Dealing with DPI and ID2D1RenderTarget::DrawBitmap - c++

I created this UI framework in Direct2D some time ago to be able to draw/manage my own windows and widgets. I've been using it and updating it according to my needs and it works pretty well. However, now that high resolutions monitors are the new thing, I came across a small problem. Drawing images/icons in the best definition I can.
Since I'm using Direct2D all the draw functions work properly according to the DPIs/scaling of the target machines except of course images that are based in pixels and for that reason are not automatically managed by DirectX.
So, in the beginning I was simply drawing bitmaps as they were in 96 DPI, this meant that if I had an icon 10x10, and I used a function like ID2D1RenderTarget::DrawBitmap by specifying a destination rectangle, my image would be scaled up for higher DPIs. This of course would be noticeable and the icon would be blurry.
My first attempt at fixing this was to create my icons 4x bigger than the default DPI of 96. Then, using the same ID2D1RenderTarget::DrawBitmap and knowing that these images are 4x bigger, the DrawBitmap would draw the icon scaled down instead of scaled up. This had much better results, Starting from a windows scale of 150% and up it's perfect.
However, scaling down from 4x to 1x, the result is not great, images get somewhat pixelized. Much worse that doing the same in Photoshop.
I also tried using SetTransform before the DrawBitmap so see if the result is better, but it's exactly the same.
So my question is, how are people dealing with this issue. I'm sure I'm not the only one...

If your goal is to get best visual results, you'll need to prepare groups of icons in various resolutions, not just downscaled but specifically designed in lower sizes. Then you'll need to select one of those according to current context.
Regarding DrawBitmap, you could try with different interpolation modes.
As for general solutions that people are using, I don't think there is one. Many applications don't support this properly, or if they do for control layout, embedded bitmap resources are still stretched and look deformed or interpolated and look too blurry.


Needed: Cross platform C++ 2D graphics library for fast audio waveform presentation

I am trying to build a multimedia editor. It includes audio and relatively simple 2D graphics. I am using C++. I would like as much of it to be cross platform as possible.
I wrote audio interface classes for android and windows using a common API so I have that under control for now but I need a 2D graphics package and possibly a cross platform GUI as well.
The big challenge is in trying to render the time line. It needs to generate many rows of waveforms and intersperse them with characters and other shapes some of which may include blends and transparencies. Or rather I should say the big challenge has been animating the time line as often I will need to update it in real time. I have this working nicely using a lot of cashing and shifting around of the pixels of off-screen bitmaps. If I have 50 lines on the screen and the screen is 1000 pixels wide that translates to over 50,000 line draw operations per frame. Actually I use multi segment lines that end up drawing 3 times as many segments. To generate each line of the audio waveform it needs to look at a few hundred samples of audio and compute the max and min values or maybe do an FFT to create a line of different colored pixels if I want to offer this to the user some day. Various forms of cashing let me do this with reasonable latency.
The animation side of things will include everything from moving poly lines and polygons around in 2D to importing images and playing back moving multiple images (video) at different arbitrary frame rates. I don’t think 3D is very useful for now anyway.
At the moment I am using a crazy mix of GDI and GDI plus on windows and running it all in a win32 “thing”. This is not great as I cannot invert regions in off screen bitmaps and I cannot draw individual pixels quickly enough to for instance show a spectrogram in real time. I think they were written in the 90s so there must be something newer I can use and get better performance and cross platform capabilities. I have been pulling out my remaining hair to figure out what to use.
I found another library on android that will let me set pixels and the performance actually seems a lot better but it does not support writing text. So I am hoping there is something else I could use for that. On Android the plan is to generate the bitmap and then blit it into an interface build with a Native Android GUI. These solutions do not seem great though a vast majority of the rest of the code can be ported without issue just being standard C++ and these horrors being cleanly wrapped.
I have seen a few potential candidates: openGL and Vulkan, seem to do 2D graphics as well as 3D but perhaps they are much more complex then what I need.
For the GUI I looked at QT but gave up on it (it seems to need half of my hard drive and has an incomprehensible licensing model). I recently started looking at IMGUI. They say it redraws on every frame. I don’t know how that will play with my existing rendering system and if it would drain a phones battery. A while ago I was able to get visual studio to create a cross platform App that would run on android but for some reason ditched that perhaps I should revisit it.
For the time line I need to draw a waveform. This could be done by drawing a lot of lines (50-150 k/frame) they can just be vertical ones for the most part, they do not need to be of fractional pixel width they need not be anti-aliased, and can have their end points specified with just integers. I also need to add some other lines polygons and text that does need to be anti-aliased. I may need to set a lot of pixels directly. Blends and transparencies would be nice but not essential. I also need to copy square chunks of bit map around. I also need sprites for things like the cursor. I am currently doing this by copying fragments of the bit map on and off screen. It would also be very nice to be able to select square regions of off screen bitmaps to invert for doing selections. And I need to assemble this off screen in a 2 or 3 buffer configuration so I can reuse chunks of one bitmap to make the next one and present it to the user in a real time animation. (all of this works with my GDI / GDI + wrapper though I have to work around the inversion problem)
For the animation part I need to draw similar graphics primitives, though it would also be nice to draw characters at arbitrary angles and scaling. As for Video if I can extract the images I guess I could blit them to the screen as needed. Maybe I would need yet another package to composite them into the other parts of the frame. Farther it would be nice to be able to write the animation out in a higher quality format in non real time to make a video file of some kind. It would be nice if I did not have to wrap yet another framework to make this happen though I can deal with this if I need to.
For the GUI it does not have to be all that fancy. Ideally I would like to have 2 or 3 floating and dockable windows on the PC and a few screens on a phone. I will have to make slightly different UIs for both but the time line bitmap and the media window bitmaps should be reusable for the most part. I just need standard widgets for the most part though.
My needs are somewhere in-between that of a game and that of a regular boring old forms app except for the need to animate the waveform.
Does anyone have any suggestions and perhaps know these systems well enough to know if they have a good chance to do what I need?
I fear I would have to spend weeks learning each one just to see if they give me the capabilities I need.
Is IMGUI likely to eat the phones battery just to make the cursor blink?
Any tips would be most welcome.

