Two different interfaces for AWS Tag Editor? - amazon-web-services

It seems that there are two different Web UI for AWS Tag Editor (you need an AWS account to try them):
I got this link from AWS Doc
In Management Console, if you select Resource Group > Tag Editor on the top of the console page, it will take you to this page
The two WebUI behave differently:
The former is global but the latter is region-specific (it will put you into a region even if you don't put the region parameter in the URL)
The former allows you to search for Not tagged in the filter; but the latter does not
The UI are slightly different
Is one of UI a newer version?
Update (2019-05-14)
(Please also see an explanation about the two links being NEW and OLD UIs that AWS offered at a certain point in time) By now the first link is gone. If you visit it, you will get a 404 Not Found error from AWS.

I am part of the team building the new Tag Editor. Yes, you are correct: Classic Tag Editor is deprecated, and will be shut down soon entirely. We are working on full feature parity between the two Editors, so you will very soon find everything you can do in the old one as well in the new one.
To add some more context on your different items below:
1) Both old and new Tag Editor use the same underlying tagging infrastructure, so this should never happen. Maybe there is some browser issue involved here? Feel free to open a support issue so we can look deeper into it, if this continues the case.
2) Yes, the new one also includes Lambda, and will very soon add more resource types. The same by the way for regions: The old Tag Editor supports not all regions, for example eu-north-1 or eu-west-3.
3) No, Route53 Hosted Zones are supported in both Editors. Route53 resources only exists in the us-east-1 region, so maybe you used the Tag Editor in another region?
4) Both Editors show the same data. The old editor merged what you used as Name Tag and the ID in the same field - in the new one, you see only the ID in the column ID, and the Name Tag is displayed in the column Tag: Name.
Searching across regions is something the new Editor soon will support, too, and the same applies for the filter you mention. For showing resources without a specific tag, there is a workaround you already can do: Click on the settings icon in the top right of the table, and enable the tag you are interested in as a column. You then can sort this column so that all untagged ones show up on top.
If you have any other ideas or requests for the Tag Editor, please let us know. The fastest and most reliable way is to just use the 'Feedback' Button in the console in the bottom left.

Hi I am providing my own answer here (thanks my colleagues Kannan for the insight)
#1 above is what AWS called Class Tag Editor. If you click on the Question mark on the Web UI (upper right corner), you will be taken to a page that says:
This documentation is for classic Tag Editor, which has been
So #2 is the version that AWS want us to use.
Below I will called #1 Old and #2 New
I compared the example outputs from our environment (about 50 resources). The two outputs differ in these respects:
New seems to retain past resources for a longer time. For example, if an EC2 instance has been terminated, it may take a
longer time to be removed from the listing of New
New seems to include resources for DynamoDB but Old does not
Old seems to include resources for Route 53 Hosted Zones but New does not.
Both New and Old show Security Groups, but the ID strings are rendered slightly differently.
New renders an ID as sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Old renders an ID as someName (sg-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)


GCP - Can we enforce a user to add labels while creating resources?

Is there any way to enforce the addition of labels while creating resources? If not, is there a way to automatically label resources when creating said resources in GCP?
My use case: I need this to investigate the price in Data Studio.
No, you can't enforce any one to put labels on resources on GCP (same for projects). BUT you can enforce TAG automatically by inheritance. (You can't oblige a user to use them, but, by default there is a tag).
The TAG are still in preview and were named "label next gen" during the Alpha period. So, you can use them like labels, but you can enforce authorization on them (who can up view/update/delete them). This feature is very interesting because today, anyone with admin/owner roles can update/change/delete labels and you lost the control and the monitoring of your resources.
You can also put IAM condition on them and enforce organization policies accordingly.
You can't enforce users to do so. However you can:
Create a log sink if a resource is created
Use that log sink to call a cloud function that will create an alert or give a default label
If you use infrastructure as code for example Terraform, you can put a CI/CD job that will check if a label is placed, and if not reject the PR.

Unable to create AWS key pair using console

I tried to create new AWS key pairs and the option to create disappeared
Does anyone know why?
It would be worth checking the IAM permissions associated with the User who is trying to create the key pair. Contact the Administrator (presumably you?) and investigate. I would suggest creating a Group with Permissions and adding them to that.
I performed an experiment and added aDeny policy to my IAM User that prevented me from being able to create a keypair.
I then tried to launch an instance and the option to create a keypair (in the dialog box you show above) was still available. So, the display does not vary according to permissions.
Therefore, something else is causing your situation. I would recommend trying it in a different browser. Also, check the underlying HTML to see whether the option is coded on the web page. Something is causing it to disappear.

