How to write a regexp in elastisearch so that it gives me URLs with numbers? - regex

I am trying to write a query in Kibana which works with Elastisearch Query DSL. The basic filter is as follows:
"query": {
"match": {
"path": {
"query": "/abc/",
"type": "phrase"
Now I need to write a query so that it gives me "path" which is of the form /abc/(0-9)/.
I tried the reference provided here but it does not make sense to me (I am not well versed with Elasticsearch):
I would like to filter out results which are of the form path = /abc/12345/

This RegEx might help you to do so:
It creates a target capturing group, where your desired output is and you might be able to call it using $1.
You may add additional boundaries to your pattern, if you wish, such as this RegEx:


Find string in between in kibana elastic search with regex like in splunk

In splunk, we can filter out dynamic string in between two strings.
Say for example,
The output I am expecting:
Shirt - 3
Trousers - 2
I am able to do this in splunk, easily.
Picture copied from Google (not exact one)
How can I achieve this in Kibana ?
Tried many ways, but not able to do any regex as per my need.
Note: Here's the example json query, in which I need to add regex. In this example, I am just trying to search for "Shirt" manually, which I am expecting to get dynamically.
"query": {
"match": {
"text": {
"query": "Shirt",
"type": "phrase"
Considering data is in the sample index, you can use a wildcard search:
GET /sample/_search
"query": {
Notice how it only returns results containing keyword Shirt
If you are looking to clean the data, you'd need to run it through a logstash pipeline to strip the XML tags and leave you with the text.

regex breaks when I use a colon(:)

I just started working with elastic search. By started working I mean I have to query an already running elastic database. Is there a good documentation of the regex they follow. I know about the one on their official site, but its not very helpful.
The more specific problem is that I want to query for lines of the sort:
10:02:37:623421|0098-TSOT {TRANSITION} {ID} {1619245525} {securityID} {} {fromStatus} {NOT_PRESENT} {toStatus} {WAITING}
01:01:36:832516|0058-CT {ADD} {0} {3137TTDR7} {23} {COM} {New} {0} {0} {52} {1}
and more of a similar structure. I don't want a generalized regex. If possible, could someone give me a regex expression for each of these that would run with elastic?
I noticed that it matches if the regexp matches with a substring too when I ran with:
query = {"query":
"message": "[0-9]{2}"
But it wont match anything if I use:
query = {"query":
"message": "[0-9]{2}:.*"
I want to write regex that are more specific and that are different for the two examples given near the top.
turns out my message is present in the tokenized form instead of the raw form, and : is one of the default delimiters of the tokenizer, in elastic. And as a reason, I can't use regexp query on the whole message because it matches it with each token individually.

Elasticsearch Query on indexes whose name is matching a certain pattern

I have a couple of indexes in my Elasticsearch DB as follows
Suppose I want to search only on the first 3 Indexes.
I mean a regular expression like this:
select count(*) from Index_2019_0[1-3] where LanguageId="English"
What is the correct way to do that in Elasticsearch?
How can I query several indexes with certain names?
This can be achieved via multi-index search, which is a built-in capability of Elasticsearch. To achieve described behavior one should try a query like this:
POST /index_2019_01,index_2019_02/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"LanguageID": "English"
Or, using URI search:
curl 'http://<host>:<port>/index_2019_01,index_2019_02/_search?q=LanguageID:English'
More details are available here. Note that Elasticsearch requires index names to be lowercase.
Can I use a regex to specify index name pattern?
In short, no. It is possible to use index name in queries using a special "virtual" field _index but its use is limited. For instance, one cannot use a regexp against index name:
The _index is exposed as a virtual field — it is not added to the
Lucene index as a real field. This means that you can use the _index
field in a term or terms query (or any query that is rewritten to a
term query, such as the match, query_string or simple_query_string
query), but it does not support prefix, wildcard, regexp, or fuzzy
For instance, the query from above can be rewritten as:
POST /_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"terms": {
"_index": [
"match": {
"LanguageID": "English"
Which employs a bool and a terms queries.
Hope that helps!
Why use POST when you are not adding any additional data to it.
I advise using GET for your case. Secondly, If the Index have similar names like in your case, you should be using an index pattern like in the query below,
GET /index_2019_*/_search
"query": {
"match": {
"LanguageID": "English"
OR in a URL
curl -XGET "http://<host>:<port>/index_2019_*/_search" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'{"query": {"match":{"LanguageID": "English"}}}'
While searching for indices using a regex is not possible you might be able to use date math to take you a bit further.
You can look at the docs here
As an example, lets say you wish the last 3 months from those indices
that means that if we have
And today is 2019/04/20, we could use the following query to get 04,03 and 02
GET /<index-{now/M-0M{yyyy_MM}}>,<index-{now/M-1M{yyyy_MM}}>,<index-{now/M-2M{yyyy_MM}}>
I used M-0M for the first one so the query construction loop doesn't need a special case for the first index
Look at the docs regarding URL encoding this query and how to have literal braces in the index name, if a client is used the URL encoding is done for you (at least in the python client)