How do I change the resolution of a window in SDL? Everything is too large

I am making a game in SDL and had an oversight of the resolution. Everything (the sprites) are too large and I want to know if I can bump up the resolution so everything is smaller without changing every sprite or modifying how the surfaces are created? Here is what I am dealing with:
Since SDL 2.0.0, you can use the function SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize to set a device independent resolution for rendering.
This way, you can set up your renderer with the desired target resolution and draw everything as if you are working with that resolution.
I cite the official documentation:
This is nice in that you can change the logical rendering size to achieve various effects, but the primary use is this: instead of trying to make the system work with your rendering size, we can now make your rendering size work with the system. On my 1920x1200 monitor, this app thinks it's talking to a 640x480 resolution now, but SDL is using the GPU to scale it up to use all those pixels. Note that 640x480 and 1920x1200 aren't the same aspect ratio: SDL takes care of that, too, scaling as much as possible and letterboxing the difference.
Please, note that you can control how scaling happens with a bunch of hints, as an example SDL_HINT_RENDER_SCALE_QUALITY.
Yes you can bumb the resolution up. It would make your sprite looks smaller if you're using fullscreen mode, just like when you adjust your monitor resolution. When you're in Window mode, the window would get bigger but the sprite would look the same.
You can resorts to virtual resolution as #skypjack mentioned as well. One approach is to use SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(), another is to do render target.
You can also resize the sprite, either online (specify the target rect which is smaller than the source), or off-line (using batch image processing tool like ACDSee or Photoshop).
In the end you'd have more space to fill.
My advise is, when you're working with graphics, try having a target resolution in mind, 1280x720 or 800x600 for example. Then designing all the asset around this resolution. In the end you will have the assets that fits well together without resorting to programming trick. Then if you run into devices with different resolution, you can use the 'virtual resolution' I mentioned above to fix it. There are a few tricks like safe-frame or letterboxing that would be needed too, but let's leave it as an advance question :-).

