Why does the VS Solution Explorer Script Documents list keep growing and how do I use those links? - visual-studio-2017

When we debug an MVC5 application, links are provided to access the running scripts as shown below. This is for a basic MVC5 application that has had absolutely no modifications:
If we simply refresh the screen 3 times on the home page, the list displayed gets longer as shown below:
I've never really tried to debug a script yet. I have used the html links to view pages and I understand I can open one of the .js files, set a breakpoint and try to debug a script. But why are there so many links?. I would have thought I only need a single link for any given script or page that is in progress; that the links would go away when the script or page is no longer active. Clearly I'm missing something about the constantly growing list.
Could someone provide a brief explanation of this feature and how I will use it. My book on Visual Studio mentions this feature, but doesn't provide enough text for me to get a handle on this aspect of the feature.

This looks like a bug in the Edge debug adapter. Specifically, the adapter is supposed to send an event when the page refreshes (or a navigation occurs) to clear out old scripts that are no longer valid for the new execution context (here's a link to the event description in the debug adapter protocol if you're curious).
We've opened an issue on the GitHub project where you can track the progress of the fix.
For a workaround in the mean time, if you click on the bottom-most duplicate script in the list, that should be the latest loaded version, and should work without error.
We've got a fix for the issue which should be out with 16.2 Preview 2 of Visual Studio.


Why has my code disappeared on an older project?

Bit of an odd problem here I can't seem to figure out.. I have an older project that sends e-mails to SMS numbers. I haven't touched it in about 5 months and decided to revisit today. However, when I loaded the project all of the code is gone and the form1 design is as well. No changes have been made or anything since I last messed with it back in May. The odd part is that when I hit 'Play' the form loads up with the dropdown still populated and everything.. Has anyone encountered this or know of a way to get the code/design form back?
Attaching a few images to try and show what I'm talking about.
Form Open
Form Code
It could be possible that your some of the file got hidden. May be you can try to see all files in your project location by clicking Show All Files icon from solution explorer and then you have to include them in your project again to see it through visual studio.

XPages are rebuilt automatically when opening designer

I have a customer who likes to do some basic stuff in Domino Designer in a specific database. He only works with Forms, agents etc and never do any Xpages stuff. I have done all the xpages stuff in the Database.
This morning when I opened designer I can see that almost all of the xpages design object has been signed by him. but he has not opened any of the xpages design objects. (only forms) and have not signed the application.
When I look at the webpage I can see that the designn changes I did from a few days back have disapeared, so I seem to be looking at an older version of my webpage.
If I go in to the application and Build the application with my id everything is back to normal.
This scenario seem to repeat only a few times a week even though my customer do changes to the application every day.
Image show the xpages time stamp this morning which seem to be about the same time my customer opened the application in designer.
Currently we are both using 9.0.1 FP10 but I have also seen this problem before FP10
Not sure if it is related but my customer also have another version of Domino Designer (8.5.3 Swedish) which he use when signing agents as signing them with v9 cause them to not work.
What can be the cause of this behaviour and how can I avoid it.
Open Designer. From the top menu, select Project > Build Automatically and ensure it is disabled (not checked).
For additional reading, refer to Nathan T. Freeman's wonderful article "Taming Domino Designer" https://nathantfreeman.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/tamingdesigner.pdf
I am pretty sure that it's the 8.5.3 Designer that does the rebuild when opening the database in Designer. So this happens when the user just wants to sign some agents.
This problematic behaviour has been fixed in 9.0.1 (or perhaps in a fix pack release of 9.0.1). See this IBM technote about the problem: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg1LO80591

Are you able to get hints from what template a message is coming from with dev tools?

