Regular Expression Pattern which should not allow ,;:| - regex

I need the regular expression pattern which should not allow to put any of following characters into input in HTML

You may get some idea from this.


regex parse multiple expressions

I have a requirement to parse part of url with multiple expressions using regex, expressions are like /abc/def (or) /z/a (or) /v/g. I have a regex that satisfies single expression, but not sure how to do for multiple expression.
volga is a named capturing group.
Above regular expression satisfies anything before /abc and anything after /def, the same way url also has /z/a and /v/g. This is kind of either /abc/def/ or /z/a or /v/g can exist in url. How to write a regular expression that checks for all of above expressions.
Examples of url:
Maybe this:
Matches any string containing
or z/a
or v/g

Regular expression - How to exclude certain string from the results set?

I am pretty new in Regular Expression.
Regular Expression I used
Desired Result
Actual Result
I do not want /shop/best-buy-earrings to be in the result. Please help me to fix the Regular Expression. Thank you.
Simply add gold to the regex before the - and surround with parenthesis:
Assuming PCRE flavour, you can use:
Or, if you can use other delimiter than slash:

Regular Expression to unmatch a particular string

I am trying to use regular expression in Jmeter where in I need to unmatch a particular string. Here is my input test string : <activationCode>insvn</activationCode>
I need to extract the code insvn from it. I tried using the expression :
[^/<activationCode>]\w+, but does not yield the required code. I am a newbie to regular expression and i need help with this.
Can you use look-behind assertion in jmeter? If so, you can use thatr regex which will give you a word that follows <activationCode>
If your input string is encoded (e.g for HTML), use:
When designing a regular expression in any language for something like this you can match your input string as three groups: (the opening tag, the content, and the closing tag) then select the content from the second group.

How to say remove all the content with in style='' from regular expression

I want to format html document and it has full of inline css. I use notpad++ and try regular expression to format it.
I want to replace style='font-family:"Arial","sans-serif"....... etc ' with style=''
How to do this with regular expressions?
I am new to regular expressions.
Replace :
[^']+ matches one or more characters that is not quote(')

Regular Expression Pattern To Accept An Apostrophe

I am using Regular Expression in Jquery to validate names.I am having this issue that i need a pattern which will allow an apostrophe in the name.That means it can have alphabets and a single apostrophe.
Valid: D'souza,Danny
Invalid: D''souza
Can anybody help me out with this.Currently I am using this pattern
var rxPattern = /^([a-zA-Z]+)$/;
You probably need something like that: