I have nginx container in AWS that does reverse proxy for my website e.g. https://example.com. I have backend services that automatically register in local DNS - aws.local (this is done by AWS ECS Auto-Discovery).
The problem I have is that nginx is only resolving name to IP during start, so when service container is rebooted and gets new IP, nginx still tries old IP and I have "502 Bad Gateway" error.
Here is a code that I am running:
worker_processes 1;
events { worker_connections 1024; }
http {
sendfile on;
include /etc/nginx/mime.types;
log_format graylog2_json '{ "timestamp": "$time_iso8601", '
'"remote_addr": "$remote_addr", '
'"body_bytes_sent": $body_bytes_sent, '
'"request_time": $request_time, '
'"response_status": $status, '
'"request": "$request", '
'"request_method": "$request_method", '
'"host": "$host",'
'"upstream_cache_status": "$upstream_cache_status",'
'"upstream_addr": "$upstream_addr",'
'"http_x_forwarded_for": "$http_x_forwarded_for",'
'"http_referrer": "$http_referer", '
'"http_user_agent": "$http_user_agent" }';
upstream service1 {
server service1.aws.local:8070;
upstream service2 {
server service2.aws.local:8080;
resolver valid=10s;
server {
listen 443 http2 ssl;
server_name example.com;
location /main {
proxy_pass http://service1;
location /auth {
proxy_pass http://service2;
I find advices to change nginx config to resolve names per request, but then I see my browser tries to open "service2.aws.local:8070" and fails since its AWS local DNS name. I should see https://example.com/auth" on my browser.
server {
set $main service1.aws.local:2000;
set $auth service2.aws.local:8070;
location /main {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_pass http://$main;
location /auth {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_pass http://$auth;
Can you help me fixing it?
Thanks !!!
set $upstream "service1.aws.local";
proxy_pass http://$upstream:8070;
Just like with ECS, I experienced the same issue when using Docker Compose.
According to six8's comment on GitHub
nginx only resolves hostnames on startup. You can use variables with
proxy_pass to get it to use the resolver for runtime lookups.
It's quite annoying.
One of the links above provides an example
set $backend "foo.example.com";
proxy_pass http://$backend;
The resolver part is necessary. And we can't refer to the defined upstreams here.
According to Ivan Frolov's answer on StackExchange, the resolver's address should be set to
What is the TTL for your CloudMap Service Discovery records? If you do an NS lookup from the NGINX container (assuming EC2 mode and you can exec into the container) does it return the new record? Without more information, it's hard to say, but I'd venture to say this is a TTL issue and not an NGINX/Service Discovery problem.
Lower the TTL to 1 second and see if that works.
AWS CloudMap API Reference DNS Record
I found perfectly solution of this issue.
Nginx "proxy_pass" can't use "etc/hosts" information.
I wanna sugguest you use HA-Proxy reverse proxy in ECS.
I tried nginx reverse proxy, but failed. And success with HA-Proxy.
It is more simple than nginx configuration.
First, use "links" option of Docker and setting "environment variables" (eg. LINK_APP, LINK_PORT).
Second, fill this "environment variables" into haproxy.cfg.
Also, I recommend you use "dynamic port mapping" to ALB. it makes more flexible works.
taskdef.json :
# taskdef.json
"executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:role/<APP_NAME>_ecsTaskExecutionRole",
"containerDefinitions": [
"name": "<APP_NAME>-rp",
"image": "gnokoheat/ecs-reverse-proxy:latest",
"essential": true,
"memoryReservation": <MEMORY_RESV>,
"portMappings": [
"hostPort": 0,
"containerPort": 80,
"protocol": "tcp"
"links": [
"environment": [
"name": "LINK_PORT",
"value": "<SERVICE_PORT>"
"name": "LINK_APP",
"value": "<APP_NAME>"
"name": "<APP_NAME>",
"image": "<IMAGE_NAME>",
"essential": true,
"memoryReservation": <MEMORY_RESV>,
"portMappings": [
"protocol": "tcp",
"containerPort": <SERVICE_PORT>
"environment": [
"name": "PORT",
"value": "<SERVICE_PORT>"
"name": "APP_NAME",
"value": "<APP_NAME>"
"requiresCompatibilities": [
"networkMode": "bridge",
"family": "<APP_NAME>"
haproxy.cfg :
# haproxy.cfg
pidfile /var/run/haproxy.pid
log global
mode http
retries 3
timeout connect 5000
timeout client 50000
timeout server 50000
frontend http
bind *:80
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Host %[req.hdr(Host)]
compression algo gzip
compression type text/css text/javascript text/plain application/json application/xml
default_backend app
backend app
server static "${LINK_APP}":"${LINK_PORT}"
Dockerfile(haproxy) :
FROM haproxy:1.7
USER root
COPY haproxy.cfg /usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg
See :
Github : https://github.com/gnokoheat/ecs-reverse-proxy
Docker image : gnokoheat/ecs-reverse-proxy:latest
We are setting up multiple Gatsby sites on AWS Amplify under one single domain. Using nginx proxy_pass we are able to use legacy and future stacks.
www.mysite.co.uk --- legacy
-- /section-1 --- legacy
-- /section-1/news --- gatsby
-- /section-2 --- legacy
-- /section-3 --- gatsby
Generally we have this working apart from one problem, when the user navigates to sub-directory on the Gatsby sites and refreshes the page the URL resolves back to the root of the section.
location /section-1/news {
rewrite ^\/section-1/news\/(.*) /$1 break;
proxy_ssl_server_name on;
proxy_pass https://prod.sdsdasdasdssse.amplifyapp.com/;
proxy_redirect off;
AWS Amplify
"source": "</^[^.]+$|\.(?!(css|gif|ico|jpg|js|png|txt|svg|woff|ttf|map|json|webp)$)([^.]+$)/>",
"status": "200",
"target": "index.html",
"condition": null
If we add in an additional rewrite it all works fine but we need this to capture all sub-directories.
"source": "/news",
"status": "200",
"target": "/news/",
"condition": null
I have deployed a Redis instance using GCP Memorystore.
I also have a django app deployed using App Engine. However, I am facing problems connecting these 2. Both are deployed in the same timezone.
The package that I'm using is django_redis. When I try to login to admin page I face a connection error.
The error is:
Exception Value: Error 110 connecting to <Redis instance IP>:6379. Connection timed out.
Exception Location: /env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/redis/connection.py in connect, line 557
In settings.py I use:
"default": {
"BACKEND": "channels_redis.core.RedisChannelLayer",
"hosts": [("<Redis instance IP>", 6379)],
"default": {
"BACKEND": "django_redis.cache.RedisCache",
"LOCATION": 'redis://<Redis instance IP>/0',
"CLIENT_CLASS": "django_redis.client.DefaultClient"
Note: With locally installed Redis and set to localhost, everything works fine.
In order to connect to Memorystore, you have to set up a VPC Network for your application, and add that connection into app.yaml into property vpc_access_connector. It's described here in docs: Connecting to a VPC network
I currently have four containerized React + Express applications (port 3001 exposed) sitting on four individual ECS instances with four different CNAMEs. They each sit behind their own nginx service as a reverse proxy.
Given that the number of applications may increase, I'm hoping to re-deploy this on ECS with an ELB, but I'm running into problems with the path routing. My goal is to have a system where <url_name>/service-1 will route traffic to the container referenced in service-1 and so on.
Currently, the services are all in a running state, but the routing provides a bunch of console errors saying the static js and css files produced by the react build command cannot be found at <url_name>/. Has anyone found a way to run multiple full-stack React + Express applications with path routing on ELB or a workaround of adding in an Nginx service or updating the React homepage to a fixed value?
# container_definition
"name": "service-1",
"image": "<image-name>:latest",
"cpu": 256,
"memory": 256,
"portMappings": [
"containerPort": 3001,
"hostPort": 3001
"essential": true
# rule.json
"ListenerArn": "placeholder",
"Conditions": [
"Field": "path-pattern",
"Values": [
"Priority": 1,
"Actions": [
"Type": "forward",
"TargetGroupArn": "placeholder"
# server.js
const express = require('express'),
path = require('path');
const createServer = function () {
const port = 3001;
// Create a new Express server
const app = express(),
subpath = express();
// Ensure every api route is prefixed by /api
app.use('/api', subpath);
// All routes related to access points
const users = require('./routes/users');
subpath.get('/users/:id', users.getUserById);
// serve up static assets, i.e. HTML, CSS, and JS from /build
if (process.env.NODE_ENV)
app.get('*', (req, res) => res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + '/build/index.html')));
// Start the HTTP listener using the given port
return app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Express server (HTTP) listening on port ${port}`))
module.exports = createServer;
I am trying to setup a swarm cluster in AWS, however the containers in the host are not able to access the internet. The ping command for both address resolution or direct connectivity via IP is not working from inside the container.
Before creating this ticket I had a look at this issue, but I don't think there is CIDR overlap in my case.
I have the following configurations:
Public Subnet CIDR :
Namespace server inside this is :
Ingress overlay network -->
docker_gwbridge -->
I have also tried creating the new overlay( and docker_gwbridge( network with no luck.
I am creating the service with these options(removing the mount and env parameters):
docker service create --publish 8098:8098 <Imagename>
Please note when I was creating the overlay network by myself I was adding the option --network my-overlay as well in the create command.
Any pointers as to what I might be missing/doing wrong?
