Performance Issue when retrieving transaction details from Quorum Blockchain - blockchain

I have experienced performance issue when retrieving transaction details such as transaction originator and transaction recipient
from the Quorum blockchain.
The Javascript For loop and Web3.eth.contract(abi).at(address2).totalTransactions is used to retrieve transaction details and
then append to HTML table.
My performance problem is that the retrieval of few lines of transaction data from Quorum blockchain takes about 30 seconds.
Moreover, I am using web3-quorum#0.1.1 and quorum-js#0.3.0.
$('#get-tran').click(() => {
// Get Tran History
var tranId = 0;
let w2Contract=web3w2.eth.contract(abi).at(address2);
let tottr = w2Contract.totalTransactions();
//Clear the old table content first
$("#t02 tr").remove();
var i=0;
for (i = 0; i <= w2Contract.totalTransactions()-1; i++) {
tranId = i;
let tranHash = w2Contract.transactionIDs(i);
let trDetails1 = w2Contract.transactions(tranHash);
console.log(`Tran details ${trDetails1}`);
console.log(`Tran Detail 1: ${trDetails1[1]}`);
console.log(`Tran Detail 2: ${trDetails1[2]}`);
console.log(`Tran Detail 0: ${trDetails1[0]}`);
var tableRef = document.getElementById('t02').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0];
// Insert a row at the end of the table
let newRow = tableRef.insertRow(-1);
// Insert a cell in the row at index 0
let newCell = newRow.insertCell(0);
// Append a text node to the cell
let newText = document.createTextNode(`${tranId}`);
// Insert a cell in the row at index 1
let newCell1 = newRow.insertCell(1);
// Append a text node to the cell
let newText1 = document.createTextNode(`${trDetails1[1]}`);
console.log(`newText1 at index 1 ${newText1}`);
// w2 > w1
if ((trDetails1[1] == '0xf9a2cb34b6b5fd7a2ac0c2e9b2b9406d6daffbd4') &&
(trDetails1[2] == '0x180893a0ec847fa8c92786791348d7d65916acbb')) {
newText1.textContent = 'Stock In'
} else if
(trDetails1[1] == '0x180893a0ec847fa8c92786791348d7d65916acbb') {
newText1.textContent = 'Pier Company'
} else if (trDetails1[1] == '0xf9a2cb34b6b5fd7a2ac0c2e9b2b9406d6daffbd4') {
newText1.textContent = 'Warehouse Company'
// Insert a cell in the row at index 2
let newCell2 = newRow.insertCell(2);
// Append a text node to the cell
let newText2 = document.createTextNode(`${trDetails1[2]}`);
console.log(`newText1 at index 2 ${newText1}`);
if (trDetails1[2] == '0xf9a2cb34b6b5fd7a2ac0c2e9b2b9406d6daffbd4') {
newText2.textContent = 'Warehouse Company'
if (trDetails1[2] == '0x180893a0ec847fa8c92786791348d7d65916acbb') {
newText2.textContent = 'Pier Company'
if (trDetails1[2] == '0xc8f717ba9593dc9d45c4518cf444d2cbd08af24d') {
newText2.textContent = 'Removal'
// Insert a cell in the row at index 3
let newCell3 = newRow.insertCell(3);
// Append a text node to the cell
let newText3 = document.createTextNode(`${trDetails1[0]}`);
console.log(`newText3 at index 3 ${newText3}`);
// Insert a cell in the row at index 4
let newCell4 = newRow.insertCell(4);
// Append a text node to the cell
let newText4 = document.createTextNode(`${trDetails1[3]}`);
console.log(`newText1 at index 4 ${newText4}`);
if (trDetails1[3] ) {
newText4.textContent = 'Confirmed'
} else {
newText4.textContent = 'Pending'


If any row in range (G11:G25) contains boolean (true) then run function, else msgBox

