Nginx unable to proxy django application through gunicorn - django

I'm trying to deploy a Django app in a Ubuntu Server 18.04 using Nginx and Gunicorn. Every tool seems to work properly, at least, from logs and status points of view.
The point is that if I log into my server using SSH and try to use curl, gunicorn is able to see the request and handle it. However, if I write directly my IP, I get simply the typical Welcome to nginx home page and the request is completely invisible to gunicorn, so it seems nginx is unable to locate and pass the request to the gunicorn socket.
I'm using nginx 1.14.0, Django 2.2.1, Python 3.6.7, gunicorn 19.9.0 and PostgreSQL 10.8.
This is my nginx config
server {
listen 80;
server_name localhost;
location /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
location /static/ {
alias /home/django/myproject/myproject;
location / {
include proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn.sock;
And these are my gunicorn.sock
Description=gunicorn socket
and gunicorn.service
Description=gunicorn daemon
ExecStart=/home/django/myproject/myproject/myproject/bin/gunicorn \
--access-logfile - \
--workers 3 \
--bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \
I've been following this guide (, where most of all has worked as expected, but with the difference that my project is not a completely new one as in the tutorial, but cloned from my git repo (however, it's tested and the code works properly)
I was expecting the Django admin to be accessible from my browser already with this config, but it's not. I try to access my IP from my browser and I get Welcome to nginx but also 404 if I visit /admin. In addition, the gunicorn logs shows no requests.
In the other hand, if I log through SSH into my server and I execute curl --unix-socket /run/gunicorn.sock localhost, I can see in the gunicorn logs the request done by curl.
Any help is welcome.. I've been here for hours and I'm not able to get even 1 request from outside the server.
PD: it's also not something related to the ports in the server, since when I access the root of my IP, I receive the nginx answer. It just seems like Nginx has no config at all.

in your nginx config, you should use your proper server_name instead of localhost
If not, you will fall back to the default nginx server, which returns the "welcome to nginx" message. You can change which virtual server is default by changing the order of servers, removing the nginx default, or using the default_server parameter. You can also listen to multiple server names.
listen 80 default_server;
server_name localhost;
If the Host header field does not match a server name, NGINX Plus routes the request to the default server for the port on which the request arrived. The default server is the first one listed in the nginx.conf file, unless you include the default_server parameter to the listen directive to explicitly designate a server as the default.
Remember that you have to reload the nginx config after making changes. sudo nginx -s reload for example.

Finally, I've got it working properly. You were right about the config of nginx, although my real problem was not to delete/modify default config file for nginx in sites_enabled folder. Thus, when I was setting listen 80 default_server I got the following error
[emerg] 10619#0: a duplicate default server for in
Anyway, I had a problem with the static files which I still not knowing why it works like that. I needed to set DEBUG = True to be able to see static files of the admin module.
I'll keep on investigating the proper way of serving static files in production for the admin panel.
Thank you so much for the help!


502 Bad Gateway (13 permission denied) Nginx + Gunicorn

I am trying to deploy a simple hello-world Django site to EC2 (Ubuntu 22.04) using Gunicorn and Nginx. Nginx and Gunicorn services are both reporting as running successfully, and the .sock file has been created seemingly without issue.
Gunicorn configuration file:
Description=gunicorn daemon
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/.local/share/virtualenvs/mysite-main-_EzVOJAm/bin/gunicorn --access-logfile - --workers 3 --bind unix:/home/ubuntu/sites/mysite-main/mysite-main.sock myapp.wsgi:application
Nginx configuration:
server {
listen 80;
server_name <domainname>.com <ipaddress>;
location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
location /static/ {
root /home/ubuntu/sites/mysite-main;
location / {
include proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://unix:/home/ubuntu/sites/mysite-main/mysite-main.sock;
Permissions on the .sock file, as well as both the "sites" and "mysite-main" directories are ubuntu:www-data. I attempted to try moving it out of the ubuntu user's home directory into a more "common" location in case it was permissions on the home directory stopping it, but was unable to even get the .sock file to generate in that case, probably due to my unfamliarity with how this works.
It looks like this is one of the most queried problems of all time, but I've tried every solution I could find to no avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

django nginx gunicorn application showing apache2 default page - only on ip request not domain name

