tesseract.lib (version 4 ) for windows 10 (x64) - c++

I find just Tesseract.lib (version 4.0.0) for windows10(x86) but I dont't find it for windows10(x64) .
So how can I get it or download it ? and how I integrate it with C++ project (Cmake Project) ?

tesseract-ocr project does not provide binary release - best way is to compile by yourself.
There are several ways/help tools (cppan, sw, vcpkg). If you want to have whole process under control you can get inspiration at blog (Building tesseract and leptonica with CMake and Clang on Windows)3 - (clang can be easily replaced with msvc or mingw - in tesseract issue tracker there are described experiences with android cross building.


Do I need to install Mingw compiler components in Qt installation if i had already installed Mingw in my computer?

I installing Qt open source framework in my window 10 pc. I already downloaded Mingw compiler and installed it to write C/C++. Now I wanna learn QT framework. I using Qt online installer. I choice to download custom compoment. Do I need to selet mingw component to download if i had already installed?
Note that there's not just one MinGW distribution and version out there. You can check out the exact supported version per Qt release at https://wiki.qt.io/MinGW .
Anyhow, if you install the pre-built Qt binaries via the online installer, the matching MinGW version will automatically be installed for you, and will be registered in Qt Creator so that things just work. There is actually no official way to prevent this.

how to build openPose in QT Project?

I'm Student, in Korea.
um..sorry about that I am not good in English.
so I used translate program KOR to ENG.
I succeed test opnePose demo.
I want to build openPose GUI Program.
But, I can't build project openPose with QT.
Cannot find with_qt in cmake-gui.
enter image description here
how to build openPose project with QT?
Help me please..I stayed up three nights...
I want to complete this project.
*Development Environment
Win 10 64 Pro
Visual Studio 2017 Community
CMake 3.13.3
Openpose 1.4.0
CUDA 8.0.61 win 10
Cudnn 8.0 win 10 64 v5.1
I believe your question is how to enable QT in the OpenCV that openpose uses. You are looking for a WITH_QT option as you saw in OpenCV, but one is not present in OpenPose.
This is because openpose does not come with opencv, but will use the opencv that you provide it. If you have built opencv with Qt, provide that version to openpose by setting the OpenCV_DIR to the path of your OpenCV install.

How do I set up OpenCV for MinGW project?

I regularly use Code::Blocks and MinGW for my C/C++ projects. I would like to be able to use OpenCV, since it has a nice library for computer vision projects. They have dropped support for MinGW. I have heard you can build it on your own somehow, but I have no experience doing this with 3rd party libraries. Can someone explain how to build it in a simple way for MinGW?
There is, or at least there was at least until 2.4.6, precompiled version of opencv that works out of the box with mingw as long as you use the dw2(standard) version of mingw.
since i needed sjlj support i had to build my own version of openCV 2.4.6
I did he following - i am pretty sure it will work for the current openCV version as well
Setup your preferred Mingw Environment - i would strongly recommend to use gcc 4.5 or newer
Intstall Msys
Intall Cmake - you can get a binary package
Start the Cmake GUI
Select the openCV source folder
Click Configure and select MSYS-Makfiles
Errors in the first run of Configure might be resolved if you run Configure again
Click Generate
use MSYS make to run the generated makefile
Copy all desired libraries and include files to your mingw-installation or your project

32-bit OpenCV on OS X Lion? Possible?

I've been googling and trying for days now, trying to figure out how to get 32-bit OpenCV working on OS X Lion, but can just find 64-bit version.
So i have the following questions:
OpenCV libraries come in 32-bit or 64-bit arch, is that correct?
How do I get 32-bit OpenCV working on Lion? I've trying the following ways:
- Install OpenCV via MacPorts: nope, MacPorts installs a 64-bit version.BI removed OpenCV and MacPorts.
Install OpenCV 2.4.1 via Homebrew, using the following command:
brew install opencv --build32
but looks like they are 64-bit too. Removed OpenCV and Homebrew.
Install OpenCV 2.4.1 by myself using standard unix makefiles. Nope, they still look like 64-bit.
I've written "they look like 64-bit" because i have to replace OpenC in a Xcode project made under OS X Snow Leopard, targeted for 32-bit Mac, and I always get tons of errors like:
ld: warning: ignoring file /usr/local/Cellar/opencv/2.4.1/lib/libopencv_calib3d.2.4.1.dylib, file was built for unsupported file format which is not the architecture being linked (i386)
so i suppose that the OpenCV stuff is 64-bit. If i force the project to run in 64-bit, it rubs but doesn't work properly and gets stuck.
Is there a standard way to check if my OpenCV libraries are 64-bit or 32-bit?
Where can i get 32-bit OpenCV?
Solved the problem.
Recap: it is possible to have 32-bit OpenCV libraries on 64-bit Mac OSX Lion.
Step 1: Download OpenCV 2.4.0
Step 2: Download and install CMake.
Step 3: Untar the OpenCV package.
Step 4: Make a separate directory inside the OpenCV package for building
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -D CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES=i386 -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS=-m32 -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-m32 ..
(this will force the 32-bit compile)
make -j8
sudo make install
Step 5: Enjoy!
For forther reference please visit Mac OS X OpenCV Port Page
Thanks all for putting me on the right track:
#karlphilip: I tried to do as you suggested, but without the make options the compile phase fails, because the architectures are incoherent.
#hamstergene: MacPorts got stuck after the new installation, maybe I have some remains of the older install :( (strange, i followed the official instrusctions to remove it).
#Adrien: That's what I've done, but i had to merge 2 approaches :)
I ve had a hard time configuring OpenCv libraries on a number od different OSs. Turns out that the thing is auto-generating a sample project and then bulding business logic inside it.
See the installation instructions here
The web site of the OpenCV project has been significantly upgraded in the last year.
A new tutorial section is avaiable, i was able to install OpenCV on my 32-bit core Mac OS Lion.
A very cool tutorial is also available at Sadeep's Tech Blog, covering an interesting range of details.
Hope this helps!
Here's something you can try: download OpenCV 2.4 sources and edit the CMakeLists.txt in the root directory. Around line 242 you will see:
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Path for build/platform -specific headers
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
set(OPENCV_CONFIG_FILE_INCLUDE_DIR "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/" CACHE PATH "Where to create the platform-dependant cvconfig.h")
below the add_definitions() call, add this one:

Qt error after switch to ITK 4

We have a Windows7 VS2008 C++ app that uses both ITK 3.10.1 and Qt 4.5. We run CMake 2.6-patch 4 to generate both ITK and our app C++ projects, and everything run OK.
Now I switch to ITK 4.1.0, and to do this I had to upgrade CMake from 2.6 to 2.8 and generate ITK 4.5 and our app with this CMake. Now ITK compiles OK, but the app does not. The error dialog reads "There is no Qt version assigned to this project for platform Win32. Please use the 'change Qt version' feature and choose a valid Qt version for this platform.".
The platform was Win32 and still is; the computer is the same, and I did not touch Qt. Obviously I did not do something that should be done or did something that should not.
Any help will be highly appreciated.