I am just getting started with OpenAL for a Game Engine that I am building. My understanding is that there are some libraries that can help you open an use .wav files. I understand that ALUT is deprecated, but I have heard mention of a more current library called libaudio. I cannot, however, find that library online anywhere.
My question is this: Where can I find libaudio? Or is there a better, more maintained library out there like alut that I can use? I really don't want to have to learn how to open a .wav file if I can help it. Any suggestions would be great.
I broke down and wrote it manually based on this awesome tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmVRpNFP9ys
Here is the code:
//check big vs little endian machine
static bool IsBigEndian(void)
int a = 1;
return !((char*)&a)[0];
static int ConvertToInt(char* buffer, int len)
int a = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
((char*)&a)[i] = buffer[i];
for(int i = 0; i < len; ++i)
((char*)&a)[3-i] = buffer[i];
return a;
//Location and size of data is found here: http://www.topherlee.com/software/pcm-tut-wavformat.html
static char* LoadWAV(string filename, int& channels, int& sampleRate, int& bps, int& size)
char buffer[4];
std::ifstream in(filename.c_str());
in.read(buffer, 4);
if(strncmp(buffer, "RIFF", 4) != 0)
std::cout << "Error here, not a valid WAV file, RIFF not found in header\n This was found instead: "
<< buffer[0] << buffer[1] << buffer[2] << buffer[3] << std::endl;
in.read(buffer, 4);//size of file. Not used. Read it to skip over it.
in.read(buffer, 4);//Format, should be WAVE
if(strncmp(buffer, "WAVE", 4) != 0)
std::cout << "Error here, not a valid WAV file, WAVE not found in header.\n This was found instead: "
<< buffer[0] << buffer[1] << buffer[2] << buffer[3] << std::endl;
in.read(buffer, 4);//Format Space Marker. should equal fmt (space)
if(strncmp(buffer, "fmt ", 4) != 0)
std::cout << "Error here, not a valid WAV file, Format Marker not found in header.\n This was found instead: "
<< buffer[0] << buffer[1] << buffer[2] << buffer[3] << std::endl;
in.read(buffer, 4);//Length of format data. Should be 16 for PCM, meaning uncompressed.
if(ConvertToInt(buffer, 4) != 16)
std::cout << "Error here, not a valid WAV file, format length wrong in header.\n This was found instead: "
<< ConvertToInt(buffer, 4) << std::endl;
in.read(buffer, 2);//Type of format, 1 = PCM
if(ConvertToInt(buffer, 2) != 1)
std::cout << "Error here, not a valid WAV file, file not in PCM format.\n This was found instead: "
<< ConvertToInt(buffer, 4) << std::endl;
in.read(buffer, 2);//Get number of channels.
//Assume at this point that we are dealing with a WAV file. This value is needed by OpenAL
channels = ConvertToInt(buffer, 2);
in.read(buffer, 4);//Get sampler rate.
sampleRate = ConvertToInt(buffer, 4);
//Skip Byte Rate and Block Align. Maybe use later?
in.read(buffer, 4);//Block Align
in.read(buffer, 2);//ByteRate
in.read(buffer, 2);//Get Bits Per Sample
bps = ConvertToInt(buffer, 2);
//Skip character data, which marks the start of the data that we care about.
in.read(buffer, 4);//"data" chunk.
in.read(buffer, 4); //Get size of the data
size = ConvertToInt(buffer, 4);
if(size < 0)
std::cout << "Error here, not a valid WAV file, size of file reports 0.\n This was found instead: "
<< size << std::endl;
char* data = new char[size];
in.read(data, size);//Read audio data into buffer, return.
return data;
I am very new to socket programming, and i am trying to send over TCP connection but getting few errors.
here is my code
FILE* File;
char* Buffer;
unsigned long Size;
File = fopen("C:\\test.zip", "rb");
if (!File)
printf("Error while readaing the file\n");
// file size 1
fseek(File, 0, SEEK_END);
Size = ftell(File);
fseek(File, 0, SEEK_SET);
Buffer = new char[Size];
fread(Buffer, Size, 1, File);
char cSize[MAX_PATH];
sprintf(cSize, "%i", Size);
cout << "MAX PATH " << MAX_PATH<<endl;
cout << "cSize: " << cSize << endl;
So this to find the size of my file. most of the code i am trying it out from other questions in here but it didnt solve my problem.
