How to solve the error FODC0002 when using QXmlFormatter? - c++

I'm trying to use QXmlQuery to get some elements from a XML file. Everything works fine (I'm able to validate the source XML file and etc) until I get to the part in which I try to use QXmlFormatter, in order to write the results to another XML file. When I get to this part, the following error is shown: Error FODC0002 in,2007:QtXmlPatterns:QIODeviceVariable:inputDocument, at line 1, column 0: Premature end of document.
The code is based on the "Recipes" project available as an example in Qt. The only difference here is that I made a simpler version of the "cookbook" XML file. I've tried to use QBuffer(the approach implemented in the example) instead of a file, but as expected, got the same result.
Here is the source XML, called temp2_xml.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<title>Quick and Easy Mushroom Soup</title>
<title>Cheese on Toast</title>
Here is the Xquery file, called allRecipes.xq:
(: Select all recipes. :)
declare variable $inputDocument external;
And here's the code:
QFile aqr_xq("C:/test_xml/allRecipes.xq");;
QFile file("C:/test_xml/temp_xml.xml");;
QFile aqr_r;
QTextStream in(&aqr_r);
QString inputDocument = in.readAll();
const QString str_query(QString::fromLatin1(aqr_xq.readAll()));
QXmlQuery query;
bool debug_xml = false;
debug_xml = query.isValid();
QXmlFormatter ser(query, &file);
Any ideas about what's causing the problem and how to solve it?

I think the problem is indeed the use of the text stream to consume the opened file, if I don't use that and simply use the code
QFile aqr_xq(queryFile);;
QFile file(outputFile);;
QFile aqr_r;
const QString str_query(QString::fromLatin1(aqr_xq.readAll()));
QXmlQuery query;
bool debug_xml = false;
debug_xml = query.isValid();
QXmlFormatter ser(query, &file);
then indeed the error is in the XQuery and is raised as
Error XPTY0004: Required cardinality is zero or one("?"); got cardinality one or more("+").
You haven't said which output you want to create but if you I change the XQuery to e.g.
declare variable $inputDocument external;
then the C++ code runs fine.
Note also that you can load the XQuery directly from a file by using


Tinyxml2 append function

I have been looking for a way to append my xml file using tinyxml2 but couldn't find anything. I would appreciate any help.
Here is my code:
function savedata() {
XMLNode * pRoot = xmlDoc.NewElement("Cars");
XMLElement * pElement = xmlDoc.NewElement("Brand");
pElement = xmlDoc.NewElement("type");
pElement = xmlDoc.NewElement("Date");
pElement->SetAttribute("day", 26);
pElement->SetAttribute("month", "April");
pElement->SetAttribute("Year", 2015);
pElement->SetAttribute("dateFormat", "26/04/2015");
XMLError eResult = xmlDoc.SaveFile("SavedData1.xml");
Everytime I run the function, the xml is overwritten and I want to append to the existing file.
My xml file:
<Date day="26" month="April" Year="2015" dateFormat="26/04/2015"/>
My root is and I want to append to the existing file. For example,
<Date day="26" month="April" Year="2015" dateFormat="26/04/2015"/>
<Date day="26" month="April" Year="2015" dateFormat="26/04/2015"/>
XML is structured data so a textual append would be tricky and possibly error-prone, as you would have to make sure you don't add the root node twice, and that you maintain indentation etc.
What might be easier is to load the XML, parse it with TinyXML, and write it back.
You can append if you use the FILE overload for xmldoc.Save.
FILE* file = fopen("myfile.xml","a");
You just have to be careful when doing this since it will mess up the doc if you're printing multiple root nodes. If you're doing this for logging purposes I would just leave out the root node entirely and just have whatever is reading the log back know to append them or just not even care about proper xml format.

Load and display QString with proper encoding

I am trying to load a name from file that has several special characters and if it is in file (looks like meno: Marek Ružička/) display it. Code here:
QFile File("info/"+meno+".txt");;
QVariant Data(File.readAll());
QString in = Data.toString(), pom;
pom = in.split("meno:").at(1);
ui->label_meno->setText(trUtf8("Celé meno: ")+pom);}
the part trUtf8("Celé meno: ") displays well but I cant find how to display string in pom, it alone looks like Marek RužiÄka, using toUtf8() function makes it Marek RuþiÃÂka, I've tried to convert it to stdString too but doesn't work either. I am not sure if the conversion from QFile to QVariant and to QString is right, if this causes problem how to read data properly?
Try this:
QTextCodec* utf = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
QByteArray data = <<INPUT QBYTEARRAY>>.toUtf8();
QString utfString = utf->toUnicode(data);
qDebug() << utfString;
One of the right ways is to use QTextStream for the reading, and then you can specify the codec for utf 8 as follow:
See the documentation for further details:
void QTextStream::setCodec(const char * codecName)
Sets the codec for this stream to the QTextCodec for the encoding specified by codecName. Common values for codecName include "ISO 8859-1", "UTF-8", and "UTF-16". If the encoding isn't recognized, nothing happens.
QTextStream out(&file);
Another right way would be to fix your current code without using QTextStream by using the dedicated QString method as follows:
QString in = QString::fromUtf8(File.readAll()), pom;
Please note that though you may wish to add more error handling into your code than available now.

