doing anything else.
User accounts that are created by an administrator or developer start in this state.
But if for such a user I try to call forgotPassword method of SDK, it errors saying something like: Password cannot be reset in the current state.
SO how can I complete the registration of a user (created by admin in IAM) from my website. Which is the SDK method that should be called ?
Setting up an Auto Verify Lambda Trigger on the Pre Sign Up Trigger will allow for the user to be a confirmed state, which may get you to the point you are looking for?
Lambda -> Node.js
Give it an appropriate Title
Place the below value in the code:
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
// Confirm the user
event.response.autoConfirmUser = true;
// Set the email as verified if it is in the request
if (event.request.userAttributes.hasOwnProperty("email")) {
event.response.autoVerifyEmail = true;
// Return to Amazon Cognito
callback(null, event);
Then Select newly created trigger in General Settings -> Triggers -> Pre sign-up
We can do this,
I previously answered mongodb to aws cogniton migration question.
Go through step by step. I explained that the user's created by admin need to change the password(forgot password) but there's still another way to do it. Checkout my answer,
Some content from my answer,
Create a new user profile by using the AWS Management Console or by calling the AdminCreateUser API. Specify the temporary password or allow Amazon Cognito to automatically generate one.
Specify whether provided email addresses and phone numbers are marked as verified for new users. Specify custom SMS and email invitation messages for new users via the AWS Management Console.
Specify whether invitation messages are sent via SMS, email, or both.
After successful user creation,
authenticate user using same user credentials Use: SDK calls InitiateAuth(Username, USER_SRP_AUTH)
After success of initateAuth, amazon Cognito returns the PASSWORD_VERIFIER challenge with Salt & Secret block.
Use RespondToAuthChallenge(Username, , PASSWORD_VERIFIER)
Amazon Cognito returns the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge along with the current and required attributes.
The user is prompted and enters a new password and any missing values for required attributes.
Call RespondToAuthChallenge(Username, , ).
After successful password change user can be able to login using same credentials which admin created.
Refer: Unable to confirm the user registration via aws
Amplify CLI authentication with Cognito user pools currently has two main modes, signin with username or with email. In the former case email uniqueness as a required user attribute is not being enforced.
Cognito service by itself supports the "Also allow sign in with verified email address" option (AWS Console, User Pool Attributes-section) but it can be set only upon user pool creation (i.e. can not be modified later - checkboxes are disabled). Is it possible to enforce no duplicate emails within the user pool while allowing users to authenticate with username or with email?
To summarize, my use case requires:
Verifying/enforcing email attribute uniqueness at the Cognito level when signing up users via Amplify's Auth.SignUp;
Keeping username-based login but allowing users to login with their email as well (that is, Auth.SignIn with email or username supplied as the username-argument).
When you add the user pool with amplify add auth choose 'Username' as the method with which you want users to sign in when prompted.
If you aren't prompted with this choice, you might need to try amplify add auth again but this time choose Manual configuration when prompted at the beginning.
Once you've completed the entire auth set up via amplify add auth, BEFORE you run amplify push for the first time, run amplify override auth.
This creates a new override.ts file which you can edit with AWS CDK code to customise your Cognito resources beyond the abilities the CLI allows.
You can find the override.ts file at:
Inside the override file, add the following line into the empty function that's made for you:
resources.userPool.aliasAttributes = ['email'];
Now you can save the file, and run amplify push and hopefully your new user pool will show in the AWS Console that you've successfully configured it to allow user name and email sign in together.
You have to make sure you write the override code before amplify push or your user pool will be created in the cloud, and attempting to override this sign in functionality after the user pool has been created throws an error as it's read only.
If you find yourself in that position, you'll need to create a new user pool, you can't modify the existing one.
I have a Lambda function which creates users using adminCreateUser Cognito function. My app is basically an invite only app where the admin can only invite certain users. Everything is working great so far, and I am able to resend invitation email notifications as well. However, I am trying to figure out how I can find out if a user created by adminCreateUser method has "expired" i.e. the user has not accepted the invite and changed the temporary password.
When the admin creates a user using adminCreateUser the status is FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD by default. When the user with this status attempts to Log in using the temporary password (from the verification email), Cognito sends a challenge back in the challengeName attribute of NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED, based on which the user is forced to change their password through the application and upon successful reset the status would change to CONFIRMED in Cognito for that user. This is working great so far, but I also need to handle scenario where the invited user never really changed their password by attempting to log into the application.
