How to Limit Concurrency in fp-ts - concurrency

Our team is starting to learn fp-ts, and we are starting with some basic async examples (mostly pulled from here). Running a set of Tasks in sequence is great, and it looks like array.sequence(task)(tasks)
The question is, what is the idiomatic way to restrict concurrency when executing parallel Tasks in fp-ts? For example, (in bluebird) allows you to set a concurrency limit like {concurrency: 4}.
One solution might be to split the array into chunks, and then iterate the chunks, using sequence and flatMap. However, that would mean every Task in each chunk would have to complete before moving on to the next chunk - one long running task could hold up the whole operation.
There must be some abstraction that we're missing - we are all pretty new to FP, so hopefully someone here with more exp can help out.

I was able to find a resolution with the helpful folks over at the ts-fp git repo. Looks like wrapping p-map is the way to go


How to link multiple ports from a Expression to multiple groups of a Union

I add an image in order to explain myself better.
I have 300 something ports in a expression. I have created the equivalent number of groups in a union. I want each port of this expression to go to a port/field of the Union. One to one relationship. It seems like powercenter is not able to do this with autolink, or at least I'm unable to find the proper way to do this. How could I work arround this issue? Because I've been told that is likely that in a few days it will be more than 700 ports, and the amount it takes to do by hand is quite insane. Thanks in advance.
I'm surprised it validates... union is for homogenous sources but you seem to be trying to pivot your data (in which case I'd suggest using another transformation i.e. a normalizer and Informatica will start behaving as expected)
Possible solution: make a bunch of connections, save and export the file as xml, go to the lines when the connections are done, and replace that zone with as many rows as you need.
What I did specifically was to get the original rows, change the names as appropiate with the help of notepad++ and excel, and then go back to the original file and replace all of it. Check everything three times, and import the file back to powercenter.
I say possible solution because it's messy and dirty, but even though it may lead to mistakes I feel like the amount is vastly inferior and you have the versioning on your side, so just save before exporting. If someone with more experience could tell me it's thoughts about this, it would be a great opportunity to learn, just leaving this in case it goes unanswered

SAS Enterprise Guide - process dependence and parallel execution

I am working on a project in SAS EG (7.1) which involves process dependence and parallel execution, as depicted below:
I have the following questions:
Is there a way to retrieve or set relations (i.e. process_C --> program_D) between the processes programmatically? The maintenance is becoming problematic with complex projects. Ideally, I would like to be able to re-create the links between processes from external table.
I start the whole process with the option “Run branch from <>” process. Let’s assume that we have only 2 processors available. Is there a way to set the order of execution between process_A, B, C? The critical path of the whole flow is “begin -> process_C -> process_D -> end” hence we would like it to start with process_C in order to ensure minimum execution time.
Thank you in advance.
For 1, I think the answer is "no", if you mean a well defined SAS programmatic method. At least for the relatively limited information and example you provide above, anyway. More might be possible with metadata server - not my area of expertise.
You can do some of this at least using scripting via Powershell or VBScript. EG's API is fairly wide open and not all that hard to use. I won't suggest how as my understanding of this is limited also, but it seems like it should be possible to do what you suggest, though probably not easy.
For your second point:
First off, EG typically runs "top to bottom" if it has no other information on how to process a particular choice. So put c->d above a/b to get it processed first.
Second, you could use conditional processing perhaps. There should be a macro variable that tells you how many cpus you have (&SYSNCPU on my machine, hopefully same on other versions). You could use that value to conditionally link to A then B as opposed to A+B simultaneously. I'm not sure how easy this would be to do in a flexible fashion, though.

When does an action not run on the driver in Apache Spark?

I have just started with Spark and was struggling with the concept of tasks.
Can any one please help me in understanding when does an action (say reduce) not run in the driver program.
From the spark tutorial,
"Aggregate the elements of the dataset using a function func (which
takes two arguments and returns one). The function should be
commutative and associative so that it can be computed correctly in
parallel. "
I'm currently experimenting with an application which reads a directory on 'n' files and counts the number of words.
From the web UI the number of tasks is equal to number of files. And all the reduce functions are taking place on the driver node.
Can you please tell a scenario where the reduce function won't execute at the driver. Does a task always include "transformation+action" or only "transformation"
All the actions are performed on the cluster and results of the actions may end up on the driver (depending on the action).
Generally speaking the spark code you write around your business logic is not the program that would actually run - rather spark uses it to create a plan which will execute your code in the cluster. The plan creates a task of all the actions that can be done on a partition without the need to shuffle data around. Every time spark needs the data arranged differently (e.g. after sorting) It will create a new task and a shuffle between the first and the latter tasks
Ill take a stab at this, although I may be missing part of the question. A task is indeed always transformation(s) and an action. The transformation's are lazy and would not submit anything, thus the need for an action. You can always call .toDebugString on your RDD to see where each job split will be; each level of indentation is a new stage. I think the reduce function showing on the driver is a bit of a misnomer as it will run first in parallel and then merge the results. So, I would expect that the task does indeed run on the workers as far as it can.

