"template argument deduction/substitution failed" error with function object with parameter pack - c++

I'm trying to make a function that takes a variable number of parameters of any type, but even the simple example I made is getting an error
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
template<class... Ts>
void callFunction(const std::function<void(Ts...)>& function, Ts... parameters)
void myFunc(const std::string& output)
std::cout << output << std::endl;
int main()
callFunction<const std::string&>(&myFunc, "Hello world");
return 0;
When I run the above code in Ideone, I get this error:
prog.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
prog.cpp:17:57: error: no matching function for call to ‘callFunction(void (*)(const string&), const char [12])’
callFunction<const std::string&>(&myFunc, "Hello world");
prog.cpp:5:6: note: candidate: template<class ... Ts> void callFunction(const std::function<void(Ts ...)>&, Ts ...)
void callFunction(const std::function<void(Ts...)>& function, Ts... parameters)
prog.cpp:5:6: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
prog.cpp:17:57: note: mismatched types ‘const std::function<void(Ts ...)>’ and ‘void (*)(const string&) {aka void (*)(const std::__cxx11::basic_string<char>&)}’
callFunction<const std::string&>(&myFunc, "Hello world");

A simple suggestion: receive the callable as a deduced typename, not as a std::function
I mean (adding also perfect forwarding)
template <typename F, typename ... Ts>
void callFunction(F const & func, Ts && ... pars)
{ func(std::forward<Ts>(pars)...); }
and, obviously, call it without explicating nothing
callFunction(&myFunc, "Hello world");
This as the additional vantage that avoid the conversion of the callable to a std::function.
Anyway, I see two problems in your code:
1) if you receive the functional as a std::function receiving a list ot arguments types (a variadic list in this case, but isn't important for this problem) as a list of argument of the same types, you have to be sure that the types in the two list match exactly.
This isn't your case because the function receive a std::string const & and you pass as argument a the string literal "Hello world" that is a char const [12] that is a different type.
When the types are to be deduced, this cause a compilation error because the compiler can't choose between the two types.
You could solve receiving two list of types
template <typename ... Ts1, typename Ts2>
void callFunction (std::function<void(Ts1...)> const & function,
Ts2 && ... parameters)
{ function(std::forward<Ts2>(parameters)...); }
but now we have the second problem
2) You pass a pointer function (&myFunc) where callFunction() wait for a std::function.
We have a chicken-egg problem because &myFunc can be converted to a std::function but isn't a std::function.
So the compiler can't deduce the Ts... list of types from &myFunc because isn't a std::function and can't convert &myFunc to a std::function because doesn't know the Ts... type list.
I see that you have explicated the first type in the Ts... list, but isn't enough because the Ts... list is a variadic one so the compiler doesn't know that there is only a type in the Ts... list.
A simple solution to this problem is pass the function as a simple deduced F type.
Otherwise, if you have written callFunction() with two templates types lists, you can pass a std::function to the function
std::function<void(std::string const &)> f{&myFunc};
callFunction(f, "Hello world");
but I don't think is a satisfactory solution.


