What determines AWS Redis' usable memory? (OOM issue) - amazon-web-services

I am using AWS Redis for a project and ran into an Out of Memory (OOM) issue. In investigating the issue, I discovered a couple parameters that affect the amount of usable memory, but the math doesn't seem to work out for my case. Am I missing any variables?
I'm using:
3 shards, 3 nodes per shard
cache.t2.micro instance type
default.redis4.0.cluster.on cache parameter group
The ElastiCache website says cache.t2.micro has 0.555 GiB = 0.555 * 2^30 B = 595,926,712 B memory.
default.redis4.0.cluster.on parameter group has maxmemory = 581,959,680 (just under the instance memory) and reserved-memory-percent = 25%. 581,959,680 B * 0.75 = 436,469,760 B available.
Now, looking at the BytesUsedForCache metric in CloudWatch when I ran out of memory, I see nodes around 457M, 437M, 397M, 393M bytes. It shouldn't be possible for a node to be above the 436M bytes calculated above!
What am I missing; Is there something else that determines how much memory is usable?

I remember reading it somewhere but I can not find it right now. I believe BytesUsedForCache is a sum of RAM and SWAP used by Redis to store data/buffers.
As Elasticache's docs suggest that SWAP should not go higher than 300 MB.
I would suggest checking the SWAP metric at that time.


Rebalance Akka Cluster if One Of Shard Is not Resolving

Intermittently we are receiving following errors
2022-05-25 08:32:30,691 ERROR app=abc a.c.s.DDataShardCoordinator - The ShardCoordinator was unable to update a distributed state within ‘updating-state-timeout’: 2000 millis (retrying). Perhaps the ShardRegion has not started on all active nodes yet? event=ShardRegionRegistered(Actor[akka://application#])
2022-05-25 08:32:31,348 WARN app=abc a.c.s.ShardRegion - abcapp: Trying to register to coordinator at [ActorSelection[Anchor(akka://application#, Path(/system/sharding/abcappCoordinator/singleton/coordinator)]], but no acknowledgement. Total [22] buffered messages. [Coordinator [Member(address = akka://application#, status = Up)] is reachable.]
While we check cluster members by using /cluster/members we got “” this as
“node”: “akka://application#”,
“nodeUid”: “7353086881718190138”,
“roles”: [
“status”: “Up”
Which says its healthy but problem resolves while we remove this node from the cluster using
/cluster/members/{address} (leave operation to remove from cluster, once it’s removed cluster will create new pod and rebalance.
Need help to understand the best way of handling this error.
You can of course implement an external control plane to parse logs and take a node exhibiting this error out of the cluster.
That said, it's better to understand what's happening here. The ShardCoordinator runs on the oldest node in the cluster, and needs to ensure that there's agreement on things like which nodes own which shards. It accomplishes this by requiring that updates be acknowledged by a majority of nodes in the cluster. If a state update isn't acknowledged, then further updates to the state (e.g. rebalances) are delayed.
I said "majority", but because in clusters where there's substantial node turnover relative to the size of the cluster simple majorities can lead to data loss, it becomes more complex. Consider a cluster of 3 nodes, N1, N2, N3. N1 (the ShardCoordinator) updates state and considers it successful when it and N3 have updated state. N1 is dropped from the cluster and replaced by N4; N2 becomes the shard coordinator (being the next oldest node) and requests state from itself and the other nodes; N4 responds first. The result becomes that the state update N1 made is lost. So two other settings come into play:
akka.cluster.coordinator-state.write-majority-plus (default 3) which adds that to the majority write requirement (rounding down)
akka.cluster.distributed-data.majority-min-cap (default 5) which requires that the majority plus the added nodes must be at least this
If the computed majority is greater than the number of nodes, the majority becomes all nodes. So in a cluster with fewer than 9 nodes with the defaults these become effectively all nodes (and the actual timeout when updating is a quarter of the configured timeout, to allow for three retries).
You don't say what your cluster size is, but if running in a cluster with fewer than 9 nodes, it can be a good idea to increase the akka.cluster.sharding.updating-state-timeout from the default 5 seconds to allow for the increased consistency level. Decreasing write-majority-plus and majority-min-cap can be an option, if you're willing to take the risks of violating cluster sharding's guarantees (e.g. multiple instances of the same entity running and potentially destroying their persistent state). Increasing the cluster size can also be helpful, paradoxically, if the reason other nodes are slow to respond is overload.

