Lambda Kinesis Stream Consumer Concurrency Question - amazon-web-services

I have a Lambda with an Event source pointed to a Kinesis Stream Consumer. The stream has 30 shards.
I can see requests coming in on the lambda console, and I can see metrics in the Enhanced Fan Out section of the kinesis console so it appears everything is configured right.
However, my concurrent executions of the lambda is capped at 10 for some reason and I can't figure out why. Most of the documentation suggests that when Enhanced Fan Out is used and a lambda is listening to a stream consumer, then one lambda per shard should be running.
Can anyone explain how concurrency with lambda stream consumers work?

I have a couple of pointers just in case. The first thing is to make sure your lambda concurrency limit is actually over 10. It should be, as it defaults to 1000, but it doesn't hurt to check.
About the explanation of how lambda stream consumers work, you have the details at the lambda docs.
One thing I've seen often with Kinesis Data Streams, is having trouble with the Partition Key of the records. As you probably know, Kinesis Data Streams will send all the records with the same partition key to the same shard, so they can be processed in the right order. If records were sent to any shard (for example using a simple round-robin) then you couldn't have any guarantee they would be processed in order, as different shards are read by different processors.
It's important then to make sure you are distributing your keys as evenly as possible. If most records have the same partition key, then one of the shards will be very busy while the others are not getting traffic. It might be the case you are using only 10 different values for your partition keys, in which case you would be sending data to only 10 shards, and since a lambda function execution will be connected to only one shard, you have only 10 concurrent executions.
You can know the shard Id you are using by checking the output of PutRecord. You can also force a shard ID by overriding the Hashing mechanism. There is more information about partition keys processing and record sorting at the SDK docs.
Also make sure you read the troubleshooting guide, as sometimes you can get records processed by two processors concurrently and you might want to be prepared for that.
I don't know if your issue will be related to these pointers, but the Key Partitioning is a recurrent issue, so I thought I would comment on it. Good luck!


Is SQS better than DynamoDB for peak loads?

A service runs on ECS and writes the requested URL to a DynamoDB. Dynamic scaling was activated to keep the costs for DynamoDB from becoming too high. DynamoDB scales slower than requests are coming in at any given time, so some calls are not logged. My question now is whether writing to an SQS would be the better way here, because the documentation says:
Standard queues support a nearly unlimited number of API calls per second, per API action (SendMessage, ReceiveMessage, or DeleteMessage).
Of course, the messages would then have to be written back to DynamoDB, but another service can then do that.
Is the throughput of messages per second to SQS really unlimited, so it's definitely cheaper to send messages to SQS instead of increasing DynamoDB's writes per second?
I don't know if this qualifies for a good answer. But remembering a discussion with my architect at the time, we concluded that to have a queue for precisely this problem seems good practice, regardless of load. It keeps requests even if services go down, so there is an added benefit.
SQS and Dynamo fit two very different use cases. Its not so much which is better, its which is right for what you need.
Dynamodb is a NoSQL Document based Database. This is best for when you have known access patterns to data that needs to persist over time, that you need to access quickly, but probably are not making many changes too (or at least the changes do not have to be absolutely immediately, sub 5 ms accessible). Each document in a dynamodb is similar (but also very different) to a row in a standard SQL table, in that it will have attributes (columns) keys (Partition and Sort Key) and be retrievable through a query (though dynamic on the fly queries are NOT good for Dynamo)
SQS is a Queue system. It has no persistence. Payloads of JSON objects are dropped into the Queue and then processed by some end point - either a Lambda, or put into a dynamo, or something else entirely depending on your products use case. It is perfect for when you often receive bursts of data but your system needs some time to handle each individual payload - such as it is waiting on other systems to finish before it can handle the next one - so instead of scaling horizontally (by just handling all the payloads in parallel) you have to scale vertically (be able to handle more payloads at once through a single or only a few threads). You cannot access the data coming in while it is waiting in the queue, no queries on said data, only wait until that data pops/pushes off the queue and into processing by whatever system you have set up to receive it.
The answer to your question is entirely dependent on your use case and your system - something we here at SO will never really understand or know simply because we will always be hearing about it through you and never really experiencing it. As such, to answer it, you need to understand the capabilities of both Dynamo and SQS, the pros and cons for each, and then determine which is best for your product.

