Limit log size with existing logging library (C++) - c++

Being a beginner in C++, I found myself facing a problem when attempting to limit log file size using the ezlogger library:
My take at it was to:
1) check log file size every n seconds
2) if size is too big, start logging to a second file (clearing it beforehand) Then switch between the files every n seconds.
I did 1. And I tackled 2 by changing the symlink used by the logging library as logging output file location (the app is running on Linux). However, it seems that the library retains a reference to the original file and never starts logging to the new file after changing the link.
The reason I decided to go this way was because I didn't want to touch the library. For an experienced programmer it would probably make more sense to somehow modify the library to enable switching log files. But with all the static variables and methods and hpp files containing actual code, I couldn't make sense of it and didn't know where to start.
So I guess I'm looking for opinions on my current approach, help with getting it to work and/or advice on how to do it differently/better.
Edit: I'm working on an existing older project which already uses ezlogger so I'd like to avoid using a different library if possible.

Either use logrotate (if you use unix like system) as it was suggested or modify your logging library. Those static variable you mention appear to be located in get_log_stream(). The modification would require checking on each get_log_stream call, the size of the current logging file. If the size exceeds some number of bytes then reopen stream. I don't see this logging library to be thread safe, so it probably isn't so you don't have to worry about it. But if your application is multithreaded then make a note of it.
The modification of get_log_stream would look as follows (its pseudocode):
// ...
if (logfile_is_open) {
if (logfile.tellp() > 1024*1024*10 /*10MB*/) {
logfile.clear(); //clears flags
// TODO: update FileName accordingly, ie. add a count to it.
// TODO: remove older log files, etc., std::ios_base::out);
// Below is old code.
if (logfile_is_open) return logfile;
return std::cout;


Initialize tesseract without any external resources (languages/dictionaries)

I am currently writing a C++ program that should read hex data from JPEG images. I have to compile it into one single windows executable without any external resources (like the "tessdata" directory or config files). As I am not reading any words or sentences, I don't need any dictionaries or languages.
My problem is now that I could not find a way to initialize the API without any language files. Every example uses something like this:
tesseract::TessBaseAPI api;
if (api.Init(NULL, "eng")) {
// error handling
return -1;
// do stuff
I also found that I can call the init function without language argument and with OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY:
if(api.Init(NULL, NULL, tesseract::OcrEngineMode::OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY)) {
// ...
This should disable the language/dictionary, but NULL just defaults to "eng". It seems like tesseract still wants a language file to initialize and will disable it afterwards.
This also seems to be the case for any other solutions I found so far: I always need .traineddata files to initialize the api and can disable them afterwards or using config files.
My question is now:
Is there any way to initialize the tesseract API in C++ using just the executable and no other resource files?
No. Tesseract always needs some language (default is eng) + osd (.traineddata) files. Without language data file tesseract is useless.
Your post seems that you made several wrong assumptions (e.g. about OEM_TESSERACT_ONLY), so maybe if you describe what you try to achieve with tesseract you can get better advice.

