Loading parquet file from S3 to DynamoDB - amazon-web-services

I have been looking at options to load (basically empty and restore) Parquet file from S3 to DynamoDB. Parquet file itself is created via spark job that runs on EMR cluster. Here are few things to keep in mind,
I cannot use AWS Data pipeline
File is going to contain millions of rows (say 10 million), so would need an efficient solution. I believe boto API (even with batch write) might not be that efficient ?
Are there any other alternatives ?

Can you just refer to the Parquet files in a Spark RDD and have the workers put the entries to dynamoDB? Ignoring the challenge of caching the DynamoDB client in each worker for reuse in different rows, it some bit of scala to take a row, build an entry for dynamo and PUT that should be enough.
BTW: Use DynamoDB on demand here, as it handles peak loads well without you having to commit to some SLA.

Look at the answer below:
To explain the process:
Create desired dataframe
Use .withColumn to create new column and use psf.collect_list to convert to desired collection/json format, in the new column in the
same dataframe.
Drop all un-necessary (tabular) columns and keep only the JSON format Dataframe columns in Spark.
Load the JSON data into DynamoDB as explained in the answer.
My personal suggestion: whatever you do, do NOT use RDD. RDD interface even in Scala is 2-3 times slower than Dataframe API of any language.
Dataframe API's performance is programming language agnostic, as long as you dont use UDF.


Architecture to process AWS S3 files

I am working on a POC where we have millions of existing S3 compressed json files (uncompressed 3+ MB, with nested objects and arrays) and more being added every few minutes. We need to perform computations on top of the uncompressed data (per file basis) and store it to a DB table where we can then perform some column operations. The most common solution I found online is
S3 (Add/update event notification) => SQS (main queue => dlq queue) <=> AWS lambda
We have a DB table for all S3 bucket key names that are being successfully loaded, so I can query this table and use the AWS SDK Node.js package to send messages to the SQS main queue. For newly added/updated files, S3 event notification will take care of it.
I think the above architecture will work in my case, but are there any other AWS services I should look at?
I looked at AWS Athena which can read my compressed files and can give me the raw output but since I have big nested objects and arrays on top of which I need to perform computation, I am not sure if it's ideal to write such complex logic in SQL.
I would really appreciate some guidance here.
If you plan to query the data in the future in ways you can't anticipate, I would strongly suggest you explore the Athena solution, since you would be plugging a very powerful SQL engine on top of your data. Athena can query directly compressed json and export to other data formats that are a lot more efficient to query (like parquet or orc) and support complex data structures.
The flow would be:
S3 (new file) => Athena ETL (json to, say, parquet)
see e.g. here.
For already existing data you can do a one-off query to convert it to the appropriate format (partitioning would be useful if your data volume is big as it seems it is). Having good partitioning is key to obtain good performance on Athena and you will need to think carefully about it on your ETL. More on partitioning, e.g., there.

Daily ETL job big data files

I'm using Athena and I'm dealing with about 1000 raw compressed data files daily (each of 13MB). I need to process and store efficiently to improve queries speed and cost and I do it by partitions.
I’m currently using lambdas (being triggered for each file creation) as my ETL and it - loads the raw data file, reorganizes columns, changes the file format (to parquet) and then splits it and saves it to multiple files on S3 bucket.
then another lambda starts and creates new partitions for the Athena table:
s3://raw_data/2020/01/01 --> s3://table_name/2020/01/01/0-50/ (Athena table built over these files)
Many partitions affects on the queries speed, so I've heard of a
new feature called Partitions Projection. using this feature I can speed up the query processing and automate partition management.
I’m a little bit confused of the options.
Another point is that theoretically, if I understand it correctly, I can get rid of the lambdas and save some cost by using Athena CTAS once to create the table and then executing INSERT INTO daily (limited up to 100 partitions) but then I still use partitions and can't use Partitions Projection.
What is the most efficient way to deal ETL when it comes to daily provided files?

