I am reading the raw video data from the read buffer using
cv::Mat imgbuf(Size(640, 480), CV_8UC3, &mem[0], (640*3));
This variable imgbuf I am passing to face detection algorithm which detects the face & draws the rectangle around the face. after that I am getting output something like
I tried with below code where I am performing resize operation before pass to face detection algorithm. by using this method it is working fine. but without resizing function I am getting noticeable output with rectangle around the face.
unsigned char *mem = (unsigned char*)mmap(NULL, page_offset + len,
cv::Mat imgbuf(Size(640, 480), CV_8UC3, &mem[0], (640*3));
cv::resize(imgbuf,imgbuf,(640,480)); //Dummy function to get the right output.
auto result = v->facedetection(imgbuf);
for (const auto &r : result.rects) {
cv::rectangle(imgbuf,cv::Rect{ cv::Point(r.x * imgbuf.cols, r.y *
imgbuf.rows),cv::Size{(int)(r.width * imgbuf.cols), (int)(r.height *
imgbuf.rows) } },0xff);
imshow("face-detection", imgbuf);
can anybody help be to sort out this problem
Test this method:
unsigned char *mem = (unsigned char*)mmap(NULL, page_offset + len,
cv::Mat imgbuf(480,640, CV_8UC3, &mem[0]);
cv::Mat img_2, img_3;
auto result = v->facedetection(img_2);
for (const auto &r : result.rects)
cv::Rect myR = cv::Rect(r.x * img_2.cols, r.y * img_2.rows, (int)(r.width * img_2.cols),
(int)(r.height * img_2.rows));
cv::rectangle(img_3,myR,Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1);
imshow("Result", img_3);
After getting a valid result you can optimize this and use less of "Mat"s.
I have 2 images with transparency. Images have the same format and size.
How can I copy pixels from second image to the first one by using C++ OpenCV?
The idea is to draw 2nd image on the 1st image.
code from the link in comment above (modified for my case)
L. Scott Johnson thanks you again!
void alphaBlend(Mat& foreground, Mat& background, Mat& alpha, Mat& outImage)
// Find number of pixels.
int numberOfPixels = foreground.rows * foreground.cols * foreground.channels();
// Get floating point pointers to the data matrices
float* fptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(foreground.data);
float* bptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(background.data);
float* aptr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(alpha.data);
float* outImagePtr = reinterpret_cast<float*>(outImage.data);
// Loop over all pixesl ONCE
for (
int i = 0;
i < numberOfPixels;
i++, outImagePtr++, fptr++/*, aptr++*/, bptr++
if (i!= 0 && (i % 3) == 0)
*outImagePtr = (*fptr) * (*aptr) + (*bptr) * (1 - *aptr);
void Mix()
Mat layer = imread("images\\leyer.png", IMREAD_UNCHANGED);
Mat image = imread("images\\bg.jpg");
std::vector<cv::Mat> bgra_planes;
cv::split(layer, bgra_planes);
Mat alpha = bgra_planes[3];
cv::merge(bgra_planes, layer);
alpha.convertTo(alpha, CV_32FC3, 1.0 / 255);
layer.convertTo(layer, CV_32FC3);
image.convertTo(image, CV_32FC3);
Mat result(layer.size(), CV_32FC3);
alphaBlend(layer, image, alpha, result);
result.convertTo(result, CV_8UC3);
// previous tries
//cv::copyTo(layer, image, );
//cv::addWeighted(image, 1, layer, 1, 0.5, result);
String windowName = "alpha blending";
namedWindow(windowName, WINDOW_NORMAL);
imshow(windowName, result);
Here's what you can try:
load your first image
cv::Mat img = cv::imread("img.jpeg");
find your smaller image - here I'm just resizing the same image
cv::Mat img_resize;
cv::resize(img, img_resize, cv::Size(), 0.3, 0.3);
choose the xy origin location
const cv::Point origin(100, 100);
create a Region of Interest
cv::Rect roi(origin, img_resize.size());
copy the matrix data in
I'm trying to get the centers of the clusters from a depth frame, but can't the correct coordinates. I'm following a example given on stack overflow example, but my matrix is 512*424 of type CV_16SC1 (ushort, one channel).