Rounding errors when scaling the rendered output of the rich edit control via EM_FORMATRANGE

I am using the EM_FORMATRANGE message to render the output of a rich text control to an arbitrary device context. However, when rendering to a bitmap, the dots-per-inch of the bitmap's device context is the same as the display device's DPI, which is 96 dots-per-inch. This is much lower than what I would like to render to. I'd rather render at a much higher DPI so that the user can zoom in, and perhaps print on a high-DPI printer later.
I suspect what happens is that the RTF control calls GetDeviceCaps with LOGPIXELSX and LOGPIXELSY to get the number of pixels per inch of the device. It then renders the document using this DPI value at a 100% zoom level. Windows display devices always return a value of 96 DPI, unless large fonts are being used on the system (as set in Control Panel) and the application is DPI-aware.
Many examples on the Internet propose scaling the output of EM_FORMATRANGE. This is so that any arbitrary DPI resolution can be achieved. Most examples generally involve using SetMapMode, SetWindowExtEx, and SetViewportExtEx (e.g. see These functions can be used to scale the rich text control's rendered output: for example, if I specify 400% scaling, then if the rich text control rendered something that was 5 pixels wide, it would actually become 20 pixels wide.
Unfortunately, the old GDI functions use integers instead of floating point numbers. For example, suppose the RTF control decided that an element should be drawn at (12.7, 15.3) pixels. This would be rounded to a position of (13, 15). These rounded coordinates are passed to GDI, which then scales up the image using scaling specified by SetMapMode: for the example of 400%, it would be (13*4, 15*4), or (52, 60). But this is not accurate: the element would have better been placed at (12.7*4, 15.3*4), or (51, 61). The worst part is that for some cases, the error becomes cumulative.
I believe this is the underlying cause of this very noticeable error when scaling some simple text:
The above example is 8 point Segoe UI, scaled to 400% using EM_FORMATRANGE and SetMapMode on a 96 DPI display device context. The text has now become 32 point size, but the space between each character is too high and looks unnatural.
The above example was created in WordPad by entering the text as 8 point Segoe UI and then using the zoom control to set to a 400% zoom level. The space between each character looks normal. The exact same result is achieved with a 32 point font and 100% zoom level.
To work around this issue, I have tried the following. For each thing tried, the result has been identically unsatisfactory when scaled to 400%.
Using a scaling transform set using SetWorldTransform instead of the scaling done with SetMapMode and SetWindowExtEx etc.
Passing the device context for a metafile to EM_FORMATRANGE, and then scaling the metafile later.
Using SetMapMode to scale in conjunction with rendering to a metafile, and then showing the metafile later without scaling.
I believe the results are always unsatisfactory because the problem boils down to the fact that the rich edit control is rounding to the nearest integer and rendering to what it thinks is a 96 DPI device - ignoring the transforms in place. I looked into the metafile format and what I discovered is that the individual character positions are actually stored in the metafile at pixel-level resolution - that's why scaling the metafile obviously didn't work since the rounding has already happened by that point.
I can think of two real solutions that would work around this issue:
Use a device context with a higher user-specified dots per inch, such that GetDeviceCaps returns different values. (Note: some examples propose using the printer device since they generally have higher DPI, but I want my code to work on systems that don't have a printer and be able to render to an off-screen buffer).
Some way to tell the rich edit control to assume the device context has a different dots per inch than reported by GetDeviceCaps.
Anything else seems like it would still be subject to these rounding errors.
Does anyone (1) have an idea of how to implement either of the solutions I have proposed, or (2) have an alternate idea of how to achieve my goal of getting an accurate high-DPI output into a buffer?
I'm having the exact same problem.
A quick solution is to draw the text into 100% scale bitmap, and then just scale the bitmap.
it's not the best solution, but it might work for you.
Did you find any better solutions? if so, please share them here.
Also notice, that this problem also occurs when you draw the text to a 100% meta-file and then scale the meta-file to the screen - I believe this has something to do with GDI text drawing functions that aren't working well with scaling.
You could multiply the point size of all the text in the control by a factor of 4 and render the control to a bitmap that's 4 times larger.
If you're populating the control yourself this would be quite straightforward. If you support arbitrary content entered by the user it would be a lot more work and would require extra effort to handle anything that wasn't text (e.g. embedded bitmaps).
I just spent two weeks on a similar problem. I needed a Rich Edit that was scalable for WYSISWG editing. As we've found the windows rich edit control does not support scaling correctly with EM_FORMATRANGE and inter character spacing does not change between zoom levels and font sizes only scale in discrete font size steps.
Since I did not need large differences in scale the solution I settled on was to use the windowless text edit interfaces from ITextServices to render to an internal bitmap at a fixed resolution. Then I used GDI+ to resample the internal bitmap to the needed screen size with trilinear filtering. The results emulated a scalable rich edit well enough as long as scale difference were not too large, it was good enough for my needs.
After trying many different options I am convinced you can not get precise scaling with the windows rich edit control. You can write your own control that renders text. However, you would need to have a separate draw call for every piece of text with a different style. Also you would need to handle all the nicities rich edit handles for you like highlighting text, placing the cursor, handling mouse and keyboard input, parsing rtf text, et cetera. It would probably be best just to buy a third party component in this case(I could not find any suitable free open source components). In case someone wants to attempt it I will point out the relevant starting points for text rendering for different APIs.
GDI - TextOut does not set inter-character spacing correctly. You need GetCharacterPlacement and ExTextOut. You also need to calculate scaling yourself. You probably don't want to use GDI
GDI+ - DrawString handles scaling correctly. GDI+ is a reasonable option
DirectWrite - If you are willing to limit yourself to Vista Platform Update or later, DirectWrite is the newest text API from Microsoft.
Also here is link describing how text rendering is different between GDI and GDI+:
Try using the EM_SETZOOM message to let the rich edit control scale the output itself.