A Global Variable(State) in AWS for Serverless Orchestration

I am writing a syncing/ETL app inside AWS. It works as follows:
The source of the data is outside of AWS
Whenever new data is changed/added AWS is alerted via API Gateway (REST)
The REST API triggers a lambda function that does ETL and stores the data in CSV format to S3
This works fine for small tables. However, we are dealing with larger amount of data lately and I have to switch to Fargate (EKS/ECS) instead of lambda. As you can imagine these will be long running jobs and not cheap to perform. Usually when the data is changed in it changes multiple times within a period of 5 minutes, say for example 3 times. So REST API gets a ping 3 times in a row and triggers the ETL jobs 3 times as well. This is very inefficient as you can imagine.
I came up with idea that every time that REST API is triggered lets wait for 5 minutes if the API has not been invoked during the waiting period do ETL otherwise do nothing. I think I can do the waiting using Step Functions. However I cannot find a suitable way to store hash/id of the latest ping to API to one single variable. I thought maybe I can store the hash to an S3 object and after 5 minutes check to see if it is the same as the variable in my step function, but apparently ordinality is not guaranteed. I looked into SQS but the fact that is a FIFO is not very convenient and way more than what I actually need. I am pretty sure that other people have had a similar issue and there must a standard solution for this problem. I could not find any by googling and hence my plea here
From what I understand, Amazon DynamoDB is the store you are looking for to save the state of your job.
Also, please note that SQS is not FIFO by default. Using SQS won't prevent you from storing your job state.
What I would do:
Trigger a job and store the state in DynamoDB. Do not further launch job until the job state is done.
Orchestrate the ETL from Step Functions (including the 5 minutes wait)
You can also expire your jobs so DynamoDB will automatically clean them up with time.

Is an SQS needed with a Lambda in this use case?

I'm trying to build a flow that allows a user to enter data and it's being stored in RDS. My question is do I need to go from USER -> SQS -> Lambda -> RDS to or is it better to go straight from USER -> Lambda -> RDS which skips the queue entirely. Are there going to be scalability issues with the latter?
I do like that the SQS can retry a large number of times to guarantee the data, but is there a similar way to retry with a lambda alone? It's important that all of the data is stored and done so in a timely manner. I'm struggling to see the tradeoffs of the two scenarios.
If anyone has any input on the situation, that would be amazing.
Are there going to be scalability issues with the latter?
It depends on multiple metrics including traffic, spikes, size of the database, rpm etc.
Putting SQS before lambda provides you to manage number of database queries in t time according to your needs. It is a "queue" and you are consuming that queue. In some business cases it may not be useful(banking transactions etc) but in some cases(analytic calculations) it may be helpful. Instead of making a single insert whenever lambda is invoked, you can set batch size and insert in batch(10 records at once) which reduces the number of queries.
Also you can define dead letter queue to push your problematic data(couldn't make it to database). It will be another queue that you to check later to identify problematic inputs. The document can be found here