Very odd behavior from my Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server
I have followed this tutorial here (twice) and it is all working properly except a couple odd things
firstly, when I use my browser to visit the IP of my VPS, the django default application page shows up throughout the tutorial however accessing it through the domain name results in a time out error
secondly, now that I have completed the tutorial and configured nginx to proxy pass to gunicorn, the apache2 ubuntu default page is now displaying instead of the django default page on a visit to the ip address and still no response from the domain name, even though there is no installation of apache2 on this server...
$ whereis apache2
here is my gunicorn.socket file
Description=gunicorn socket
here is my gunicorn.service file
Description=gunicorn daemon
ExecStart=/trends_dir/trendsvenv/bin/gunicorn \
--access-logfile - \
--workers 3 \
--bind unix:/run/gunicorn.sock \
here is my /etc/nginx/sites-available config file for the site, which has been properly symlinked to /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
server {
listen 80;
location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
location /static/ {
root /trends_dir;
location / {
include proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://unix:/run/gunicorn.sock;
like i said, no errors from the ip address and cannot get a response from the domain name, any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you
As pointed out by Mohamed in the comments section the error was due to incorrect ip-domain mapping caused by an inconsistent A record value in my domain name hosting service (godaddy)
This was because I had switched from shared hosting to VPS and the domain name's name-server values had therefore become inconsistent
The domain-name server needed to be reset to the default host values and it's A record was updated to the new VPS server's IP this has solved my issue

Django Deployment with nginx - gunicorn from another server

I'm trying to deploy my Django Project through different application server : Apache2, Nginx/gunicorn, ...
It works fine with Apache2 or Nginx, but I would like to dissociate these application server with my Django Projet. I would like to get an environment like this :
Server 1 ( : Django Project & wsgi
Server 2 ( : Nginx/gunicorn
Why ? Because later I will have some Django applications, but I would like to use just one application server.
I think I'm making a mistake with my configuration files syntax.
I have in /etc/nginx/sites-available/DatasystemsCORE.conf :
server {
listen 8000;
location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
location /static/ {
location / {
include proxy_params;
server_name : Is it IP adress from Django server or nginx server ? I think it's the first one but I'm not sure.
proxy_pass : I think there is an issue in my path
Then, I'm executing this command :
gunicorn --daemon --workers 3 --bind
One more time, I thing there is a syntax problem because I'm getting 502 Bad Request
How I can add IP address from a distant Django server there ?
Thank you !
I found How to solve my issue and I made a tutorial (based on my case) in order to help everyone who would like to make the same thing.
My file is there : Download tutorial file
But this is the same tutorial written in English.
My Django IP server :
My Nginx IP server :
1- Install and Configure wsgi (located on Django server)
WSGI is a file created with your Django project.
The file is located in /path/to/your/project/Myproject/
We have to edit this file like this :
import os
from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
import sys sys.path.append('/var/www/html/Myproject')
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "Myproject.settings")
application = get_wsgi_application()
2- Install and Configure gunicorn/supervisor (located on Django server)
In order to install gunicorn/supervisor, you have to execute in your shell :
pip install gunicorn
pip install supervisor
Then, you have to create a new file in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/Myproject.conf which looks like this :
command = /home/valentin/.virtualenvs/MyprojectEnv/bin/gunicorn Myproject.wsgi:application --name "Myproject" --workers=4 --bind= -- user="valentin" --group="valentin" ; Command to start app
user = username #You have to replace by your username
stdout_logfile = /var/log/supervisor/supervisor.log
redirect_stderr = true
I specified port 8080 which is the communication port between my application server and my web server.
3- Edit hosts file on nginx server (located on nginx server)
You have to edit your hosts file located to /etc/hosts and add a new entry to your Django server : localhost valentin Myproject
# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts ::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
4- New config file in nginx repository (located on nginx server)
This new file should be placed in /etc/nginx/sites-available/Myproject.conf
server {
listen 8080;
server_name Myproject;
root /var/www/html/Myproject/;
location /static/ {
root /var/www/html/;
location / {
include proxy_params;
The IP address corresponds to my Django server address. I specified the listen port (8080), the path to my Django project & static directory.
Then, you have to create a symbolic link to sites-enabled.
After ths operation, restart nginx service :
sudo service nginx restart
5- Allow nginx IP address in Django (located on Django server)
You have to edit your file in order to allow nginx IP address in ALLOWED_HOSTS :
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['localhost', '', '', '[::1]']
6- Finally execute gunicorn (located on Django server)
Finally, you have to start gunicorn. You should be inside your Django root project and execute :
gunicorn Myproject.wsgi:application --bind
Now, in your browser, try to connect to your nginx server with the port :
It works !
PS : This tutorial works for me, if it doesn't work for you, maybe I missed something, or maybe you didn't make exactly like me ;)
What you're trying to do doesn't make any sense. You can certainly use a single nginx on a separate server, but gunicorn is the application server and belongs with the application.
There is no "Django server" so your first question is irrelevant. gunicorn will need to serve on a port, not a socket, and the nginx proxy_pass will point to that port.

