Find out which triangles were drawn OpenGL - opengl

I have an idea and I want to know if this would be possible in any way. I want to render a scene and use the resulting image to find out which triangles were or are visible from my current point of view.
Let me give you an example: I would render the scene into a custom framebuffer and store a certain ID to every pixel, the ID would be an identifier to the original primitive. Now my problem is that I don't know how to find out which pixel belonged to which triangle. My first idea was to just pass an ID along the shader stages, but I don't know if that would be possible. If I can find out which primitives were drawn, I could cull the others. Is there any way to find out which pixel belonged to which (original) triangle?
There is a similar question here on Stackoverflow, but it does not really answer my question (see question).
Why do I want to do this?
I have a server-client scenario where my server is very powerful whereas my client is not. The server sends the model data to the client and the client renders it locally. To reduce the rendering time and the amount of memory needed, I want to do precalculations on the server and only send certain parts of the model to the client.
Edit: Changed my question because I misunderstood some concepts.


Vertex buffer not clearing properly

I'm a beginner in 3D graphics and I'm starting out with Vulkan, which I already know it's not recommended save it please, currently working on a university project to develop the base of a 3D computer graphics engine based on the Vulkan API.
The problem
Example of running the app to render the classic 2D triangle
Drawing a 3D mesh after having drawn the triangle
So as you can see in the images above I want to be able to:
Run the engine.
Choose an object to be drawn.
Close the window.
Choose another object to be drawn.
Open the same window back up with only the last object chosen visible.
And the way I have been doing this is by essentially cleaning up the whole swap chain and recreating it from scratch once the window is closed and a new object has been chosen. Now I'm aware this probably sounds like terrorism for any computer graphics engineer but the reason I'm doing this is because I don't know a better way, I have just finished the vulkan tutorial.
Solutions tried
I have checked that I do a vkDestroyBuffer and vkFreeMemory on the current vertex buffer before recreating it again once I choose a different object.
I have disabled depth testing entirely in case it had something to do with it, it doesn't.
Note: The code is extensive and I really don't have a clue of which part of it could be relevant to the problem, so I opted for not cluttering the question, if there is an specific part you think it might help you find the solution please request it.
Thank you for taking the time to read my question.
A comment by user369070 ended up drawing my attention to the function I use to read OBJ files which made me realize that this function wasn't cleaning a data structure I use to store the vertices of the object chosen to be drawn before passing them to the vertex buffer.
I just had to add vertices = {}; at the top of the function to solve it.

How to render multiple different items in an efficient way with OpenGL

I am making a simple STG engine with OpenGL (To be exact, with LWJGL3).In this game, there can be several different types of items(called bullet) in one frame, and each type can have 10-20 instances.I hope to find an efficient way to render it.
I have read some books about modern OpenGL and find a method called "Instanced Rendering", but it seems only to work with same instances.Should I use for-loop to draw all items directly for my case?
Another question is about memory.Should I create an VBO for each frame, since the number of items is always changing?
Not the easiest question to answer but I'll try my best anyways.
An important property of OpenGL is that the OpenGL context is always bound to a single thread. So every OpenGL-method has to be called within that thread. A common way of dealing with this is using Queuing.
We are using Model-View-Controller architecture.
We have 3 threads; One to read input, one to handle received messages and one to render the scene.
Here OpenGL context is bound to rendering thread.
The first thread receives a message "Add model to position x". First thread has no time to handle the message, because there might be another message coming right after and we don't want to delay it. So we just give this message for the second thread to handle by adding it to second thread's queue.
Second thread reads the message and performs the required tasks as far as it can before OpenGL context is required. Like reads the Wavefront (.obj)-file from the memory and creates arrays from the received data.
Our second thread then queues this data to our OpenGL thread to handle. OpenGL thread generates VBOs and VAO and stores the data in there.
Back to your question
OpenGL generated Objects stay in the context memory until they are manually deleted or the context is destroyed. So it works kind of like C, where you have to manually allocate memory and free it after it's no more used. So you should not create new Objects for each frame, but reuse the data that stays unchanged. Also when you have multiple objects that use the same model or texture, you should just load that model once and apply all object specific differences on shaders.
You have an environment with 10 rocks that all share the same rock model.
You load the data, store it in VBOs and attach those VBOs into a VAO. So now you have a VAO defining a rock.
You generate 10 rock entities that all have position, rotation and scale. When rendering, you first bind the shader, then bind the model and texture, then loop through the stone entities and for each stone entity you bind that entity's position, rotation and scale (usually stored in a transformationMatrix) and render.
bind shader
load values to shader's uniform variables that don't change between entities.
bind model and texture (as those stay the same for each rock)
for(each rock in rocks){
load values to shader's uniform variables that do change between each rock, like the transformation.
unbind shader
Note: You don't need to unbind/bind shader each frame if you only use one shader. Same goes for VAO's and every other OpenGL object as well. So the binding will also stay over each rendering cycle.
Hope this will help you when getting started. Altho I would recommend some tutorial that might have a bit more context to it.
I have read some books about modern OpenGL and find a method called
"Instanced Rendering", but it seems only to work with same
instances.Should I use for-loop to draw all items directly for my
Another question is about memory.Should I create an VBO for each
frame, since the number of items is always changing?
These both depend on the amount of bullets you plan on having. If you think you will have less than a thousand bullets, you can almost certainly push all of them to a VBO each frame and upload and your end users will not notice. If you plan on some obscene amount, then don't do this.
I would say that you should write everything each frame because it's the simplest to do right now, and if you start noticing performance issues then you need to look into instancing or some other method. When you get to "later" you should be more comfortable with OpenGL and find out ways to optimize it that won't be over your head (not saying it is over your head right now, but more experience can only help make it less complex later on).
Culling bullets not on the screen either should be on your radar.
If you plan on having a ridiculous amount of bullets on screen, then you should say so and we can talk about more advanced methods, however my guess is that if you ever reach that limit on today's hardware then you have a large ambitious game with a zoomed out camera and a significant amount of entities on screen, or you are zoomed up and likely have a mess on your screen anyways.
20 objects is nothing. Your program will be plenty fast no matter how you draw them.
When you have 10000 objects, then you'll want to ask for an efficient way.
Until then, draw them whichever way is most convenient. This probably means a separate draw call per object.

