Most efficient way to use AWS SQS (with Golang) - amazon-web-services

When using the AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service) you pay for each request you make to the service (push, pull, ...). There is a maximum of 256kb for each message you can send to a queue.
To save money I'd like to buffer messages sent to my Go application before I send them out to SQS until I have enough data to efficiently use the 256kb limit.
Since my Go application is a webserver, my current idea is to use a string mutex and append messages as long as I would exceed the 256kb limit and then issue the SQS push event. To save even more space I could gzip every single message before appending it to the string mutex.
I wonder if there is some kind of gzip stream that I could use for this. My assumption is that gzipping all concatenated messages together will result in smaller size then gzipping every message before appending it to the string mutex. One way would be to gzip the string mutex after every append to validate its size. But that might be very slow.
Is there a better way? Or is there a total better approach involving channels? I'm still new to Go I have to admit.

I'd take the following approach
Use a channel to accept incoming "internal" messages to a go routine
In that go routine keep the messages in a "raw" format, so 10 messages is 10 raw uncompressed items
Each time a new raw item arrives, compress all the raw messages into one. If the size with the new message > 256k then compress messages EXCEPT the last one and push to SQS
This is computationally expensive. Each individual message causes a full compression of all pending messages. However it is efficient for SQS use

You could guesstimate the size of the gzipped messages and calculate whether you've reached the max size threshold. Keep track of a message size counter and for every new message increment the counter by it's expected compressed size. Do the actual compression and send to SQS only if your counter will exceed 256kb. So you could avoid compressing every time a new message comes in.
For a use-case like this, running a few tests on a sample set of messages should give the rough percentage of compression expected.

Before you get focused on compression, eliminate redundant data that is known on both sides. This is what encodings like msgpack, protobuf, AVRO, and so on do.
Let's say all of your messages are a struct like this:
type Foo struct {
bar string
qux int
and you were thinking of encoding it as JSON. Then the most efficient you could do is:
If you wanted to just append all of those together in memory, you might get something like this:
{"bar":"whatever","qux",123}{"bar":"hello world","qux",0}{"bar":"answer to life, the universe, and everything","qux",42}{"bar":"nice","qux",69}
A really good compression algorithm might look at hundreds of those messages and identify the repetitiveness of {"bar":" and ","qux",.
But compression has to do work to figure that out from your data each time.
If the receiving code already knows what "schema" (the {"bar": some_string, "qux": some_int} "shape" of your data) each message has, then you can just serialize the messages like this:
"whatever"123"hello world"0"answer to life, the universe, and everything"42"nice"69
Note that in this example encoding, you can't just start in the middle of the data and unambiguously find your place. If you have a bunch of messages such as {"bar":"1","qux":2}, {"bar":"2","qux":3}, {"bar":"3","qux":4}, then the encoding will produce: "1"2"2"3"3"4, and you can't just start in the middle and know for sure if you're looking at a number or a string - you have to count from the ends. Whether or not this matters will depend on your use case.
You can come up with other simple schemes that are more unambiguous or make the code for writing or reading messages easier or simpler, like using a field separator or message separator character which is escaped in your encoding of the other data (just like how \ and " would be escaped in quoted JSON strings).
If you can't have the receiver just know/hardcode the expected message schema - if you need the full flexibility of something like JSON and you always unmarshal into something like a map[string]interface{} or whatever - then you should consider using something like BSON.
Of course, you can't use msgpack, protobuf, AVRO, or BSON directly - they need a medium that allows arbitrary bytes like 0x0. And according to the AWS SQS FAQ:
Q: What kind of data can I include in a message?
Amazon SQS messages can contain up to 256 KB of text data, including XML, JSON and unformatted text. The following Unicode characters are accepted:
#x9 | #xA | #xD | [#x20 to #xD7FF] | [#xE000 to #xFFFD] | [#x10000 to #x10FFFF]
So if you want to aim for maximum space efficiency for your exact usecase, you'd have to write your own code which use the techniques from those encoding schemes, but only used bytes which bytes are allowed in SQS messages.
Relatedly, if you have a lot of integers, and you know most of them are small (or clump around a certain spot of the number line, so that by adding a constant offset to all of them you can make most of them small), you can use one of the variable length quantity techniques to encode all of those integers. In fact several of those common encoding schemes mentioned above use variable length quantities in their encoding of integers. If you use a "piece size" of six (6) bits (instead of the standard implicitly assumed piece size of eight (8) bits to match a byte) then you can use base64. Not full base64 encoding, because the padding will completely defeat the purpose - just map from the 64 possible values that fit in six bits to the 64 distinct ASCII characters that base64 uses.
Anyway, unless you know your data has a lot repetition (but not the kind that you can just not send, like the same field names in every message) I would start with all of that, and only then would I look at compression.
Even so, if you want minimal size, I would aim for LZMA, and if you want minimal computing overhead, I would use LZ4. Gzip is not bad per se - if it's much easier to use gzip then just use it - but if you're optimizing for either size or for speed, there are better options. I don't know if gzip is even a good "middle ground" of speed and output size and working memory size - it's pretty old and maybe there's compression algorithms which are just strictly superior in speed and output and memory size by now. I think gzip, depending on implementation, also includes headers and framing information (like version metadata, size, checksums, and so on), which if you really need to minimize for size you probably don't want, and in the context of SQS messages you probably don't need.


