Drawing custom 3d shapes - c++

I am attempting to create a custom object using Cinder C++ on windows with Visual Studio. I am hoping to find a solution that allows you to point to a object with BatchRef object, and which can be used in the same way as any other BatchRef.
I have already tried searching through the official websites tutorials and documentation, and while it does an excellent job of listing all the classes, functions, etc, it does a exceedingly slim job of covering the usage of most of those, with only the return type and arguments listed.
Ideally, we could call the custom shape something like myShape and it could be used in the following manner in my App::draw() override: (with mShader already defined someplace else)
gl::BatchRef bRef;
bRef = gl::Batch::create( myShape() , mShader );
bRef -> draw();
If the documentation has instructions for this, feel free to point me that way. I was unable to find it, but that does not mean that it does not exist.


C++/WinRT ApplicationDataContainer without a package identity

I'm experimenting with a Windows Console Application (C++/WinRT) and so far successfully made use out of the the Storage API and a few others with no issues. Now i'd like to try and use the ApplicationDataContainer class instead of making use of Winreg.h.
I've followed the C++ code example from here and tried my own things:
It seems that creating a settings object relies on a package identity which I don't want to use.
ApplicationDataContainer localSettings{ ApplicationData::Current().RoamingSettings() }; // Error
// winrt::hresult 0x80073d54 : The process has no package identity.
I understand that ApplicationData::Current() relies on using an identity. But it seems like the only way to make use of ApplicationDataContainer is to initialize in these two ways:
ApplicationDataContainer localSettings{ ApplicationData::Current().LocalSettings() };
// Or
ApplicationDataContainer localSettings{ ApplicationData::Current().RoamingSettings() };
Is there any way make use of the ApplicationDataContainer API without a package identity, or perhaps another way to initialize this class?
This is also a learning experience so it doesn't matter if the solution only gives partial use of the api. Easy access to local/roaming folders isn't necessary either. I'm happy to store the settings file in a custom location.

Google Play Services C++ / Run UI on second activity using IntentHandler

I am developing a mobile game using Cocos2D-x engine for android platform and i want to integrate GPGS on it.
I achieved to show leaderboards, but there is a little annoying problem. When leaderboard is visible, if i go background and then come back to app, the gamescene goes to black. I think opengl context being released and doesnt restore again. In my opinion running leaderboard on same activity causes this, the game engine cant understand whats happening there. Whatever, because of this I want to run leaderboard (and also all GPGS things) on a new activity using intent.
Google likes "Providing"
In the reference documents of Google Play Game Services C++ SDK, there is a few unclear/fuzzy explanation about using SetOptionalIntentHandlerForUI method.
"Provide a function that can start a provided UI intent at any point, using startActivityForResult."
What is the mean of "Providing"? What is a provided Intent? How will I use startActivityForResult method? Unfortunately, "using" and "providing methods" are not clear expressions for coding. There is no sample about
using this method in the documents of GPGS for C++. Eventually,
Google's document is so poor and
there is no useful information on the internet. If someone from Google helps me, I will be so happy.
As i understand, I wrote the code like this. But it gives error when starting.
public void runGPGSActivity(Intent i) {
AndroidPlatformConfiguration.h (From C++ gpg lib)
typedef std::function<void(jobject)> IntentHandler;
AndroidPlatformConfiguration &SetOptionalIntentHandlerForUI(
IntentHandler intent_handler);
main.cpp (JNI binding, the working code, GPGS runs on same activity )
gpg::AndroidPlatformConfiguration platform_configuration;
StateManager::InitServices( ...
main.cpp (JNI binding, GPGS must be run on new activity )
gpg::AndroidPlatformConfiguration platform_configuration;
jclass activityClass = env->FindClass("org/cocos2dx/cpp/AppActivity");
jmethodID jIntentHandlerMethodID = env->GetMethodID(activityClass,"runGPGSActivity","(Landorid/content/Intent;)V");
jobject jIntentHandler = env->NewObject(activityClass, jIntentHandlerMethodID);
gpg::AndroidPlatformConfiguration::IntentHandler mIntentHandler; /*= [](jobject mjIntentHandler){};*/
std::function<void(jobject)> intentHandler = std::bind(mIntentHandler,jIntentHandler);
There is no build error, but the application crashes when launching.
03-24 14:12:24.301: A/libc(21352): Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT) at
0x00005368 (code=-6), thread 21352 (main)
And some links about this issue:
IntentHandler reference
StartActivityForResult reference
/// Thank you in advance. ///
...Yeah I solved the problem, but didn't use IntentHandler method.
I was using this code in my app, to show weekly leaderboard data.
But return value is not void, it is UIStatus (whatever it is)
I've reverted back to this code, app is not going to black screen now. This method returns void, I think I have to catch some callbacks when using ShowUIBlocking method, with that UIStatus thing.
But now, I can't benefit from timespan feature of leaderboards.
I am going to research how it can be used. There is no problem for now. But, documentation of SetOptionalIntentHandlerForUI must be written more explicit, for programmers who want to use it.