AWS DMS replication instance out of memory

I recently started to work with AWS Data Migration Service (DMS) and running into some issues.
Currently attempting to migrate a 10GB Oracle DB to AWS RDS Postgres. Works but has crazy(?) memory requirements. Feels like it loads the entire DB into memory... Started with dms.r4.large (15.5GB) but can not allocate memory after approx. 98%.... Will run smoothly with dms.r4.xlarge (30.5GB)
As you can see in the screenshot (free-able memory, minimum), the instance is constantly running "full" before all memory gets released when the task finishes (or crashs).
Is there any setting to change this and why does it behave like this? It makes the whole task unnecessary expensive...
As confirmed by AWS, this was indeed a bug with the latest engine (v3.1.3). Following additional insights have been provided by AWS to estimate the actual memory requirements:
Full LOB mode (using single row insert+update, commit rate)
Memory: (# of lob columns in a table) x (Number of table in parallel,
default is 8) x (lob chunk size) x (Commit rate during full load) = 2
* 8 *64(k) * 10000k
Note: You may consider to reduce the "Commit rate during full load "
value because we allocate memory using roughly the above method
Limited LOB mode (using array)
Memory: (# of lob columns in a table) x (Number of table in
parallel, default is 8) x maxlobSize x bulkArraySize = 2 * 8 * 4096(k)
* 1000

Aerospike error: All batch queues are full

I am running an Aerospike cluster in Google Cloud. Following the recommendation on this post, I updated to the last version ( and re-created all servers. In fact, this change cause my 5 servers to operate in a much lower CPU load (it was around 75% load before, now it is on 20%, as show in the graph bellow:
Because of this low load, I decided to reduce the cluster size to 4 servers. When I did this, my application started to receive the following error:
All batch queues are full
I found this discussion about the topic, recommending to change the parameters batch-index-threads and batch-max-unused-buffers with the command
asadm -e "asinfo -v 'set-config:context=service;batch-index-threads=NEW_VALUE'"
I tried many combinations of values (batch-index-threads with 2,4,8,16) and none of them solved the problem, and also changing the batch-index-threads param. Nothing solves my problem. I keep receiving the All batch queues are full error.
Here is my aerospace.conf relevant information:
service {
user root
group root
paxos-single-replica-limit 1 # Number of nodes where the replica count is automatically reduced to 1.
paxos-recovery-policy auto-reset-master
pidfile /var/run/aerospike/asd.pid
service-threads 32
transaction-queues 32
transaction-threads-per-queue 4
batch-index-threads 40
proto-fd-max 15000
batch-max-requests 30000
replication-fire-and-forget true
I use 300GB SSD disks on these servers.
A quick note which may or may not pertain to you:
A common mistake we have seen in the past is that developers decide to use 'batch get' as a general purpose 'get' for single and multiple record requests. The single record get will perform better for single record requests.
It's possible that you are being constrained by the network between the clients and servers. Reducing from 5 to 4 nodes reduced the aggregate pipe. In addition, removing a node will start cluster migrations which adds additional network load.
I would look at the batch-max-buffer-per-queue config parameter.
Maximum number of 128KB response buffers allowed in each batch index
queue. If all batch index queues are full, new batch requests are
In conjunction with raising this value from the default of 255 you will want to also raise the batch-max-unused-buffers to batch-index-threads x batch-max-buffer-per-queue + 1 (at least). If you do not do that new buffers will be created and destroyed constantly, as the amount of free (unused) buffers is smaller than the ones you're using. The moment the batch response is served the system will strive to trim the buffers down to the max unused number. You will see this reflected in the batch_index_created_buffers metric constantly rising.
Be aware that you need to have enough DRAM for this. For example if you raise the batch-max-buffer-per-queue to 320 you will consume
40 (`batch-index-threads`) x 320 (`batch-max-buffer-per-queue`) x 128K = 1600MB
For the sake of performance the batch-max-unused-buffers should be set to 13000 which will have a max memory consumption of 1625MB (1.59GB) per-node.