Controlling the individual pixels of a projector

I need to control the individual pixels of a projector (an Infocus IN3104) whose native resolution is 1024x768. I would like to know which subset of functions in C or an APL to do this either by:
Functions that control the individual pixels of the adapter (not the pixels of a window).
A pixel-perfect, 1:1 map from an image file (1024x728) to the adaptor set at the native resolution of the projector.
In a related question ([How can I edit individual pixels in a window?][1]) the answerer Caladain states "Things have come a bit from the old days of direct memory manipulation.". I feel I need to go back to that to achieve my goal.
I don't know enough of the "graphic pipeline" to know what API or software tool to use. I'm overwhelmed by the number of technologies when I search this topic. I program in R, which easily interfaces to C, but would welcome suggestions of subsets of functions in OpenGL or C++ or ..... any other technology?
Or even an full blown application (rendering) which will map without applying a transformation.
For example even MS paint has the >VIEW>Bitmap but I get some transformation applied and I don't get pixel perfect rendering. This projector has DisplayLink digital input and I've also tried to tweek the timing parameters when using the VESA inputs and I don't think the transformation happens in the projector. In any case, using MS paint would not be flexible enough for me.
Platform: Linux or Windows.
I don't see a reason why a full-screen window, e.g. using SDL, wouldn't work. Normal bitmapped graphics is always 1:1, there shouldn't be any weird scaling going on behind your back for a full-screen:ed window.
Since SDL is portable, you should be able to run the same code in Windows or Linux (or any other supported platform).
The usual approach to this problem on current systems is:
Set graphics card to desired resolution
Create borderless full screen window
Draw whatever you want
There's really not much to gain from a "low level access", although it were certainly possible.

Draw scaled images using CImageList

If you have images stored in a CImageList, is there an easy way to render them (with proper transparency) scaled to fit a given target rectangle? CImageList::DrawEx takes size information but I don't believe it does scaling, only cropping?
I guess you could render them to an offscreen bitmap, then StretchBlt() them to either your device or another offscreen bitmap, letting StretchBlt() do the scaling... Getting the transparency to carry over correctly will require some fiddling though, depending on your circumstances you may need to use AlphaBlend() instead.
My opinion is that most of the Win32 image handling code, and therefore by extension their MFC equivalents, like CImageList, CIcon, CImage, CBitmap, ... are inadequate for today's graphics needs. Especially handling per-pixel transparency hardly ever works consistently. I usually store my images in a CImage and use ::AlphaBlend() everywhere to get them to DC, or I use GetDIBits()/SetDIBits() and directly manipulate the RGBA entries (not very practical for doing scaling and similar operations, I admit). On the other hand I understand what it's like having to maintain code that uses these things already and wanting to update them to give them a bit of a modern look...