AWS Event-Sourcing implementation

I'm quite a newbe in microservices and Event-Sourcing and I was trying to figure out a way to deploy a whole system on AWS.
As far as I know there are two ways to implement an Event-Driven architecture:
Using AWS Kinesis Data Stream
So my base strategy is that every command is converted to an event which is stored in DynamoDB and exploit DynamoDB Streams to notify other microservices about a new event. But how? Which of the previous two solutions should I use?
The first one has the advanteges of:
Message ordering
At least one delivery
But the disadvantages are quite problematic:
No built-in autoscaling (you can achieve it using triggers)
No message visibility functionality (apparently, asking to confirm that)
No topic subscription
Very strict read transactions: you can improve it using multiple shards from what I read here you must have a not well defined number of lamdas with different invocation priorities and a not well defined strategy to avoid duplicate processing across multiple instances of the same microservice.
The second one has the advanteges of:
Is completely managed
Very high TPS
Topic subscriptions
Message visibility functionality
SQS messages are best-effort ordering, still no idea of what they means.
It says "A standard queue makes a best effort to preserve the order of messages, but more than one copy of a message might be delivered out of order".
Does it means that giving n copies of a message the first copy is delivered in order while the others are delivered unordered compared to the other messages' copies? Or "more that one" could be "all"?
A very big thanks for every kind of advice!
I'm quite a newbe in microservices and Event-Sourcing
Review Greg Young's talk Polygot Data for more insight into what follows.
Sharing events across service boundaries has two basic approaches - a push model and a pull model. For subscribers that care about the ordering of events, a pull model is "simpler" to maintain.
The basic idea being that each subscriber tracks its own high water mark for how many events in a stream it has processed, and queries an ordered representation of the event list to get updates.
In AWS, you would normally get this representation by querying the authoritative service for the updated event list (the implementation of which could include paging). The service might provide the list of events by querying dynamodb directly, or by getting the most recent key from DynamoDB, and then looking up cached representations of the events in S3.
In this approach, the "events" that are being pushed out of the system are really just notifications, allowing the subscribers to reduce the latency between the write into Dynamo and their own read.
I would normally reach for SNS (fan-out) for broadcasting notifications. Consumers that need bookkeeping support for which notifications they have handled would use SQS. But the primary channel for communicating the ordered events is pull.
I myself haven't looked hard at Kinesis - there's some general discussion in earlier questions -- but I think Kevin Sookocheff is onto something when he writes
...if you dig a little deeper you will find that Kinesis is well suited for a very particular use case, and if your application doesn’t fit this use case, Kinesis may be a lot more trouble than it’s worth.
Kinesis’ primary use case is collecting, storing and processing real-time continuous data streams. Data streams are data that are generated continuously by thousands of data sources, which typically send in the data records simultaneously, and in small sizes (order of Kilobytes).
Another thing: the fact that I'm accessing data from another
microservice stream is an anti-pattern, isn't it?
Well, part of the point of dividing a system into microservices is to reduce the coupling between the capabilities of the system. Accessing data across the microservice boundaries increases the coupling. So there's some tension there.
But basically if I'm using a pull model I need to read
data from other microservices' stream. Is it avoidable?
If you query the service you need for the information, rather than digging it out of the stream yourself, you reduce the coupling -- much like asking a service for data rather than reaching into an RDBMS and querying the tables yourself.
If you can avoid sharing the information between services at all, then you get even less coupling.
(Naive example: order fulfillment needs to know when an order has been paid for; so it needs a correlation id when the payment is made, but it doesn't need any of the other billing details.)

AWS Lambda - how to identify duplicate messages

Since several of the triggers for AWS Lambda can only guarantee message delivery "at least once" (SQS and IoT with QoS=1), I wonder what's the best way to identify a duplicate message and ignore it.
I can see that I currently get several duplicate messages, triggering my lambdas twice, causing noise and invalid data as a consequence.
In my client, I solve it by just storing a list of message IDs that I've processed, but in the Lambdas, I have nowhere to store a state.
Of course I could maintain a DB table of processed message IDs but it seems like overkill to me (and probably adds extra billed runtime to the lambdas). A simple key/value store service in memory would be enough.
What other solutions are you guys using?
I know you don't want to use a DB but dynamodb can work well for this kind of thing. If you have something you can use as a good partition key then it will still be quite performant. It will still add a very small amount of time to your lambda run time and, of course, you will be charged for your dynamodb capacity & data. I use this successfully to discard duplicate messages.
The other thing that might be worth looking into would be elasticache which has memcached and redis versions. This would be faster - if performance is a particular focus - but is not persistent like DynamoDB.