Passing a lambda function to a template method

I have the following templated method:
auto clusters = std::vector<std::pair<std::vector<long>, math::Vector3f>>
template<class T>
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, std::function<int(const T&, const T&)> func)
And I have a function that looks like
auto comp1 = [&](
const std::pair<std::vector<long>, math::Vector3f>& n1,
const std::pair<std::vector<long>, math::Vector3f>& n2
) -> int {
return 0;
math::eraserFunction(clusters, comp1);
However, I get a syntax error saying:
116 | void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, std::function<int(const T&, const T&)> func)
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
core.hpp:116:6: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
geom.cpp:593:23: note: 'math::method(const at::Tensor&, const at::Tensor&, int, float, int, int, float)::<lambda(const std::pair<std::vector<long int>, Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> >&, const std::pair<std::vector<long int>, Eigen::Matrix<float, 3, 1> >&)>' is not derived from 'std::function<int(const T&, const T&)>'
593 | math::eraserFunction(clusters, comp1);
The function call tries to deduce T from both the first and second function parameter.
It will correctly deduce T from the first parameter, but fail to deduce it from the second parameter, because the second function argument is a lambda type, not a std::function type.
If deduction isn't possible from all parameters that are deduced context, deduction fails.
You don't really need deduction from the second parameter/argument here, since T should be fully determined by the first argument. So you can make the second parameter a non-deduced context, for example by using std::type_identity:
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, std::type_identity_t<std::function<int(const T&, const T&)>> func)
This requires C++20, but can be implemented easily in user code as well if you are limited to C++11:
template<typename T>
struct type_identity { using type = T; };
and then
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, typename type_identity<std::function<int(const T&, const T&)>>::type func)
std::identity_type_t<T> is a type alias for std::identity_type<T>::type. Everything left to the scope resolution operator :: is a non-deduced context, which is why that works.
If you don't have any particular reason to use std::function here, you can also just take any callable type as second template argument:
template<class T, class F>
void eraserFunction(std::vector<T>& array, F func)
This can be called with a lambda, function pointer, std::function, etc. as argument. If the argument is not callable with the expected types, it will cause an error on instantiation of the function body containing the call. You can use SFINAE or since C++20 a type constraint to enforce this already at overload resolution time.

Why can't this parameter pack accept function pointers?

I'm trying to create a parameter pack full of function pointers, but GCC (with c++17 standard) generates a deduction failed error. Why is that?
As written here:
For pointers to functions, the valid arguments are pointers to functions with linkage (or constant expressions that evaluate to null pointer values).
In my example, that's the case (isn't it?).
Is this rule invalidated for parameter packs? Did I miss something in the standard? If that's the case, how can I fix my code, without passing the function pointers as function arguments (ie without declaring T run2(T input, Funcs... funcs).
// In f.hpp
template<typename T>
T run2(T input)
return input;
template<typename T, T(*f)(T), class ... Funcs>
T run2(T input)
return run2<T, Funcs...>(f(input));
// In m.cpp
unsigned add2(unsigned v)
return v+2;
int main()
unsigned a=1;
a = run2<unsigned, add2>(a); // works
a = run2<unsigned, add2, add2>(a); // doesn't work
std::cout << a << std::endl;
return 0;
This the error I get with run2<unsigned, add2, add2> (GCC doesn't tell me why the last attempt actually failed):
m.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
m.cpp:37:37: error: no matching function for call to ‘run2(unsigned int&)’
a = run2<unsigned, add2, add2>(a);
In file included from m.cpp:2:0:
./f.hpp:85:3: note: candidate: template<class T> T run2(T)
T run2(T input)
./f.hpp:85:3: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
m.cpp:37:37: error: wrong number of template arguments (3, should be 1)
a = run2<unsigned, add2, add2>(a);
In file included from m.cpp:2:0:
./f.hpp:109:3: note: candidate: template<class T, T (* f)(T), class ... Funcs> T run2(T)
T run2(T input)
./f.hpp:109:3: note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
You declared a type parameter pack, class... Funcs. You can't pass function pointers as arguments for type parameters, because they are values, not types. Instead, you need to declare the run2 template so that it has a function pointer template parameter pack. The syntax to do so is as follows:
template<typename T, T(*f)(T), T(*...fs)(T)>
T run2(T input)
return run2<T, fs...>(f(input));
(The rule is that the ... is part of the declarator-id and goes right before the identifier, namely fs.)
The pack fs can accept one or more function pointers of type T (*)(T).

