Apply functions belonging to other classes through variadic templates - c++

Say I have three classes, ClassA, ClassB, and ClassC. And all three of these classes have a function called updateValue(int). And then I have controller class called, Controller. Who's constructor is templated like the following:
class Controller
template <class...Classes>
Controller(Classes & ...classes); // maybe initialize a tuple?
void setValues(int val)
// unpack whatever data structure and call each classes updateValue(int)
std::tuple<Classes...classes> packedClasses; // Not sure if this is good idea? This will not compile
As you can see, I want to be able to take the classes from some data structure, and call their functions. For example, in main I would have:
int main()
ClassA A;
ClassB B;
ClassC C;
Controller controller1(A,B);
Controller controller2(A,C);
Controller controller3(B,C);
Controller controller4(A,B,C);
Each class has their own way of updating a value, for example ClassA has setValue(int), ClassB has setInt(int), and ClassC has updateNumber(int). My plan is to write the function updateValue into each of these classes that will call their setter functions. However, I am not sure how to achieve what it is I am trying to do. How can I unpack all of the classes and call their function updateValue(int)?

From your current interface, you might do something like:
class Controller
template <class...Classes>
Controller(Classes&... classes)
mF = [&](int val) { (classes.updateValue(val), ...); }; // Fold expression from C++17
void setValues(int val)
std::function<void(int)> mF;


C++ Functions Select Behavior Based on Passed Parameter Derived Class?

What I'm trying to do is to have a base class that has a primary functionality, as well as multiple derived classes that have various other additional functions/variables. The main functionality of all these derived classes will behave very similarly no matter what object of one of the derived classes is passed to it, but with slight changes based on what the derived class is.
So a background here is that I'm mostly experienced with Fortran programming but am trying to break into C++ more. I'm trying to do something here that is pretty easy in Fortran but am having trouble in C++. Basically my code defining my classes looks something like this
class base_class{
void prim_func(base_class &my_obj);
class derived_class_1: public base_class{
int a_func(int arg1);
class derived_class_2: public base_class{
double a_func(double arg2);
And then the void class method looks something like (right now, I know this isn't right)
void base_class::prim_func(base_class &my_obj){
// a bunch of stuff for all classes
// if my_obj class is derived_class_1
// some more stuff specific to using derived_class_1
// if my_obj class is derived_class_2
// some more stuff specific to using derived_class_2
// a bunch of stuff for all classes
I want that prim_func to have (slightly) different behaviors based on what the actual derived class that is passed to it is. So the main code would look like this
derived_class_1 def_obj_1;
derived_class_2 def_obj_2;
So I would like to slightly modify the behavior in this primary functionality based on what the derived class of the passed object actually is. In Fortran there is a SELECT TYPE functionality ( that allows this, but I can't seem to find something similar in C++?
I know one workaround could be to just make one big class that contains overloaded versions of all the different functions, and all the different variables that the various derived class objects would need, and then just have an indicator variable to let it know which functionality it should be using. But this would be extremely inelegant and would potentially cause some other issues, so I would like to avoid it.
You can't do that with plain C++.
You can't have derived classes with overriden functions with different signatures.
What you can do is using templates.
Use a templated Base Class that provides the base function as a pure virtual.
You can then write a wrapper around that function as a template:
template<typename T>
class Base {
virtual T func(T param) = 0;
class DerivedA : public Base<int> {
int func(int param) override {
return param;
class DerivedB : public Base<double> {
double func(double param) override {
return param;
template<typename T>
T prim_func(Base<T>& base, T param) {
return base.func(param);
int main() {
DerivedA a;
DerivedB b;
auto c = prim_func(a,4);
auto d = prim_func(b,4.0);
Ok, so it turns out there is a way to do this in C++ it just involves dynamic casting a pointer using the passed object (but it does have to be a polymorphic object). So the way I made it work was doing something like this (comparing to the previous incomplete code I had).
class base_class{
virtual void a_func(){};
void prim_func(base_class &my_obj);
class derived_class_1: public base_class{
int a_func(int arg1);
class derived_class_2: public base_class{
double a_func(double arg2);
void base_class::prim_func(base_class &my_obj){
// a bunch of stuff for all classes
if(derived_class_1* class_ptr = dynamic_cast<derived_class_1*>(&my_obj)){
// some more stuff specific to using derived_class_1
else if(derived_class_2* class_ptr = dynamic_cast<derived_class_2*>(&my_obj)){
// some more stuff specific to using derived_class_2
// a bunch of stuff for all classes
derived_class_1 def_obj_1;
derived_class_2 def_obj_2;
To be clear, this still won't compile/work since some of the functions need definitions and what not, but this is a general description of how to do it. A working example can be found in MFEM's code here:

Override virtual function with existing function

Let me first say this is a purely academic question, since what I want to do can be better accomplished with multiple layers of inheritance.
That said, I wonder if it's possible to override a virtual function with an existing function without writing a wrapper or adding any inheritance layers. Code:
int myfunc2() { return 2; }
class Parent {
virtual int myfunc() { return 0; }
class Child1 : public Parent {
int myfunc() override { return 1; }
class Child2 : public Parent {
// There a way to do this?
// int myfunc() = myfunc2;
// instead of this?
int myfunc() { return myfunc2(); };
int main() {
Child2 baz;
return baz.myfunc();
I'd like to override myfunc in the definition of Child2 by simply "forwarding" the declaration to the existing declaration of myfunc2.
Is this, or something akin to it, possible?
Context: I've got a bunch of child classes, some of which have identical definitions of myfunc, some of which do not. A better solution is to create an intermediate child class that defines the common myfunc and have the pertinent children inherit from that instead.
// There a way to do this?
// int myfunc() = myfunc2;
// instead of this?
int myfunc() { return myfunc2(); };
No, there isn't.
There is a problem.
A non-static member function accepts one more implicit parameter: pointer to the object itself. While a stand-alone function does not have such a parameter, For example you may not use the keyword this or member access syntax inside the definition of a stand alone function.

Callback via inheritance vs object reference

Compare the following two variants (that should do the same thing)
class Foo
void void doStuff()
virtual void doStuffImpl()=0;
void affectStateInFoo()
class Bar:public Foo
void doStuffImpl()
class Foo;
class Callback
virtual void doStuff(Foo& foo)=0;
class Foo
Foo(Callback& o):obj(o){}
void void doStuff()
void affectStateInFoo()
Callback& obj;
class Bar:public Callback
void doStuff(Foo& foo)
When is one of the two variants to prefer?
Your first method requires Bar to inherit from Foo, which closely couples these classes. For callbacks this is not always what you want to do. Your second method doesn't require this.
I would use the first method if you actually extending a class, but for notifications I would use the second approach, or as Igor R. mentioned in the comments a function pointer like object.
I would prefer the second one because it is more unit-testable with mocks. But that's just my opinion.
Overdoing stuff per inheritance is a common failure to newcomers of object orientation.
Using delegation, you called it callback, is in common more flexible.
Less numbers of classes
possible reuse of "callback" class
Exchangeable at runtime instead of compiletime

How can 2 different classes point to the same datatable name

I need to initialize an object in a method without specifying the class from where the object is. Can I do that?
can someone give me an example?
void method(*object); //how to write correct??
MyClass *x= new MyClass();
MySecondClass *y= new MySecondClass();
Use templates.
template <typename T>
void method(T* object) {
// do stuff with the object, whose real type will be substituted for `T`
Templates are a bit complex, so read the chapter in your C++ book on them for more information.
It sounds like you're looking for an interface. You would define an interface that fits the needs of whatever it is that your method is doing.
class MyInterface
virtual void doSomething1() = 0;
virtual void doSomething2() = 0;
class MyObject : public MyInterface
void doSomething1()
// Code here
void doSomething2()
// Code here
It's somewhat unclear exactly the situation you have b/c you haven't shown any code, but make the method you want to call part of a class. (if it isn't already)
class ClassWithMethod
ClassWithMethod(MyInterface &myI)
void methodYouUseInjectedObject()
// Code
// More code
MyInterface &x;
Then in you application code where you instantiate the ClassWithMethod, you would "inject" the concrete type of the object you want called.
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
MyObject myObject;
ClassWithMethod classMethod(myObject);
// Call the method that will use the injected object.
return 1;
EDIT: (based on updated question)
If you want to create a method that can take two different (and unrelated) objects, but the use the same method signatures you can use a template.
class ClassWithMethod
template <class T>
void methodYouUseInjectedObject(T object)
This is similar to my approach above except that you do not need to derive your different objects off an interface.
You can use a template.
template<typename T>
void method(T object) {

class function that generates its own objects

I want to write a class for some use. I want to call a function (say generate) of this class which will generate two objects of this same class. These two objects will call other function of the class.
Can anyone tell me how to do this?
I want it in C++
Class Example{
int main()
Example generate();
Now this generate function should create two object of Example and will call other_func();
Well, from your description it would sound very easy:
struct Example
static void generate() { Example e1, e2; e1.other_fun(); e2.other_fun(); }
void other_fun() { }
You can use factory methods to generate objects of specified class. Then the created objects based on the business logic processing can invoke other methods.
The only member functions of a class that can be called without an existing member of a class are static member functions. This is a more in depth topic, please see
So here I create a foo that does what you seem to have asked for and returns the foos:
class foo
static void generate()
foo Temp1;
foo Temp2;;;
void bar()
edit: I removed the return type, per request
edit: I removed the return type completely, and correctly this time. But now I haven't test compiled the code.