AWS EMR Parallel Mappers?

I am trying to determine how many nodes I need for my EMR cluster. As part of best practices the recommendations are:
(Total Mappers needed for your job + Time taken to process) / (per instance capacity + desired time) as outlined here: http://www.slideshare.net/AmazonWebServices/amazon-elastic-mapreduce-deep-dive-and-best-practices-bdt404-aws-reinvent-2013, page 89.
The question is how to determine how many parallel mappers the instance will support since AWS don't publish? https://aws.amazon.com/emr/pricing/
Sorry if i missed something obvious.
To determine the number of parallel mappers , you will need to check this documentation from EMR called Task Configuration where EMR had a predefined mapping set of configurations for every instance type which would determine the number of mappers/reducers.
For example : Lets say you have 5 m1.xlarge core nodes. According to the default mapred-site.xml configuration values for that instance type from EMR docs, we have
mapreduce.map.memory.mb = 768
yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb = 12288
yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb = 12288 (same as above)
You can simply divide the later with former setting to get the maximum number of mappers supported by one m1.xlarge node = (12288/768) = 16
So, for the 5 node cluster , it would a max of 16*5 = 80 mappers that can run in parallel (considering a map only job). The same is the case with max parallel Reducers(30). You can do similar math for a combination of mappers and reducers.
So, If you want to run more mappers in parallel , you can either re-size the cluster or reduce the mapreduce.map.memory.mb(and its heap mapreduce.map.java.opts) on every node and restart NM to
To understand what the above mapred-site.xml properties mean and why you do need to do those calculations , you can refer it here :
Note : The above calculations and statements are true if EMR stays in its default configuration using YARN capacity scheduler with DefaultResourceCalculator. If for example , you configure your capacity scheduler to use DominantResourceCalculator, it will consider VCPU's + Memory on every nodes (not just memory's) to decide on parallel number of mappers.

Is there a maximum concurrency for AWS s3 multipart uploads?

Referring to the docs, you can specify the number of concurrent connection when pushing large files to Amazon Web Services s3 using the multipart uploader. While it does say the concurrency defaults to 5, it does not specify a maximum, or whether or not the size of each chunk is derived from the total filesize / concurrency.
I trolled the source code and the comment is pretty much the same as the docs:
Set the concurrency level to use when uploading parts. This affects
how many parts are uploaded in parallel. You must use a local file as
your data source when using a concurrency greater than 1
So my functional build looks like this (the vars are defined by the way, this is just condensed for example):
use Aws\Common\Exception\MultipartUploadException;
use Aws\S3\Model\MultipartUpload\UploadBuilder;
$uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()
->setOption('CacheControl', 'max-age=3600')
Works great except a 200mb file takes 9 minutes to upload... with 30 concurrent connections? Seems suspicious to me, so I upped concurrency to 100 and the upload time was 8.5 minutes. Such a small difference could just be connection and not code.
So my question is whether or not there's a concurrency maximum, what it is, and if you can specify the size of the chunks or if chunk size is automatically calculated. My goal is to try to get a 500mb file to transfer to AWS s3 within 5 minutes, however I have to optimize that if possible.
Looking through the source code, it looks like 10,000 is the maximum concurrent connections. There is no automatic calculations of chunk sizes based on concurrent connections but you could set those yourself if needed for whatever reason.
I set the chunk size to 10 megs, 20 concurrent connections and it seems to work fine. On a real server I got a 100 meg file to transfer in 23 seconds. Much better than the 3 1/2 to 4 minute it was getting in the dev environments. Interesting, but thems the stats, should anyone else come across this same issue.
This is what my builder ended up being:
$uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()
->setOption('CacheControl', 'max-age=3600')
I may need to up that max cache but as of yet this works acceptably. The key was moving the processor code to the server and not relying on the weakness of my dev environments, no matter how powerful the machine is or high class the internet connection is.
We can abort the process during upload and can halt all the operations and abort the upload at any instance. We can set Concurrency and minimum part size.
$uploader = UploadBuilder::newInstance()
->setOption('CacheControl', 'max-age=3600')
try {
echo "Upload complete.\n";
} catch (MultipartUploadException $e) {
echo "Upload failed.\n";