The function I'm running (clearRowContents) in sheet 'Section 2' will clear contents and validation for any checked item (col H) in a list as well as the checkbox itself (col G). The remaining unchecked boxes and list items will then be sorted to clear any blank rows just created by the clearRowContents function. This functions works as tested.
However, if no item is checked (col G == false) and the "clear" button is pressed, how can I have a message pop up letting the user know that they must first check the box next to the item and then press the button to clear its contents from the list? I'm trying to figure out how to write the script for the clearItemMessage function.
Also, for script writing purposes, this sheet will be duplicated many times to create various validation menus for different topics... each sheet will be a different "chapter" in a manual with its own unique set of drop downs (in a MASTER DROPDOWN tab).
link to sheet:
function clearItemMessage(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var checkboxRange = ss.getRangeList("$G$11:$G$25").getValues();
if (checkboxRange == true){
clearRowContents (col);
} else (Browser.msgBox("To delete items, select the box next to the items and then press the delete button."));
function clearRowContents (col){ // col is the index of the column to check for checkbox being true
var col = 7; //col G
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var data = ss.getDataRange().getValues();
//Format font & size
var sheetFont = ss.getRange("A:Z");
var boxFont = ss.getRange("$G$11:$G$25");
var listFont = ss.getRange("$H$11:$H$25");
//clear 'true' data validations
var deleteRanges = data.reduce(function(ar, e, i) {
if (e[col - 1] === true) {
return ar.concat(["H" + (i + 1), "G" + (i + 1)]);
return ar;
}, []);
if (deleteRanges.length > 0) {
//sort based on checkbox value
var range = ss.getRange("$G$11:$H$25");
range.sort({column: 7, ascending: false});
In your situation, how about modifying clearItemMessage() as follows?
Modified script:
function clearItemMessage(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
var checkboxes = ss.getRange("$G$11:$G$25").getValues();
if (checkboxes.filter(([g]) => g === true).length > 0){ // or if (checkboxes.some(([g]) => g === true)) {
} else {
Browser.msgBox("To delete items, select the box next to the items and then press the delete button.");
From your question, I understood your clearRowContents works. So I proposed to modify clearItemMessage.
In your clearRowContents, var col = 7 is used. So I think that function clearRowContents (col){ can be modified to function clearRowContents (){.

Copying certain rows to duplicated sheet using macro

I've got a google sheet which I'm using as a monthly handover sheet with a to-do list at the bottom.
The to-do list has a checkbox then a couple of columns of information (a date, the task and who it's assigned to)
To-Do List
I've created a button that runs a macro to duplicate the sheet to create a copied sheet at the end of the month.
I'd like to copy over any tasks in the to-do list which haven't been 'ticked' as completed but I'm not very good at logic in google apps script.
Could anyone help me write the if statement to either copy unticked rows to the duplicated sheet or do duplicate all rows then delete the ticked ones.
Thanks, Joe
UPDATE: after playing around for a couple of hours, this is what I've got:
function ToDoCopy() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var duplicateSheet = ss.getSheetByName("JUNE");
var originalSheet = ss.getSheetByName("MAY");
var lastRow = originalSheet.getLastRow() + 1;
for(var j = 24; j < lastRow; j++)
if(originalSheet.getRange(j,2).getValue() ==false && originalSheet.getRange(j,3).getValue() != 4)
var nextRow = duplicateSheet.getLastRow() +1;
var getCopyRange = originalSheet.getRange('B' + j + ':P' + j);
getCopyRange.copyTo(duplicateSheet.getRange(nextRow, 2));
It's almost working but it adds the copied items underneath the to-do table on the new sheet rather than adding them to the top. I can't work out how to fix this!
(p.s. the && originalSheet.getRange(j,3).getValue() != 4 part is a hidden row which I use for auto-sorting the table, '4' means it's empty basically.
function ToDoCopy() {
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
const ssh = ss.getSheetByName("MAY");//source sheet
const sshsr = 24;//start row
const srg = ssh.getRange(sshsr, 1, ssh.getLastRow() - sshsr + 1, ssh.getLastColumn());
const svs = srg.getDisplayValues();//useful for me when using checkboxes
const dsh = ss.getSheetByName("JUNE");//destination sheet
if (dsh.getLastRow() - sshsr + 1 > 0) {
dsh.getRange(sshsr, 1, dsh.getLastRow() - sshsr + 1, dsh.getLastColumn()).clearContent().setDataValidation(null);//Clear destination range if not already cleared
let a = 0;//row add counter
svs.forEach((r, i) => {
if (r[1] == 'FALSE' && r[2] != 4) {
ssh.getRange(sshsr + i, 1, 1, ssh.getLastColumn()).copyTo(dsh.getRange(sshsr + a++, 1));