my send and recv:
unsigned long filechunk = 1025;
unsigned long byteSent = 0;
unsigned long bytesToSend = 0;
send(Sub, cSize, MAX_PATH, 0); // File size to client
while (byteSent < Size) {
if ((Size - byteSent) >= filechunk) {
bytesToSend = filechunk;
else {
bytesToSend = Size - byteSent;
if (send(Sub, Buffer + byteSent, bytesToSend, 0)) {
std::cout << "Sent: ";
byteSent += bytesToSend;
std::cout << "Size : "<<Size<<" BytesSent : "<<byteSent<<" Bytes to send: " << bytesToSend << std::endl;
on the client side:
int Size;
char* Filesize = new char[5000000]; // is there a better way? my sfiles size are unknown but at least 50mb
if (recv(Socket, Filesize, 5000000, 0)) // File size
Size = atoi((const char*)Filesize);
printf("File size: %d\n", Size);
char* Buffer = new char[Size];
FILE* File;
File = fopen("test.zip", "wb"); //start copying from the server, creating the file first.
std::string convert;
long conv;
std::cout << "Size: " << Size << std::endl;
int total=Size;
int byteRecv = 0;
int recvCheck;
int bytes = 1025;
//getting the file
while (byteRecv < Size ) {
recvCheck = recv(Socket, Buffer, bytes, 0);
if (recvCheck >0) // File
fwrite(Buffer, 1, byteRecv, File);
std::cout << "Recieved:" << byteRecv << std::endl;
Size -= byteRecv;
byteRecv += byteRecv;
std::cout << "Error: " << WSAGetLastError();
else {
std::cout << "Error: " << WSAGetLastError();
total += 1; // the loop often get into infinit loop so i force it in case of this error.
if (total > 3) {
So, i know it is not very efficient and i am not sure if there are similar questions as i have been digging in here for a few weeks now.
-is there a better way i can make a char*[]? as i dont know the size of the files i want to send yet.
- does ftell() and sifeof() work the same way?
-when i check for the size i recved from the server it is alays wrong. Ex: server file: 32633513, recv size: 3263
-most of the code i have taken from other problems and combined it. if you see anything that is not needed do tell me so i take notes of that.
There is a lot of wrong things but that may correct your problem at first:
On the client side replace (your are both decrementing the total count of bytes and the received ones with the wrong value):
Size -= byteRecv;
byteRecv += byteRecv;
byteRecv += recvCheck; // actualizes the count of received bytes
The other problem is your buffer size. Never try to get an entire file in memory, this is nonsense in general; files are usually managed chunks by chunks. As you are reading at most 1025 bytes in each loop, then only use a buffer of size 1025, you don't need more. Same for reading and writing...
Recently, i've been assigned a client/server project, which is basically a chat room, where files can be sent and recieved, and we can use webcams.
I'm currently working on the file transfer part, and after looking at some online tutorials, i've noticed most of them use offsets to write into their buffers, then they write the whole buffer into their new file.
To replicate that kind of code, i've set up 2 buffers, one on the client side, the other on the server side. On the server side, i read 8192 bytes from my file, into the buffer, then i send it into the client side, which recieves it, and adds it to my buffer. Problem is, after the second file transfer, every single transfer it does, it's a SOCKET_ERROR, which probably means something's not quite right.
