How to create a container in SoLiD? - solid

I'm running a stand alone single-user v5 Node Solid Server. When I log in as that single user, I'm able to create a document in a non-existent container, and the server creates the container for me.
POST https://my.server:8443/network/001/call/call-001
#prefix c0: <> .
#prefix foo: <> .
a foo:call;
c0:caller "401-555-0001";
c0:created "2019-05-02T19:54:10.007Z";
c0:id "call-0001";
c0:network-id "001";
c0:receiver "555-555-0002";
c0:updated "2019-05-02T19:54:10.007Z” .
When I post this to my own single user server, and the container /network/001/call doesn't exist, it will create it for me. But when I post this to an Inrupt server (where I own the POD, but not the server, and it isn't in single user mode), I get an error:
500 : Failed to write file after patch: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/solid/'
So - I'm curious around why it creates the container in one case but not the other, but I suppose for the short term the answer is also that I should be explicitly creating the containers before putting things into them. Unfortunately the task-oriented documentation seems a bit lacking on this at the moment, so thus the title of this question - how do I create a container (POST ...?) on a SoLiD server?

Coming back to this, I now know a bit more about Solid to be able to answer this properly.
So, you should be able to create an empty Container by sending a PUT request with an empty body to the Container URL, with a trailing slash appended to indicate that it is a Container: PUT https://my.server:8443/network/001/call/.
Unfortunately, at the time of writing, the currently most widely-used Solid server software (Node Solid Server) does not support this, so it requires the creation of a file inside it as a workaround. This works, because the Solid spec explicitly says that intermediate Containers should be created as well.
(And of course, you can use a library that abstracts over this for you.)
The error you encountered in the initial question description appears to have been a bug in v4 of NSS that has been fixed by now.

I needed to create another inbox at my profile on the Solid server (version Solid 5.6.3 at the time). I tried PUT request like this and it worked:
PUT /inbox2 HTTP/1.1
Cookie: (cookie from browser where I'm logged in)
Link: <.acl>; rel="acl", <.meta>; rel="describedBy", <>; rel="type", <>; rel="type"
Content-Type: text/turtle
Content-Length: 274
#prefix : <#>.
#prefix inbox: <>.
#prefix ldp: <>.
#prefix terms: <>.
#prefix XML: <>.
#prefix st: <>.
a ldp:BasicContainer, ldp:Container.
I took the body from the original inbox.


Is there a way to override the content of notification email from a test case update in Kiwi TCMS?

Im trying to change the content of the notification email sent after a test case has been updated to better clarify what has been changed. As it is, the content is hard to read.
Went through the link below to configure the other notification content:
The content of the notification email:
Updated on Tue Aug 20 15:47:18 2019
Updated by Admin
--- notes
+++ notes
## -1 +1 ##
--- text
+++ text
## -10,7 +10,7 ##
3. item
*Expected results*:
1. item
2. item
3. item
I managed to replicate the example (from the link) for post_case_delete, post_run_save, and user_registered but the dir(tcms/templates/email/) lacks one for test case updates.
EDIT: It seems that adding dir and txt files for the others will undo the changes made to confirm_registration.
Is there a way to amend how the content is shown in the notification email?
Im trying to change the content of the notification email sent after a test case has been updated to better clarify what has been changed.
The link you've posted shows how to override templates (HTML, email, any kind of templates). However what context (e.g. which variables) get passed down to the template is up to the backend functions rendering that particular template.
As it is, the content is hard to read.
We thought diff is a pretty universal format but if you have other suggestions the best way is to start with opening an issue with examples, maybe a POC pull request.
In this particular example change history is automatically generated so any change will likely affect everything which deals with history but we need to see examples to comment further.
EDIT: It seems that adding dir and txt files for the others will undo the changes made to confirm_registration.
This is unrelated to the original question. Again I will have to see what exactly you are doing to tell you if/where the mistake is. The template engine in Django is trying to use the first template with a given name it finds. The search directory path tells it where to look for these templates. If you are somehow obscuring the files from the blog post then the application will not be able to find them hence you are not seeing the overriden changes you expect to.
Also follow (not directly related but in the same domain space).

