Using command line arguments to extract from txt file and run specific classes in C++ - c++

I'm working on a project that needs to be run with either of the following commands:
./project.exe -Stack < [filename]
./project.exe -Queue < [filename]
I am wondering why there is a - in front of both Stack and Queue and why the filename is preceded by < and is in brackets.
The purpose of this format is to tell the program to either run using a stack class or run using a queue class. I will also need to extract the information from the text file mentioned in the command line.
I am familiar with general command line arguments and how to use them, but I have never seen this notation before and can't find any clear explanations.

The dash for the options are simply a common convention. Usually with modern command-line programs one uses double-dash for so-called long options (like e.g. --stack) and single dash for short options (e.g. -s).
Many existing argument parsers, like the Linux getopt_long function, actually requires the single or double dashes for short and long options to be recognized as such.
The < is file redirection. It tells the shell to redirect the programs standard input from the file. Inside the program you can read from standard input (std::cin) and it will be automatically reading from the file. This redirection is handled entirely by the shell.


LLDB summary strings without quotes

Lets say that I have a c++ class that contains two c strings like below.
class PathExample {
char* partA; // Eg: "/some/folder/"
char* partB; // Eg: "SomeFile.txt"
I can make an lldb summary string for it:
type summary add PathExample --summary-string "${var.partA}${var.partB}"
However this adds unnecessary and confusing quotes "/some/folder/""SomeFile.txt".
How can I format the type summary string to not use quotes, or at least append the strings before adding quotes? Eg: "/some/folder/SomeFile.txt"
"Remove leading or trailing quote in the summary value" before adding to the output is a not supported by the summary string formatting options. We're trying to keep those options fairly streamlined, and that's a bit too much of a special purpose feature.
The thing that allows us to keep the summary string version fairly restrained is that you can always write a Python summary, which allows you to format up the output in whatever way you like. There's an example that's somewhat like what you want in the section on Python scripting:
You wouldn't use GetValueAsUnsigned as that example does. The C-string rendering of char * types is actually done by a built-in summary, so you would use "SBValue.GetSummary" to get the string value. That's actually the same thing that's substituted into the summary string so it also has the quotes on it. But in Python it's trivial to strip the leading and trailing quotes before concatenating the two strings.
Note, though it's convenient for playing around with, you don't have to define the Python summary callback inline as shown in the example. You can put a function with the correct signature in a .py file somewhere, use command script import <path to .py file> and then import it using the -F option to type summary add. Remember to use the full name of the function (module_name.func_name) when you specify it. I have a bunch of these in a ~/.lldb directory and command script import them in my ~/.lldbinit.
help type summary add has some more details on how to do this.

Including files as raw string literals [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
"#include" a text file in a C program as a char[]
(21 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a C++ source file and a Python source file. I'd like the C++ source file to be able to use the contents of the Python source file as a big string literal. I could do something like this:
char* python_code = "
#include ""
But that won't work because there need to be \'s at the end of each line. I could manually copy and paste in the contents of the Python code and surround each line with quotes and a terminating \n, but that's ugly. Even though the python source is going to effectively be compiled into my C++ app, I'd like to keep it in a separate file because it's more organized and works better with editors (emacs isn't smart enough to recognize that a C string literal is python code and switch to python mode while you're inside it).
Please don't suggest I use PyRun_File, that's what I'm trying to avoid in the first place ;)
The C/C++ preprocessor acts in units of tokens, and a string literal is a single token. As such, you can't intervene in the middle of a string literal like that.
You could preprocess into something like:
"some code\n"
"some more code that will be appended\n"
and #include that, however. Or you can use xxd​ -i to generate a C static array ready for inclusion.
This won't get you all the way there, but it will get you pretty damn close.
Assuming contains this:
print "The current CPU time in seconds is: ", time.clock()
First, wrap it up like this:
STRINGIFY(print "The current CPU time in seconds is: ", time.clock())
Then, just before you include it, do this:
#define STRINGIFY(x) #x
const char * script_py =
#include ""
There's probably an even tighter answer than that, but I'm still searching.
The best way to do something like this is to include the file as a resource if your environment/toolset has that capability.
If not (like embedded systems, etc.), you can use a bin2c utility (something like It'll take a file's binary representation and spit out a C source file that includes an array of bytes initialized to that data. You might need to do some tweaking of the tool or the output file if you want the array to be '\0' terminated.
Incorporate running the bin2c utility into your makefile (or as a pre-build step of whatever you're using to drive your builds). Then just have the file compiled and linked with your application and you have your string (or whatever other image of the file) sitting in a chunk of memory represented by the array.
If you're including a text file as string, one thing you should be aware of is that the line endings might not match what functions expect - this might be another thing you'd want to add to the bin2c utility or you'll want to make sure your code handles whatever line endings are in the file properly. Maybe modify the bin2c utility to have a '-s' switch that indicates you want a text file incorportated as a string so line endings will be normalized and a zero byte will be at the end of the array.
You're going to have to do some of your own processing on the Python code, to deal with any double-quotes, backslashes, trigraphs, and possibly other things, that appear in it. You can at the same time turn newlines into \n (or backslash-escape them) and add the double-quotes on either end. The result will be a header file generated from the Python source file, which you can then #include. Use your build process to automate this, so that you can still edit the Python source as Python.
You could use Cog as part of your build process (to do the preprocessing and to embed the code). I admit that the result of this is probably not ideal, since then you end up seeing the code in both places. But any time I see the "Python," "C++", and "Preprocessor" in closs proximity, I feel it deserves a mention.
Here is how automate the conversion with cmd.exe
------ html2h.bat ------
#echo off
echo const char * html_page = "\
sed "/.*/ s/$/ \\n\\/" ../src/page.html | sed s/\"/\\\x22/g
echo ";
It was called like
cmd /c "..\Debug\html2h.bat" > "..\debug\src\html.h"
and attached to the code by
#include "../Debug/src/html.h"
printf("%s\n", html_page);
This is quite system-dependent approach but, as most of the people, I disliked the hex dump.
Use fopen, getline, and fclose.