Pass generic function and its parameters to meta-function

First of all, I feel like this must have been asked already somewhere, but all my searches proved fruitless. If this is indeed a duplicate of something somewhere, I apologize in advance.
I am trying to mass-benchmark a bunch of functions from OpenCV and to do so I wanted to write a small meta-function that takes the function to run, its parameters (which vary according to the function passed) and essentially sets up the timing and runs the function in a loop.
Since I'm planning to pass lambdas to the meta-function as well later on (to benchmark composition of functions), I thought of using std::function.
This is the code I came up with after reading the parameter pack description:
template<typename ...Ts>
void run_test(std::string test_name, int num_repeats, std::function<void(Ts...)> f, Ts... fargs)
std::cout << std::endl << "Starting " << test_name << std::endl;
for(int i=0; i<num_repeats; i++)
As you see, functionality is down to a minimum. start_timing and end_timing are simple helper functions beyond the scope of this question.
In my main, I call:
// im_in defined and loaded elsewhere
cv::Mat out(im_in.size(), CV_8U);
"erode 3x3",
im_in, out, cv::Mat::ones(3,3,CV_8U)
Now, if I try to compile this, I get:
error: no matching function for call to 'run_test(const char [10], const int&, void (&)(cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::Point, int, int, const Scalar&), cv::Mat&, cv::Mat&, cv::MatExpr)'
note: candidate: template<class ... Ts> void run_test(std::__cxx11::string, int, std::function<void(Ts ...)>, Ts ...)
void run_test(std::string test_name, int num_repeats, std::function<void(Ts...)> f, Ts... fargs)
note: template argument deduction/substitution failed:
note: mismatched types 'std::function<void(Ts ...)>' and 'void (*)(cv::InputArray, cv::OutputArray, cv::InputArray, cv::Point, int, int, const Scalar&) {aka void (*)(const cv::_InputArray&, const cv::_OutputArray&, const cv::_InputArray&, cv::Point_<int>, int, int, const cv::Scalar_<double>&)}'
So... what am I doing wrong? Why is it having a type mismatch instead of deducing the types in Ts... from the parameters list as I expected?
After writing the last question above, I realized it might have problems deducing Ts... for the std::function because the parameter comes before the actual parameter list to expand into Ts.... So, I changed my code as follows (essentialy, I moved the f parameter at the end):
void run_test(std::string test_name, int num_repeats, Ts... fargs, std::function<void(Ts...)> f)
{ ... }
Of course, I also adapted the function call accordingly:
cv::Mat out(im_in.size(), CV_8U);
"erode 3x3",
im_in, out, cv::Mat::ones(3,3,CV_8U),
cv::erode, // <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Now, if I compile, I get a different error:
error: expected primary-expression before ')' token );
The change in error makes me think the order of the parameters was indeed important. Is, however, this the correct one? If so, what am I doing wrong?
Writing the first update, it struck me that probably my assumption that f can take a function and convert it to a std::function was probably wrong. After a quick research, it seems it is.
I tried replacing std::function<void(Ts...)> f with both auto f and auto& f (& compiling with C++14 enabled), but the expected primary-expression error is still there.
For all I could research, I couldn't find a way that allows me to just pass the function relying on the compiler to figure out the types.
I'm thinking of adapting C++17's std::apply function implementation shown here adding my timing loop around the invoke call, but I don't understand that code, so the chance of getting something wrong is high.
You might get rid of std::function (which add overhead BTW), and use generic for f too:
template<typename F, typename ...Ts>
void run_test(std::string test_name, int num_repeats, F f, const Ts&... fargs)
std::cout << std::endl << "Starting " << test_name << std::endl;
for(int i=0; i<num_repeats; i++)
I realized it might have problems deducing Ts... for the std::function
As cv::erode is not a std::function, Ts... cannot be deduced from it, but would be from extra parameters.
Your problem is that cv::erode has extra (defaulted) parameters.
so you cannot create the std::function<Ts...> with Ts... deduced from parameters.
To bypass that issue, you might use lambda instead:
"erode 3x3",
[&](){ cv::erode(im_in, out, cv::Mat::ones(3,3,CV_8U)); }
the error expected primary-expression before ')' is because you left a , after your last parameter
parameter pack must always be the last parameters of a functions
you should probably try this
template<typename Callable, typename ...Ts>
void run_test(std::string test_name, int num_repeats, Callable func, Ts&& ... fargs)
std::cout << std::endl << "Starting " << test_name << std::endl;
for(int i=0; i<num_repeats; i++)