Web service - SOAPui - Receiver Failed to serialize node AXIS2

Hy Guys,
I have a Web service problem. The used environment: SOAP - TOMCAT+AXIS2 - Gigaspace - Magic XPA 3.3
I have made 2 closely same external xpa program what gives back a blob in the Task's property sheet's Return value. It's "answer" back an XML, the simle different is that the first one make (XPA merge) a smaller (18KB) file (from a Filtered DB source), the bigger is write out the whole record aggregation. (1025KB)
When the soap UI receives the first one, everything is fine, i got the result XML on SOAP side. The bigger one shows this error:
<faultstring>**Failed to serialize node**</faultstring>
<soapenv:Text xml:lang="en-US">**Failed to serialize node**</soapenv:Text>
The only different is the size of files i think so. I have read some option to solve it like BasicHttpBinding's MaxReivedMessageSize and MaxBuffer size, but i could not find them to change values.
Does anyone have experience in this solutions?
Best Regards,
For the future. The XML what has sent contained wrong values. Not tipical XML invalid character, instead an character. So i you have a SOAP error like that, try to Validate your XML file to search an option to solve your problem. ;)

opencart: I can edit order but cannot delete it. (with Error log)

I use opencart version
Everytime I click admin > sales > order, it will pop up "error undefined." By closing that popup window, I can still edit order but cannot delete order (no response).
In my log, there is:
PHP Notice: Undefined variable: order_id in
/var/www/html/opencart2101/system/storage/modification/admin/view/template/sale/order_list.tpl on line 821
The line 821 is:
url: 'index.php?route=extension/openbay/addorderinfo&token=<?php echo $token; ?>&order_id=<?php echo $order_id; ?>&status_id=' + status_id,
However, I haven't installed any openbay related module. Also, line 821 is inside <!-- --> mark. It should have no effect.
Although this is now an older version of opencart, I still see this being reported a lot around and about.
The problem occurs due to the store front adding the http url rather than the https url to the order. So firstly you need to fix that. If you dont want to read all of my explanation, you can just hit up the bold points :)
Either way BACKUP EVERYTHING actually not really, back up the file you are going to edit and backup your whole database.
catalog/controller/checkout/confirm.php at around line 100
$order_data['store_url'] = HTTP_SERVER;
Change to:
$order_data['store_url'] = HTTPS_SERVER;
Now you will want to fix your database because for reasons I cannot fathom, the domain name is placed in the order along with the stores id. and when editing orders it is the usage of that directly within your admin order page that throws up the undefined notice. Basically the browser blocks the request because its trying to make an insecure request from a secure page.
Crack open phpmyadmin or whatever database tool you have on hand.
locate the table, default is oc_orders
Browsing the table, look for the column that contains your store url (i cant remember the name off hand, i think its just store_url but it will be obvious anyway. if you are multi store you will need to run the query for each
I am sure somebody can come up with a clever way to automatically convert just the http into https with a single use sql query on the one column, but this works for me.
Run SQL: adjust as appropriate
UPDATE `oc_orders` SET `store_url` = '' WHERE store_id = 0;

Not visualizing ASCII STL file correctly

My problem seems similar to Not able to visualize a loaded data , but I have no console errors and I have already added the '-allow-file-access-from-files' flag to my Chrome Browser. Here's my Java coding,
window.onload = function() {
var r = new X.renderer3D();
pros = new X.mesh();
pros.file = 'file:///C:/Users/Nathan/Downloads/JB Farmer STL ACII.stl';
pros.caption = 'Prosthetic';
Should I "play around" with with camera position, I know I have to do that in Three.js.
Maybe the model needs normals? I'm not sure if it does or not. I haven't worked with 3D modeling, besides Three.js.
Update: Ummmm, I'm not sure what is going on with this, but I realized that XTK generated 2 canvases . I looked at the first two Lessons and they have one.
^ Now eliminated the extra canvas, must have copied a piece and that was in there.
For the moment, the loader of xtk doesn't seem to be done for local. I mean : it uses an XMLHttpRequest (XHR) to get the file with a GET request. First of all the request must be sent to something that can handle it (a server or localhost emilated by Wamp or equivalent). Then let's imagine if one broswer, no matter what one, allows XHR on a file at client side by his url, and imagine I'm a pirate and you come on my website. I know Windows well, I know in C:/Windows/System32 there always is a file where I can find your personals data. What do I do ? An XHR ! You've been hacked. It's a story but you see the idea.
That's why the only ways allowed by browsers to access local files are HTML5 File API & HTML5 Drag&Drop API (unfortunately...). Actualy a way to go through that limitation is having binary code at the client side (flash, java applet). The client is the only one who can ask to open a file or drop a file, so the browser is sure there won't be any security failure because of him.
So you should test it with something like Wamp and access your file with an url like "http://localhost/.../myfile.stl" or the relative url "/.../myfile.stl", or do the following if you realy want local files.
A few weeks ago I wrote my own parser for a private format for xtk and from local file, it worked well, I just used HTML5 APIs to read the file and get a String or BinaryArray from it and then wrote a parser that transformed it in a X.mesh. So I think the best would be to extend the X.loader for HTML5 file APIs, or like me to manualy load the file.
The following jsFiddle from Haehn helps : here !
What happens if you modify the filename with no space?
JB Farmer_STL_ACII.stl instead of JB Farmer STL ACII.stl