How to reduce the size of a fstream file in C++

What is the best way to cut the end off of a fstream file in C++ 11
I am writing a data persistence class to store audio for my audio editor. I have chosen to use fstream (possibly a bad idea) to create a random access binary read write file.
Each time I record a little sound into my file I simply tack it onto the end of this file. Another internal data structure / file, contains pointers into the audio file and keeps track of edits.
When I undo a recording action and then do something else the last bit of the audio file becomes irrelevant. It is not referenced in the current state of the document and you cannot redo yourself back to a state where you can ever see it again. So I want to chop this part of the file off and start recording at the new end. I don’t need to cut out bitts in the middle, just off the end.
When the user quits this file will remain and be reloaded when they open the project up again.
In my application I expect the user to do this all the time and being able to do this might save me as much as 30% of the file size. This file will be long, potentially very, very long, so rewriting it to another file every time this happens is not a viable option.
Rewriting it when the user saves could be an option but it is still not that attractive.
I could stick a value at the start that says how long the file is supposed to be and then overwrite the end to recycle the space but in the mean time. If I wanted to continually update the data store file in case of crash this would mean I would be rewriting the start over and over again. I worry that this might be bad for flash drives. I could also recomputed the end of the useful part of the file on load, by analyzing the pointer file but in the mean time I would be wasting all that space potentially, and that is complicated.
Is there a simple call for this in the fstream API?
Am I using the wrong library? Note I want to stick to something generic STL I preferred, so I can keep the code as cross platform as possible.
I can’t seem to find it in the documentation and have looked for many hours. It is not the end of the earth but would make this a little simpler and potentially more efficient. Maybe I am just missing it somehow.
Thanks for your help
Is there a simple call for this in the fstream API?
If you have C++17 compiler then use std::filesystem::resize_file. In previous standards there was no such thing in standard library.
With older compilers ... on Windows you can use SetFilePointer or SetFilePointerEx to set the current position to the size you want, then call SetEndOfFile. On Unixes you can use truncate or ftruncate. If you want portable code then you can use Boost.Filesystem. From it is simplest to migrate to std::filesystem in the future because the std::filesystem was mostly specified based on it.
If you have variable, that contains your current position in the file, you could seek back for the length of your "unnedeed chunk", and just continue to write from there.
// Somewhere in the begining of your code:
std::ofstream *file = new std::ofstream();
// ...... long story of writing data .......
// Lets say, we are on a one millin byte now (in the file)
int current_file_pos = 1000000;
// Your last chunk size:
int last_chunk_size = 12345;
// Your chunk, that you are saving
char *last_chunk = get_audio_chunk_to_save();
// Writing chunk
file->write(last_chunk, last_chunk_size);
// Moving pointer:
current_file_pos += last_chunk_size;
// Lets undo it now!
current_file_pos -= last_chunk_size;
// Now you can write new chunks from the place, where you were before writing and unding the last one!
// .....
// When you want to finally write file to disk, you just close it
// And when, truncate it to the size of current_file_pos
truncate("/home/user/my-audio/my-file.dat", current_file_pos);
Unfortunatelly, you'll have to write a crossplatform function truncate, that would call SetEndOfFile in windows, and truncate in linux. It's easy enough with using preprocessor macros.

Obtain file properties change time using C++ on Windows

I need modification time, creation time and change time of file in windows using cpp. I am using following code:
string filename = "D:\\hi.txt";
struct stat result;
if (stat(filename.c_str(), &result) == 0)
int a = 10;
auto mod_time = result.st_mtime;
cout << "modified time is: "<<mod_time<<endl;
Using this I am able to get modification and creation time. But, I am not able to get change time for the file. How should I get change time for file using cpp?
The definition of "change time" follows.
Modification time changes when the content of the file changes and
Change time changes even when the properties of the file change like
access permissions.
MSDN defines three timestamps for files: Creation Time, Last Access Time, Last Write Time. What you ask for looks in fact to be the Last Access Time.
In your example you use a Libc function stat() which is meant to work on all systems that have a C compiler. As it is, it may be too generic i.e. it does not represent all capabilities available inside a particular environment (MS Windows in your case), only a subset of generic properties.
At this link you can find the description of GetFileTime() WinAPI function that returns file times supported on Windows. If you write an application that is not meant to be ported to other platforms, you are better off using WinAPI for system-level things.

