I have the following models:
class Sld(models.Model):
sld_name = models.CharField(max_length=63, unique=True)
tld = models.ForeignKey('db.Tld', on_delete=models.PROTECT)
class Tld(models.Model):
tld_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
class Path(models.Model):
path_name = models.CharField(max_length=255)
sld = models.ForeignKey('db.Sld', on_delete=models.CASCADE)
And I would like to execute the following query using Django's ORM:
FROM path t1
LEFT JOIN sld t2
ON (t2.id = t1.sld_id)
LEFT JOIN tld t3
ON (t2.tld_id = t3.id);
Here are a few attempts:
urls = Path.objects.select_related().values('sld_name', 'tld_name', 'path_name')
urls = Path.objects.all().select_related().values()
urls = Path.objects.select_related('sld').select_related('tld').values()
What am I missing here?
The data should look like this:
You can do as follows:
urls = Path.objects.values('sld__sld_name', 'sld__tld__tld_name', 'path_name')
No need to hit additionally select_related with values as it fetch only one request with all values you need.
I am using Django 3.2
I am trying to create a query that queries two different models and does the following:
renames the returned columns (so the queries can be 'union'ed together
'unions' the two querysets (after column rename using annotate)
tries to run an aggregate function Sum on the union (this is where it barfs).
This is a simplified version of my codebase:
class EventCategory(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=16)
class Event(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
category = models.ForeignKey(EventCategory, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
class Tournament(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=32)
category = models.ForeignKey(EventCategory, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
prize_money = models.IntegerField()
class TournamentAward(models.Model):
awardee = models.ForeignKey(setting.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
tournament = models.ForeignKey(Tournament, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
class Game(models.Model):
player = models.ForeignKey(setting.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
event = models.ForeignKey(Event, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
payment = models.SmallPositiveInteger()
created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
payment_earned_today = Game.objects.filter(
tournament_prize_today = TournamentAward.objects.filter(
# Union the two querysets ...
union_queryset = payment_earned_today.union( tournament_prize_today )
results = union_queryset.aggregate(total=models.Sum('payment'))
On the line when I try to calculate the total, I get the following error:
django.db.utils.DatabaseError: ORDER BY not allowed in subqueries of compound statements
How can I union two models and calculate an aggregate function on the union?
at first:
you don't need to rename fields.
filter_query = Q(created_at__year=year,created_at__month=month,created_at__day=day)
payment_earned_today = Game.objects.filter(player=user, filter_query).values('event__category'. 'payment')
at second:
you can set order_by before aggregate.
at third:
Why you don't go from category?
event_query = Q(event__game__created_at__year=year, event__game__created_at__month=month, event__game__created_at__day=day, event__game__player=user)
tournament_query = Q(tournament__tournamentaward__created_at__year=year, tournament__tournamentaward__created_at__month=month, tournament__tournamentaward__created_at__day=day, tournament__tournamentaward__awardee=user)
all_category = EventCategory.ojects.filter(event_query | tournament_query)
I don't understand if is an error in your last core row or not:
results is plural, but you have aggregate(sum), it give you only one result. Therefore:
all_category_with_summ_in_day_for_user = all_category.annotate(Sum('tournament__prize_money'), Sum('event__game__payment'))
# or
summs_for_all_category_in_day_for_user= all_category.aggregate(Sum('tournament__prize_money'), Sum('event__game__payment'))
I am new in django. I want to create a query in django I tried with select_related but I don't know how to insert the second part of the condition: AND model1.qty >= model2.items
I've tried:
But it's not working properly.
Below is the SQL query which I want to implement with django queryset:
SELECT model1.name,model2.name WHERE model1.id=model2.model1.id AND model1.qty >= model2.items
My models:
class Article(models.Model):
date_crea = models.DateTimeField('Créer le', auto_now_add=True)
designation = models.TextField('designation', max_length=500)
seuil = models.IntegerField('Seuil d\'alerte')
class Stock(models.Model):
date_crea = models.DateTimeField('Créer le', auto_now_add=True)
article = models.ForeignKey(Article, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
qte_reel = models.IntegerField('stock reel',default=0)
You use an F expression to refer to the value of a field in the database. There have to be relations to follow from the current object to the field on the object that you want to compare against.
I'm not clear how the question relates to the posted models, but an F expression can follow a foreign key so
Stock.objects.filter( qte_reel__gte = F( 'article__seuil' ))
would work, if those fields are the ones you want to compare.