std::bind on a generic lambda - auto type deduction

Consider the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <functional>
int main() {
auto run = [](auto&& f, auto&& arg) {
auto foo = [](int &x) {};
int var;
auto run_foo = std::bind(run, foo, var);
return 0;
Which gives the following compilation error when compiled with clang:
$ clang++ -std=c++14 my_test.cpp
my_test.cpp:6:9: error: no matching function for call to object of type 'const (lambda at my_test.cpp:8:16)'
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/../../../../include/c++/6.3.1/functional:998:14: note: in instantiation of function template specialization 'main()::(anonymous class)::operator()<const (lambda at my_test.cpp:8:16) &, const int &>' requested here
= decltype( std::declval<typename enable_if<(sizeof...(_Args) >= 0),
/usr/bin/../lib64/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/6.3.1/../../../../include/c++/6.3.1/functional:1003:2: note: in instantiation of default argument for 'operator()<>' required here
operator()(_Args&&... __args) const
my_test.cpp:11:12: note: while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'operator()' [with _Args = <>, _Result = (no value)]
my_test.cpp:8:16: note: candidate function not viable: 1st argument ('const int') would lose const qualifier
auto foo = [](int &x) {};
my_test.cpp:8:16: note: conversion candidate of type 'void (*)(int &)'
1 error generated.
Why is arg deduced to be const int& instead of just int&?
std::bind documentation says:
Given an object g obtained from an earlier call to bind, when it is
invoked in a function call expression g(u1, u2, ... uM), an invocation
of the stored object takes place, as if by std::invoke(fd,
std::forward(v1), std::forward(v2), ...,
std::forward(vN)), where fd is a value of type std::decay_t the
values and types of the bound arguments v1, v2, ..., vN are determined
as specified below.
Otherwise, the
ordinary stored argument arg is passed to the invokable object as
lvalue argument: the argument vn in the std::invoke call above is
simply arg and the corresponding type Vn is T cv &, where cv is the
same cv-qualification as that of g.
But in this case, run_foo is cv-unqualified. What am I missing?
#include <functional>
int main() {
int i;
std::bind([] (auto& x) {x = 1;}, i)();
[func.bind]/(10.4) states that the cv-qualifiers of the argument passed to the lambda are those of the argument to bind, augmented by the cv-qualifiers of the call wrapper; but there are none, and thus a non-const int should be passed in.
Both libc++ and libstdc++ fail to resolve the call. For libc++, reported as #32856, libstdc++ as #80564. The main problem is that both libraries infer the return type in the signature somehow, looking like this for libstdc++:
// Call as const
template<typename... _Args, typename _Result
= decltype( std::declval<typename enable_if<(sizeof...(_Args) >= 0),
typename add_const<_Functor>::type&>::type>()(
_Mu<_Bound_args>()( std::declval<const _Bound_args&>(),
std::declval<tuple<_Args...>&>() )... ) )>
_Result operator()(_Args&&... __args) const
During template argument deduction as necessitated by overload resolution, the default template argument will be instantiated, which causes a hard error due to our ill-formed assignment inside the closure.
This can be fixed by perhaps a deduced placeholder: remove _Result and its default argument entirely, and declare the return type as decltype(auto). This way, we also get rid of SFINAE which influences overload resolution and thereby induces incorrect behaviour:
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
struct A {
template <typename T>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_const<T>{}> operator()(T&) const;
int main() {
int i;
std::bind(A{}, i)();
This should not compile—as explained above, the argument passed to A::operator() should be non-const because i and the forwarding call wrapper are. However, again, this compiles under libc++ and libstdc++, because their operator()s fall back on const versions after the non-const ones fail under SFINAE.