iOS file size during write using only C/C++ APIs

Purpose: I am monitoring file writes in a particular directory on iOS using BSD kernel queues, and poll for file sizes to determine write ends (when the size stops changing). The basic idea is to refresh a folder only after any number of file copies coming from iTunes sync. I have a completely working Objective-C implementation for this but I have my reasons for needing to implement the same thing in C++ only.
Problem: The one thing stopping me is that I can't find a C or C++ API that will get the correct file size during a write. Presumably, one must exist because Objective-C's [NSFileManager attributesOfItemAtPath:] seems to work and we all know it is just calling a C API underneath.
Failed Solutions:
I have tried using stat() and lstat() to get st_size and even st_blocks for allocated block count, and they return correct sizes for most files in a directory, but when there is a file write happening that file's size never changes between poll intervals, and every subsequent file iterated in that directory have a bad size.
I have tried using fseek and ftell but they are also resulting in a very similar issue.
I have also tried modified date instead of size using stat() and st_mtimespec, and the date doesn't appear to change during a write - not that I expected it to.
Going back to NSFileManager's ability to give me the right values, does anyone have an idea what C API call that [NSFileManager attributesOfItemAtPath:] is actually using underneath?
Thanks in advance.
It appears that this has less to do with in-progress write operations and more with specific files. After closer inspection there are some files which always return a size, and other files that never return a size when using the C API (but will work fine with the Objective-C API). Even creating a copy of the "good" files the C API does not want to give a size for the copy but works fine with the original "good" file. I have both failures and successes with text (xml) files and binary (zip) files. I am using iTunes to add these files to the iPad's app's Documents directory. It is an iPad Mini Retina.
Update 2 - Answer:
Probably any of the above file size methods will work, if your path isn't invisibly trashed, like mine was. See accepted answer on why the path was trashed.
Well this weird behavior turned out to be a problem with the paths, which result in strings that will print normally, but are likely trashed in memory enough that file descriptors sometimes didn't like it (thus only occurring in certain file paths). I was using the dirent API to iterate over the files in a directory and concatenating the dir path and file name erroneously.
Bad Path Concatenation: Obviously (or apparently not-so-obvious at runtime) str-copying over three times is not going to end well.
char* fullPath = (char*)malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen(file) + 2);
strcpy(fullPath, dir);
strcpy(fullPath, "/");
strcpy(fullPath, file);
long sizeBytes = getSize(fullPath);
Correct Path Concatenation: Use proper str-concatenation.
char* fullPath = (char*)malloc(strlen(dir) + strlen(file) + 2);
strcpy(fullPath, dir);
strcat(fullPath, "/");
strcat(fullPath, file);
long sizeBytes = getSize(fullPath);
Long story short, it was sloppy work on my part, via two typos.