No matter what i do, i get the wrong or none center's return (on the left top corner instead of middle center). Can anyone explains to me how to do it?
Here is a sample of the original and output: images
//my code so far:
FILE *infile= NULL;
fopen_s(&infile, p1ficheiro, "rb"); //if... blá blá
unsigned short *buffer = new unsigned short[512*424];
fread(buffer, 512 * 424, sizeof(unsigned short), infile)
//entry matrix
Mat frame(424,512,CV_16SC1,buffer);
int dimension = 8;
//working Mat
Mat temp;
temp.convertTo(temp, CV_32FC1);
temp.reshape(dimension , (512 * 424) / dimension );
//going to kmeans...
Mat labels, centers;
kmeans(temp, dimension , labels, TermCriteria(CV_TERMCRIT_ITER | CV_TERMCRIT_EPS, 1000,0.001), 10, KMEANS_RANDOM_CENTERS, centers);
//finding centers
for (int j = 0; j < centers.rows; ++j)
std::cout << centers.row(j) << std::endl;
circle(temp, Point(centers.at<float>(j, 0), centers.at<float>(j, 1)), 30, Scalar::all(255), 2);
//just so it's more clear to the eye
frame.convertTo(frame, CV_16SC1, 8);
//... close and free everything...
I am going to use the grabcutNPP from cuda sample in order to speed up the image processing. The original sample code is implemented for FIBITMAP, but my input/output type will be Mat.
I had figured out most of the code but stuck in the cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost step...As a CUDA beginner, I have no reason why it always stops at this step
Here is part of my code :
void grabcutGPU(Mat& _src, Mat& _dst, Rect _srcRect){
GrabCut *grabcut;
const size_t width = _src.rows;
const size_t height = _src.cols;
size_t image_pitch;
size_t result_pitch;
size_t trimap_pitch;
uchar4 *gpu_src, *gpu_dst;
unsigned char *d_trimap;
NppiRect rect;
// rect to nppirect
rect.x = _srcRect.x;
rect.y = _srcRect.y;
rect.width = _srcRect.width;
rect.height = _srcRect.height;
//melloc for src_image
checkCudaErrors(cudaMallocPitch(&gpu_src, &image_pitch, width * sizeof(uchar4), height));
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy2D(gpu_src, image_pitch, _src.ptr<uchar4>(), width * sizeof(uchar4), width * sizeof(uchar4), height, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
// melloc foe rect
checkCudaErrors(cudaMallocPitch(&d_trimap, &trimap_pitch, width, height));
// Setup GrabCut
grabcut = new GrabCut(gpu_src, (int)image_pitch, d_trimap, (int)trimap_pitch, width, height);
//rect to memory
checkCudaErrors(TrimapFromRect(d_trimap, (int)trimap_pitch, rect, width, height));
//grabcut segmentation
//melloc for dst_image
checkCudaErrors(cudaMallocPitch(&gpu_dst, &result_pitch, width * 4, height));
//GPU process
checkCudaErrors(ApplyMatte(2, gpu_dst, (int)result_pitch, gpu_src, (int)image_pitch, grabcut->getAlpha(), grabcut->getAlphaPitch(), width, height));
size_t output_pitch = result_pitch;
//send result to dst
checkCudaErrors(cudaMemcpy2D(_dst.ptr(), (int)output_pitch, gpu_dst, result_pitch, width * 4, height, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
delete grabcut;
checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize(), "Kernel Launch Failed");
checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(gpu_src), "CUDA Free Failed");
checkCudaErrors(cudaFree(d_trimap), "CUDA Free Failed");}
This question is solved.
First of all, the row and col are carelessly mistaken.
Then, the input mat were 3 channels but this function needs 4 channels mat for passing result. It could be solved by converting colour type.
Thanks to Micka, or I might never notice the channel problem.
This question already has an answer here:
Efficiently load a large Mat into memory in OpenCV
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
This feels like a really easy question, but I have not been able to find the answer to it.
I have a function which reads a (binary) file and feeds the content into an openCV image. Currently the file is always of the "unsigned char" datatype but I would like to expand the support to other datatypes. Preferable as an argument to the function.