Place order, clear Cart in Nop Commerce 4

How can I Place an order from the cart and clear the cart?
I want to do this in my own controller and not by the checkout page.
I try to use this, but it doesn't work
//place order
var processPaymentRequest = HttpContext.Session.Get<ProcessPaymentRequest>("OrderPaymentInfo");
if (processPaymentRequest == null)
//Check whether payment workflow is required
if (_orderProcessingService.IsPaymentWorkflowRequired(cart))
return RedirectToRoute("CheckoutPaymentInfo");
processPaymentRequest = new ProcessPaymentRequest();
processPaymentRequest.StoreId = _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id;
processPaymentRequest.CustomerId = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id;
processPaymentRequest.PaymentMethodSystemName =
var placeOrderResult = _orderProcessingService.PlaceOrder(processPaymentRequest);
You can use PlaceOrder method in IOrderProcessingService to place an order. CheckoutController also uses this method. For using it, you have to create a ProcessPaymentRequest by yourself. here is a sample code for such a task (I use the code placed in the CheckoutController which doing the same job):
var processPaymentRequest = HttpContext.Session.Get<ProcessPaymentRequest>("OrderPaymentInfo");
if (processPaymentRequest == null)
//Check whether payment workflow is required
if (_orderProcessingService.IsPaymentWorkflowRequired(cart))
return RedirectToRoute("CheckoutPaymentInfo");
processPaymentRequest = new ProcessPaymentRequest();
//prevent 2 orders being placed within an X seconds time frame
if (!IsMinimumOrderPlacementIntervalValid(_workContext.CurrentCustomer))
throw new Exception(_localizationService.GetResource("Checkout.MinOrderPlacementInterval"));
//place order
processPaymentRequest.StoreId = _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id;
processPaymentRequest.CustomerId = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.Id;
processPaymentRequest.PaymentMethodSystemName = _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetAttribute<string>(
_genericAttributeService, _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id);
//____this is main line of code____
var placeOrderResult = _orderProcessingService.PlaceOrder(processPaymentRequest);
if (placeOrderResult.Success)
HttpContext.Session.Set<ProcessPaymentRequest>("OrderPaymentInfo", null);
//do payment process:
var postProcessPaymentRequest = new PostProcessPaymentRequest
Order = placeOrderResult.PlacedOrder
if (_webHelper.IsRequestBeingRedirected || _webHelper.IsPostBeingDone)
//redirection or POST has been done in PostProcessPayment
return Content("Redirected");
return RedirectToRoute("CheckoutCompleted", new { orderId = placeOrderResult.PlacedOrder.Id });

when I select many row of table and insert breakpoint dont show my list correctly?

when I trace code don't show city list correctly
how I can fix it ?
My code
public ActionResult GetCity(int idCountry)
TravelEnterAdminTemplate.Models.LG.MyJsonResult myresult = new Models.LG.MyJsonResult();
var citystable = db.Cities.Where(p => p.CountryId == idCountry).ToList();
if (citystable != null)
myresult.Result = true;
myresult.obj = citystable;
myresult.Result = false;
myresult.message = "داده ای یافت نشد";
return Json(myresult, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
This is not the error you are getting the data. There were 32 data in cities table . You just click on every node there the detail will visible