Portal Effect in OpenGL [closed]

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i'm wondering in which way the Portal Game works.
You can stand between one portal and the other, it's so fascinating.
Every time you shoot one portal, maybe, the level is copied throught it? or is only a camera/frustum/viewport effect?
I want to develope it in OpenGL, any suggestion?
This has been a nightmare for them to implement. Play the game through with "director's commentary" and you'll get some interesting interviews mentioning it.
Here's the basic idea. When you look into the blue portal, you're not looking at a copy of the level, but simply at the same thing rendered from a different point of view. The engine renders the part seen through the portal from the point of view "behind" the orange portal, corresponding to your location in front of the blue one. It needs to take special care not to show anything that's in between this virtual viewpoint and the back of the orange portal. The view frustum is adjusted to include only the bits you can see through the blue portal.
But that's not the whole story, because what if you can see one portal through the other? You'll get an "infinite" feedback effect. In practice, the effect is not actually infinite; it just does enough iterations (say 40) until the images get small enough that you can't tell the difference. Each next iteration can be rendered at a smaller size, so we don't have to render the whole level 40 times at full resolution. But there's still work involved with clipping, culling, and so on.
In OpenGL, this could either be accomplished by rendering to a texture using framebuffer objects (FBOs), or rendering directly to the end result but clipped using the stencil buffer (thanks datenwolf!). But, as the paragraphs above show, that's only the beginning of the story. If you're just getting started with OpenGL, I'm afraid you're completely at the wrong end of the difficulty scale.
(Aside: There are also interesting things going on with the physics engine, where an object that's halfway through a portal needs to be in two places at once. Another big headache.)
They keywords are: Stencil buffer, clip planes and recursive rendering.
The stencil buffer is used to cut out the part of the viewport that's "the portal". This is achieved by rendering some helper geometry, when the main view of the scene is rendered.
In the next step the scene is rendered a further time, but this time the scene is moved by an additional transformation, namely the one describing the relative alignment of the portals to each other. Then a clip-plane is placed on the portal plane and the scene is rendered. During this rendering another portal stencil may be rendered, which triggers a further recursion. To prevent infinite loops in a hall of mirrors situation there's a recursion limit.
I don't know the specifics but this could be achieved in several ways. I assume that they use a camera at the location of the portals and a render to texture function in order to capture the scene from that view and render it at the location of the portal. They also allow for a larger number of iterations which I'm still not certain how that works (likely lowering the resolution of the render to texture till it hits one pixel or a predefined depth value).

How do you determine when an object is drawn on-screen in OpenGL?

