How to make Chrome Dev Tools show the JavaScript source - c++

I slightly modified the sample, importing some code from d8. Then, using websocketpp and asio, I added a WebSocket Server to the program.
Also, I used V8 inspector from an embedder standpoint to add a simple implementation for the inspector protocol back-end.
Now, when I start my program and then use Chrome to navigate to chrome-devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?experiments=true&v8only=true&ws=, I receive the following messages from the CDT:
for witch the response is:
for this one a notification and a response are sent:
again, a notification and a response sent back to the front-end:
For the moment, I will not add to the question the other messages received from the front-end, and the responses sent.
The last exchange is:
My problem: in CDT, the Sources tab is empty (and therefore, I can't try to put a breakpoint).
My code to inject JS in V8:
const char * pszScript = "function add( a, b) { return a+b; }";
v8::Local<v8::String> source =
v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, pszScript, v8::NewStringType::kNormal).ToLocalChecked();
v8::Local<v8::String> name =
v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "func_add.js", v8::NewStringType::kNormal).ToLocalChecked();
ExecuteString( isolate, source, name );
My ExecuteString function:
bool ExecuteString(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Local<v8::String> source,
v8::Local<v8::Value> name) {
v8::HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
v8::Context::Scope context_scope(context);
v8::TryCatch try_catch(isolate);
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> maybe_result;
bool success = true;
v8::ScriptOrigin origin(name);
v8::ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(source, origin);
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Script> maybe_script;
maybe_script = v8::ScriptCompiler::Compile(context, &script_source);
v8::Local<v8::Script> script;
if (!maybe_script.ToLocal(&script)) {
// Print errors that happened during compilation.
ReportException(isolate, &try_catch);
return false;
maybe_result = script->Run(context);
v8::Local<v8::Value> result;
if (!maybe_result.ToLocal(&result)) {
// Print errors that happened during execution.
ReportException(isolate, &try_catch);
return false;
if (!result->IsUndefined()) {
// If all went well and the result wasn't undefined then print
// the returned value.
v8::String::Utf8Value str(isolate, result);
fwrite(*str, sizeof(**str), str.length(), stdout);
} else {
return success;
I think I am doing something wrong, as I should be able to see some func_add.js source in CDT with the content function add( a, b) { return a+b; }

W/o checking the source code at all, I remember having some bad times at this exact use case.
try adding to your source parameter a protocol.
CDT needs any protocol file, http, https to create the sources tree.
It will also use this uri to request for maps, or any other source code related thing.
v8::Local<v8::String> name =
v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "file://func_add.js", v8::NewStringType::kNormal).ToLocalChecked();
ExecuteString( isolate, source, name );
It also happens from time to time, that depending on your v8 implementation, official chrome is not able to show source code, debug, etc.
Try using chrome canary if this is the case.
The protocol implementation is as I described in your referenced post.
Hope this helps.
In your code, I don't see where you discover your Context to the Inspector object, but something like this must happen somewhere in your code:
v8_inspector::V8ContextInfo(context, 1, v8_inspector::StringView(
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>("ABCD"), 4)));
I do this right after creating the Context and setting its global object.
CDT will query script contents with a message of the form:
While the implementation is very simple, there are many reasons why your code simply will not show up.
Hope that helps.