I have these three tables
class IdentificationAddress(models.Model):
id_ident_address = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
ident = models.ForeignKey('Ident', models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='ident')
address = models.TextField()
time = models.DateTimeField()
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'identification_address'
class IdentC(models.Model):
id_ident = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
ident = models.TextField(unique=True)
name = models.TextField()
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'ident_c'
class location(models.Model):
id_ident_loc = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
ident = models.ForeignKey('IdentC', models.DO_NOTHING, db_column='ident')
loc_name = models.TextField()
class Meta:
managed = False
db_table = 'location
I want to get the last
address field (It could be zero) from IdentificationAddress model, the last _loc_name_ field (it matches at least one) from location model, name field (Only one) from IdentC model and ident field. The search is base on ident field.
I have been reading about many_to_many relationships and prefetch_related. But, they don't seem to be the best way to get these information.
If a use SQL syntax, this instruction does the job:
SELECT ident_c.name, ident_c.ident, identification_address.address, location.loc_name FROM identn_c FULL OUTER JOIN location ON ident_c.ident=location.ident FULL OUTER JOIN identification_address ON ident_c.ident=identification_address.ident;
or for this case
SELECT ident_c.name, ident_c.ident, identification_address.address, location.loc_name FROM identn_c LEFT JOIN location ON ident_c.ident=location.ident LEFT JOIN identification_address ON ident_c.ident=identification_address.ident;
Based on my little understanding of Django, JOIN instructions cannot be implemented. Hope I am wrong.
Django ORM take care of it if you set relationship between models.
for example,
class Aexample(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
class Bexample(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
fkexample = models.ForeignKey(Aexample)
examplequery = Bexample.objects.filter(fkexample__name="hellothere")
SQL query
FROM "yourtable_bexample"
INNER JOIN "yourtable_aexample"
ON ("yourtable_bexample"."fkexample_id" = "yourtable_aexample"."id")
WHERE "yourtable_aexample"."name" = hellothere
you want to make query in Django like below
SELECT ident_c.name, ident_c.ident, identification_address.address, location.loc_name
FROM identn_c
LEFT JOIN location ON ident_c.ident=location.ident
LEFT JOIN identification_address ON ident_c.ident=identification_address.ident;
It means you want all rows from identn_c, right?. If you make proper relationship between your tables for your purpose, Django ORM takes care of it.
class IntentC(model.Model):
exampleA = models.ForeignKey(ExampleA)
exampleB = models.ForeignKey(ExampleB)
this command make query with JOIN Clause.
identn_instance = IdentC.objects.get(id=somenumber)
you can show every IntentC rows and relating rows in different tables.
for in in IntentC.objects.all(): #you can all rows in IntentC
#show name column in exampleA table
#JOIN ... ON intenctctable.example_id = exampleatable.id
print(in.exampleB.name) #show name column in exampleB table / JOIN ... ON
I have been using Django for a couple of years now but I am struggling today with adding a HAVING constraint to a GROUP BY.
My queryset is the following:
which gives me the following MySQL query:
FROM `contact`
LEFT OUTER JOIN `dealer_contact` ON (`contact`.`id_contact` = `dealer_contact`.`id_contact`)
WHERE (`dealer_contact`.`active` = True
AND `dealer_contact`.`activity` = 'gardening'
AND `contact`.`date_data_collected` >= '2012-10-01'
AND `contact`.`date_data_collected` < '2013-10-01'
AND `dealer_contact`.`id_dealer` IN (265))
GROUP BY `contact`.`id_contact`
I would get exactly what I need with this HAVING constraint:
HAVING SUM(IF(`dealer_contact`.`type`='customer', 1, 0)) = 0
How can I get this fixed with a Django Queryset? I need a queryset in this instance.
Here I am using annotate only in order to get the GROUP BY on contact.id_contact.