Gtk::ScaleButton: Icons in the constructor

I am trying to use a Gtk::ScaleButton in Gtkmm 3. My problem is the constructor. It needs as last parameter (see here: https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm/stable/classGtk_1_1ScaleButton.html#a96753b6cb6b8adb0ed3727ba3eb8cfb7 ) a vector of ustrings. I guess (i can't find it in the docs what it means exactly) i have to give it the path to the +/- Images. I want to use the Gtk Stock items for +/-. How can i achieve this?
Currently i give it an empty vector, which results in a glibmm warning:
std::vector<Glib::ustring> icons;
Gtk::ScaleButton * scale = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ScaleButton(Gtk::ICON_SIZE_SMALL_TOOLBAR, 0.0, 10.0, 1.0, icons));
glibmm-WARNING **: Glib::ConstructParams::ConstructParams(): object class "gtkmm__GtkScaleButton" has no property named "min"
How can i avoid the warning and give it stock icons?
You must be one of the first people to ever try using this Gtk::ScaleButton constructor from gtkmm. It seems to have been broken for several years.
I've fixed it in gtkmm: https://git.gnome.org/browse/gtkmm/commit/?id=26f94d231da9481d74acdd94e56168ed6b38609a
But it will be some time until that is widely available via Linux distro packages. In the meantime you can try using
Gtk::ScaleButton* button = Glib::wrap(gtk_scale_button_new(whatever));
See https://developer.gnome.org/gtkmm-tutorial/stable/sec-basics-gobj-and-wrap.html.en
However, I don't know how it's actually meant to behave, so you might encounter other bugs. You might actually want to use the derived Gtk::VolumeButton instead.
andlabs is correct that the GTK+ documentation describes the icons better:
and those should indeed probably be the standard icon names:

Webkit GTK: Using the DOM Tree Walker

So, I'm experimenting with Webkit GTK DOM functions. It's pretty straightforward, except for one thing: there's a useful part of the API called the WebKitDOMTreeWalker which, I assume, lets you walk over each node in the DOM, just like the TreeWalker object in Javascript.
Now, in Javascript a TreeWalker is created by calling:
document.createTreeWalker(root, nodesToShow, filter, entityExpandBol)
So, in WebKit GTK, there is an obvious counterpart in the API - a function called webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker. The function signature is:
WebKitDOMTreeWalker* webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker(WebKitDOMDocument* self, WebKitDOMNode* root, gulong what_to_show, WebKitDOMNodeFilter* filter, gboolean expand_entity_references, GError **error);
So creating a TreeWalker with WebKit GTK seems pretty straightforward - except for one big problem: the fourth argument in the webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker expects a filter object, that is, it wants an instance of WebKitDOMNodeFilter. Well, the Javascript function also takes a filter, but you can pass null if you don't want to use a filter. With the Webkit API, passing NULL doesn't work. If you call:
WebKitDOMTreeWalker* walker = webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker(doc, root, SHOW_ALL, NULL, false, err)
You get the error message:
** (webkit:3367): CRITICAL : WebKitDOMTreeWalker* webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker(WebKitDOMDocument*,
WebKitDOMNode*, gulong, WebKitDOMNodeFilter*, gboolean, GError):
assertion `filter' failed
So, the WebKit API won't accept a NULL pointer for the filter argument. Evidently you need to pass an instance of a WebKitDOMNodeFilter. Okay, again - this wouldn't be a problem either, except I've searched far and wide through the WebKit API, as well as Google, and I can't find anyway to create a WebKitDOMNodeFilter object! The header file for WebKitDOMNodeFilter.h doesn't expose any constructor for WebKitDOMNodeFilter. It seems like the API doesn't ever expose anyway to actually construct a WebKitDOMNodeFilter object at all.
Yet... the API exposes many functions (like webkit_dom_document_create_tree_walker, and webkit_dom_document_create_node_iterator) which require a WebKitDOMNodeFilter. So... is the API just incomplete right now? Or, is there some way to create a Filter object which I'm just not seeing?
Can you try casting your null to the WebKitDOMNodeFilter type by calling

Boost GIL image constructors

I'm currently trying to figure out how to use the Generic Image Library included in Boost. Right now, I just want to use the library to store pixel data and use the Image IO to write PNGs. I'm having trouble understanding just how to set up the object however.
The hpp says
image(const point_t& dimensions,
std::size_t alignment=1) : _memory(0), _align(alignment) {
but I cannot find any references to point_t except a type_def for view_t::point_t to point_t.
Also, the tutorial found with the GIL seems to only include writing filters and generic algorithms, and thus each function example they provide has a source image view, from which they take the dimensions.
Am I going about this the wrong way? Or is there something I've missed completely?
Thanks in advance
Edit: I don't know if anyone cares, or has read this, but for the record, I just used the boost interleaved image function to create a PNG. It's not exactly the same solution, but it works for my applications.
it sounds like you solved your problem in the meantime, but just for the record... here are some pointers to information about your problem:
First of all you may have missed the second constructor of boost::gil::image, which offers explicit access to the horizontal and vertical dimensions without the need of the point_t:
image(x_coord_t width, y_coord_t height,
std::size_t alignment=0,
const Alloc alloc_in = Alloc()) : _memory(0), _align_in_bytes(alignment), _alloc(alloc_in) {
point_t will most likely refer to the point2 class template defined in boost/gil/utilities.hpp.
In general you should check the complete documentation of Boost GIL for all questions not mentioned in the tutorial. For a deeper understanding of the library it is absolutely necessary to get familiar with the Design Guide and the Doxygen Documentation.