Stream OpenCV cv::Mat image to website (html5 page) - c++

I have c++ code running on a raspberry pi using OpenCV to process the camera input (form and color detection). Here is the thread where i capture my images from my pi cam:
(variables names are in french, sorry about that)
Mat imgOriginal;
VideoCapture camera;
int largeur = camPartage->getLargeur();
int hauteur = camPartage->getHauteur();;
if ( !camera.isOpened() )
screen->dispStr(10,1,"Cannot open the web cam");
screen->dispStr(10,1,"Open the web cam");
if(largeur != camPartage->getLargeur() || hauteur != camPartage->getHauteur())
largeur = camPartage->getLargeur();
hauteur = camPartage->getHauteur();
camPartage->setImageCam(imgOriginal); //shared object
if(thread.destruction == DESTRUCTION_SYNCHRONE)
Now, i want to stream those images to my website hosted on another raspberry pi. I have looked into gstreamer, ffmpeg and sockets but i didn't find any good example in c++ that worked for me. Im trying to get the lowest latency possible.
Some people suggested to use raspistill but i can't open the camera in another program since its already open by OpenCV.
If you need more information let me know, any help is appreciated.

If you need to stream your camera images from a RPi on the network, There are many approaches to do that, based on your needs.
One approach is to use high-level applications like MJPG streamer, RPi IP Camera, etc.
Another approach is, you can stream camera images throw a network (by RTP, UDP, etc) with GStreamer, FFmpeg, Raspistill, etc. With this approach, you need to have a receiver app to get streams (e.g FFmpeg).
There is also another approach which you already stated in your question and that is directly accessing the camera and capture images then transfer them manually throw network. With this approach, you have more freedom to modify the design (like adding your own compression, encryption, etc) but you should take care of the network protocol by yourself.
In your example, you can transfer each frame in network with a simple TCP/IP socket or you can build up a simple web server. It is obvious that you can't access the cam with two apps at the same time. You can use v4l2loopback to create multiple camera interfaces and access them by multiple apps but it won't solve your problem.
There are good projects like rpi-webrtc-streamer and streameye which uses low-level protocols to transfer images.


Canon SDK (EDSDK) capture region of specified size for video stream

I am very new to the EDSDK so sorry for maybe weird question in some places.
Is it possible to access a video stream and perform some operations on it using the SDK? I need this to capture very thin region (ROI) of a specified size (for example 3840x10 px) for each frame in the stream. Don`t understand this as compression of a frame, aspect ratios are not needed to follow. These changes in theory should increase fps, because the region will be very thin (Should they?).
I found the code snippet below from the official documentation, although it seems this causes only to send a signal for starting and stopping video rec, without accessing the stream.
EdsUInt32 record_start = 4; // Begin movie shooting
err = EdsSetPropertyData(cameraRef, kEdsPropID_Record, 0, sizeof(record_start), &record_start);
EdsUInt32 record_stop = 0; // End movie shooting
err = EdsSetPropertyData(cameraRef, kEdsPropID_Record, 0, sizeof(record_stop), &record_stop);
I would be very thanksful for any suggestions and help. Please feel free to ask any additional information!
This sdk doesnt allow you to directly get access to hi res streams like industrial cams would. You can access over USB ~960x640 liveview images in sequential JPGs. Movie recording can only be done to internal card, and after stopping transfering the result. Outside of this SDk, use of an external HDMI recorder gives access to a near realtime feed at max FullHD1080p, depending on model and not always “clean”.