std::ifstream readFile;
readFile.open(FileName, std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
if (!readFile)
std::cout << "unable to open file" << std::endl;
int FileSize = readFile.tellg();
int remainingBytes = 0;
uint32_t FileSize32t = (uint32_t)FileSize;
FileSize32t = htonl(FileSize32t);
send(connections[ID], (char*)&FileSize32t, sizeof(uint32_t), 0);
int sent_bytes = 0;
int offset = 0;
char data[8192];
remainingBytes = FileSize;
int i = 0;
while (i<6)
readFile.read(data, 8192);
if (remainingBytes < 8192)
sent_bytes = send(connections[ID], data+offset, remainingBytes, 0);
remainingBytes -= sent_bytes;
offset += sent_bytes;
sent_bytes = send(connections[ID], data+offset, 8192, 0);
if (sent_bytes == SOCKET_ERROR)
std::cout << "erro" << std::endl;
remainingBytes -= sent_bytes;
offset += sent_bytes;
std::cout <<"offset: "<< offset << std::endl;
std::cout << "Sent bytes: " << sent_bytes << std::endl;
std::cout << "remaining bytes: " << remainingBytes << std::endl;
char data[8192];
std::ofstream writeFile;
writeFile.open("Putin.jpg", std::ios::binary);
int bytesReceieved = 0;
int totalBytesReceieved = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i<6)
if (recvFileSize - totalBytesReceieved < 8192)
bytesReceieved = recv(connection, data+totalBytesReceieved, recvFileSize - totalBytesReceieved, 0);
totalBytesReceieved += bytesReceieved;
bytesReceieved = recv(connection, data + totalBytesReceieved, 8192, 0);
totalBytesReceieved += bytesReceieved;
std::cout << totalBytesReceieved << std::endl;
writeFile.write(data, totalBytesReceieved);
std::cout << "transferência terminada, bytes recebidos: " << totalBytesReceieved << std::endl;
Do note that this is just a test program, and it's preety much one of my first interactions with C++. I've been told this probably isn't the best way to start off with C++, but i need this assignment done until the 15th of september, so i need to finish it regardless. If you find any errors or problems besides my original issue do feel free to point them out and if you can, explain me why it's wrong.
Thank you very much for your help.
Even though the text file to which I saved all the samples contains (possibly) proper samples, the sound file generated using the same set of data contains only the noise. The code responsible for writing the wav file:
void Filter::generateFrequencySound()
SNDFILE * outfile;
SF_INFO sfinfo;// = {0};
memset (&sfinfo, 0, sizeof (sfinfo)) ;
//preparing output file
sfinfo.format = SF_FORMAT_WAV | SF_FORMAT_PCM_16;
sfinfo.channels = 1;
sfinfo.samplerate = 44100;
std::cout << "Trying to save samples to a file" << std::endl;
const char* path = "FilterInFrequency.wav";
outfile = sf_open(path, SFM_WRITE, &sfinfo);
std::cout << "Failed to create output file" << std::endl;
unsigned long savedSamples = sf_write_double( outfile,
if(savedSamples > bufferSize)
std::cout << "Failed to save all samples into outflie. Number of sampels " << savedSamples << std::endl;
The code responsible for writing samples into a text file:
QFile file("finalResult_1.txt");
std::cout << "something went wrong";
QTextStream outstream(&file);
for(unsigned long i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++)
QString line = QString::number(outputOfFrequencyFiltration[i]);
outstream << line << "\n";
Comparison of divergence between wav and plotted text file can be seen in the attached image. The plots have been created using the same amount of data (~20500 samples- ~10% of the output file). The file size is same for both plots.
What could be the possible reason for the differences?
I'm trying to send a jpg file from a client to a server using TCP. When the picture arrives to the server side I can't open it, besides the size of the picture received is higher than the one sent (sent = 880 bytes , received = 894 bytes). Any one of you have an idea of how to do solve this problem ? Here is my code :
client code :
static int send_server_image(SOCKET sock){
int n = 0;
int siz = 0;
FILE *picture;
char buf[50];
char *s="";
cout << "Getting image size" << endl;
picture = fopen("C:\\Users\\n.b\\Desktop\\c++\\TCP\\tcp_client_image_pp\\test.jpg", "r");
fseek(picture, 0, SEEK_END);
siz = ftell(picture);
cout << siz << endl; // Output 880
cout << "Sending picture size to the server" << endl;
sprintf(buf, "%d", siz);
if((n = send(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0)) < 0)
char Sbuf[siz];
cout << "Sending the picture as byte array" << endl;
fseek(picture, 0, SEEK_END);
siz = ftell(picture);
fseek(picture, 0, SEEK_SET); //Going to the beginning of the file
fread(Sbuf, sizeof(char), sizeof(Sbuf), picture);
if((n = send(sock, Sbuf, sizeof(Sbuf), 0)) < 0)
memset(Sbuf, 0, sizeof(Sbuf));
server code :
static int recv_client_image(SOCKET sock){
int n = 0;
cout << "Reading image size" << endl;
char buf[50];
int siz = 0;
if ((n = recv(sock, buf, sizeof(buf), 0) <0)){
siz = atoi(buf);
cout << siz << endl; // 880 output
char Rbuffer[siz];
cout << "Reading image byte array" << endl;
n = 0;
if ((n = recv(sock, Rbuffer, sizeof(Rbuffer), 0)) < 0){
cout << "Converting byte array to image" << endl;
FILE *image;
image = fopen("recu.jpg", "w");
fwrite(Rbuffer, sizeof(char), sizeof(Rbuffer), image);
cout << "done" << endl;
Thank you.