Store and perform search on large size of text in AWS

I have a requirement to get OCR(Optical character recognition) data from PDFs and images files in S3 so that user can perform search on that OCR data. I am using AWS Textract for text extraction to get OCR data.
I was planning to store the OCR data in Dynamo DB and perform search query in that.
Issue that I am facing is because of the size limit of dynamo db items which is limited to 400KB.
I have situation where user upload 100+ MB PDF file in S3 where the extracted text content will exceed this limit. So what is the best approach in this case.
Please help
Thanks in advance!
I'm sure you could still use DynamoDB, you would just need to split the data up across multiple items. In this case, your partition key might be the PDF file key/name and the sort key might be some kind of part key. You can then get all items containing text for the file using Query (rather then GetItem).
DynamoDB gets really expensive when you're dealing with a lot of data so another option could be S3 and Athena:
Basically, you write the OCR data to a text file and store that in S3. You can then use Athena to run queries over that data. This solution is very flexible and is likely to be much cheaper than DynamoDB. There might be some downsides in performance.

How to create AWS Athena table via Glue crawler when the s3 data store has both json and .gz compressed files?

I have two problems in my intended solution:
My S3 store structure is as following:
All json files have the same schema and I want to make a crawler pointing to mainfolder/ which can then create a table in Athena for querying.
I have already tried with just one file format, e.g. if the files are just json or just gz then the crawler works perfectly but I am looking for a solution through which I can automate either type of file processing. I am open to write a custom script or any out of the box solution but need pointers where to start.
The second issue that my json data has a field(column) which the crawler interprets as struct data but I want to make that field type as string. Reason being that if the type remains struct the date/hour partitions get a mismatch error as obviously struct data has not the same internal schema across the files. I have tried to make a custom classifier but there are no options there to describe data types.
I would suggest skipping using a crawler altogether. In my experience Glue crawlers are not worth the problems they cause. It's easy to create tables with the Glue API, and so is adding partitions. The API is a bit verbose, especially adding partitions, but it's much less pain than trying to make a crawler do what you want it to do.
You can of course also create the table from Athena, that way you can be sure you get tables that work with Athena (otherwise there are some details you need to get right). Adding partitions is also less verbose using SQL through Athena, but slower.
Crawler will not take compressed and uncompressed data together , so it will not work out of box.
It is better to write spark job in glue and use spark.read()

Pivoting 1,620 columns to rows in 360gb text file in aws

I have a pipe delimited text file that is 360GB, compressed (gzip).
It has over 1,620 columns. I can't show the exact field names, but here's basically what it is:
Seriously, there are over 800 of these property name/value fields.
There are roughly 280 million rows.
The file is in an S3 bucket.
I need to get the data into Redshift, but the column limit in Redshift is 1,600.
The users want me to pivot the data. For example:
What is a good way to pivot the file in the aws environment? The data is in a single file, but I'm planning on splitting the data into many different files to allow for parallel processing.
I've considered using Athena. I couldn't find anything that states the maximum number of columns allowed by Athena. But, I found a page about Presto (on which Athena is based) that says “there is no exact hard limit, but we've seen stuff break with more than few thousand.” (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/presto-users/7tv8l6MsbzI).
First, pivot your data, then load to Redshift.
In more detail, the steps are:
Run a spark job (using EMR or possibly AWS Glue) which reads in your
source S3 data and writes out (to a different s3 folder) a pivoted
version. by this i mean if you have 800 value pairs, then you would
write out 800 rows. At the same time, you can split the file into multiple parts to enable parallel load.
"COPY" this pivoted data into Redshift
What I learnt from most of the time from AWS is, if you are reaching a limit, you are doing it in a wrong way or not in a scalable way. Most of the time architects designed with scalability, performance in mind.
We had similar problems, having 2000 columns. Here is how we solved it.
Split the file across 20 different tables, 100+1 (primary key) column each.
Do a select across all those tables in a single query to return all the data you want.
If you say you want to see all the 1600 columns in a select, then the business user is looking at wrong columns for their analysis or even for machine learning.
To load 10TB+ of data we had split the data into multiple files and load them in parallel, that way loading was faster.
Between Athena and Redshift, performance is the only difference. Rest of them are same. Redshift performs better than Athena. Initial Load time and Scan Time is higher than Redshift.
Hope it helps.