opencv videocapture default setting

I am using mac book and have a program written in C++, the program is to extract successive frames from the webcam. The extracted frames are then grayscaled and smoothed using opencv functions. After that i would use CVNorm to find out the relative difference between 2 frames. I am using videoCapture class.
I found out that the frame rate is 30fps and using CVNorm, the relative difference obtained between successive frames are less than 200 most of the time.
I am trying to do the same thing on xcode so as to implement the program on ipad. This time I am using AVCaptureSession, the same steps are performed but i realize that the relative difference between 2 frames are much higher (>600).
Thus i would like to know about the default setting for videoCapture class, I know that i can edit the setting using cvSetCaptureProperty but i cannot find the default setting of it. After that i would compare it with the setting of the AVcaptureSession and hope to find out why there is such a huge difference in CVNorm when i use these 2 approaches to extract my frame.
Thanks in advance.
OpenCV's VideoCapture class is just a simple wrapper for capturing video from cameras or for reading video files. It is built upon several multimedia frameworks (avfoundation, dshow, ffmpeg, v4l, gstreamer, etc.) and totally hides them from the outside. The problem is coming from here, it is really hard to achieve the same behaviour of capturing under different platform and multimedia frameworks. The common set of (capture's) properties are poor and setting their values is rather only a suggestion instead of a requirement.
In summary, the default properties can differ under different platforms, but in case of AV Foundation framework:
The cvCreateCameraCapture_AVFoundation(int index) function will create a CvCapture instance under iOS, which is defined in Seems like you are not able to change the sampling rate, only CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT and DISABLE_AUTO_RESTART are supported.
The grabFrame() implementation is below. I'm absolutely not an Objective-C expert, but it seems like it waits until the capture updates the image or a time out occurs.
bool CvCaptureCAM::grabFrame() {
return grabFrame(5);
bool CvCaptureCAM::grabFrame(double timeOut) {
NSAutoreleasePool* localpool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
double sleepTime = 0.005;
double total = 0;
[NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:100 target:nil selector:#selector(doFireTimer:) userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
while (![capture updateImage] && (total += sleepTime)<=timeOut) {
[[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] runUntilDate:[NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:sleepTime]];
[localpool drain];
return total <= timeOut;

Stream live audio live555

I was writing as I could not find the answer in previous topics. I am using live555 to stream live video (h264) and audio(g723), which are being recorded by a web camera. The video part is already done and it works perfectly, but I have no clue about the audio task.
As long as I have read I have to create a ServerMediaSession to which I should add two subsessions: one for the video and one for the audio. For the video part I created a subclass of OnDemandServerMediaSubsession, a subclass of FramedSource and the Encoder class, but for the audio aspect I do not know on which classes should I base the implementation.
The web camera records and delivers audio frames in g723 format separatedly from the video. I would say the audio is raw as when I try to play it in VLC it says that it could not find any startcode; so I suppose it is the raw audio stream what is recorded by the web cam.
I was wondering if someone could give me a hint.
For an audio stream ,your override of OnDemandServerMediaSubsession::createNewRTPSink should create a SimpleRTPSink.
Something like :
RTPSink* YourAudioMediaSubsession::createNewRTPSink(Groupsock* rtpGroupsock, unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic, FramedSource* inputSource)
return SimpleRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock,
channels );
The frequency and the number of channels should comes from the inputSource.

