RegEx to match and select specific URLs - regex

I’m on a website with these URLs;
I need a RegEx that will only select these URLs instead
This is what I got so far ^(?!images$).*(*

PCRE: ^https?:\/\/flyheight\.com\/videos\/[a-z0-9]{6}$
May be this will also work for your language:

I'm not too sure if this is what you were looking for, but you could use the following:
The idea is that it would match the first part that you had, then match one or more characters that is not a slash ([^/]+) .
If you had strings that may or may not contain the / on the end (for example, you had or, you can try the following:
here are my results on regexr.

This simple expression might do that since all your desired output starts with an y:
However, if you wish to add additional boundaries to it, you can do so. For instance, this would strengthen the left boundary:\/videos\/(y.*)
Or you could add a list of char, similar to this:\/videos\/([a-z0-9]+)
You can also add a quantifier to the desired output, similar to this expression:\/videos\/([a-z0-9]{6})
and you can simply increase and add any boundary that you wish and capture your desired URLs, and fail others.
You might want to use this tool and change/edit/modify your expression based on your desired engine, as you wish:
This graph shows how it works and you can test more expressions here:


regular expressions: catch any URLs of the domain

I'm trying to get regexp code for the below case. I tried multiple tries but in vain.
I need to catch any URLs of the domain Tried using regexp '^*$
but it does not recognizes it.
i'm just looking for regexp code whichmatches*
With your expression ^*$ you match all strings that start with and have zero or more trailing / characters (/*):
If you want to match any strings starting with you might want to try ^site\.com/.*$:
There are already a lot of other regex questions regarding domain names on SO, but your question is not clear to me in what context you are trying to do this, or what is the actual goal you want to achieve. If you describe your needs more precisely you could probably find some answers on this forum.
I generally use a helper website like
Also, a few things to note, . has a special meaning in regex meaning any character, and if you wanted to capture you might want to use something where you are not limited to the number of characters by the end. I'd do this with groupings.
You can see this in action here:
Your regex ^*$ is only matched follow sentences
because * asterisk in regex means Match 0 or more of the preceding token.
so, it should be work

REGEX number not in a list failing with a long list

I have a list of the following numbers and want a Regular expression that matches when a number is not in the list.
I have written the following REGEX statement.
The problem is that it correctly gives a match for 5,6,7,8 etc but not for 17 or 251 for example.
I have been testing this on the online REGEX simulators.
This should resolve your issue..
In your earlier regex you were basically saying eliminate all numbers that start with 0/1/2/3/4/9!
So your original regex would actually match 54/623/71/88 but not the others. Also the 11-19 and 250 in the list were rendered useless.
Although as others have I would also recommend you to not use regex for this, as I believe it is an overkill and a maintenance nightmare!
Also an extra note "Variable length look arounds are very inefficient too" vs regular checks.
I would do \b\d+\b to get each number in the string and check if they are in your list. It would be way faster.
You can use the discard technique by matching what you do not want and capturing what you really want.
You can use a regex like this:
Here you can check a working demo where in blue you have the matches (what you don't want) and in green the content you want. Then you have to grab the content from the capturing group
Working demo
Not sure what regex engine you are using, but here I created a sample using java:

Regex with negative look behind still matches certain strings in Scala

I have a text, that contains url domains in the following form:
This could be for instance, or something similar, but not more complex stuff like e.g. or (no sub level domains!).
It could be that in front of the dot (between second and top level domain) or after the dot is an optional space like test . com, but this doesn't always have to be the case.
However what I don't want to match is if the second level domain and top level domain belong to an e-mail address like for instance So in this case it shouldn't extract
I wrote the following regex now:
With the negative look behind I want to make sure, that in front of the second level domain shouldn't be an #. However it doesn't really do what I expected. For instance on the text it extracts instead of extracting nothing. So, apparently it only looks at the first character when it checks if there is an # in front. But when I use the following regex it seems to work on the text
Here I hard coded the second level domain, with which it works. However if I exchange that with a regex that matches all kinds of second level domains
it doesn't work anymore. It looks like that the negative look behind is already used after the first character is matched and that it doesn't wait with the negative look behind until everything is matched.
As an alternative I could match a bit more and then use the groups afterwards to build my desired match, but I want to avoid that if possible. I would like to match it correctly immediately. I'm not an expert in regular expressions and apparently I have not understood look arounds properly yet. Is there a way to write a regex, which behaves like I want?
Add anchors to disallow partial matches.See demo.

I want a regular expression that only matches domain names with one period in them

I want it to catch things like, but not something like The regex I have so far is almost complete, it just doesn't sift out the multi-domain urls:
Is there any way to sift out on multiple periods?
Instead of .{2,3}, you want something like this: [^.]{2,3} - this excludes the period (no need to escape as it has no special meaning in this context in a regular expression) from that particular match. Overall you'd have something like:
Except obviously you're missing things like *.info by doing that....
Found a solution that is working given a variety of test scenarios:
Here, the 2nd to the last group is matching against a potential forward slash, question mark or end of string, working together with the group before it which does not allow matches which include '.'
So the final effect is that it only matches URLs with a two-part domain such as '' and there aren't any limits placed on string length.

Regex with URLs - syntax

We're using a proprietary tracking system that requires the use of regular expressions to load third party scripts on the URLs we specify.
I wanted to check the syntax of the regex we're using to see if it looks right.
To match the following URL
We are using this rule:
Does this look right? Also, if there was a query parameter on the URL, would it still work? e.g.
There's another URL to match:
The rule for this is:
Would this match correctly?
Well, "right" is a relative term. Usually, .* is not a good idea because it matches anything, even nothing. So while these regexes will all match your example strings, they'll also match much more. The question is: What are you using the regexes for?
If you only want to check whether those substrings are present anywhere in the string, then they are fine (but then you don't need regex anyway, just check for substrings).
If you want to somehow check whether it's a valid URL, then no, the regexes are not fine because they'd also match foo-bar!$%(§$§$/products/18/indoor-postersssssss)(/$%/§($/.
If you can be sure that you'll always get a correct URL as your input and just want to check whether they match you pattern, then I'd suggest
to match any URL that ends in /products, and
to match a URL that ends in /products/18/indoor-posters with an optional ?name=value bit at the end, assuming only alphanumeric characters are legal for name and value.