Elasticsearch aggregation to extract pattern and occurrences

I have trouble formulating what I'm looking for so I'll use an example:
You put 3 documents in elasticsearch all with a field "name" containing these values: "test", "superTest51", "stvv".
Is it possible to extract a regular expression like pattern with the occurrences? In this case:
"xxxx": 2 occurrences
"x{5}Xxxx99": 1 occurrence
I've read some things about analyzers, but I don't think that's what I'm looking for.
Edit: To make the question clearer: I don't want to search for a regex pattern, I want to do an aggregate on a regular expression replaced field. For example replace [a-z] with x. Is the best way really to do the regular expression replace outside of elasticsearch?
Based on the formulation of your request, not sure this will match what you are looking for, but assuming you mean to search based on regex ,
following should be what you are looking for:
wildcard and regexp queries
Do take note that the behavior will be different whether the field targeted is analyzed or not.
Typically if you went with the vanilla setup of Elasticsearch as most people to start, your field will likely be analyzed, you can check your the events mapping in your indices to confirm that.
Based on your example and assuming you have a not_analyzed name field:
GET _search
"query": {
"regexp": {
"name": "[a-z]{4}"
GET _search
"query": {
"regexp": {
"name": "[a-z]{5}[A-Z][a-z]{3}[0-9]{2}"
Based on your update, and a quick search (am not that familiar with aggregations), could be something like the following would match your expectations:
GET _search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"regmatch": {
"filters": {
"filters": {
"xxxx": {
"regexp": {
"name": "[a-z]{4}"
"x{5}Xxxx99": {
"regexp": {
"name": "[a-z]{5}[A-Z][a-z]{3}[0-9]{2}"
This will give you 3 counts:
- total number of events
- number of first regex match
- number of second regex match

elasticsearch - search with regex involving space

I want to perform searching using regular expression involving whitespace in elasticsearch.
I have already set my field to not_analyzed. And it's mapping is just like
"type1": {
"properties": {
"field1": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed",
"store": true
And I input two value for test,
"field1":"XXX YYY ZZZ"
"field1":"XXX ZZZ YYY"
And i do some case using regex query /XXX YYY/ (I want to use this query to find record1 but not record2)
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "/XXX YYY/"
But it return 0 results.
However if I search without using regex (without the forward slash '/'), both record1 and record2 are returned.
Is that in elasticsearch, i cannot search using regex query involving space?
What you need is a ''term'' query that doesn't tokenise the search query by breaking it down into smaller parts. More about the term query here:
There's a special breed of term queries that allows you to use regexes called regexp queries. That should match any whitespaces as well:
You can keep using your query string, but your regexp is just missing a tiny part, i.e. the .* at the end. If you run that you'll get the single result you expect.
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "/XXX YYY.*/"
You can use regexp queries to achieve this. Mind you, the query performance may be slow. The below query will search for all documents in which the value of field1 contains "XXX YYY".
POST <index_name>/type1/_search
"query": {
"regexp": {
"field1": ".*XXX YYY.*"