Sharepoint 2007 AddList and AddListFromFeature are missing template columns and data content

What I've Done
Inside SharePoint I created a List based on the Project Tasks template
I deleted most default columns, and added new custom columns
I added data using the new format
Then I did a "Save as template" and chose to save the template with the content
What IS Working
Now, when I use that template to create a new List inside of SharePoint it works perfectly. The custom columns are present, and the data is all pre-filled as expected.
What ISN'T Working
However, when I use the AddList or AddListFromFeature methods made available by SharePoint web services the new list is created, but it is simply based off of the original Project Tasks template with the default columns and no data!
What I've Tried
I tried following the suggestion in the article from Phase 2 to setup a custom template ID, but that only prevented me from using the template at all (was no longer listed when I do a "Create").
I'm still trying to figure out if this article applies - it seems to be a similar issue, but applied to Sites instead of Lists.
I found that another person was having the same problem about a year ago.
System Setup
Working with SharePoint 2007 (I think?), using PHP with NuSOAP to connect. The connection is definitely working as I've added items to lists, created lists, and read data.
Code Samples
Request - against Phase 2 Method template above
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:ns2034=""><SOAP-ENV:Body>
<AddListFromFeature xmlns="">
<listName>2Test Milestone Release</listName>
<description>Testing this out</description>
Response - fails due to templateID not being recognized
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><soap:Body><soap:Fault><faultcode>soap:Server</faultcode><faultstring>Exception of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.SoapServerException' was thrown.</faultstring><detail><errorstring xmlns="">Cannot complete this action.
Please try again.</errorstring><errorcode xmlns="">0x81072101</errorcode></detail></soap:Fault></soap:Body></soap:Envelope>
I'm stumped! So if you can help - I'd be a very happy person! Thanks, in advance!
I would chase why you can't create the list via the interface in the first place, these two web service calls don't seem to include the important parameter when creating from custom templates, lets analyse the querystrings:
New Project Tasks (out of the box)
New Project Tasks Custom (saved in the list template gallery)
New Project Tasks Custom (manifest.xml edited to 151)
They all work, so my take here is that the Web Service is a no no for custom templates, or it has some secret magic (common in list definitions) since specifying only the ListTemplate without being explicitly CUSTOM won't work even in the UI.
If you can't get around with this apparent limitation, my suggestions are:
.NET, note that this post has some voodoo in the first comment if you happen to get the same error
Make an IFRAME with http://site/_layouts/new.aspx?CustomTemplate=PT6.stp&FeatureId={00bfea71-513d-4ca0-96c2-6a47775c0119}&ListTemplate=150 as source and fill the fields using javascript, and then trigger the OK button click, make some full page loading transition and it will even look good.
Method 2 needs to be done from the same domain, if you are not running your PHP from the same domain (unlikely) you need to create a page inside the SharePoint site to contain this hack, it can be as simple as a Web Part Page with a Content Editor Web Part in it, you read some querystring parameters, place them on the fields, trigger the OK and wait for the page to change so you can redirect to a "success" page.
Edit: I got curious and looked at the source of New.aspx, it has this little snippet (bIsCustomTemplate = strCustomTemplate != null, strCustomTemplate = querystring "CustomTemplate"):
<% if (bIsCustomTemplate) { %>
<input id="onetidCustomTemplate" type="Hidden" name="CustomTemplate" value=<%SPHttpUtility.AddQuote(SPHttpUtility.HtmlEncode(strCustomTemplate),Response.Output);%> />
<% } %>
I looked at the disassembled code but I don't think we can post it here, but it only proves that the UI builds it from a post (Request.Form) and looks for the CustomTemplate parameter, and the Web Service has only those methods were you can't specify a custom template.