How to limit a max value in a cell? - if-statement

I am setting up a new spreadsheet in google spreadsheets and I need to set a max value because it can surpass that number.
I am currently using this formula -> =SUMPRODUCT(D17:D33) and that sum can be more than 50, and if that's true, I want to limit to 50.
Any tips?

Please try:

try something simple like:
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(D17:D33)>50; 50; SUMPRODUCT(D17:D33))



So i have dropdown (cells J23) and when the dropdown gets the number, i want to show the results number (which is percent cell).
I was use filter, search and if function.
When i was run the if function, it's work. But when i was combine it, it doesn't work.
Here's my function
=filter(F10:G,search(J23,IF(J23 < 10, J23, IF(J23 = 10, 10, IF(J23 > 10, J23))), F10:F))
If you need my excel, you can access my google sheets
Your spreadsheet goal is hard to understand from your current formula. I think that you want the following...
In K21:
In K23:
IF(I6="",," and lower(Col1) contains '"&LOWER(I6)&"'")&
IF(J6="",," and lower(Col2) contains '"&LOWER(J6)&"'")&
IF(K6="",," and lower(Col3) contains '"&LOWER(K6)&"'")), "no match"))

SUMIF Array Formula with "GREATER THAN"

I know this may work:
But I don't know how to find any solution for this
Basically, I want to SUMIF with multiple criterias with array formula. But I can't find a way with criteria that greater than something
this is the sample case:
the case is about summing the quantity given from each activity, given some range of date.
array formula is needed since I want the list of activity to be flexibly added, without me having to edit the formula.
as far as I know, sumifs cant be used because sumifs doesn't work with array formula
TEXTJOIN("|", 1, J2:J))), E2:E, )))
or try:
Some alternative:
sumif and vlookup==>
=arrayformula(sumif((1-isna(vlookup(D2:D9,J2:J3,1)))*F2:F9,">" & H2,E2:E9))
sum if and vlookup:
Sum and vlookup:

How to get/set vertical scroll filter property in OBS using C++?

It is necessary to get/set the value of the vertical speed property. The verticalSpeed property has a value of 500 (the maximum value of the slider), but in OBS I manually set 35.
How to get exactly the value 35?
A second question, how can I see all the available filter properties?
obs_data_t* source = obs_get_source_by_name("SOURCE_NAME");
obs_data_t* filter = obs_source_get_filter_by_name(source, "FILTER_NAME");
obs_data_t* settings = obs_source_get_settings(filter);
vspeed = obs_data_get_int(settings, "verticalSpeed");
Thank you for any help!
Ok, there is an GetSourceFilterInfo function that returns a list of filter properties.
Speed is a parameter speed_x and speed_y.

Highlighting a whole row if number of blank cells in the row = a certain number

I'm trying to highlight a row if the number of blank cells between say, C1 and E1 = 3
and then copy this down for every row.
I've tried using:
But it's not working, can anybody help?
Under conditional formatting, your formula should be the following based on what you've given. The reason is conditional format is trying to see the result as TRUE or False. The IF statement is trying to tell the computer what to do when it's TRUE or FALSE.
if you want to use IF you will need to do it like this:
=IF(COUNTBLANK($C1:$E1)=3, 1)

Remove blanks at ends of DataVisualization chart x axis

I am using Microsoft's DataVisualization.Charting.Chart, and I have integer values along the X axis, using line-style graphs. However, the chart is adding an extra blank item at the beginning and end of the x-axis, with no value labels to explain what they are.
How can I remove these empty items and make the lines go right up to the ends?
Use the IsMarginVisible property of the xaxis. I believe that will do the trick.
To test this, I changed one of my own charts to be a line chart and then set the value in the code:
ReactivityChart.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.IsMarginVisible = False
Tell me if this is what you were hoping to get or if I have totally misunderstood the question:
(note that I do not have a high enough rep to post this image)
You should set the Maximum and Minimum properties in ChartArea.AxisX, e.g. :
this.chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum = 0; // if your minimum X = 0
this.chart1.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum = 100; // if your maximum X = 100
In this way, your chart area will show only the values between Minimum and Maximum.