How to replace text in content control after, XML binding using docx4j

I am using docx4j 2.8.1 with Content Controls in my .docx file. I can replace the CustomXML part by injecting my own XML and then calling BindingHandler.applyBindings after supplying the input XML. I can add a token in my XML such as ¶ then I would like to replace that token in the MainDocumentPart, but using that approach, when I iterate through the content in the MainDocumentPart with this (link) method none of my text from my XML is even in the collection extracted from the MainDocumentPart. I am thinking that even after binding the XML, it remains separate from the MainDocumentPart (??)
I haven't tried this with anything more than a little test doc yet. My token is the Pilcrow: ¶. Since it's a single character, it won't be split in separate runs. My code is:
private void injectXml (WordprocessingMLPackage wordMLPackage) throws JAXBException {
MainDocumentPart part = wordMLPackage.getMainDocumentPart();
String xml = XmlUtils.marshaltoString(part.getJaxbElement(), true);
xml = xml.replaceAll("¶", "</w:t><w:br/><w:t>");
Object obj = XmlUtils.unmarshalString(xml);
part.setJaxbElement((Document) obj);
The pilcrow character comes from the XML and is injected by applying the XML bindings to the content controls. The problem is that the content from the XML does not seem to be in the MainDocumentPart so the replace doesn't work.
(Using docx4j 2.8.1)

Format XML file in c++ or Qt

I have an XML file where outputs are not getting formatted. That means all the outputs are in a single line but I want to break it tag by tag.
For e.g. -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><Analyser> <JointDetails> <Details><StdThickness> T </StdThickness><Thickness_num> 0.032 </Thickness_num></Details> </JointDetails></Analyser>
But i want to do it like this ::
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
<StdThickness> T </StdThickness>
<Thickness_num> 0.032 </Thickness_num>
Please don't suggest to do it while writing the XML file because this XML file is already there but now I have to format it as mentioned above.
Using a QXmlStreamReader and QXmlStreamWriter should do what you want. QXmlStreamWriter::setAutoFormatting(true) will format the XML on different lines and use the correct indentation. With QXmlStreamReader::isWhitespace() you can filter out superfluous whitespace between tags.
QString xmlIn = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\" ?>"
"<Analyser><JointDetails> <Details><StdThickness>"
" T </StdThickness><Thickness_num> 0.032 </Thickness_num>"
"</Details> </JointDetails></Analyser>";
QString xmlOut;
QXmlStreamReader reader(xmlIn);
QXmlStreamWriter writer(&xmlOut);
while (!reader.atEnd()) {
if (!reader.isWhitespace()) {
qDebug() << xmlOut;
If you're using Qt, you can read it with QXmlStreamReader and write it with QXmlStreamWriter, or parse it as QDomDocument and convert that back to QString. Both QXmlStreamWriter and QDomDocument support formatting.
void format(void)
QDomDocument input;
QFile inFile("D:/input.xml");
QFile outFile("D:/output.xml"); | inFile.ReadOnly); | outFile.WriteOnly);
QDomDocument output(input);
QTextStream stream(&outFile);, 2);
If you want a simple robust solution that does not rely on QT, you can use libxml2. (If you are using QT anyway, just use what Frank Osterfeld said.)
xmlDoc* xdoc = xmlReadFile(BAD_CAST"myfile.xml", NULL, NULL, 0);
xmlSaveFormatFile(BAD_CAST"myfilef.xml", xdoc, 1);
Can I interest you in my C++ wrapper of libxml2?
If you happen to have the XML string in memory, you may also use xmlReadDoc... But it doesn't stop there.
Utilising C++ you can add a single character between each instance of >< for output:
by changing >< to >\n< (this adds the non-printing character for a newline) each tag will print onto a new line. There are API ways to do this however as mentioned above, but for a simple way to do what you suggest for console output, or so that the XML flows onto new lines per tag in something like a text editor, the \n should work fine.
If you need a more elegant output, you can code a method yourself using \n (newline) and \t (tab) to lay out your output, or utilise an api if you reeqire a more elaborate representation.

How does one bind namespace prefixes when using QXmlQuery (Qt XQuery)?

I'm attempting to use QXmlQuery to execute an XQuery expression against a document with a declared default namespace.
For discussion:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<root xmlns="">
<node1 attr1="hi"/>
Now, I have the following to open and query against the document:
QFile temp("my.xml"); | QIODevice::Text);
QXmlQuery query;
QXmlResultItems items;
In running this, 'items' never has data in it, since the document is namespaced. Of course, if I remove the default namespace declaration, 'items' does have the correct data, but I don't have that luxury.
I've tried changing the query to: "/prefix:root", and Qt barks a warning like:
No namespace binding exists for the prefix prefix in prefix:root
So namespace binding does exist! But where? I see QXmlNamePool, but it has no mutator methods. I can create a QXmlName with the pool from the query ala:
QXmlName name(query.namePool(), "prefix", "");
But it doesn't change anything. I'm at a loss, other toolkits I have used have simple methods to bind prefixes to namespace URIs.
I believe if you would change your query to
QXmlResultItems items;
query.setQuery("declare default element namespace \"\"; /root");
it should return the data.
hope this helps, regards