What is the best way to read large file (>2GB) (Text file contains ethernet data) and access the data randomly by different parameters?

I have a text file which looks like below:
0.001 ETH Rx 1 1 0 B45678810000000000000000AF0000 555
0.002 ETH Rx 1 1 0 B45678810000000000000000AF 23
0.003 ETH Rx 1 1 0 B45678810000000000000000AF156500
0.004 ETH Rx 1 1 0 B45678810000000000000000AF00000000635254
I need a way to read this file and form a structure and send it to client application.
Currently, I can do this with the help of circular queue by Boost.
The need here is to access different data at different time.
Ex: If I want to access data at 0.03sec while I am currently at 100sec, how can I do this in a best way instead of having file pointer track, or saving whole file to a memory which causes performance bottleneck? (Considering I have a file of size 2 GB with the above kind of data)
Usually the best practice for handling large files depends on the platform architecture (x86/x64) and OS (Windows/Linux etc.)
Since you mentioned boost, have you considered using boost memory mapped file?
Boost Memory Mapped File
Its all depends on
a. how frequently the data access is
b. what pattern the data access is
Splitting the file
If you need to access the data once in a while then this 2GB log
design is fine, if not the logger can be tuned to generate log with
periodic interval/ latter a logic can split the 2GB files into needed fashion of
smaller files. So that fetching the ranged log file and then reading
the log data and then sort out the needed lines is easier since file
read bytes will be reduced here.
For very frequent data access, for faster response maintaining cache is one the nice solution, again as you said it has its own bottleneck. The size and pattern of the cache memory selection is all depends on the b. what pattern of data access is. Also greater the cache size also slower the response, it should be optimum.
If the searching pattern is un-ordered/dynamically grown on usage then data-base will work. Again here it will not give faster response like small cache.
A mix of database with perfect table organization to support the type of query + smaller cache layer will give optimum result.
Here is the solution I found:
Used Circular buffers (Boost lock free Buffers) for parsing file and to save the structured format of line
Used Separate threads:
One will continuously parse the file and push to lock free queue
One will continuously read from the buffer, process the line, form a structure and push to another queue
Whenever user needs random data, based on time, I will move the file pointer to particular line and read only the particular line.
Both threads have mutex wait mechanisms to stop parsing once the predefined buffer limit reached
User will get data at any time, and no need of storing the complete file contents. As and when the frame is read, I will be deleting the frame from queue. So file size doesn't matter. Parallel threads which fills the buffers allows to not spend time on reading file every time.
If I want to move to other line, move file pointer, wipe off existing data, start threads again.
Only issue is now to move the file pointer to particular line.
I need to parse line by line till I reach the point.
If there exist any solution to move file pointer to required line it would be helpful. Binary search or any efficient search algorithm can be used and will get what I want.
I appreciate if anybody gives solution for the above new issue!

Chronicle Queue - reader modifying msg

We are preparing to use Chronicle Queue (SingleChronicleQueue) to record our messages. The prototype is working now. However we have some problems.
Can readers modify the messages? We use a chronicle map to record indices read to remove duplicate messages after a restart. In case this doesn't work, we want to tag messages read on the reader side. Actually we already do that. The problem is now, sometimes, we get error messages like "15c77d8be (62) was 8000003f is now 3f", and we suspect that this is because writes across cache line boundaries are no longer atomic now. What is the recommended way to solve it? Currently we add a one-byte tag before the message, will adding a 3-byte padding solve the problem?
Can we use our own roll policy? We'd like to use an hourly policy. But the hourly policy mandates a file containing less than 256 million entries. Can we use our custom roll cycle? Are there any caveats?
One common approach is to record your consumers' read indices in another output queue. On restart, simply read backwards from the end of the output queue to determine what each consumer's read sequence should be.
Without seeing your code it is a little difficult to determine what the problem might be with trying to modify existing records. Note that records inserted into a queue are supposed to be immutable; modifying them from a reader thread is not supported.
With regards to your RollCycle requirements, the LARGE_HOURLY cycle was recently added, allowing ~2 billion entries per cycle:

Check if data arrived OK

I am using the boost::asio (tcp) to send and receive fixed size (100bytes) data from one pc to another. What's the best way to check if everything arrived OK without impacting performance?
One idea is to save the first and last character and put them first, so: "hello my...battle in the end" will became "hd hello my...battle in the end". The final string will be 102 characters and the receiver can perform a size check also
another idea is to use a hash but i guess this will be very intense for the cpu
Do you guys have any good idea?
NOTE: Please keep in mind: i will use this millions of times, every microsecond counts.
The data are words separated by spaces.
TCP is designed to be a reliable transmission protocol. Since you say you're using TCP, you can simply assume that if the data arrived and is of the full length, it arrived correctly.
If you're worried about data being corrupted in transmission beyond what TCP's 16-bit checksum can detect, you might add a 32-bit CRC to the end of your data.