Cannot set Scanner Capability because L_TwainStartCapsNeg returns error -84

I'm trying to use the Leadtools API version 21 for automatically scanning some documents and here is a sudo code of what I have done (it runs in a secondary thread and the unlock has been done in the main thread):
void CheckRetCode(int rc)
if (SUCCESS != rc)
L_TCHAR errMsg[1024];
memset(errMsg, 0, sizeof(errMsg));
L_GetFriendlyErrorMessage(rc, errMsg, 1024, L_FALSE);
throw TLeadException(errMsg, rc);
void OnThreadExecute(void)
HTWAINSESSION hSession = nullptr;
L_INT nRet;
L_TCHAR pszTwnSourceName[1024];
memset(&appData, 0, sizeof(APPLICATIONDATA));
appData.uStructSize = sizeof(APPLICATIONDATA);
appData.hWnd = hWnd;// hWnd is valid handle of my main window
appData.uLanguage = TWLG_ENGLISH_USA;
appData.uCountry = TWCY_USA;
wcscpy(appData.szManufacturerName, L"MyCompanyName");
wcscpy(appData.szAppProductFamily, L"MyProductName");
wcscpy(appData.szAppName, appData.szAppProductFamily);
wcscpy(appData.szVersionInfo, L"Version");
nRet = L_TwainInitSession2(&hSession, &appData, LTWAIN_INIT_MULTI_THREADED);
CheckRetCode(nRet);// the exception gets catched elsewhere but no error reported here
memset(pszTwnSourceName, 0, sizeof(pszTwnSourceName));
wcscpy(pszTwnSourceName, L"EPSON Artisan837/PX830"); // the name of the scanner is verifyed
sInfo.uStructSize = sizeof(LTWAINSOURCE);
sInfo.pszTwainSourceName = pszTwnSourceName;
CheckRetCode(L_TwainSelectSource(hSession, &sInfo)); // No error reported here
CheckRetCode(L_TwainStartCapsNeg(hSession)); // in here I get the return value -84 which is reported as "TWAIN DS or DSM reported error, app shouldn't (no need for your app to report the error)."
// the rest of the code but we cannot get there since above code reports error
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Is there a step that I'm missing here?
EditThe function L_TwainSelectSource() make no effort to make sure the supplied source is valid and does not even return an error. As result, if you set the selected source to a garbage name, it will act as if it accepted it. From that point on if you try to Get/Set anything or try to acquire an image, every function returns -84.
Thank you
To test your code, I put the main window’s handle in a global variable:
globalhWnd = hWnd;
And modified your function to use that handle like this:
void OnThreadExecute(void *)
appData.hWnd = globalhWnd; // hWnd is valid handle of my main window
Then created a thread for it from the main program like this:
globalhWnd = hWnd;
_beginthread(OnThreadExecute, 0, 0);
I tried this with 5 different Twain sources: 2 virtual and 3 physical scanners (one of them an old Epson). All 5 drivers returned SUCCESS when calling L_TwainStartCapsNeg() from within the thread.
Two possibilities come to mind:
The problem might be caused by something else in your code other than the thread function.
Or the problem could be specific to your Twain driver.
To rule out the first possibility, I suggest creating a small test project that only creates a similar thread and does nothing else and trying it with different scanners. If it causes the same problem with all scanners, send that test project (not your full application) to and our support engineers with test it for you.
If the problem only happens with a specific Twain driver, try contacting the scanner’s vendor to see if they have an updated driver.

Nodejs: How to start a node application from a c++ program [duplicate]

