Migrating on premise web application to AWS ec2 - amazon-web-services

Can some one please advise the steps required for migrating a web application which is currently running on tomcat server at onpremise to AWS ec2 instance. I understand this is not a straight forward and requires some detailed process.
The code is wrriten in Java and database used as oracle.
So it would be helpfull if someone can suggest me any relavent document or any website which gives some demo to refer me and proceed with this scenario.

If it's a personal project then I would recommend Lightsail as the simplest way to deploy existing Java application.
For a database a small instance of MySQL or if relational database is not needed then a document database like DynamoDB. https://aws.amazon.com/products/databases/?nc2=h_m1
There are multiple choices one how to migrate a Java application to AWS.
You could potentially use existing AWS services like:
Lightsail - https://aws.amazon.com/lightsail/
Beanstock - https://aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/
EC2 instance and install Tomcat manually
Use ECS with Docker https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/tutorials/deploy-docker-containers/?nc2=type_a
As for Database solution Oracle is an option but quite expensive one.
When moving to AWS it's better to use one of the RDS managed databases like MySQL, Postgress or more expensive like Aurora.
In order to propose an architecture some details would be needed on predicted load, the size of the application and volume of data. Is the product regional or global, are there any additional issues that need to be addressed while moving to a cloud (performance, availability etc), how users are authenticated (are any other services needed).


Is it hard to deploy a cloud server?

Sorry I'm new to web server. I want to deploy a cloud server for user data:
User can login using web, with verification code sent to user's phone.
User can manipulate his data (add/modify/remove) when login.
Android/iPhone client can manipulate user data when login.
Server should have a database for storage, SQLLite or others.
It would be good to use Amazon/Ali-cloud cloud service, provided it can speed up my deployment. I'm not sure if I need run into blobs such as H5, PHP/JSP, node.js or others. Can you provide a guide for me, web link or book?
And, what's the most popular programming interface between Android/IOS app and cloud server? http post/get or other wrapper ?
Surely you can speed up your deployment using Amazon Web Services. This is my recommendation:
For Webserver,
Amazon EC2: Launch an instance where you can install Apache/Nginx
here. You will need a RDS instance running parallel with your server
which will lower your need on server CPU/Mem, but will cost also.
For Database, you can have many approach ways here:
Amazon RDS: Launch an instance where you host your Database
(mysql/...). This one will provide you with Database Name, Hostname,
Users, ... which you can use to connect with your webserver in EC2.
Your Android/IOS application can use RDS information for the database
Amazon DynamoDB: Fast, Flexible for NoSQL (wonder if you want to use
traditional database or NoSQL?): https://aws.amazon.com/amplify/
For Mobile/Website access control,
AWS Cognito: Great for user-accounts, designed for real-time data
model: https://aws.amazon.com/cognito/?nc1=f_ls
For serverless if you want to GET/PUT API on your webserver for
AWS Lambda: https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/?nc1=f_ls
Taking into account that you are just starting with your application, I would suggest going with serverless architecture with AWS Lambda running your business logic.
Key benefits:
No server management = spend time on building your application vs on maintaining infrastructure
Flexible scaling = scale based on what you really need
Pay for value = don't pay for resources that you don't need
Automated high availability = serverless provides built-in availability and fault tolerance
To learn more on serverless, you may want to check Building Serverless Web Applications - 2017 AWS Online Tech Talks.
Now when it comes to going deep, I would suggest checking online trainings available from acloud.guru, cloud academy, udemy or linuxacademy for serverless and also for the development language you want to use (Node.js is often used for such scenarios).