Write a file in a specific path in C++

I have this code that writes successfully a file:
ofstream outfile (path);
buffer and size are ok in the rest of code.
How is possible put the file in a specific path?
Specify the full path in the constructor of the stream, this can be an absolute path or a relative path. (relative to where the program is run from)
The streams destructor closes the file for you at the end of the function where the object was created(since ofstream is a class).
Explicit closes are a good practice when you want to reuse the same file descriptor for another file. If this is not needed, you can let the destructor do it's job.
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
int main()
const char *path="/home/user/file.txt";
std::ofstream file(path); //open in constructor
std::string data("data to write to file");
file << data;
}//file destructor
Note you can use std::string in the file constructor in C++11 and is preferred to a const char* in most cases.
Rationale for posting another answer
I'm posting because none of the other answers cover the problem space.
The answer to your question depends on how you get the path. If you are building the path entirely within your application then see the answer from #James Kanze. However, if you are reading the path or components of the path from the environment in which your program is running (e.g. environment variable, command-line, config files etc..) then the solution is different. In order to understand why, we need to define what a path is.
Quick overview of paths
On the operating systems (that I am aware of), a path is a string which conforms to a mini-language specified by the operating-system and file-system (system for short). Paths can be supplied to IO functions on a given system in order to access some resource. For example here are some paths that you might encounter on Windows:
Solving the problem via path manipulation
Imagine the following scenario: your program supports a command line argument, --output-path=<path>, which allows users to supply a path into which your program should create output files. A solution for creating files in the specified directory would be:
Parse the user specified path based on the mini-language for the system you are operating in.
Build a new path in the mini-language which specifies the correct location to write the file using the filename and the information you parsed in step 1.
Open the file using the path generated in step 2.
An example of doing this:
On Linux, say the user has specified --output-path=/dir1/dir2
Parse this mini-language:
--> "/" root
--> "dir1" directory under root
--> "/" path seperator
--> "dir2" directory under dir1
Then when we want to output a file in the specified directory we build a new path. For example, if we want to output a file called bob.txt, we can build the following path:
--> "/" root
--> "dir1" directory under root
--> "/" path separator
--> "dir2" directory under dir1
--> "/" path seperator
--> "bob.txt" file in directory dir2
We can then use this new path to create the file.
In general it is impossible to implement this solution fully. Even if you could write code that could successfully decode all path mini-languages in existence and correctly represent the information about each system so that a new path could be built correctly - in the future your program may be built or run on new systems which have new path mini-languages that your program cannot handle. Therefore, we need to use a careful strategy for managing paths.
Path handling strategies
1. Avoid path manipulation entirely
Do not attempt to manipulate paths that are input to your program. You should pass these strings directly to api functions that can handle them correctly. This means that you need to use OS specific api's directly avoiding the C++ file IO abstractions (or you need to be absolutely sure how these abstractions are implemented on each OS). Make sure to design the interface to your program carefully to avoid a situation where you might be forced into manipulating paths. Try to implement the algorithms for your program to similarly avoid the need to manipulate paths. Document the api functions that your program uses on each OS to the user - this is because OS api functions themselves become deprecated over time so in future your program might not be compatible with all possible paths even if you are careful to avoid path manipulation.
2. Document the functions your program uses to manipulate paths
Document to the user exactly how paths will be manipulated. Then make it clear that it is the users responsibility to specify paths that will work correctly with the documented program behavior.
3. Only support a restricted set of paths
Restrict the path mini-languages your program will accept until you are confident that you can correctly manipulate the subset of paths that meet this set of restrictions. Document this to the user. Error if paths are input that do not conform.
4. Ignore the issues
Do some basic path manipulation without worrying too much. Accept that your program will exhibit undefined behavior for some paths that are input. You could document to the user that the program may or may not work when they input paths to it, and that it is the users responsibly to ensure that the program has handled the input paths correctly. However, you could also not document anything. Users will commonly expect that your program will not handle some paths correctly (many don't) and therefore will cope well even without documentation.
Closing thoughts
It is important to decide on an effective strategy for working with paths early on in the life-cycle of your program. If you have to change how paths are handled later it may be difficult to avoid a change in behaviour that might break the your program for existing users.
Try this:
ofstream outfile;
string createFile = "";
string path="/FULL_PATH";
createFile =<string>() + "/" + "SAMPLE_FILENAME" + ".txt";;
//It works like a charm.
That needs to be done when you open the file, see std::ofstream constructor or open() member.
It's not too clear what you're asking; if I understand correctly, you're
given a filename, and you want to create the file in a specific
directory. If that's the case, all that's necessary is to specify the
complet path to the constructor of ofstream. You can use string
concatenation to build up this path, but I'd strongly recommend
boost::filesystem::path. It has all of the functions to do this
portably, and a lot more; otherwise, you'll not be portable (without a
lot of effort), and even simple operations on the filename will require
considerable thought.
I was stuck on this for a while and have since figured it out. The path is based off where your executable is and varies a little. For this example assume you do a ls while in your executable directory and see:
myprogram.out Saves
Where Saves is a folder and myprogram.out is the program you are running.
In your code, if you are converting chars to a c_str() in a manner like this:
string file;
getline(cin, file, '\n');
ifstream thefile; ("Saves/" + file + ".txt").c_str() );
and the user types in savefile, it would be
which will work to get to to get to savefile.txt in your Saves folder. Notice there is no pre-slashes and you just start with the folder name.
However if you are using a string literal like
ifstream thefile;"./Saves/savefile.txt");
it would be like this to get to the same folder:
Notice you start with a ./ in front of the foldername.
If you are using linux, try execl(), with the command mv.