I want to use Node.js scripts in my C/C++ applications. Some people suggested me to start with v8, libev and libeio; but it means rewriting Node.js from scratch.
So, is it possible to embed Node.js into C or C++?
You should first consider whether it would be sufficient to implement your application as a C++ module for Node and then glue the main part as a Node script.
Otherwise you may wish to "re-implement Node", by taking the core code as the example and
removing the parts which you don't need (e.g. HTTP module) and then putting your components
into it. The least painful way would be to do a sub-tree merge and ripping-out the build system, then adding prefixes in the build scripts to point to the directory where it lives.
Then you can stop certain parts from being built. However Node's build system contains several parts and it may be quite a difficult job to do.
You can also try re-packaging Node with your stuff loaded by default and changing the name of the executable. However, that is just a more complex way of taking the first approach I have described, you can just install a script in /usr/bin/ which will go as:
var myAppMain = require('libmyApp');
function(err, cnf) {
if (err) throw err; // parser or file access error
You can use a JSlint as your parser, then grep for dangerous calls and then eval(conf_script) or just use require(config.js), though you will need to add exports.someMethod = function (...) {...}. But require() is much safer in general, however you may wish to implement a pre-processor for your config which will substitute exports.someMethod = function (...) {...} instead of your functions and will append require('OnlyCallMySafeMethods') and reject any
attempts to require('fs') or other lib which you may be afraid of letting the someone to use.
This sort of safety is just an optional thing you may wish to have, it's all up to you really.
Though I suppose you might want to do the bit with exports.someMethod = .... substitution and have one require('myAppConfigLib) added on the top so the user will just use you API plus anything they may wish to put into their script/config!
UPDATE: There is a quite useful comment on line 66 of src/node.js:
// To allow people to extend Node in different ways, this hook allows
// one to drop a file lib/_third_party_main.js into the build
// directory which will be executed instead of Node's normal loading.
Please also note that the contents of src/ are being compiled to bytecode at build time.
Embedding Node.JS is now officially supported by a Node.JS fork JXcore. Embedding docs are available from this link.
I've build something close to what I think you're looking for:
It's a library that allows node.js to be linked statically into a C++ application. It's definitely not polished, but I've used it to launch simple node scripts.
The official documentation has a page explaining how how to embed Node.js into C++. This has been around since Node 12.x.
There is a full example in the Node repo. Reproduced below for convenience:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#undef NDEBUG
#include "node.h"
#include "uv.h"
#include <assert.h>
// Note: This file is being referred to from doc/api/, and excerpts
// from it are included in the documentation. Try to keep these in sync.
// Snapshot support is not part of the embedder API docs yet due to its
// experimental nature, although it is of course documented in node.h.
using node::CommonEnvironmentSetup;
using node::Environment;
using node::MultiIsolatePlatform;
using v8::Context;
using v8::HandleScope;
using v8::Isolate;
using v8::Locker;
using v8::MaybeLocal;
using v8::V8;
using v8::Value;
static int RunNodeInstance(MultiIsolatePlatform* platform,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::vector<std::string>& exec_args);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
argv = uv_setup_args(argc, argv);
std::vector<std::string> args(argv, argv + argc);
std::unique_ptr<node::InitializationResult> result =
for (const std::string& error : result->errors())
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", args[0].c_str(), error.c_str());
if (result->early_return() != 0) {
return result->exit_code();
std::unique_ptr<MultiIsolatePlatform> platform =
int ret =
RunNodeInstance(platform.get(), result->args(), result->exec_args());
return ret;
int RunNodeInstance(MultiIsolatePlatform* platform,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::vector<std::string>& exec_args) {
int exit_code = 0;
node::EmbedderSnapshotData::Pointer snapshot;
auto snapshot_build_mode_it =
std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--embedder-snapshot-create");
auto snapshot_arg_it =
std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--embedder-snapshot-blob");
auto snapshot_as_file_it =
std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--embedder-snapshot-as-file");
if (snapshot_arg_it < args.end() - 1 &&
snapshot_build_mode_it == args.end()) {
const char* filename = (snapshot_arg_it + 1)->c_str();
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r");
assert(fp != nullptr);
if (snapshot_as_file_it != args.end()) {
snapshot = node::EmbedderSnapshotData::FromFile(fp);
} else {
uv_fs_t req;
int statret = uv_fs_stat(nullptr, &req, filename, nullptr);
assert(statret == 0);
size_t filesize = req.statbuf.st_size;
std::vector<char> vec(filesize);
size_t read = fread(, filesize, 1, fp);
assert(read == 1);
snapshot = node::EmbedderSnapshotData::FromBlob(vec);
int ret = fclose(fp);
assert(ret == 0);
std::vector<std::string> errors;
std::unique_ptr<CommonEnvironmentSetup> setup =
snapshot ? CommonEnvironmentSetup::CreateFromSnapshot(
platform, &errors, snapshot.get(), args, exec_args)
: snapshot_build_mode_it != args.end()
? CommonEnvironmentSetup::CreateForSnapshotting(
platform, &errors, args, exec_args)
: CommonEnvironmentSetup::Create(platform, &errors, args, exec_args);
if (!setup) {
for (const std::string& err : errors)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", args[0].c_str(), err.c_str());
return 1;
Isolate* isolate = setup->isolate();
Environment* env = setup->env();
Locker locker(isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Context::Scope context_scope(setup->context());
MaybeLocal<Value> loadenv_ret;
if (snapshot) {
loadenv_ret = node::LoadEnvironment(env, node::StartExecutionCallback{});
} else {
loadenv_ret = node::LoadEnvironment(
// Snapshots do not support userland require()s (yet)
"if (!require('v8').startupSnapshot.isBuildingSnapshot()) {"
" const publicRequire ="
" require('module').createRequire(process.cwd() + '/');"
" globalThis.require = publicRequire;"
"} else globalThis.require = require;"
"globalThis.embedVars = { nön_ascıı: '🏳️‍🌈' };"
if (loadenv_ret.IsEmpty()) // There has been a JS exception.
return 1;
exit_code = node::SpinEventLoop(env).FromMaybe(1);
if (snapshot_arg_it < args.end() - 1 &&
snapshot_build_mode_it != args.end()) {
snapshot = setup->CreateSnapshot();
FILE* fp = fopen((snapshot_arg_it + 1)->c_str(), "w");
assert(fp != nullptr);
if (snapshot_as_file_it != args.end()) {
} else {
const std::vector<char> vec = snapshot->ToBlob();
size_t written = fwrite(, vec.size(), 1, fp);
assert(written == 1);
int ret = fclose(fp);
assert(ret == 0);
return exit_code;
It probably is, V8 is written in C++, node.js can run on V8, but unless you have an extremely good reason why you would run javascript through C++ you are probably much better served finding an appropriate C++ library and implementing the needed functionality directly in C++. The task of integrating scripting languages and native code is usually not trivial. E.g. V8 documentation. Qt offers a pretty decent integration between c++ and javascript and it still not trivial to move objects back and forth between script and code.
I was just checking out js-git which is made for Node.js and also depends on a few other Node.js modules.
However, the same developer wrote a tool tim-task to wrap up some common Node.js functions, most importantly require, and to pack together some Node.js modules in such a way that it should not depend on Node.js anymore. He used it to make git-web-platform, i.e. js-git packed as a JS file which can be used in browsers. The resulted packed file looks like this. This can probably also be used with minor modifications just in pure V8.
This might be useful for you. Note however that this approach will be limited.
There are many good reasons to embed node, including the ability to leverage npm.
Unfortunately JXCore is dying.
this artice gives some alternatives.

