AWS RDSDataService query not running - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to use RDSDataService to query an Aurora Serverless database. When I'm trying to query, my lambda just times out (I've set it up to 5 minutes just to make sure it isn't a problem with that). I have 1 record in my database and when I try to query it, I get no results, and neither the error or data flows are called. I've verified executeSql is called by removing the dbClusterOrInstanceArn from my params and it throw the exception for not having it.
I have also run SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST in the query editor to see if the queries were still running and they are not. I've given the lambda both the AmazonRDSFullAccess and AmazonRDSDataFullAccess policies without any luck either. You can see by the code below, i've already tried what was recommended in issue #2376.
Not that this should matter, but this lambda is triggered by a Kinesis event trigger.
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
const RDS = new AWS.RDSDataService({apiVersion: '2018-08-01', region: 'us-east-1'})
for (record of event.Records) {
const payload = JSON.parse(new Buffer(, 'base64').toString('utf-8'));
const data = compileItem(payload);
const params = {
awsSecretStoreArn: 'arn:aws:secretsmanager:us-east-1:149070771508:secret:xxxxxxxxx,
dbClusterOrInstanceArn: 'arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:149070771508:cluster:xxxxxxxxx',
sqlStatements: `select * from MY_DATABASE.MY_TABLE`
// database: 'MY_DATABASE'
console.log('calling executeSql');
RDS.executeSql(params, (error, data) => {
if (error) {
console.log('error', error)
callback(error, null);
} else {
console.log('data', data);
callback(null, { success: true })
EDIT: We've run the command through the aws cli and it returns results.
EDIT 2: I'm able to connect to it using the mysql2 package and connecting to it through the URI, so it's defiantly an issue with either the aws-sdk or how I'm using it.

Nodejs excution is not waiting for the result that's why process exit before completing the request.
use mysql library
use context.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop =false

Problem was the RDS had to be crated in a VPC, in which the Lambda's were not in


How to correctly run ECS commands via AWS CDK in a pipeline and debug?

we have ECS commands running in our Pipeline to deploy a Drupal 8 website. We have added commands like this to our CDK code. We have about 5 commands like this running in the CDK code. We execute these commands using Lambda.
'use strict';
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const ecs = new AWS.ECS();
const codeDeploy = new AWS.CodeDeploy({ apiVersion: '2014-10-06' });
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) => {
console.log('Drush execution lambda invoked');
const deploymentId = event.DeploymentId;
const lifecycleEventHookExecutionId = event.LifecycleEventHookExecutionId;
let validationTestResult = 'Failed';
const clusterName = process.env.CLUSTER_NAME;
const containerName = process.env.CONTAINER_NAME;
const taskListParams = {
cluster: clusterName,
desiredStatus: 'RUNNING',
const taskList = await ecs.listTasks(taskListParams).promise();
const activeTask = taskList.taskArns[0];
console.log('Active task: ' + activeTask);
const cimParams = {
command: 'drush cim -y',
interactive: true,
task: activeTask,
cluster: clusterName,
container: containerName
await ecs.executeCommand(cimParams, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log(err, err.stack, "FAILED on drush cim -y");
} else {
validationTestResult = 'Succeeded';
console.log(data, "Succeeded on drush cim -y");
// Pass CodeDeploy the prepared validation test results.
await codeDeploy.putLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus({
deploymentId: deploymentId,
lifecycleEventHookExecutionId: lifecycleEventHookExecutionId,
status: validationTestResult // status can be 'Succeeded' or 'Failed'
}catch (e) {
console.log('Drush execution lambda failed');
await codeDeploy.putLifecycleEventHookExecutionStatus({
deploymentId: deploymentId,
lifecycleEventHookExecutionId: lifecycleEventHookExecutionId,
status: 'Failed' // status can be 'Succeeded' or 'Failed'
The problem we have is when these commands are executed it says successful, but, we still can't see the changes on the website. If we run the pipeline again for the second time, the changes will be applied successfully.
The commands are not showing any errors or not failing the pipeline, but, the changes will only apply to the site if the pipeline was executed twice.
We are not sure if this is a Drupal/Drush or an ECS issue at this stage.
When we realized that the changes are not applying for the first time, we SSH into the ECS container and manually executed the command drush cim -y and it applied the changes to the site when we did that. So that tells us this is probably not an issue with the command, but, the ECS execution?
Can anyone see if we are doing anything wrong here ?. Is there a known issue with CDK or ECS commands like this ?.
Most importantly if someone can tell us how to debug ECS commands correctly, that would be great. Because the current level of logs we are having is not enough to find where the problem is.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this question.