I'm extremely new to OpenGL. I'm writing a program that displays flying 3D text on screen. I need to know when certain text string appears (drawn) onto the screen and are visible to the user. The program needs to identify which text strings are displayed. (Note: although my problem deals with text, it could be generalized to any OpenGL object).
At first, I started to think that I could use OpenGL's picking mechanism, but so far I've only seen examples where the selection area is focused on some sort of user interaction. I want to know what objects are displayed on the entire window area. This leads me to think I'm on the wrong track... Am I missing something?
Any suggestions are welcome.
You can use the query objects (specifically those object created using GL_ARB_occlusion_query extension Specification). Those object are used to query how many fragments are rendered using a sequence of OpenGL operations (begin/end, etc...).
Another scheme (software only), is to determine a bounding box for your rendered text, then compute mathematically whether the bounding box is inside the view frustrum (derived from the current perspective used for rendering.
A note: using OpenGL picking doesn't necessary imply the use of gluPickMatrix. You can render you scene "as is", and the query the rendered names (altought picking is deprecated from OpenGL 3).
Query objects are easy to use, and they are lightweight. Picking is another good solution for most hardware, but more schematic than query objects.
hmm, is it actually in 3D? or is it just 2D text on the screen in 2D space? in that case I would just keep track of it manually. how exactly are you drawing your text?
generally the way you do this is with a "frustum check" where you basically just make a volume for the camera and test whether you're 3d objects are inside it or not.
You can try OpenGL's feedback mechanism. In this mode, OpenGL generates fragments and passes them to a feedback buffer. If something is clipped, no fragments will be generated. When the text becomes visible, you will find the corresponding fragment in the fragment buffer.
This link should get you started.
Here is another link, the Question 10.010 seems particularly relevant to what you want.
Run your object coordinates through your projection and modelview matrices to get screen-space coordinates. Compare the X/Y output against your screen extents to figure out if the text is on-screen.

OpenGL game development - scenes that span far into view

I am working on a 2d game. Imagine a XY plane and you are a character. As your character walks, the rest of the scene comes into view.
Imagine that the XY plane is quite large and there are other characters outside of your current view.
Here is my question, with opengl, if those objects aren't rendered outside of the current view, do they eat up processing time?
Also, what are some approaches to avoid having parts of the scene rendered that aren't in view. If I have a cube that is 1000 units away from my current position, I don't want that object rendered. How could I have opengl not render that.
I guess the easiest approaches is to calculate the position and then not draw that cube/object if it is too far away.
OpenGL faq on "Clipping, Culling and Visibility Testing" says this:
OpenGL provides no direct support for determining whether a given primitive will be visible in a scene for a given viewpoint. At worst, an application will need to perform these tests manually. The previous question contains information on how to do this.
Go ahead and read the rest of that link, it's all relevant.
If you've set up your scene graph correctly objects outside your field of view should be culled early on in the display pipeline. It will require a box check in your code to verify that the object is invisible, so there will be some processing overhead (but not much).
If you organise your objects into a sensible hierarchy then you could cull large sections of the scene with only one box check.
Typically your application must perform these optimisations - OpenGL is literally just the rendering part, and doesn't perform object management or anything like that. If you pass in data for something invisible it still has to transform the relevant coordinates into view space before it can determine that it's entirely off-screen or beyond one of your clip planes.
There are several ways of culling invisible objects from the pipeline. Checking if an object is behind the camera is probably the easiest and cheapest check to perform since you can reject half your data set on average with a simple calculation per object. It's not much harder to perform the same sort of test against the actual view frustrum to reject everything that isn't at all visible.
Obviously in a complex game you won't want to have to do this for every tiny object, so it's typical to group them, either hierarchically (eg. you wouldn't render a gun if you've already determined that you're not rendering the character that holds it), spatially (eg. dividing the world up into a grid/quadtree/octree and rejecting any object that you know is within a zone that you have already determined is currently invisible), or more commonly a combination of both.
"the only winning move is not to play"
Every glVertex etc is going to be a performance hit regardless of whether it ultimately gets rendered on your screen. The only way to get around that is to not draw (i.e. cull) objects which wont ever be rendered anyways.
most common method is to have a viewing frustum tied to your camera. Couple that with an octtree or quadtree depending on whether your game is 3d/2d so you dont need to check every single game object against the frustum.
The underlying driver may do some culling behind the scenes, but you can't depend on that since it's not part of the OpenGL standard. Maybe your computer's driver does it, but maybe someone else's (who might run your game) doesn't. It's best for you do to your own culling.