Edit 1 Adding more info
Below is the inspect of container when I am not creating a new overlay network and going with the default one:
"NetworkSettings": {
"Bridge": "",
"SandboxID": "eb***",
"HairpinMode": false,
"LinkLocalIPv6Address": "",
"LinkLocalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"Ports": {
"5005/tcp": null,
"8080/tcp": null
"SandboxKey": "/var/run/docker/netns/e***9",
"SecondaryIPAddresses": null,
"SecondaryIPv6Addresses": null,
"EndpointID": "",
"Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 0,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"MacAddress": "",
"Networks": {
"ingress": {
"IPAMConfig": {
"IPv4Address": ""
"Links": null,
"Aliases": [
"NetworkID": "g7w**",
"EndpointID": "291***",
"Gateway": "",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "02:4***"
And below is from when I am creating the overlay network:
"Networks": {
"ingress": {
"IPAMConfig": {
"IPv4Address": ""
"Links": null,
"Aliases": [
"NetworkID": "jl***3",
"EndpointID": "792***86c",
"Gateway": "",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 16,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "02:4***"
"my-overlay": {
"IPAMConfig": {
"IPv4Address": ""
"Links": null,
"Aliases": [
"NetworkID": "4q***",
"EndpointID": "4c***503",
"Gateway": "",
"IPAddress": "",
"IPPrefixLen": 24,
"IPv6Gateway": "",
"GlobalIPv6Address": "",
"GlobalIPv6PrefixLen": 0,
"MacAddress": "02:4***"
I am answering my question as I found out that the reason for this behavior was my custom chef recipe for docker installation. I was setting up iptables=false in the docker config and hence it was not working for any docker container other than those in host network mode.
I got the following advice from Bret(Docker champion in docker community) which helped me to get to the root of the problem. In short it was a issue with something I was doing wrongly, however posting the suggestion below in case you want to troubleshoot such issues in future.
Hey Manish,
Suggestion: get a single container working correctly without swarm or overlays before trying them.
so you should be able to just docker run --rm nginx:alpine ping and get a response.
That verifies that containers on that host have a way to the internet.
Then trying docker run --rm nginx:alpine ping google.com and get a response.
That verifies DNS resolution is working.
*Then you can try creating a single overlay network on one node in a single node swarm:*
*docker swarm init *
*docker network create --driver overlay --attachable mynet *
*docker run --rm --network mynet nginx:alpine ping google.com *
That verifies they have internet and DNS on a overlay network.
If you then add multiple nodes and have issues, then you likely need to ensure all swarm nodes can talk over swarm ports, which you find a link to the firewall port list in The Swarm Section under the Creating a 3-Node Swarm Cluster resources.
As Manish said, first try to ping public network without overlay network:
docker run --rm nginx:alpine ping
If it doesn't work, then you have a problem with firewall or something else.
In my case, iptables firewall restricted DOCKER-USER chain to get access public network.
So I have flushed all docker rules:
sudo iptables -F DOCKER-USER
Then reinitialized:
sudo iptables -I DOCKER-USER -i eth0 -s -j ACCEPT
I had a similar issue and was able to fix it by configuring the daemon.json file in the /etc/docker directory. Add following lines if they are not present already.
"dns": ["", ""]
Your daemon.json file should look something like below
"labels": ....,
"data-root": ....,
"max-concurrent-downloads": ....,
"dns": ["", ""]
Then restart the docker service
sudo service docker restart
Today when I launch an app using kubernetes over aws it exposes a publicly visible LoadBalancer Ingress URL, however to link that to my domain to make the app accessible to the public, I need to manually go into the aws route53 console in a browser on every launch. Can I update the aws route53 Resource Type A to match the latest Kubernetes LoadBalancer Ingress URL from the command line ?
Kubernetes over gcloud shares this challenge of having to either predefine a Static IP which is used in launch config or manually do a browser based domain linkage post launch. On aws I was hoping I could use something similar to this from the command line
aws route53domains update-domain-nameservers ???
__ OR __ can I predefine an aws kubernetes LoadBalancer Ingress similar to doing a predefined Static IP when over gcloud ?
to show the deployed app's LoadBalancer Ingress URL issue
kubectl describe svc
... output
Name: aaa-deployment-407
Namespace: ruptureofthemundaneplane
Labels: app=bbb
Selector: app=bbb,pod-template-hash=4076262206
Type: LoadBalancer
LoadBalancer Ingress: a244bodhisattva79c17cf7-61619.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
Port: port-1 80/TCP
NodePort: port-1 32547/TCP
Port: port-2 443/TCP
NodePort: port-2 31248/TCP
Session Affinity: None
No events.