I am learning to create AWS Lambdas. I want to create a "chain": S3 -> 4 Chained Lambda()'s -> RDS. I can't get the first lambda to call the second

I really tried everything. Surprisingly google has not many answers when it comes to this.
When a certain .csv file is uploaded to a S3 bucket I want to parse it and place the data into a RDS database.
My goal is to learn the lambda serverless technology, this is essentially an exercise. Thus, I over-engineered the hell out of it.
Here is how it goes:
S3 Trigger when the .csv is uploaded -> call lambda (this part fully works)
AAA_Thomas_DailyOverframeS3CsvToAnalytics_DownloadCsv downloads the csv from S3 and finishes with essentially the plaintext of the file. It is then supposed to pass it to the next lambda. The way I am trying to do this is by putting the second lambda as destination. The function works, but the second lambda is never called and I don't know why.
AAA_Thomas_DailyOverframeS3CsvToAnalytics_ParseCsv gets the plaintext as input and returns a javascript object with the parsed data.
AAA_Thomas_DailyOverframeS3CsvToAnalytics_DecryptRDSPass only connects to KMS, gets the encrcypted RDS password, and passes it along with the data it received as input to the last lambda.
AAA_Thomas_DailyOverframeS3CsvToAnalytics_PutDataInRds then finally puts the data in RDS.
I created a custom VPC with custom subnets, route tables, gateways, peering connections, etc. I don't know if this is relevant but function 2. only has access to the s3 endpoint, 3. does not have any internet access whatsoever, 4. is the only one that has normal internet access (it's the only way to connect to KSM), and 5. only has access to the peered VPC which hosts the RDS.
This is the code of the first lambda:
// dependencies
const AWS = require('aws-sdk');
const util = require('util');
const s3 = new AWS.S3();
let region = process.env;
exports.handler = async (event, context, callback) =>
var checkDates = process.env.CheckDates == "false" ? false : true;
var ret = [];
var checkFileDate = function(actualFileName)
if (!checkDates)
return true;
var d = new Date();
var expectedFileName = 'Overframe_-_Analytics_by_Day_Device_' + d.getUTCFullYear() + '-' + (d.getUTCMonth().toString().length == 1 ? "0" + d.getUTCMonth() : d.getUTCMonth()) + '-' + (d.getUTCDate().toString().length == 1 ? "0" + d.getUTCDate() : d.getUTCDate());
return expectedFileName == actualFileName.substr(0, expectedFileName.length);
for (var i = 0; i < event.Records.length; ++i)
var record = event.Records[i];
try {
if ( != process.env.S3BucketName)
console.error('Unexpected notification, unknown bucket: ' +;
if (!checkFileDate(record.s3.object.key))
console.error('Unexpected file, or date is not today\'s: ' + record.s3.object.key);
const params = {
Key: record.s3.object.key
var csvFile = await s3.getObject(params).promise();
var allText = csvFile.Body.toString('utf-8');
console.log('Loaded data:', {Bucket: params.Bucket, Filename: params.Key, Text: allText});
} catch (error) {
console.log("Couldn't download CSV from S3", error);
return { statusCode: 500, body: error };
// I've been randomly trying different ways to return the data, none works. The data itself is correct , I checked with console.log()
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: { "Records": ret }
return ret;
While this shows how the lambda was set up, especially its destination:
I haven't posted on Stackoverflow in 7 years. That's how desperate I am. Thanks for the help.
Rather than getting each Lambda to call the next one take a look at AWS managed service for state machines, step functions which can handle this workflow for you.
By providing input and outputs you can pass output to the next function, with retry logic built into it.
If you haven't much experience AWS has a tutorial on setting up a step function through chaining Lambdas.
By using this you also will not need to account for configuration issues such as Lambda timeouts. In addition it allows your code to be more modular which improves testing the individual functionality, whilst also isolating issues.
The execution roles of all Lambda functions, whose destinations include other Lambda functions, must have the lambda:InvokeFunction IAM permission in one of their attached IAM policies.
Here's a snippet from Lambda documentation:
To send events to a destination, your function needs additional permissions. Add a policy with the required permissions to your function's execution role. Each destination service requires a different permission, as follows:
Amazon SQS – sqs:SendMessage
Amazon SNS – sns:Publish
Lambda – lambda:InvokeFunction
EventBridge – events:PutEvents

s3.putObject(params).promise() does not upload file, but successfully executes then() callback

