ChartJS animate only one dataset - chart.js

I’m using donut chartjs graph to simulate a circle progress bar, with 40 positions in the dataset with green and 60 positions with light gray (simulating a 40% progress bar).
But when I start the graph, all datasets animate, but I would like to keep the gray ones static and animate only the green ones, to simulate a progress bar. Is this possible?
PS: I didn’t use other progress bar lib because I need the stripped effect that I have with 100 positions in my dataset.
Suggestions are welcome.

This question is similar to yours, there are two approaches, or you set up a plugin and draw a circle under the chart or draw two charts one of them is the background with no animation them set both to position absolute.


google combo chart move area to the back

We have a google combo chart with 5 areas and 1 bar.Like this
The horizontal lines als Areas, because we needed 5 different colored lines.
But whatever we try, the area lines are displayed over the bar.
I tried to put the series in a different order. Like first the bar serie and than the area series, or reversed.
Does anyone know how you can force to put the area series to the back, so the bar is more visible?

Why do Bar Pie Chart values not line up?

I'm working on a Bar Pie Chart but my values are not lining up. For example, Red data is clearly larger then blue, but blue value is higher.
The data is correct, chart.js doesnt show the area as more, it uses the angle of the circle , which normally would also divede the area normally. And as you can see the angles are correct so to fix your issue you will have to write a custom controller that draws your chart.

How to outline border of the slicer in Power BI Desktop

How can I outline the border of the slicer?
I want to change color of the border of the window where it says "All".
I do not need like this:
I need something like that"
Anyway to achieve that in Power bi?
I don't think this is currently possible with the built-in slicer.
To do this, you'll either have to create your own custom visual or else submit an idea and hope it gets implemented.
This image shows the different pieces you can currently adjust.
Notice that the border for the header and the items (purple) is the same thickness and color, the outside border (yellow) can't be changed in width, and the Items Outline doesn't display except on the drop-down section.
You could make a really thick border using the Background, but I don't think that's a good option.

rectangle covers visuals making them hidden Power BI Desktop

Inside the rectangle I placed slicers.
Clicking on the uncovered part of the rectangle moves it in front of the visualizations making them unavailable to interact with, or hidden.
I "Send to back" rectangle but it didnt help.
The visuals are on a picture below:
But if I just hoover mouse on a rectangle area - it covers all visuals:
Any solution to just always keep re
Yeah, that's pretty annoying. I'd suggest voting for this idea and maybe Microsoft will fix this eventually.
Currently, the only workaround I can think of would be to make the colored rectangle part of the page background as an image.

How to change the percentage to different color

I am doing a google chart that displays percentage data.
I have got it working already.
The question is the percentage displayed on the chart is white in color which cant be seen clearly. How can i change the color of it to black and if possible individual color for each section.