IPUtilization widget is not populating in Hygieia. Also, No data populating for cloud_subnetwork cloud_virtual_network documents

I am new to Hygieia. I have setup Hygieia ( as per the documentation and I could start my application and see the dashboard successfully. In Hygieia-Dashboard, I could see values coming for all widget items (say utilization, instances stoped, and so on.) except the IP Utilization widget. When i see the mongodb that i configured with this (after I ran AWS module) i could see data for most of the documents except the cloud_subnetwork and cloud_virtual_network. Is this causing the issue?
Can anyone please assist me for populating IPUtilization widget ?
if I am still missing with anything? Anyfurther configuration to be made for this?
I found a solution for this issue., i.e., we need to fetch values for subnets and virtual_networks by using the AmazonEC2Client's instances by calling its describeSubnets() and describeVpcs() respectively and save these to database. After this, we could see values in the IPUtilization widgets. Hope this helps!

Sitecore Security Issue

We have different areas of our site that we have locked down to specific users. So for example, a user that is a member of the sitecore role 'UK_Editor' can see all other countries content (they only have read access). However, on the UK area they have full access.
The problem is, the user can still go to another Countries content, and the 'publish' button is still available.
Is there a way to restrict this?
Sitecore v: 6.5.0
You could test out enabling the Publishing.CheckSecurity config setting, should prevent users from being able to publish another sites content with the correct roles applied.
Check security rights when publishing?
When CheckSecurity=true, Read rights are required for all source items. When it is
determined that an item should be updated or created in the target database,
Write right is required on the source item. If it is determined that the item
should be deleted from target database, Delete right is required on the target item.
In summary, only the Read, Write and Delete rights are used. All other rights are ignored.
Default value: false
<setting name="Publishing.CheckSecurity" value="true" />
You might be able to override the QueryState of the PublishItem class (in Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands)
Read this question for a bit more information.
You'll need to return CommandState.Hidden if you want the button to be hidden. You'll need to think of something smart to make sure they can all publish the content in their language, but not in someone elses.
It might be possible to do something like if (Sitecore.Context.User.IsInRole('sitecore\englisheditor') && context.Items[0].Language == Sitecore.Data.Managers.GetLanguage('en')) {return base.QueryState(context)}
Otherwise you can return CommandState.Hidden. I'm not entirely sure about the second part of the if statement though.
Take a look at the following blog post, it describes how to security control the UI items associated with publishing in the core database.

Sitecore allow role to publish content in specific areas only

I am trying to create a role within Sitecore which can publish content, but only within a specific area(s) of the site. I've added the standard Sitecore\Client Publishing role to my role, but I can't see how to prevent the role from being able to publish all areas of the site. I've looked at the Security editor and the Access viewer, but setting the write access of the sections only seems to affect the ability to edit those sections and has no effect on the ability to publish on those sections.
Workflow is the typical way this is handled. Giving roles access to approve (this could be called 'publish') content of certain sections of the content tree will be the best way to achieve what you are describing. Combine this with an auto-publish action to make it more user friendly.
One thing to keep in mind though using this method is referenced items (images from media library the content may be using for example). Take a look at the 'Publishing Spider' module on the shared source library
EDIT: Update
I recently discovered this setting in the web.config: "Publishing.CheckSecurity". If set to true, this setting will only publish items if the user has read + write on the item and will only remove items from the web DB if the user has delete permissions.
I had a similar situation once and I created roles per section which only had read and write to that section and no where else (let say 'editor section 1') and another role which only had publishing permission for that section (let say 'publisher section 1'). Then added 'editor section 1' role to 'publisher section 1' role which gives you the role for publishing only specific section.
You do not need multiple workflows, same workflow with multiple roles can also achieve this goal
Answer to this is to set Publishing.CheckSecurity to true
You need to find this code inside web
Check security rights when publishing?
When CheckSecurity=true, Read rights are required for all source items. When it is
determined that an item should be updated or created in the target database,
Write right is required on the source item. If it is determined that the item
should be deleted from target database, Delete right is required on the target item.
In summary, only the Read, Write and Delete rights are used. All other rights are ignored.
Default value: false
<setting name="Publishing.CheckSecurity" value="false" />
Set the value="true"
But again you have to govern the security tightly, and assign user role properly. Failed to
do so you will experience buggy publishing.
Hope that will help