prioritizing torrent download sequences using libtorrent

Suppose I have 2+ clients (developed by me) ALL using libtorrent ( )
Can I prioritize download of a file from other clients effectively so that they download the file's pieces/chunks (whatever is torrent terminology here) from beginning of the file towards its end and not quite in random order?
(of course I'm allowing some "multiplexing" / "intertwining" pieces for reasons of availability and performance, but the goal here is to download as linearly and quickly from the start of the file towards the end as possible)
The goal I'm thinking about here is obviously previewing the file quickly. How to do this most effectively using libtorrent / possibly other C++ torrent library?
(I'm not quite interested in torrent implementations using non-binary languages, like Java or Python - I need machine code for reasons of performance and security, so, C, C++ or possibly D would all fit the bill)
You can certainly prioritize pieces and files with torrent_handle::prioritize_pieces() and torrent_handle::prioritize_files(). See the documentation.
This won't be enough to download in-order though. To do that, you can enable sequential download with torrent_handle::set_sequential_download(). This will issue new piece requests in-order. Keep in mind that the time a request take to be satisfied varies a lot depending on which peer you talk to. Making the requests in-order does not necessarily mean receiving the pieces in order.
There is another mechanism to attempt to do that. torrent_handle::set_piece_deadline() is used to set a target completion time for a piece. Such pieces are considered time-critical pieces, and they are ordered by their deadline and the fastest peers are used to request blocks from those pieces, attempting to download them in deadline-order.
Now, I also get the impression that you want two separate clients (presumably running on different machines) to coordinate which pieces they download. Is that right? It's not entirely clear what you're asking about, but there's no simple way of asking libtorrent to do that.
You could write a plugin for libtorrent that implements a new extension message for these clients to chat and coordinate, which could de-select certain pieces the other client is downloading by setting their priority to 0.

How to measure the amount of data transmitted by my MPI program?

I'm experimenting my distributed clustering algorithm (implemented with MPI) on 24 computers that I set up as a cluster using BCCD (Bootable Cluster CD) that can be downloaded at
I've written a batch program to run my experiment that consists in running my algorithm several times varying the number of nodes and the size of the input data.
I want to know the amount of data used in the MPI communications for each run of my algorithm so I can see how the amount of data changes when varying the previous mentioned parameters. And I want to do all this automatically using a batch program.
Someone told me to use tcpdump, but I found some difficulties in this approach.
First, I don't know how to call tcpdump in my batch program (which is written in C++ using the command system for making calls) before each run of my algorithm, since tcpdump requires another terminal to run in parallel with my application. And I can't run tcpdump in another computer since the network uses a switch. So I need to run it on the master node.
Second, I saw the traffic with tcpdump while my experiment was going on and I couldn't figure out what was the port used by MPI. It seems to use many ports. I wanted to know that for filtering the packages.
Third, I tried capturing whole packages and saving it to a file using tcpdump and in a few seconds the file was 3,5MB. But my whole experiment takes 2 days. So the final log file will be huge if I follow this approach.
The ideal approach would be to capture just the size field in the header of the packages and sum this up to obtain the total amount of data transmitted. In that way the logfile would be much smaller than if I were capturing the whole package. But I don't know how to do it.
Another restriction is that I don't have access to the computer disc. So I only have the RAM and my 4GB USB Flash drive. So I can't have huge logfiles.
I have already thought about using some MPI tracing or profiling tool such as those mentioned at I have only tested Sun Performance Analyzer until now. The problem is that I guess it will be difficult to install those tools on BCCD and maybe even impossible. In addtion to that, this tool will make my experiment take longer to end, sice it adds overhead. But if someone is familiar with BCCD and think it is a good choice to use one of those tools, so please let me know.
Hope someone have a solution.
Implementations like tcpdump won't work if there are multi-core nodes which use shard memory to communicate, anyway.
Using something like MPE is almost certainly the way to go. Those tools add very little overhead, and some overhead is always going to be necessary if you want to count messages. You can use mpitrace to write out every MPI call, and parse the resulting text file yourself. By the way, note that MPE is explicitly discussed on the bccd website. MPICH2 comes with MPE built in, but it can be compiled for any implementation. I've only found a very modest overhead for MPE.
IPM is another nice tool that does counting of messages and sizes; you should be able either parse the XML output, or use the postprocessing tools and just manually integrate the graphs (say either bytes_rx/bytes_tx by rank, or the message buffer size/count graph). The overhead for IPM is even less than for MPE, and mostly comes after the program's finished running to do the file I/O.
If you were really super worried about the overhead with either of these approaches, you could always write your own MPI wrappers using the profiling interface that wrapped MPI_Send, MPI_Recv, etc, and just counted # of bytes sent and recieved for each process, and output only that total at the end.