Using boost spirit parser for in-line editing and autocompletion prompting

I am trying to design a server app which will read a command line over a socket stream (one character at a time). Obviously the simple way is to read characters up to the EOL and execute the command contained in the receive buffer.
Instead, I want to have it so that when a user starts entering a command line and then enters "?", the app will generate a list of all the parameters which are syntactically correct from that point in the parsing of the command line (this is similar to the way it is in some embedded devices that I have seen, like Cisco and Netscreen routers).
For example,
$ set interface ?
would display
> set interface [option] -- displays information about the specified interface.
> [option] must be one of the following:
> address [ip-addr]
> port [port-no]
> protocol [tcp|udp]
So basically, I would need to know where we were in the grammar, and what symbols are expected from that point forward.
It would also be nice if it could support simple line editing commands (BS, DEL, insert, left-arrow, right-arrow), and maybe even up-arrow/down-arrow for command history.
Can this be done using the boost spirit parser?
Simply put: Is there a simple way to create a boost spirit parser which (in addition to having a set of rules), immediately executes an action anytime '?' is encountered on the input stream (without having to explicitly encode the token '?' into the rules)?

Opening a file on unix using c++

I am trying to open a file in c++ and the server the progam in running on is based on tux.
string filename = "../dir/input.txt"; works but
string filename = "~jal/dir1/dir/input.txt"; fails
Is there any way to open a file in c++ when the filename provided is in the second format?
The ~jal expansion is performed by the shell (bash/csh/whatever), not by the system itself, so your program is trying to look into the folder named ~jal/, not /home/jal/.
I'm not a C coder, but getpwent() may be what you need.
You could scan the string, replacing ~user by the appropriate directory.
The POSIX function wordexp does that, and a few other things
variable substitution, like you can use $HOME
optional command substitution, like $(echo foo) (can be disabled)
arithmetic expansion, like $((3+4))
word splitting, like splitting ~/a ~/b into two words
wildcard expansion, like *.cpp
and quoting, like "~/a ~/b" remains that
Here is a ready piece of code, that performs this task:
How do I expand `~' in a filename like the shell does?

Incorporating text files in applications?

Is there anyway I can incorporate a pretty large text file (about 700KBs) into the program itself, so I don't have to ship the text files together in the application directory ? This is the first time I'm trying to do something like this, and I have no idea where to start from.
Help is greatly appreciated (:
Depending on the platform that you are on, you will more than likely be able to embed the file in a resource container of some kind.
If you are programming on the Windows platform, then you might want to look into resource files. You can find a basic intro here:
With more detailed information here:
Have a look at the xxd command and its -include option. You will get a buffer and a length variable in a C formatted file.
If you can figure out how to use a resource file, that would be the preferred method.
It wouldn't be hard to turn a text file into a file that can be compiled directly by your compiler. This might only work for small files - your compiler might have a limit on the size of a single string. If so, a tiny syntax change would make it an array of smaller strings that would work just fine.
You need to convert your file by adding a line at the top, enclosing each line within quotes, putting a newline character at the end of each line, escaping any quotes or backslashes in the text, and adding a semicolon at the end. You can write a program to do this, or it can easily be done in most editors.
This is my example document:
"Four score and seven years ago,"
can be found in the file c:\quotes\GettysburgAddress.txt
Convert it to:
static const char Text[] =
"This is my example document:\n"
"\"Four score and seven years ago,\"\n"
"can be found in the file c:\\quotes\\GettysburgAddress.txt\n"
This produces a variable Text which contains a single string with the entire contents of your file. It works because consecutive strings with nothing but whitespace between get concatenated into a single string.