You are using Variable Length Arrays, which is not standard C++ (ref). Even if it is accepted by your compiler, you should avoid using sizeof on that.
And you have a problem in the while(!feof(picture)). You read siz bytes from the file without any error and without setting the eof flag. On second read, you read 0 bytes and set the flag but also send another buffer.
You should write instead:
n = fread(Sbuf, sizeof(char), siz, picture);
if (n > 0) { /* only send what has been read */
if((n = send(sock, Sbuf, siz, 0)) < 0) /* or (better?) send(sock, Sbuf, n, 0) */
/* memset(Sbuf, 0, sizeof(Sbuf)); useless for binary data */
Same in server part:
if ((n = recv(sock, Rbuffer, siz, 0)) < 0){
cout << "Converting byte array to image" << endl;
FILE *image;
image = fopen("recu.jpg", "w");
fwrite(Rbuffer, sizeof(char), siz, image);
And there is a last possibility of error, at least if you are on a platform that makes a difference between text and binary file like Windows is that you forget to open the files in binary mode, which could break the jpg image. Because on windows for a binary file, byte 0x10 is seen as the new line (\n') and written as 2 bytes 0x0d 0x10 (\r\n).
So you must open the input file in rb mode and the output file in wb mode.
Solved :
All the correction that Serge Ballesta were right. But the problem was in the way I was opening my files.
You need to open the file in binary mode ("rb" for reading, "wb" for writing), not the default text mode.
Client :
picture = fopen("C:\\Users\\n.b\\Desktop\\c++\\TCP\\tcp_client_image_pp\\test.jpg", "rb");
Server :
image = fopen("recu.jpg", "wb");
That was the main problem. Thank you.
Next iteration of my question:
Thank you for your inputs, it has helped me to understand a little bit more about the Frame and inputSamples utility.
I’ve done modifications to my source code with the new knowledge you’ve given me. But I still have problems, so I might not have understood fully what you meant.
Here is my OpenFile function, sorry for the name but I’ll refactor later; when it’ll work =)
This Function Open a File containing the Audio, Binary, Data.
const short* OpenFile(const char* fileName, long& fileSize, WavFormat* wav)
// ouvre le fichier
ifstream file;
file.open((char*)fileName, ios::binary|ios::in);
if (file.good())
// Read the WAV's Header
wav = CheckWavHeader(file, wav);
cout << "chunkID: " << wav->chunkID <<'\n';
cout << "chunkSize: " << wav->chunkSize <<'\n';
cout << "format: " << wav->format <<'\n';
cout << "subChunk1ID: " << wav->subChunk1ID <<'\n';
cout << "subChunk1Size: " << wav->subChunk1Size <<'\n';
cout << "audioFormat: " << wav->audioFormat <<'\n'; // audioFormat == 1, alors PCM 16bits
cout << "numChannels: " << wav->numChannels <<'\n';
cout << "sampleRate: " << wav->sampleRate <<'\n';
cout << "byteRate: " << wav->byteRate <<'\n';
cout << "blockAlign: " << wav->blockAlign <<'\n';
cout << "bitsPerSample: " << wav->bitsPerSample <<'\n';
cout << "subChunk2ID: " << wav->subChunk2ID <<'\n';
cout << "subChunk2Size: " << wav->subChunk2Size <<'\n';
// Get the file’s size
file.seekg(0L, ios::end);
fileSize = ((long)file.tellg() - DATA_POS);
file.seekg(DATA_POS, ios::beg); // back to the data.