FFMPEG with C++ accessing a webcam

I have searched all around and can not find any examples or tutorials on how to access a webcam using ffmpeg in C++. Any sample code or any help pointing me to some documentation, would greatly be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I have been working on this for months now. Your first "issue" is that ffmpeg (libavcodec and other ffmpeg libs) does NOT access web cams, or any other device.
For a basic USB webcam, or audio/video capture card, you first need driver software to access that device. For linux, these drivers fall under the Video4Linux (V4L2 as it is known) category, which are modules that are part of most distros. If you are working with MS Windows, then you need to get an SDK that allows you to access the device. MS may have something for accessing generic devices, (but from my experience, they are not very capable, if they work at all) If you've made it this far, then you now have raw frames (video and/or audio).
THEN you get to the ffmpeg part - libavcodec - which takes the raw frames (audio and/or video) and encodes them into a streams, which ffmpeg can then mux into your final container.
I have searched, but have found very few examples of all of these, and most are piece-meal.
If you don't need to actually code of this yourself, the command line ffmpeg, as well as vlc, can access these devices, capture and save to files, and even stream.
That's the best I can do for now.
For windows use dshow
For Linux (like ubuntu) use Video4Linux (V4L2).
FFmpeg can take input from V4l2 and can do the process.
To find the USB video path type : ls /dev/video*
E.g : /dev/video(n) where n = 0 / 1 / 2 ….
AVInputFormat – Struct which holds the information about input device format / media device format.
av_find_input_format ( “v4l2”) [linux]
av_format_open_input(AVFormatContext , “/dev/video(n)” , AVInputFormat , NULL)
if return value is != 0 then error.
Now you have accessed the camera using FFmpeg and can continue the operation.
sample code is below.
int CaptureCam()
avdevice_register_all(); // for device
char *dev_name = "/dev/video0"; // here mine is video0 , it may vary.
AVInputFormat *inputFormat =av_find_input_format("v4l2");
AVDictionary *options = NULL;
av_dict_set(&options, "framerate", "20", 0);
AVFormatContext *pAVFormatContext = NULL;
// check video source
if(avformat_open_input(&pAVFormatContext, dev_name, inputFormat, NULL) != 0)
cout<<"\nOops, could'nt open video source\n\n";
return -1;
cout<<"\n Success !";
} // end function
Note : Header file < libavdevice/avdevice.h > must be included
This really doesn't answer the question as I don't have a pure ffmpeg solution for you, However, I personally use Qt for webcam access. It is C++ and will have a much better API for accomplishing this. It does add a very large dependency on your code however.
It definitely depends on the webcam - for example, at work we use IP cameras that deliver a stream of jpeg data over the network. USB will be different.
You can look at the DirectShow samples, eg PlayCap (but they show AmCap and DVCap samples too). Once you have a directshow input device (chances are whatever device you have will be providing this natively) you can hook it up to ffmpeg via the dshow input device.
And having spent 5 minutes browsing the ffmpeg site to get those links, I see this...

Best DirectShow way to capture image from web cam preview ? SampleGrabber is deprecated