Scriptable plugin: Error calling method on NPObject

I am getting a JavaScript error: Error calling method on NPObject when calling a method in my NPAPI plugin in Chrome & Firefox on XP. Running the same code on Windows 7 with the same browsers was successful.
I have built a Scriptable plugin using the NPAPI, so far I can debug into the Invoke method of my scriptable object. But I don't believe I have any control after it's finished.
Does anyone have any ideas? Is this an issue only in Windows XP?
bool MY_ScriptableObject::Invoke(NPObject* npobj,
NPIdentifier name,
const NPVariant* args,
uint32_t argCount,
NPVariant* result)
bool rc = true;
char* wptr = NULL;
rc = false;
wptr = NULL;
if (name == NPN_GetStringIdentifier("getVersion"))
wptr = (NPUTF8*)NPN_MemAlloc(strlen("version:1.0.1") + 1); //Should be freed by browser
if (wptr != NULL)
rc = true;
return (rc);
Here is the HTML function that I am executing:
function Version()
var plugin = document.getElementById("plugin");
if (plugin == undefined)
alert("plugin failed");
var text = plugin.getVersion(); //Error happens at this line
The (sarcasm)awesome(/sarcasm) thing about NPAPI in current versions of the browsers is that if anything goes wrong with the call you automatically get that error message, even if the plugin has otherwise tried to set an exception with NPN_SetException.
My first guess would be that you compiled your code targeting a later version of windows than windows XP; I'm not sure if that would produce this issue or not. I have never seen the issue you're describing, and I've got plugins running on xp, vista, and 7 with no trouble. You might also try playing with a FireBreath plugin and see if the issue occurs there or not.
I would recommend that you attach with a debugger and set some breakpoints. Start in NPN_GetValue and make sure that it's instantiating your NPObject, then set breakpoints in your NPObject's HasMethod and Invoke methods and see what is hit. Likely something in there will show you what is actually happening, or at least tell you what code is or isn't getting hit.

How to embed Node.js interpreter into C/C++?