NetSuite - error closing return authorization using web services

Within NetSuite when trying to close out Return Authorization line items i receive the following error message:
"You do not have permissions to set a value for element item.quantityreceived due to one of the following reasons: 1) The field is read-only; 2) An associated feature is disabled; 3) The field is available either when a record is created or updated, but not in both cases."
Here is the code:
//Pull down the RA in order to work with the line items in question
RecordRef rec = new RecordRef();
rec.internalId = internalId;
rec.type = RecordType.returnAuthorization;
rec.typeSpecified = true;
ReadResponse response = _service.get(rec);
//create the object from the response record returned
ReturnAuthorization ra = (ReturnAuthorization)response.record;
//cancel the order by updating the qty of each item to zero.
WriteResponse res = null;
ReturnAuthorizationItem[] raItemList = ra.itemList.item;
for (int lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < raItemList.Length; lineCounter++)
//only if the qty received is zero are we closing out the item(setting qty to zero)
if (raItemList[lineCounter].quantityReceived == 0)
raItemList[lineCounter].quantity = 0;
raItemList[lineCounter].quantitySpecified = true;
//create a new object and add all the changes in order to update the order lines
ReturnAuthorization updRa = new ReturnAuthorization();
updRa.internalId = internalId;
updRa.itemList = new ReturnAuthorizationItemList();
updRa.itemList.item = new ReturnAuthorizationItem[raItemList.Length];
updRa.itemList.item = raItemList;
res = _service.update(updRa);
I am trying to update the line quantity to zero, which in affect will close the Return Authorization if everything has been zeroed out. Question is how do i correct this permissions issue in order to run this update. I have tried setting other fields on this same call. No matter which field i try and update i get the same error message. This is running under an admin account and all permissions look fine as far as i can see. In fact i am running this very same logic against the SaleOrder object to close out Sales Orders with no issues.
Any help would be much appreciated.
You can't directly edit that line item field. That field is maintained by Netsuite and reflects Item Receipts received against the RA.
If you want to close the RA without receiving just set the line item column field "Closed" to true.
After looking at this a little closer here is the solution:
Replace the if statement in the loop with this:
//only if the qty received and returned are zero do we close out the item(setting qty to zero)
if (raItemList[lineCounter].quantityReceived == 0 && raItemList[lineCounter].quantityBilled == 0)
raItemList[lineCounter].quantity = 0;
raItemList[lineCounter].quantitySpecified = true;
raItemList[lineCounter].isClosed = true;
raItemList[lineCounter].isClosedSpecified = true;
raItemList[lineCounter].quantityReceivedSpecified = false;
raItemList[lineCounter].quantityBilledSpecified = false;
raItemList[lineCounter].costEstimateSpecified = false;
raItemList[lineCounter].quantityReceivedSpecified = false;
raItemList[lineCounter].quantityBilledSpecified = false;
raItemList[lineCounter].costEstimateSpecified = false;
I am guessing that the fields i had to specific as false are fields that cannot be edited, hence the need to disclude them from the update.
This is a better sample. Note the comment re orderline
/Pull down the RA in order to work with the line items in question
RecordRef rec = new RecordRef();
rec.internalId = internalId;
rec.type = RecordType.returnAuthorization;
rec.typeSpecified = true;
ReadResponse response = _service.get(rec);
//create the object from the response record returned
ReturnAuthorization ra = (ReturnAuthorization)response.record;
//cancel the order by updating the qty of each item to zero.
WriteResponse res = null;
ReturnAuthorizationItem[] raItemList = ra.itemList.item;
ReturnAuthorization updRa = new ReturnAuthorization();
updRa.internalId = internalId;
updRa.itemList = new ReturnAuthorizationItemList();
ReturnAuthorizationItem[] updateItems = new ReturnAuthorizationItem[raItemList.Length];
for (int lineCounter = 0; lineCounter < raItemList.Length; lineCounter++)
updateItems[lineCounter].line = raItemList[lineCounter].line; // you'll need to test this. Setting only the line should result in no changes to the RA line items that are not to be closed. use the &xml=T view before and after to make sure orderline (hidden) is still populated properly.
//only if the qty received is zero are we closing out the item(setting qty to zero)
if (raItemList[lineCounter].quantityReceived == 0)
updateItems[lineCounter].isClosed = true;
// raItemList[lineCounter].quantitySpecified = true; // is quantitySpecified a field? it wasn't as of the 2012.2 endpoint
//create a new object and add all the changes in order to update the order lines
updRa.itemList.item = updateItems;
res = _service.update(updRa);