I have developed DirectShow C++ app which successfully previews web cam view into provided window. Now I want to capture image from this live web cam preview. I have used graph manager, ICaptureGraphBuilder2, IMoniker etc. for that.
I have searched and found following options:
WIA & Sample Grabber.
Many recommends using SampleGrabber but as per MS's msdn document SampleGrabber is deprecated and one should not use. And I don't want to use WIA API.
So which is the best DirectShow way to capture image from live web cam preview?
Here is a quote from DxSnap sample from DirectShow.NET library:
Use DirectShow to take snapshots from the Still pin of a capture
device. Note the MS encourages you to use WIA for this, but if you
want to do in with DirectShow and C#, here's how.
Note that this sample will only work with devices that output
uncompressed video as RBG24. This will include most webcams, but
probably zero tv tuners.
This is C# code, but you should get the idea as the interfaces are all the same. And there are other samples on how to use Sample Grabber Filter in C++.
Sample Grabber is deprecated, the headers are removed from a couple of latest SDKs, however the runtime components are all there and are going to be there for a long time, or otherwise a multitude of application would be broken (e.g. Video Chat in browser hosted GMail is using Sample Grabber). So basically Sample Grabber is still an easy way to capture snapshots from a web camera, or if you alternatively prefer to follow the latest MS APIs - you would want to look into Media Foundation (09 Jul 2016 update: new Windows Server installations might need one to add "Media Foundation" and/or "Desktop Experience" features to make Media Foundation API available along with DirectShow, and DirectShow Editing Services, Sample Grabber is a part of which. Default installation does not offer qedit.dll out of the box).
Also in C++ you certainly don't have to use Sample Grabber Filter. You can develop a custom filter using DirectShow BaseClasses to be a custom transformation filter or a custom renderer, which which accept incoming video feed and export the frames from the DirectShow pipeline. Another option is to use Sample Grabber sample source code from one of the older SDKs (which is not exact source for OS Sample Grabber, but it is doing the same thing). The point however that Sample Grabber shipped with Windows is still a good option.
Listed on Microsoft's website is an example of how to capture a frame using IVMRWindowlessControl9::GetCurrentImage ... Here's one way of doing it:
IBaseFilter* vmr9ptr; // I'm assuming that you got this pointer already
IVMRWindowlessControl9* controlPtr = NULL;
vmr9ptr->QueryInterface(IID_IVMRWindowlessControl9, (void**)controlPtr);
assert ( controlPtr != NULL );
// Get the current frame
BYTE* lpDib = NULL;
hr = controlPtr->GetCurrentImage(&lpDib);
// If everything is okay, we can create a BMP
if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
DWORD bufSize = pBMIH->biSizeImage;
// Let's create a bmp
size_t hdrSize = sizeof(bmpHdr);
size_t infSize = sizeof(bmpInfo);
memset(&bmpHdr, 0, hdrSize);
bmpHdr.bfType = ('M' << 8) | 'B';
bmpHdr.bfOffBits = static_cast<DWORD>(hdrSize + infSize);
bmpHdr.bfSize = bmpHdr.bfOffBits + bufSize;
// Builder the bit map info.
memset(&bmpInfo, 0, infSize);
bmpInfo.biSize = static_cast<DWORD>(infSize);
bmpInfo.biWidth = pBMIH->biWidth;
bmpInfo.biHeight = pBMIH->biHeight;
bmpInfo.biPlanes = pBMIH->biPlanes;
bmpInfo.biBitCount = pBMIH->biBitCount;
// boost::shared_arrays are awesome!
boost::shared_array<BYTE> buf(new BYTE[bmpHdr.bfSize]);//(lpDib);
memcpy(buf.get(), &bmpHdr, hdrSize); // copy the header
memcpy(buf.get() + hdrSize, &bmpInfo, infSize); // now copy the info block
memcpy(buf.get() + bmpHdr.bfOffBits, lpDib, bufSize);
// Do something with your image data ... seriously...
} // All done!
jeez... so much dis-information. if you're previewing in a directshow graph, then it depends on what you're previewing off of. Capture filters have 1, 2, or 3 pins. If it has 1 pin, it's most likely a "capture" pin (no preview pin). For this, if you want to capture and preview at the same time, you should put in a "Smart Tee" filter, and connect the VMR off of the preview pin, and hook up "something that grabs frames" off the capture pin. since you don't want to fool around with DirectShow's crummy pin start/stop stuff (instead, just simply controlling the entire graph's start/stop state). You don't need to use a SampleGrabber, it's a dead-simple filter and you could write it in a few hours (I should know, I'm the one that wrote it). it's simply a CTransInPlace filter that you can set a forced media type for it to accept, and you can set a callback interface on it to call you back when it receives a sample. It's actually simpler to write a NullRenderer which calls you back when it receives a sample, you could write this quite easily.
If the capture filter has 2 pins, it's most likely a capture pin and a still pin. in this case you still need a Smart Tee connected to the source's capture pin, and need to preview off the smart tee's preview pin, and capture samples off the smart tee's capture pin.
(If you don't know what a SmartTee is, it's a filter that plays allocator tricks and only sends a sample down the preview pin if the capture pin isn't super bogged down. It's job is to provide a path for the VMR to render from which won't botch up the allocators between the capture filter and the filters downstream of the capture filter)
If the capture filter has both capture and preview pins, I think you can figure out what you need to do then.
Anyhow, summary: The SampleGrabber is simply a CTransInPlaceFilter. You could write it as a Null Renderer, too, just make sure to fill out some junk in CheckInputType, and to call your callback back in DoRenderSample.