I want to use Node.js scripts in my C/C++ applications. Some people suggested me to start with v8, libev and libeio; but it means rewriting Node.js from scratch.
So, is it possible to embed Node.js into C or C++?
You should first consider whether it would be sufficient to implement your application as a C++ module for Node and then glue the main part as a Node script.
Otherwise you may wish to "re-implement Node", by taking the core code as the example and
removing the parts which you don't need (e.g. HTTP module) and then putting your components
into it. The least painful way would be to do a sub-tree merge and ripping-out the build system, then adding prefixes in the build scripts to point to the directory where it lives.
Then you can stop certain parts from being built. However Node's build system contains several parts and it may be quite a difficult job to do.
You can also try re-packaging Node with your stuff loaded by default and changing the name of the executable. However, that is just a more complex way of taking the first approach I have described, you can just install a script in /usr/bin/ which will go as:
var myAppMain = require('libmyApp');
function(err, cnf) {
if (err) throw err; // parser or file access error
You can use a JSlint as your parser, then grep for dangerous calls and then eval(conf_script) or just use require(config.js), though you will need to add exports.someMethod = function (...) {...}. But require() is much safer in general, however you may wish to implement a pre-processor for your config which will substitute exports.someMethod = function (...) {...} instead of your functions and will append require('OnlyCallMySafeMethods') and reject any
attempts to require('fs') or other lib which you may be afraid of letting the someone to use.
This sort of safety is just an optional thing you may wish to have, it's all up to you really.
Though I suppose you might want to do the bit with exports.someMethod = .... substitution and have one require('myAppConfigLib) added on the top so the user will just use you API plus anything they may wish to put into their script/config!
UPDATE: There is a quite useful comment on line 66 of src/node.js:
// To allow people to extend Node in different ways, this hook allows
// one to drop a file lib/_third_party_main.js into the build
// directory which will be executed instead of Node's normal loading.
Please also note that the contents of src/ are being compiled to bytecode at build time.
Embedding Node.JS is now officially supported by a Node.JS fork JXcore. Embedding docs are available from this link.
I've build something close to what I think you're looking for:
It's a library that allows node.js to be linked statically into a C++ application. It's definitely not polished, but I've used it to launch simple node scripts.
The official documentation has a page explaining how how to embed Node.js into C++. This has been around since Node 12.x.
There is a full example in the Node repo. Reproduced below for convenience:
#ifdef NDEBUG
#undef NDEBUG
#include "node.h"
#include "uv.h"
#include <assert.h>
// Note: This file is being referred to from doc/api/, and excerpts
// from it are included in the documentation. Try to keep these in sync.
// Snapshot support is not part of the embedder API docs yet due to its
// experimental nature, although it is of course documented in node.h.
using node::CommonEnvironmentSetup;
using node::Environment;
using node::MultiIsolatePlatform;
using v8::Context;
using v8::HandleScope;
using v8::Isolate;
using v8::Locker;
using v8::MaybeLocal;
using v8::V8;
using v8::Value;
static int RunNodeInstance(MultiIsolatePlatform* platform,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::vector<std::string>& exec_args);
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
argv = uv_setup_args(argc, argv);
std::vector<std::string> args(argv, argv + argc);
std::unique_ptr<node::InitializationResult> result =
for (const std::string& error : result->errors())
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", args[0].c_str(), error.c_str());
if (result->early_return() != 0) {
return result->exit_code();
std::unique_ptr<MultiIsolatePlatform> platform =
int ret =
RunNodeInstance(platform.get(), result->args(), result->exec_args());
return ret;
int RunNodeInstance(MultiIsolatePlatform* platform,
const std::vector<std::string>& args,
const std::vector<std::string>& exec_args) {
int exit_code = 0;
node::EmbedderSnapshotData::Pointer snapshot;
auto snapshot_build_mode_it =
std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--embedder-snapshot-create");
auto snapshot_arg_it =
std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--embedder-snapshot-blob");
auto snapshot_as_file_it =
std::find(args.begin(), args.end(), "--embedder-snapshot-as-file");
if (snapshot_arg_it < args.end() - 1 &&
snapshot_build_mode_it == args.end()) {
const char* filename = (snapshot_arg_it + 1)->c_str();
FILE* fp = fopen(filename, "r");
assert(fp != nullptr);
if (snapshot_as_file_it != args.end()) {
snapshot = node::EmbedderSnapshotData::FromFile(fp);
} else {
uv_fs_t req;
int statret = uv_fs_stat(nullptr, &req, filename, nullptr);
assert(statret == 0);
size_t filesize = req.statbuf.st_size;
std::vector<char> vec(filesize);
size_t read = fread(, filesize, 1, fp);
assert(read == 1);
snapshot = node::EmbedderSnapshotData::FromBlob(vec);
int ret = fclose(fp);
assert(ret == 0);
std::vector<std::string> errors;
std::unique_ptr<CommonEnvironmentSetup> setup =
snapshot ? CommonEnvironmentSetup::CreateFromSnapshot(
platform, &errors, snapshot.get(), args, exec_args)
: snapshot_build_mode_it != args.end()
? CommonEnvironmentSetup::CreateForSnapshotting(
platform, &errors, args, exec_args)
: CommonEnvironmentSetup::Create(platform, &errors, args, exec_args);
if (!setup) {
for (const std::string& err : errors)
fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", args[0].c_str(), err.c_str());
return 1;
Isolate* isolate = setup->isolate();
Environment* env = setup->env();
Locker locker(isolate);
Isolate::Scope isolate_scope(isolate);
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Context::Scope context_scope(setup->context());
MaybeLocal<Value> loadenv_ret;
if (snapshot) {
loadenv_ret = node::LoadEnvironment(env, node::StartExecutionCallback{});
} else {
loadenv_ret = node::LoadEnvironment(
// Snapshots do not support userland require()s (yet)
"if (!require('v8').startupSnapshot.isBuildingSnapshot()) {"
" const publicRequire ="
" require('module').createRequire(process.cwd() + '/');"
" globalThis.require = publicRequire;"
"} else globalThis.require = require;"
"globalThis.embedVars = { nön_ascıı: '🏳️‍🌈' };"
if (loadenv_ret.IsEmpty()) // There has been a JS exception.
return 1;
exit_code = node::SpinEventLoop(env).FromMaybe(1);
if (snapshot_arg_it < args.end() - 1 &&
snapshot_build_mode_it != args.end()) {
snapshot = setup->CreateSnapshot();
FILE* fp = fopen((snapshot_arg_it + 1)->c_str(), "w");
assert(fp != nullptr);
if (snapshot_as_file_it != args.end()) {
} else {
const std::vector<char> vec = snapshot->ToBlob();
size_t written = fwrite(, vec.size(), 1, fp);
assert(written == 1);
int ret = fclose(fp);
assert(ret == 0);
return exit_code;
It probably is, V8 is written in C++, node.js can run on V8, but unless you have an extremely good reason why you would run javascript through C++ you are probably much better served finding an appropriate C++ library and implementing the needed functionality directly in C++. The task of integrating scripting languages and native code is usually not trivial. E.g. V8 documentation. Qt offers a pretty decent integration between c++ and javascript and it still not trivial to move objects back and forth between script and code.
I was just checking out js-git which is made for Node.js and also depends on a few other Node.js modules.
However, the same developer wrote a tool tim-task to wrap up some common Node.js functions, most importantly require, and to pack together some Node.js modules in such a way that it should not depend on Node.js anymore. He used it to make git-web-platform, i.e. js-git packed as a JS file which can be used in browsers. The resulted packed file looks like this. This can probably also be used with minor modifications just in pure V8.
This might be useful for you. Note however that this approach will be limited.
There are many good reasons to embed node, including the ability to leverage npm.
Unfortunately JXCore is dying.
this artice gives some alternatives.

