Regular expression to extract either integer or string from JSON - regex

I am working in an environment without a JSON parser, so I am using regular expressions to parse some JSON. The value I'm looking to isolate may be either a string or an integer.
For instance
{"Product_ID":455233, "Product_Name":"Entry One"}
{"Product_ID":"455233-5", "Product_Name":"Entry One"}
I have been attempting to create a single regex pattern to extract the Product_ID whether it is a string or an integer.
I can successfully extract both results with separate patterns using look around with either (?<=Product_ID":")(.*?)(?=") or (?<=Product_ID":)(.*?)(?=,)
however since I don't know which one I will need ahead of time I would like a one size fits all.
I have tried to use [^"] in the pattern however I just cant seem to piece it together
I expect to receive 455233-5 and 455233 but currently I receive "455233-5"

, try it here.


JMeter Regular extraction looking to correlate a value between two dynamic variables

im in a bit of a pickle
im trying to extract a value where the value before it and after it are very redundant.
[sample of the response with the desired value highlighted][1]
now since the value before it and after it are dynamic that narrows down the regex values i can rely on.
and validating every idea i have gives back a wider string.
how can i extract this value?
JSON is not a regular language therefore using Regular Expressions for extracting data from it is not the best idea.
Consider using i.e. JSON Extractor which allows using arbitrary JsonPath queries allowing fetching data from JSON in flexible, readable and more powerful way.
If you post the code in text form and not as an image I could come up with a proper JsonPath expression.

Regex-Match while ignoring a char from Searchword

I am using an Engineering Program which lets me Code formulas in order to filter out specific lines in a database. I am trying to look for a certain line in the database which contains e.g. "concrete" as a property.
In the Code I can use regular expressions.
The regex I was using so far looked like this:
so if the line in the database contains concrete, I will get the wanted result.
Now the Problem is: i would like to switch the word concrete with a variable, so that it Looks like this:
(the Syntax with the # works in the program btw.)
the Problem is: if i set the variable as concrete, the program automatically switches it for 'concrete' . Obviously, the word concrete cant be found anymore, since the searchterm now contains the two ' Symbols in the beginning and i the end.
Is there a way to ignore those two characters using the Right regex?
what I want it to do is the following:
If a line in the database contains "25cm concrete in Grey"
I should get a match from the regex.
with the searchterm ".*(concrete).*"; it works, with the variable ".*(#VARIABLE1).*"; it doesnt.
the whole "Formula" in the program Looks like that:
if(Match(QTO(Typ:="Attribut{FloorsLayer_02_MaterialName}");".*(#V_QUALITY).*" ;"regex") ;QTO(Typ:="Attribut{Fläche}");0)
I want the if-condition to be true, when the match inside is true.
the whole QTO function is just the programs Syntax to use a certain Attribute into the match-function, the middle part is my Problem. I really don't know the programming language or anything,I'm new to this. hope it helps!
Thats more of a hack than a real solution and i'm not sure if it even works:
if you use the regex
and the string ?concrete(
this will result in a regex looking like this:
which makes the additional characters optional.
This uses the following assumtption:
the string (#VARIABLE1) gets replaced by the ('<content of VARIABLE1>')

jmeter extract multiple regular expression

I'm looking to extract 2 expressions from the following response:
"FirstValue":"1234","Someotherfield":"****","Someotherfield":"****",(Some other more fields),"SecondValue":"6789"
Now explained deeply: there is my first value - which is followed by many other values, and eventually my second value. Note: the number of fields between is defined and determined, but I don't use the following solution:How to extract multiple values with a regular expression in Jmeter because I think it will be too long regular expression (about 20 back slashes).
I've come up with the following 2 solutions:
Reference name: Parameters
Which work fine. But, I want to make it more efficient, since in the response I get also the value between my requested values (e.g. Parameters_g0="FirstValue":"1234","Someotherfield":"****","Someotherfield":"****",(Some other more fields),"SecondValue":"6789").
So question is, is there a more efficient way to use? If no, which one is preferred between what I raised in this post?
Thank you

Parse a string for open and close tags

Let's say I have the following strings:
"This [color=RGB]is[\color] a string."
"This [color=RGB][bold]is[\bold][\color] another string."
What I'm looking for is a good way to parse the string in order to extract the tag information and then reconstruct the original string without tags.
The tag informations will be used during text rendering.
Obviously I can achieve the goal by working directly with strings (find/substr/replace and so on), but I'm asking if there is another way cleaner, for example using regular expression.
There are very few tags I need, but there is the possibility to nest them (only of different type).
Can't use Boost.
There's a very simple answer that might work, depending on the complexity of your strings. (And me understanding you correctly, i.e. you just want to get the cleaned up strings, not actually extract the tags.) Just remove all tags. Replace
with nothing. Example here
Now, if your string should be able to contain tag-like objects this might not work.

How to remove query string ? from image url

Whats the best way to remove a query string (the question mark variables) from a image url.
Say I got a good image such as$_12.JPG?set_id=880000500F
But I can't really save it properly without adding a bunch of useless checking code because of the query string crap after it.
I just need$_12.JPG
Looking for the proper regular expression that handles this so I could replace it with blank.
It might be simple enough not to worry about regex.
This would work:
Dim cleaned = url.Substring(0, url.IndexOf("?"c))