Choosing the right AWS Services and software tools

I'm developing a prototype IoT application which does the following
Receive/Store data from sensors.
Web application with a web-based IDE for users to deploy simple JavaScript/Python scripts which gets executed in Docker Containers.
Data from the sensors gets streamed to these containers.
User programs can use this data to do analytics, monitoring etc.
The logs of these programs are outputted to the user on the webapp
Current Architecture and Services
Using one AWS EC2 instance. I chose EC2 because I was trying to figure out the architecture.
Stack is Node.js, RabbitMQ, Express, MySQl, MongoDB and Docker
I'm not interested in using AWS IoT services like AWS IoT and Greengrass
I've ruled out Heroku since I'm using other AWS services.
Questions and Concerns
My goal is prototype development for a Beta release to a set of 50 users
(hopefully someone else will help/work on a production release)
As far as possible, I don't want to spend a lot of time migrating between services since developing the product is key. Should I stick with EC2 or move to Beanstalk?
If I stick with EC2, what is the best way to handle small-medium traffic? Use one large EC2 machine or many small micro instances?
What is a good way to manage containers? Is it worth it use swarm and do container management? What if I have to use multiple instances?
I also have small scripts which have status of information of sensors which are needed by web app and other services. If I move to multiple instances, how can I make these scripts available to multiple machines?
The above question also holds good for servers, message buses, databases etc.
My goal is certainly not production release. I want to complete the product, show I have users who are interested and of course, show that the product works!
Any help in this regard will be really appreciated!
If you want to manage docker containers with least hassle in AWS, you can use Amazon ECS service to deploy your containers or else go with Beanstalk. Also you don't need to use Swarm in AWS, ECS will work for you.
Its always better to scale out rather scale up, using small to medium size EC2 instances. However the challenge you will face here is managing and scaling underlying EC2's as well as your docker containers. This leads you to use Large EC2 instances to keep EC2 scaling aside and focus on docker scaling(Which will add additional costs for you)
Another alternative you can use for the Web Application part is to use, AWS Lambda and API Gateway stack with Serverless Framework, which needs least operational overhead and comes with DevOps tools.
You may keep your web app on Heroku and run your IoT server in AWS EC2 or AWS Lambda. Heroku is on AWS itself, so this split setup will not affect performance. You may heal that inconvenience of "sitting on two chairs" by writing a Terraform script which provisions both EC2 instance and Heroku app and ties them together.
Alternatively, you can use Dockhero add-on to run your IoT server in a Docker container alongside your Heroku app.
ps: I'm a Dockhero maintainer

AWS dynamoDB vs Elastic Beanstalk. What serves my purpose better?

Parse migration guide suggests if we move over to AWS, it recommends using Elastic Beanstalk. The more I read about AWS services, I'm thinking DynomoDB is the better choice. DynamoDB and Elastic Beanstalk both use noSQL. Does anyone know the obvious difference between the two? The ability to handle many small but frequent requests is important for my project.
DynamoDB is the ultimate, scalable noSql database system. Go with Dynamo.
It handles many small requests very well.
Contrary to what the comments say, Elastic Beanstalk is NOT a web server, and it is NOT a database. Elastic Beanstalk is an AWS service that helps users quickly provision other AWS services, such as compute (think EC2) and storage (think S3 or DynamoDB) and set up monitoring and deployment of user's application on these resources. With Beanstalk you can deploy your applications and retain control over the underlying AWS resources. In your case, you might use Elastic Beanstalk do deploy a MongoDB server database to store your parse data.
DynamoDB on the other hand is a managed, distributed highly available and scalable non-relational (NoSQL) database provided as an AWS service. Dynamo is in some ways comparable to MongoDB (they can both store data and they are both non-relational) but where Mongo is a system that you have to manage and deploy yourself (perhaps with the help of Elastic Beanstalk), Dynamo is a fully managed system where you only have to worry about your application logic. In your case you'd be replacing MongoDB with DynamoDB which will free yourself to focus on your appliction instead of having to worry about maintaining MongoDB (i.e updating it and the host OS when new releases come out, etc).

AWS Elastic Beanstalk - Using Mongodb instead of RDS using Python and Django environment

I've been following the official Amazon documentation on deplaying to the Elastic Bean Stalk.
and the customization environment
however, I am stuck. I do not want to use the built in RDS database I want to use mongodb but have my django/python application scale as a RESTful frontend or rather API endpoint for my users.
Currently I am running one EC2 instance to test out my django application.
Some problems that I have with the Elastic Bean:
1. I cannot figure out how to run commands such as
pip install git+https://github.com/django-nonrel/django#nonrel-1.5
Since I cannot install the device mongo driver for use by django I cannot run my mongodb commands.
I was wondering if I am just skipping over some concepts or just not understanding how deploying on the beanstalk works. I can see that beanstalk just launches EC2 instances and possibly need to write custom scripts or something I don't know.
I've searched around but I don't exactly know what to ask in regards to this. Top results of google are always Amazon documents which are less than helpful in customization outside of their RDS environment. I know that Django traditionally uses RDS environments but again I don't want to use those as they are not flexible enough for the web application I am writing.
You can create a customize AMI to your specific needs the steps are outline in the AWS documentation below. Basically you would create a custom AMI with the packages needed to host your application and then update the Beanstalk config to use your customize AMI.
Using Custom AMIs

What is the difference of SQL Server on EC2 and DBS on Amazon Web Services?

I have not used AWS yet and want to get to kinda assessment about its data center options.
My guess is that you can have a MySQL or SQL Server on an EC2 virtual box.
If DBS is Amazon data specific service, what are the differences between these two approaches:
Using DBS vs DB on EC2?
Check out this related question first.
According to Amazon's documentation:
Connect to your DB Instance using your favorite database tool or programming language. Since you have direct access to a native MySQL, Oracle or SQL Server database engine, most tools designed for these engines should work unmodified with Amazon RDS.
Basically, going the EC2 route requires a lot more maintenance in the long run. If you're using Amazon's services, and you need any one of those kind of databases, you might as well use RDS.