I have this website that I'm editing for a friend and they want to get rid of this message at the checkout screen but their boss doesnt know who implemented it. Its an error message at the top in read that says "If you are having trouble checking out, please contact us at sales#cbobaby.com" and is in the check out page. This is an open cart website and I only work with wordpress sites so I'm having trouble figuring out where the source of the message is coming from. I've dug through some of the template files in the theme and I can't seem to find or delete anything that gets rid of it. My question is if there is anything in Chrome dev tools that would help me identify the source or template it lives in? I only use dev tools for adjusting css but I know there's so much more you can do it with. Thanks.
No, DevTools can't relate your front-end code to what generates it for the DOM. For the exact same reason we are unable to persist edits in the DOM to your source.
You need to use grep, or some code editor with "find all" functionality and look for some part of the string. If that fails, search your database and see if it is coming out of there. You can then either edit the database and hope nothing breaks, or try to back-track through the application logic to find where is calling that part of the DB. It should give you some ground as to where to look.
In the Sources tab, you can see the resources, that are loaded when you are on a particular page. You can also use the Inspect tool in the Elements tab to find the element that hosts that bit of text to narrow things down in your search.
To add to this, if content is generated on the server side, the resources you see will likely be a merge from multiple generated sources, e.g. with templates in your case. You can search your solution for aspects of the DOM elements you see in Chrome Developer Tools, but look for the static parts instead of the dynamic parts. For example, the text itself won't be part of the template file, a placeholder will exist - a CSS class could be useful.

iOS 9 can't remove build from review in iTunesConnect

I know, there are questions like this on StackOverflow.
But this one is new... The itunesconnect UI changed a couple of days ago. Now I need to remove the build from review (Waiting for Review now), but there is no link to do so.
What should I do?
To reproduce this problem, upload a build into itunesconnect and submit it. Now how remove that build from review?
Maybe this explains what is happening, one build is processing forever (maybe it doesn't allow other builds to process?):
After 3 days waiting, the button finally appeared! Apple, please do fix this bug.
My Apps > App Store > iOS App
"remove this version from review." link is showing? You can remove build from review.
If this link not appearing, try rejecting the build on your iTunesConnect iPhone app.
You need to first upload a new binary with a new version number to be able to submit a new build. When the binary is finished to be processed, and only at that time, the dialog will appear at the top of the page.
missing link to remove from review can happen at times.
in such case, you should be able to reject the binary using iTunes Connect iOS app (or the newly released AppStore Connect app)

CF Admin showing the root website

My CFIDE just went crazy this morning and I can't locate the what is causing this. When I log in from example.com/cfide/administrator/index.cfm some of the tabs on the left work fine and some are showing the index page of example.com like in an iframe... I restarted the app server but the issue is still there. Any recommendations on how to debug this thing?
So for posterity here is what we found.
There are two possibilities of exploits that could be affecting you:
the bitcoin exploit (miner.d)
the ckeditor file upload exploit (this is the h.cfm file)
There are others but these are common and known. Both tap underlying java to unfold work that either calls something more sinister, delivers server meta data or unrolls a scheduled task to fireoff worker bees to consume resources doing something the admin is unaware of.
So as we discovered we have a varietal of this h.cfm called fusebox.cfm (obfuscated with bonus encrypted CF5 garble). If you can open the file you will see that h.cfm file and open it you will see UGLY and Obfuscated code but not very sophisticated. A lot can be revealed by a coder's code and if you deconstruct and format this particular code you will discern that the developer is not native to CF, and jumps from script style to CMFL style (in caps no-less).
(here is the Stack Overflow link with the raw code (be careful))
It is also named: i.cfm, h9.cfm, r.cfm, adss.cfm or fusebox.cfm here is the black hat page that give you a ton of info. I'm viewing the cached site because I don't trust the blackhat sites. (because one loaded something on my system that raised an antivirus alert).
The file may be unreadable so here is a link to a site that describes some github sourcecode that can decrypt it for you. That is Coldfusion 5 crap that still floats around now and again. (I'm pretty sure it will look similar to that code in the SO link I pasted above).
Post mortum: One more coldfusion serve saved from villainy. Remember, it never hurts to run through your systems and see if anything can be found like this. It also never hurts to make things a little more difficult for would be server exploiters ;)