Edit: My goal is to get the Contacts who have no "customer" relation in dealercontact but have "ref" relation(s) (according to the WHERE clause of course).
class Contact(models.Model):
id_contact = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
title = models.CharField(max_length=255L, blank=True, choices=choices_custom_sort(TITLE_CHOICES))
last_name = models.CharField(max_length=255L, blank=True)
first_name = models.CharField(max_length=255L, blank=True)
date_data_collected = models.DateField(null=True, db_index=True)
class Dealer(models.Model):
id_dealer = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
address1 = models.CharField(max_length=45L, blank=True)
class DealerContact(Auditable):
id_dealer_contact = models.AutoField(primary_key=True)
contact = models.ForeignKey(Contact, db_column='id_contact')
dealer = models.ForeignKey(Dealer, db_column='id_dealer')
activity = models.CharField(max_length=32, choices=choices_custom_sort(ACTIVITIES), db_index=True)
type = models.CharField(max_length=32, choices=choices_custom_sort(DEALER_CONTACT_TYPE), db_index=True)
I figured this out by adding two binary fields in DealerContact: is_ref and is_customer.
If type='ref' then is_ref=1 and is_customer=0.
Else if type='customer' then is_ref=0 and is_customer=1.
Thus, I am now able to use annotate(nb_customers=Sum('is_customer')) and then use filter(nb_customers=0).
The final queryset consists in:
Actually there is a way you can add your own custom HAVING and GROUP BY clauses if you need.
Just use my example with caution - if Django ORM code/paths will change in future Django versions, you will have to update your code too.
Image you have Book and Edition models, where for each book there can be multiple editions and you want to select first US edition date within Book queryset.
Adding custom HAVING and GROUP BY clauses in Django 1.5+:
from django.db.models import Min
from django.db.models.sql.where import ExtraWhere, AND
qs = Book.objects.all()
# Standard annotate
qs = qs.annotate(first_edition_date=Min("edition__date"))
# Custom HAVING clause, to limit annotation by US country only
qs.query.having.add(ExtraWhere(['"app_edition"."country"=%s'], ["US"]), AND)
# Custom GROUP BY clause will be needed too
qs.query.group_by.append(("app_edition", "country"))
ExtraWhere can contain not just fields, but any raw sql conditions and functions too.
Are you not using raw query just because you want orm object? Using Contact.objects.raw() generate instances similar filter. Refer to https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/db/sql/ for more help.
My goal is to get the Contacts who have no "customer" relation in
dealercontact but have "ref" relation(s) (according to the WHERE
clause of course).
This simple query fulfills this requirement:
Is this enough, or do you need it to do something more?
UPDATE: if your requirement is
Contacts that have a "ref" relations, but do not have "customer"
relations with the same dealer
you can do this:
from django.db.models import Q
Contact.objects.filter(Q(dealercontact__type="ref") & ~Q(dealercontact__type="customer"))
Trying to run a complicated query in Django over Postgresql.
These are my models:
class Link(models.Model):
short_key = models.CharField(primary_key=True, max_length=8, unique=True, blank=True)
long_url = models.CharField(max_length=150)
class Stats_links_ads(models.Model):
link_id = models.ForeignKey(Link, related_name='link_viewed', primary_key=True)
ad_id = models.ForeignKey(Ad, related_name='ad_viewed')
views = models.PositiveIntegerField()
clicks = models.PositiveIntegerField()
I want to run using the Django ORM a query which will translate into something like so:
select a.link_id, sum(a.clicks), sum (a.views), (select long_url from links_link b where b.short_key = a.link_id_id)
from links_stats_links_ads a
group by a.link_id_id;
If i exclude the long_url field that I need I can run this code and it will work:
Stats_links_Ads.objects.all().values('link_id').annotate(Sum('views'), Sum('clicks'))
I don't know how to add the subquery in the select statement.
You can see the raw sql behind your queries using the query attribute of Queryset.
For example, look at the sql behind my first answer using select_related, it's clear the generated sql doesn't behave as expected and accessing the long_url will result in additional queries.
Take 2
You can follow relationships using double underscore notation like this
qs = Stats_links_ads.objects
.values('link_id', 'link_id__long_url')
.annotate(Sum('views'), Sum('clicks'))
SUM("stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"."clicks") AS "clicks__sum",
SUM("stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"."views") AS "views__sum"
FROM "stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"
INNER JOIN "stackoverflow_link"
ON ("stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"."link_id_id" = "stackoverflow_link"."short_key")
I'm not working with any data, so I haven't verified it, but the sql looks right.
Take 1
Does not work
Can't you use .select_related? [docs]
qs = Stats_links_Ads.objects.select_related('link')
.values('link_id').annotate(Sum('views'), Sum('clicks'))
SUM("stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"."clicks") AS "clicks__sum",
SUM("stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"."views") AS "views__sum"
FROM "stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"
GROUP BY "stackoverflow_stats_links_ads"."link_id_id"'