Now, I have set the - "How quickly should user accounts created by administrators expire if not used?" - to 7 days (default). What would be the status of the user account after 7 days if the user doesn't reset their password? I tried to find out from the documentation but it's not clear what the status of the user account would be in this situation.
NOTE: This is not about Token expiration in the client but rather expiration of an account created via the adminCreateUser method.
According below link: "After the account expires, the user cannot log in to the account until the administrator updates the user's profile by updating an attribute or by resending the password to the user"
All tthe best,
I created an user pool with AWS Cognito. It works good but many email servers (providers like FreeTelecom our Orange in France) never received the Confirmation Code (in order to validate an email address and activate a user account). I found nothing in the AWS Documentation. Please someone could help me ?
Image url:
Please do find the image url and open it for reference.
While creating your user pool you have to enable MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) on aws console.
Do verify 1. whether you have Marked MFA as required field. 2.Which second factors do you want to enable? Enable an option OTP or SMS 3.Do you want to require verification of emails or phone numbers? Check the field both Email and Phone Number
While creating user in userpool, user invitation messages are sent with a temporary password but email verification messages is not being sent.
I was creating a very simple setup to try out aws cognito service.
Here is what I did in AWS cognito, I created a user pool with step by step as follows:
1)What do you want to name your user pool?
-> testpool
2)How do you want to create your user pool?
-> step through settings
3)How do you want your end users to sign in?
->Email address or phone number-Allow email addresses
4)What password strength do you want to require?
->Minimum length=6
5)Do you want to allow users to sign themselves up?
->Allow users to sign themselves up
6)How quickly should user accounts created by administrators expire if not used?
->Days to expire-7
7)Do you want to enable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?
8)Do you want to require verification of emails or phone numbers?
9)You must provide a role to allow Amazon Cognito to send SMS messages
10)Do you want to customize your email verification messages?
->Verification type-link
->Email subject = Your verification link
->Email message = Please click the link below to verify your email address. {##Verify Email##}
11)Do you want to customize your user invitation messages?
->SMS message = Your username is {username} and temporary password is ->{####}.
->Email subject = Your temporary password
->Email message = Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.
12)Do you want to customize your email address?
13)Do you want to add tags for this user pool?
14)Do you want to remember your user's devices?
15)Which app clients will have access to this user pool?
->none(will simulate from create user option in genral setting-user and group)
16)Do you want to customize workflows with triggers?
17)Review page - this page shows summary of whatever I selected
Create pool
Now after pool creation went ot genral setting-user and group and clicked create user
A Create user pop-up shows:
Username (Required): myEmailAddress
Send an invitation to this new user?: check
Temporary password: left blank
Phone Number: empty(not required)
Mark phone number as verified? unCheck
Email: myEmailAddress
Mark email as verified? unCheck
Click on Create User
A mail is received into my account form no-reply#verificationemail.com via amazonses.com,with subject: Your temporary password with message as: Your username is somemailid#gmail.com and temporary password is agsjyk.
This is okay.
But I didnot receive any verification mail link before previous mail.
Not sure if you're missing this particular setup....Domain name is require for link verification.
Under "Tab integration" then "Domain name"
A mail is received into my account form no-reply#verificationemail.com via
with subject: Your temporary password
with message as: Your username is somemailid#gmail.com and temporary password is > agsjyk.
Looking at this it seems you are creating the user via the Cognito API by the AdminCreateUser method, and that's why you are receiving a temporary password.
The confirmation email you are expecting will only be sent if the user registers itself, so you should use the SignUp method.
verification mail link is for when users sign themselves up, they will receive a link to ask them to verify the email address instead of a code. In your case, you are send a temporary password to the user, so the link wont show up.
You need to add a domain in this section of the Incognito Service:
Also, if you are not getting the email, click on the user, and check their email, it could be wrong.
If anyone else is facing this issue, it appears that you cannot send verification emails if you use SAML or a federated identity provider. Cognito sets the cognito user to EXTERNAL_PROVIDER and no Cognito API calls allow sending a verifcation code or link. The cognito user is automatically created on initial sign-in. I have my user pool set to validate email address but it is always set to false.
The only way that I know to confirm the user via SSO is to use an external verification process outside of cognito.
With Cognito, if you have added both email and phone number then you should allow both as verification methods(In the SignUp experience Tab) as below:
Otherwise the email verification link or code is not sent