I had pretty long number of attempts to put a file in S3 bucket, after which I have to update my model.
I have following code (note that I have tried commented lines too. It works neither with comments nor without it.)
The problem observed:
Everything in the first .then() block (successCallBack()) gets successfully executed, but I do not see result of s3.putObject().
The bucket in question is public, no access restrictions. It used to work with sls offline option, then because of it not working in AWS I had to make lot of changes and managed to make successCallback() work which does the database work successfully. However, file upload still doesn't work.
Some questions:
While solving this, the real questions I am pondering / searching are,
Is lambda supposed to return something? I saw AWS docs but they have fragmented code snippets.
Putting await in front of s3.putObject(params).promise() does not help. I see samples with and without await in front of things that have AWS Promise() function call. Not sure which ones are correct.
What is the correct way when you have chained async functions to accomplish within one lambda function?
var myJSON = {}
const createBook = async (event) => {
let bucketPath = ""
let fileKey = //file key
let path = bucketPath + "/" + fileKey;
myJSON = {
//JSON from headers
var s3 = new AWS.S3();
let buffer = Buffer.from(event.body, 'utf8');
var params = {Bucket: 'com.xxxx.yyyy', Key: fileKey, Body: buffer, ContentEncoding: 'utf8'};
let putObjPromise = s3.putObject(params).promise();
.then(c => {
console.log('File upload Success!');
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
body: "Success!!!"
.catch(err => {
let str = "File upload / Creation error:" + err;
return {
statusCode: err.statusCode || 500,
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' },
body: str
const successCallBack = async () => {
console.log("Inside success callback - " + JSON.stringify(myJSON)) ;
const { myModel } = await connectToDatabase()
console.log("After connectToDatabase")
const book = await myModel.create(myJSON)
Finally, I got this to work. My code worked already in sls offline setup.
What was different on AWS endpoint?
What I observed on console was the fact that my lambda was set to run under VPC.
When I chose No VPC, it worked. I do not know if this is the best practice. There must be some security advantage obtained by functions running under VPC.
I came across this huge explanation about VPC but I could not find anything related to S3.
The code posted in the question currently runs fine on AWS endpoint.
If the lambda is running in a VPC then you would need a VPC endpoint to access a service outside the vpc. S3 would be outside the VPC. Perhaps if security is an issue then creating a VPC endpoint would solve the issue in a better way. Also, if security is an issue, then perhaps adding a policy (or using the default AmazonS3FullAccess policy) to the role that the lambda is using, then the S3 bucket wouldn't need to be public.

How to return an entire Datastore table by name using Node.js on a Google Cloud Function

I want to retrieve a table (with all rows) by name. I want to HTTP request using something like this on the body {"table": user}.
Tried this code without success:
'use strict';
const {Datastore} = require('#google-cloud/datastore');
// Instantiates a client
const datastore = new Datastore();
exports.getUsers = (req, res) => {
//Get List
const query = this.datastore.createQuery('users');
this.datastore.runQuery(query).then(results => {
const customers = results[0];
customers.forEach(customer => {
const cusKey = customer[this.datastore.KEY];
.catch(err => { console.error('ERROR:', err); });
Google Datastore is a NoSQL database that is working with entities and not tables. What you want is to load all the "records" which are "key identifiers" in Datastore and all their "properties", which is the "columns" that you see in the Console. But you want to load them based the "Kind" name which is the "table" that you are referring to.
Here is a solution on how to retrieve all the key identifiers and their properties from Datastore, using HTTP trigger Cloud Function running in Node.js 8 environment.
Create a Google Cloud Function and choose the trigger to HTTP.
Choose the runtime to be Node.js 8
In index.js replace all the code with this GitHub code.
In package.json add:
"name": "sample-http",
"version": "0.0.1",
"dependencies": {
"#google-cloud/datastore": "^3.1.2"
Under Function to execute add loadDataFromDatastore, since this is the name of the function that we want to execute.
NOTE: This will log all the loaded records into the Stackdriver logs
of the Cloud Function. The response for each record is a JSON,
therefore you will have to convert the response to a JSON object to
get the data you want. Get the idea and modify the code accordingly.

How to invoke AWS CLI command from CodePipeline?

I want to copy artifacts from S3 bucket in Account 1 to S3 bucket in Account 2. Though I was able to setup replication but I want to know whether there is a way to invoke AWS CLI command from within a pipeline.
Can it be invoked using Lambda function? If yes, any small sample script will be helpful.
Yes, you can add a Lambda Invoke action to your pipeline to call the copyobject API. The core part of the Lambda function is as follow.
exports.copyRepoToProdS3 = (event, context) => {
const jobId = event['CodePipeline.job'].id
const s3Location = event['CodePipeline.job'].data.inputArtifacts[0].location.s3Location
const cpParams = JSON.parse(event['CodePipeline.job'].data.actionConfiguration.configuration.UserParameters)
let promises = []
for (let bucket of prodBuckets) {
let params = {
Bucket: bucket,
CopySource: s3Location['bucketName'] + '/' + s3Location['objectKey'],
Key: cpParams['S3ObjectKey']
return Promise.all(promises)
.then((data) => {
console.log('Successfully copied repo to buckets!')
}).catch((error) => {
console.log('Failed to copy repo to buckets!', error)
And more detailed steps to add roles and report processing result to CodePipeline can be find at the following link.