Pass lambda as template function parameter

Why doesn't the following code compile (in C++11 mode)?
#include <vector>
template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (&)(const From&)) { }
struct T { };
void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
qux(ts, [](const T&) { return 42; });
The error message is:
prog.cc:9:5: error: no matching function for call to 'qux'
qux(ts, [](const T&) { return 42; });
prog.cc:4:6: note: candidate template ignored: could not match 'To (const From &)' against '(lambda at prog.cc:9:13)'
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (&)(const From&)) { }
But it doesn't explain why it couldn't match the parameter.
If I make qux a non-template function, replacing From with T and To with int, it compiles.
A lambda function isn't a normal function. Each lambda has its own type that is not To (&)(const From&) in any case.
A non capturing lambda can decay to To (*)(const From&) in your case using:
qux(ts, +[](const T&) { return 42; });
As noted in the comments, the best you can do to get it out from a lambda is this:
#include <vector>
template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (&)(const From&)) { }
struct T { };
void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
qux(ts, *+[](const T&) { return 42; });
int main() {}
Note: I assumed that deducing return type and types of the arguments is mandatory for the real problem. Otherwise you can easily deduce the whole lambda as a generic callable object and use it directly, no need to decay anything.
If you don't need to use the deduced To type, you can just deduce the type of the whole parameter:
template<typename From, typename F>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, const F&) { }
Correct me if I am wrong, but template parameters deduction deduces only exact types without considering possible conversions.
As a result the compiler cannot deduce To and From for To (&)(const From&) because qux expects a reference to function, but you provide a lambda which has its own type.
You have left absolutely no chance to compiler to guess what is To. Thus, you need to specify it explicitly.
Also, lambda here needs to be passed by pointer.
Finally, this version compiles ok:
template<typename From, typename To>
void qux(const std::vector<From>&, To (*)(const From&)) { }
struct T { };
void foo(const std::vector<T>& ts) {
qux<T,int>(ts,[](const T&) { return 42; });
You're expecting both implicit type conversions (from unnamed function object type to function reference type) and template type deduction to happen. However, you can't have both, as you need to know the target type to find the suitable conversion sequence.
But it doesn't explain why it couldn't match the parameter.
Template deduction tries to match the types exactly. If the types cannot be deduced, deduction fails. Conversions are never considered.
In this expression:
qux(ts, [](const T&) { return 42; });
The type of the lambda expression is some unique, unnamed type. Whatever that type is, it is definitely not To(const From&) - so deduction fails.
If I make qux a non-template function, replacing From with T and To with int, it compiles.
That is not true. However, if the argument was a pointer to function rather than a reference to function, then it would be. This is because a lambda with no capture is implicitly convertible to the equivalent function pointer type. This conversion is allowed outside of the context of deduction.
template <class From, class To>
void func_tmpl(From(*)(To) ) { }
void func_normal(int(*)(int ) ) { }
func_tmpl([](int i){return i; }); // error
func_tmpl(+[](int i){return i; }); // ok, we force the conversion ourselves,
// the type of this expression can be deduced
func_normal([](int i){return i; }); // ok, implicit conversion
This is the same reason why this fails:
template <class T> void foo(std::function<T()> );
foo([]{ return 42; }); // error, this lambda is NOT a function<T()>
But this succeeds:
void bar(std::function<int()> );
bar([]{ return 42; }); // ok, this lambda is convertible to function<int()>
The preferred approach would be to deduce the type of the callable and pick out the result using std::result_of:
template <class From,
class F&&,
class To = std::result_of_t<F&&(From const&)>>
void qux(std::vector<From> const&, F&& );
Now you can pass your lambda, or function, or function object just fine.