Why won't MFC::CHttpFile 'PUT' for me?

My code talks to a little Java application provided by a vendor. This Java app sets up a web server at localhost:57000 which is used to control the state of 'the machine'. For the purpose of this question, I need to change the state of 'the machine' from 'off' to 'on'. To make this happen I'm supposed to HTTP PUT the following string to 'the machine' at http://localhost:57000/settings.xml:
This Curl command works perfectly:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/xml" -d #settings.xml http://localhost:57000/settings.xml"
where the local file 'settings.xml' has the above xml string in it.
I want to do what Curl is doing with MFC's WININET classes. The following code should IMHO do exactly the same thing that curl does. Sadly, although the localhost web server returns a code 200 it ignores my xml string. What little thing am I missing?
int MyHttp::HttpPutThread() NOTHROW
try {
m_xml = "<settings><machine_state><status>on</status></machine_state></settings>";
m_url = "settings.xml"
CInternetSession session;
CString server = "localhost:57920";
boost::scoped_ptr<CHttpConnection> phttp(session.GetHttpConnection(server));
LPCTSTR accept = 0;//"text/xml";
boost::scoped_ptr<CHttpFile> phttpfile(phttp->OpenRequest(
"PUT", //verb
"settings.xml", //object name
0, //referer
1, //context
&accept, // accept types
0, //version
CString header = "Content-Type:application/xml\r\n";
if(phttpfile->SendRequest(header,(LPVOID)m_xml.GetBuffer(), m_xml.GetLength()))
{ // LOG_DEBUG (Same as TRACE) output are shown in comment
DWORD code(0);
LOG_DEBUG("HttpPutThread result code: %d", code); // '200'
CString object = phttpfile->GetObject();
LOG_DEBUG("object: %s", object); // 'settings.xml'
CString statustxt;
LOG_DEBUG("status text:%s", statustxt); // 'HTTP/1.0 200 OK'
CString rawheaders;
LOG_DEBUG("raw headers:%s", rawheaders); // http://localhost:57000/settings.xml
LOG_DEBUG("File url:%s",phttpfile->GetFileURL());
LOG_DEBUG("Verb:%s", phttpfile->GetVerb()); // 'PUT'
} else
//This does not happen
LOG_DEBUG("PUT failed in AffHttp::HttpPutThread");
} catch(CInternetException* pe)
//No exceptions are thrown
LOG_DEBUG("Exception HttpPutThread:%d", pe->m_dwError);
return 0;
Thanks in advance.
I wound up replacing the MFC classes with my own low level socket code to send exactly the same text in exactly the same order as Curl did. It seemed like the little embedded 'jetty' Java server just objected to one of the headers generated by the MFC classes.