// Read the Data into the Buffer
uint nbSamples = fileSize / sizeof(short);
short* inputArray = new short[nbSamples];
file.read((char*)inputArray, fileSize);
// Close the file and return the Data
return (const short*)inputArray;
I’m opening the file, checking its size, create a short buffer and read the wav’s data into the short buffer and finally I return it.
In the main, for now I commented the G711 decoder.
When I run the application, the faacEncOpen gives me 2048 for inputSamples (it’s logic since I have 2 channels in the Wav’s file for a FRAME_LEN of 1024).
So if I understood correctly, 1 Frame == 2048 samples for my application. So for each Frame I call the faacEncEncode, I give the tmpInputBuffer that is a buffer of the same size as inputSamples at the inputBuffer[i * inputSamples] index.
The Main entry Point of the Application
int main()
// Get the File's Data
WavFormat* wav = new WavFormat;
long fileSize;
const short* fileInput = OpenFile("audioTest.wav", fileSize, wav);
// G711 mu-Law Decoder
//MuLawDecoder* decoder = new MuLawDecoder();
//short* inputBuffer = decoder->MuLawDecode_shortArray((byte*)fileInput, (int)nbChunk);
short* inputBuffer = (short*)fileInput;
// Info for FAAC
ulong sampleRate = wav->sampleRate;
uint numChannels = wav->numChannels;
ulong inputSamples;
ulong maxOutputBytes;
// Ouvre l'Encodeur et assigne la Configuration.
faacEncHandle hEncoder = faacEncOpen(sampleRate, numChannels, &inputSamples, &maxOutputBytes);
faacEncConfigurationPtr faacConfig = faacEncGetCurrentConfiguration(hEncoder);
faacConfig->inputFormat = FAAC_INPUT_16BIT;
faacConfig->bitRate = 64000;
int result = faacEncSetConfiguration(hEncoder, faacConfig);
/*Input Buffer and Output Buffer*/
byte* outputBuffer = new byte[maxOutputBytes];
int nbBytesWritten = 0;
Sink* sink = new Sink();
uint nbFrame = fileSize / inputSamples;
int32_t* tmpInputBuffer = new int32_t[inputSamples];
for (uint i = 0; i < nbFrame; i++)
strncpy((char*)tmpInputBuffer, (const char*)&inputBuffer[i * inputSamples], inputSamples);
nbBytesWritten = faacEncEncode(hEncoder, tmpInputBuffer, inputSamples, outputBuffer, maxOutputBytes);
cout << 100.0 * (float)i / nbFrame << "%\t nbBytesWritten = " << nbBytesWritten << "\n";
if (nbBytesWritten > 0)
sink->AddAACStream(outputBuffer, nbBytesWritten);
// Close AAC Encoder
// Supprimer tous les pointeurs
delete sink;
//delete decoder;
delete[] fileInput;
//delete[] inputBuffer;
delete[] outputBuffer;
delete[] tmpInputBuffer;
return 0;
When the output Data is Dumped into an .acc file (as RAW AAC), I use the application mp4muxer.exe to create an .mp4 file to listen to the final converted sound. But the sound is not good at all...
I'm wondering if there is something I'm not seeing or do not unserstand that I should.
Thank you in advance for your useful inputs.
Each call to faacEncEncode encodes inputSamples samples, not just one. Your main loop should read that many samples from the WAV file into the input buffer, then call faacEncEncode once for that buffer, and finally write the output buffer to the AAC file.
It's possible that I've misunderstood what you're doing (if so, it would be useful to know: (1) What's the OpenFile function you're calling, and does it (despite its name) actually read the file as well as opening it? (2) How is inputBuffer set up?) but:
faacEncEncode expects to be given a whole frame's worth of samples. A frame is the number of samples you got passed back in inputSamples when you called faacEncOpen. (You can give it less than a whole frame if you've reached the end of the input, of course.)
So you're getting 460 and 539 bytes for each of two frames -- not for 16 bits in each case. And it looks as if your input-data pointers are actually offset by only one sample each time, so you're handing it badly overlapping frames. (And the wrong number of them; nbChunk is not the number of frames you have.)