Hierarchy label customization - Power BI - powerbi

I have a Clustered column chart in Power BI which has a category and date on the Axis so that there's a hierarchy to view the data on. In the hierarchy view, each column in the chart has the full hierarchy name below it. I would like to have the category name once only and then the dates for each column specified instead of the dates and category name with each date repeated. So I would like for the hierarchy labels to have their own "grouping" as it were. Is anyone able to assist with this please? I don't want to pivot the data because then there's a legend that viewers of the report need to look at to see what color column matches up to which date in the chart which isn't practical.

If anyone does run into this I ended up using the Infographic Designer custom visual that I imported from the Power BI Marketplace. With this I was able to achieve what I wanted by using the "Column By" feature of the visual. This gave me multiple charts for the different groups of data I wanted to view.


Time slicer for different visualisations in Power BI

I want to change visualisations with a time period slicer.
This is an example of a page for a single month of data. I would like to have a time slicer that would allow me to select different months/time periods and show me the relevant data.
I thought about using buttons with bookmarks to be able to click between different months, but it is not feasible when more months come in. All the guides on the internet show how to change visualisations with time as an axis, so I don't know where to look.
Please let me know if there is a better way to do this!
In your data sources add separate column for date (or you can use existing column for that)
Next you have to create calendar from power bi or insert excel sheet, Its better to create calendar from power bi.
Then you need to make sure all the date columns are in date format. And make relationship between columns.
power bi desktop
Drag and drop created date column to the calendar column.
Then you have global slicer that affect to your selected visualization.
From slicer you can change slicer visualization as you want

Slicing the power BI report only by slicers not images

I have a scenario where I am using date and country slicers along with maps in my report along with some stacked charts.
When I click on the map for one country it filters the data based on that country I have selected but the filter is not reflected in slicers.
Is there any way that I can use the map only to display the counts without having select, in other words, no selection allowed on the maps?
Any suggestions would be helpful.
Go to Format tab and select Edit Interaction option as shown in the below image. Now select your Map visual and set Filter = None in other visuals you don't like to interact when click on the Map.

Highlight selected bar in a column chart in Power BI

I have got a column chart with 79 geographies and a slicer with the 79 geographies. The column chart is NOT dependent on the slicer however there are other visualisations in the page that are dependent on the slicer.
What I would to achieve is when I select a specific geography in the slicer the bar that corresponds to that selected geography should be highlighted (i.e. a different colour fill). Can someone please let me know if it is possible to achieve.
I was able to achieve this partly by creating an independent slicer. Not coming from the table or joined to the table. I created 2 new measures, one that shows the selected value in the slicer and the second measure to give it a colour. I used this to change the data colour by using "fx" to determine the colour of the column. I am attaching the Power BI file that shows this solution for your reference.
But by doing an independent slicer my other visualisations don't update. I am wondering if it is possible to achieve this without creating an independent slicer so that my other visualisations are not affected.
Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Measure 1: Measure = SELECTEDVALUE(Locality[Locality])
Measure 2: Colour = IF(MAX(Sheet1[Locality]) = selectedvalue(Locality[Locality]),"red","blue")
Please see below the screenshot and also link to the sample .pbix file for your reference.
Sample Power BI file - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AubIV2PXG9p4gqhykbbmeMfFYlChCw?e=w6UABf
Disconnected table solution file - https://1drv.ms/u/s!AubIV2PXG9p4gql1_KvyEK82cZZDMw?e=7TAR6i
You did a great trick as I checked your solution file. But slicer not working as expected which is your issue as per your explanation. To make it work, you can just think reverse of what you have done now.
You have separated slicer value from other data, so that selecting a value in the slicer still keep all Locality in the Bar chart. But problem is, its also keeping all localities in other charts where you wants to take effect of slicer selection. Right?
If the above explanation and assumption is correct, just separate your Locality and Population column to a different island (no relation) table. And create your BAR chart from the new table. Now, if you select a value in the slicer, all charts will be filtered accordingly but the BAR chart.
Finally, apply the Color measure to FX as you implemented currently. This will work as I tried it here and got success. Following is the sample output-

Highlighting Scatterplot Power bi

I have data from different insurance companies.
For these companies I made a scatterplot with Net Premium on the X Axis and Net profit on the y axis.
In the Report I also have 3 bar charts and a table.
I have filters for years, category and company.
The scatterplot ignores the years filter and is filtered by the category filter.
I am trying to highlight the chosen Company in, and only in, the scatterplot.
For example, I filter for a category so my scatterplots shows all data points for the given companies that lie within the category.
Now I want the "company filter" to highlight the data point in my scatterplot.
I tried to do this with conditional formatting but my scatterplot does not take conditional formatting.
I also looked at the method on this site
This however is not what I want because I don't want to have another bar chart.
I want my company filter to directly highlight my scatterplot. Does anyone know a way how to do this?
You can do this by editing your interactions. Select the filter you want to edit the interaction for. You now get a tab format, select it and select "Edit interactions".
In the example below, I selected the Score filter and disable the Employee table from acting on the filter.

Split column in two with Power BI desktop

My table has the following structure:
I need to analyse the variance of views by page title from the periods in column B: 2016 vs 2015.
For that, I'm using Power BI desktop. I'm trying to split column B in two: one with the period 1/jan/2015-19/ago/2015 and other with 1/jan/2015-19/ago/2015
Is this possible to do? How?
I tried unpivoting but it didn't work.
Thanks in advance for helping!
If I understood your need correctly you might be able to achieve your result with your same data without the need to split your columns:
Insert a Clustered Column Chart visual.
On the "Axis" field of the visual drag your "Title" column.
On the "Legend" field of the visual drag your "Dates" column.
On the "Value" field of the visual drag your "Views" column and then select "Variance" on the dropdown for "Value".
This should compare the variance of the number of views for each of the pages between the 2015 and the 2016 period.