I'm not very experienced with C++ but after googling around this feels like something which should be done with templates, but I am really unsure how to implement it.
cv::Mat ReadImage(const char * filename, int dataTypeSize, int imageWidth)
auto read_image = fopen(filename, "rb");
if (read_image == nullptr)
printf("Image Not Found\n");
return cv::Mat();
fseek(read_image, 0, SEEK_END);
int fileLen = ftell(read_image);
fseek(read_image, 0, SEEK_SET);
auto pre_image = static_cast<unsigned char *>(malloc(fileLen));
auto data = fread(pre_image, 1, fileLen, read_image);
// Printed and verify the values
//printf("File Size %d\n", fileLen);
//printf("Read bytes %zd\n", data);
auto width = imageWidth;
auto height = fileLen / dataTypeSize / imageWidth;
vector<unsigned char> buffer(pre_image, pre_image + data);
auto img = cv::Mat(height, width, CV_64F, pre_image);
//printf("Image rows %d\n", img.rows);
//printf("Image cols %d\n", img.cols);
return img;
cv::Mat is not a template class. You can construct a different cv::Mat simply by supplying a different type parameter to the constructor (currently hardcoded as CV_64F).
Like this:
cv::Mat ReadImage(const char * filename, int dataTypeSize, int imageWidth, int type)
. . .
auto img = cv::Mat(height, width, type, pre_image);
return img;
auto mat = ReadImage("abc", 8, 1000, CV_32S);
I have some code to create an HSV mask that looks approximately like this (taken from this Japanese-language page):
void colorExtraction(const cv::gpu::GpuMat &src,
cv::gpu::GpuMat *dst)
cv::Mat lut(256, 1, CV_8UC3);
for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
cv::Vec3b thisHSV;
thisHSV[0] = inHRange(i) ? 255 : 0;
thisHSV[1] = inSRange(i) ? 255 : 0;
thisHSV[2] = inVRange(i) ? 255 : 0;
lut.at<cv::Vec3b>(i) = thisHSV;
/* apply LUT to input image */
cv::gpu::GpuMat extracted(src.size(), CV_8UC3);
cv::gpu::LUT(src, lut, extracted);
/* divide image into each channel */
std::vector<cv::gpu::GpuMat> channels;
cv::gpu::split(extracted, channels);
/* create mask */
cv::gpu::bitwise_and(channels[0], channels[1], *dst);
cv::gpu::bitwise_and(*dst, channels[2], *dst);
This works, but despite the operations being mostly in the GPU, it is slower than I would like, perhaps due to a number of intermediate GpuMats. I suspect there might be a nice way to fold this all up into just one or two calls, but I don't know what it could be. Writing my own CUDA kernel is, of course, an option, but I want to check to see if I don't need to reinvent the wheel.
To self-answer, I ended up coding my own kernel to do the LUT(), split(), and two bitwise_and()s in a single call:
__global__ void colorExtractionKernel(cv::gpu::PtrStepSz<uchar3> const src,
cv::gpu::PtrStepSz<unsigned char> dst,
cv::gpu::PtrStepSz<uchar3> const lut)
unsigned int row = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
unsigned int col = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
// Extract post-LUT hsv flags
uchar3 srcHSV = src(row, col);
unsigned char h = lut(srcHSV.x, 0).x;
unsigned char s = lut(srcHSV.y, 0).y;
unsigned char v = lut(srcHSV.z, 0).z;
// Result pixel is the AND of the pixels
dst(row, col) = (h & s & v);
void colorExtraction_cuda(const cv::gpu::GpuMat &src, // input HSV image
cv::gpu::GpuMat &dst, // specified color extracted binarized image
cv::Mat const &lut) // Look-up thresholds
cudaStream_t thisStream;
dim3 Threads(32, 16);
dim3 Blocks((src.cols + Threads.x - 1)/Threads.x, (src.rows + Threads.y - 1)/Threads.y);
cv::gpu::GpuMat gpuLut(lut);
colorExtractionKernel<<<Blocks, Threads, 0, thisStream>>>(src, dst, gpuLut);