Getting error trying new command line technique (hat tip to #error2007s comment) ... issue this
aws route53 list-hosted-zones
... outputs
"HostedZones": [
"ResourceRecordSetCount": 6,
"CallerReference": "2D58A764-1FAC-DEB4-8AC7-AD37E74B94E6",
"Config": {
"PrivateZone": false
"Id": "/hostedzone/Z3II3949ZDMDXV",
"Name": "chainsawhaircut.com."
Important bit used below : hostedzone Z3II3949ZDMDXV
now I craft following using this Doc (and this Doc as well) as file /change-resource-record-sets.json (NOTE I can successfully change Type A using a similar cli call ... however I need to change Type A with an Alias Target of LoadBalancer Ingress URL)
"Comment": "Update record to reflect new IP address of fresh deploy",
"Changes": [{
"Action": "UPSERT",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"Name": "chainsawhaircut.com.",
"Type": "A",
"TTL": 60,
"AliasTarget": {
"HostedZoneId": "Z3II3949ZDMDXV",
"DNSName": "a244bodhisattva79c17cf7-61619.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com",
"EvaluateTargetHealth": false
on command line I then issue
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z3II3949ZDMDXV --change-batch file:///change-resource-record-sets.json
which give this error message
An error occurred (InvalidInput) when calling the ChangeResourceRecordSets operation: Invalid request
Any insights ?
Here is the logic needed to update aws route53 Resource Record Type A with value from freshly minted kubernetes LoadBalancer Ingress URL
step 1 - identify your hostedzone Id by issuing
aws route53 list-hosted-zones
... from output here is clip for my domain
"Id": "/hostedzone/Z3II3949ZDMDXV",
... importantly never populate json with hostedzone Z3II3949ZDMDXV its only used as a cli parm ... there is a second similarly named token HostedZoneId which is entirely different
step 2 - see current value of your route53 domain record ... issue :
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z3II3949ZDMDXV --query "ResourceRecordSets[?Name == 'scottstensland.com.']"
... output
"AliasTarget": {
"HostedZoneId": "Z35SXDOTRQ7X7K",
"EvaluateTargetHealth": false,
"DNSName": "dualstack.asomepriorvalue39e7db-1867261689.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com."
"Type": "A",
"Name": "scottstensland.com."
"ResourceRecords": [
"Value": "ns-1238.awsdns-26.org."
"Value": "ns-201.awsdns-25.com."
"Value": "ns-969.awsdns-57.net."
"Value": "ns-1823.awsdns-35.co.uk."
"Type": "NS",
"Name": "scottstensland.com.",
"TTL": 172800
"ResourceRecords": [
"Value": "ns-1238.awsdns-26.org. awsdns-hostmaster.amazon.com. 1 7200 900 1209600 86400"
"Type": "SOA",
"Name": "scottstensland.com.",
"TTL": 900
... in above notice value of
"HostedZoneId": "Z35SXDOTRQ7X7K",
which is the second similarly name token Do NOT use wrong Hosted Zone ID
step 3 - put below into your change file aws_route53_type_A.json (for syntax Doc see link mentioned in comment above)
"Comment": "Update record to reflect new DNSName of fresh deploy",
"Changes": [
"Action": "UPSERT",
"ResourceRecordSet": {
"AliasTarget": {
"HostedZoneId": "Z35SXDOTRQ7X7K",
"EvaluateTargetHealth": false,
"DNSName": "dualstack.a0b82c81f47d011e6b98a0a28439e7db-1867261689.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com."
"Type": "A",
"Name": "scottstensland.com."
To identify value for above field "DNSName" ... after the kubernetes app deploy on aws it responds with a LoadBalancer Ingress as shown in output of cli command :
kubectl describe svc --namespace=ruptureofthemundaneplane
... as in
LoadBalancer Ingress: a0b82c81f47d011e6b98a0a28439e7db-1867261689.us-east-1.elb.amazonaws.com
... even though my goal is to execute a command line call I can do this manually by getting into the aws console browser ... pull up my domain on route53 ...
... In this browser picklist editable text box (circled in green) I noticed the URL gets magically prepended with : dualstack. Previously I was missing that magic string ... so json key "DNSName" wants this
finally execute the change request
aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z3II3949ZDMDXV --change-batch file://./aws_route53_type_A.json
... output
"ChangeInfo": {
"Status": "PENDING",
"Comment": "Update record to reflect new DNSName of fresh deploy",
"SubmittedAt": "2016-07-13T14:53:02.789Z",
"Id": "/change/CFUX5R9XKGE1C"
.... now to confirm change is live run this to show record
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id Z3II3949ZDMDXV
You can also use external-dns project.
AWS specific setup can be found here
After installation it can be used with an annotation e.g.: external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: nginx.external-dns-test.my-org.com.
Note the IAM permissions needs to be set properly.