Getting 502 error when I try to send email, server setup by django, postgres, nginx, gunicorn

I am following this tutorial from digital ocean How To Set Up Django with Postgres, Nginx, and Gunicorn on Ubuntu 16.04
Everything is working fine except when I try to send email using gmail it throws 502 bad gateway. nginx log file shows
94 upstream prematurely closed connection while reading response header from upstream
gunicorn configuration
Description=gunicorn daemon
ExecStart=/home/webuser/venv/chhuti/bin/gunicorn --access-logfile - --
workers 3 --bind unix:/home/webuser/chhuti_ata/chhuti.sock
nginx configuration
server {
listen 80;
server_name ***.***.***.***;
location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
location /static/ {
root /home/webuser/chhuti_ata;
location /media/ {
root /home/webuser/chhuti_ata;
location / {
include proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://unix:/home/webuser/chhuti_ata/chhuti.sock;
Any help will be appreciated.
I think that error from Nginx is indicating that the connection was closed early before it could complete sending the email. If you are sending emails via gmail, gmail sometimes block the log-in (and sending of emails) from unidentified log-ins or "insecure apps" (that would be the log-in from the server hosting your django application) for security purposes.
You may need to check your gmail security settings to manually ensure that gmail is allowing the web server running your django app (specifically, identify the server i.p.) to send emails.
If that doesn't work you may need to configure DJango to send e-mails asynchronously, see here

How do I deploy Django app to (AWS) domain name?

I've only been working with Django for a few weeks, and just learned deployment. I have an AWS EC2 Instance, which I'm able to deploy my Django website/app to (i.e., if I go to the IP address in my browser, I'm able to access my website). However, I can't figure out how to deploy that same website to my domain name, which is registered on AWS.
I followed AWS's documentation (, and shows that my domain name routes to my EC2 instance. However, when I go to my domain name in my browser, it shows a 400 Bad Request. Is there something else I need to do when I setup nginx or gunicorn? I've tried replacing the {{yourEC2.public.ip}} in the nginx code to be my domain name instead of the IP address.
I haven't been able to find any other resources online regarding deployment to domain names, specifically with AWS.
This is what I have for deploying to the EC2 instance:
DEBUG = False
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['{{yourEC2.public.ip}}']
STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, "static/")
(venv) ubuntu#$ python collectstatic
Description=gunicorn daemon
ExecStart=/home/ubuntu/{{repoName}}/venv/bin/gunicorn --workers 3 --bind
server {
listen 80;
server_name {{yourEC2.public.ip}};
location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; }
location /static/ {
root /home/ubuntu/{{myRepoName}};
location / {
include proxy_params;
proxy_pass http://unix:/home/ubuntu/{{myRepoName}}/{{projectName}}.sock;
I had this exact same problem, and actually found your various posts also seeking solutions. Funny how we both had the exact same issue in such a similar window of time.
I did three things:
First, I updated my ALLOWED_HOSTS just as Selcuk noted:
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['12.345.67.890', '', '']
Then, I also edited the server_name setting in my nginx configuration:
server_name 12.345.67.890;
Lastly, I restarted nginx and rebooted the machine to make sure it all worked:
sudo service nginx restart
sudo reboot
After this, I was able to load my domain and the application would load. I know you already found your solution, but wanted to formalize this, as I found your question on StackOverflow and hopefully others will too so they may be spared!
You should set ALLOWED_HOSTS to your hostname(s), such as ['', '']:
A list of strings representing the host/domain names that this Django site can serve. This is a security measure to prevent HTTP Host header attacks, which are possible even under many seemingly-safe web server configurations.