XML or CSV for "Tabular Data"

I have "Tabular Data" to be sent from server to client --- I am analyzing should I be going for CSV kind of formate or XML.
The data which I send can be in MB's, server will be streaming it and client will read it line by line to start paring the output as it gets (client can't wait for all data to come).
As per my present thought CSV would be good --- it will reduce the data size and can be parsed faster.
XML is a standard -- I am concerned with parsing data as it comes to system(live parsing) and data size.
What would be the best solution?
thanks for all valuable suggestions.
If it is "Tabular data" and the table is relatively fixed and regular, I would go for a CSV-format. Especially if it is one server and one client.
XML has some advantage if you have multiple clients and want to validate the file format before using the data. On the other hand, XML has cornered the market for "code bloat", so the amount transfered will be much larger.
I would use CSV, with a header which indicate the id of each field.
id, surname, givenname, phone-number
0, Doe, John, 555-937-911
1, Doe, Jane, 555-937-911
As long as you do not forget the header, you should be fine if the data format ever changes. Of course the client need be updated before the server starts sending new streams.
If not all clients can be updated easily, then you need a more lenient messaging system.
Google Protocol Buffer has been designed for this kind of backward/forward compatibility issues, and combines this with excellent (fast & compact) binary encoding abilities to reduce the message sizes.
If you go with this, then the idea is simple: each message represents a line. If you want to stream them, you need a simple "message size | message blob" structure.
Personally, I have always considered XML bloated by design. If you ever go with Human Readable formats, then at least select JSON, you'll cut down the tag overhead by half.
I would suggest you go for XML.
There are plenty of libraries available for parsing.
Moreover, if later the data format changes, the parsing logic in case of XML won't change only business logic may need change.
But in case of CSV parsing logic might need a change
CSV format will be smaller since you only have to delare the headers on the first row then rows of data below with only commas in between to add any extra characters to the stream size.

What is the best compression algorithm for small 4 KB files?

I am trying to compress TCP packets each one of about 4 KB in size. The packets can contain any byte (from 0 to 255). All of the benchmarks on compression algorithms that I found were based on larger files. I did not find anything that compares the compression ratio of different algorithms on small files, which is what I need. I need it to be open source so it can be implemented on C++, so no RAR for example. What algorithm can be recommended for small files of about 4 kilobytes in size? LZMA? HACC? ZIP? gzip? bzip2?
Choose the algorithm that is the quickest, since you probably care about doing this in real time. Generally for smaller blocks of data, the algorithms compress about the same (give or take a few bytes) mostly because the algorithms need to transmit the dictionary or Huffman trees in addition to the payload.
I highly recommend Deflate (used by zlib and Zip) for a number of reasons. The algorithm is quite fast, well tested, BSD licensed, and is the only compression required to be supported by Zip (as per the infozip Appnote). Aside from the basics, when it determines that the compression is larger than the decompressed size, there's a STORE mode which only adds 5 bytes for every block of data (max block is 64k bytes). Aside from the STORE mode, Deflate supports two different types of Huffman tables (or dictionaries): dynamic and fixed. A dynamic table means the Huffman tree is transmitted as part of the compressed data and is the most flexible (for varying types of nonrandom data). The advantage of a fixed table is that the table is known by all decoders and thus doesn't need to be contained in the compressed stream. The decompression (or Inflate) code is relatively easy. I've written both Java and Javascript versions based directly off of zlib and they perform rather well.
The other compression algorithms mentioned have their merits. I prefer Deflate because of its runtime performance on both the compression step and particularly in decompression step.
A point of clarification: Zip is not a compression type, it is a container. For doing packet compression, I would bypass Zip and just use the deflate/inflate APIs provided by zlib.
This is a follow-up to Rick's excellent answer which I've upvoted. Unfortunately, I couldn't include an image in a comment.
I ran across this question and decided to try deflate on a sample of 500 ASCII messages that ranged in size from 6 to 340 bytes. Each message is a bit of data generated by an environmental monitoring system that gets transported via an expensive (pay-per-byte) satellite link.
The most fun observation is that the crossover point at which messages are smaller after compression is the same as the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything: 42 bytes.
To try this out on your own data, here's a little bit of node.js to help:
const zlib = require('zlib')
const sprintf = require('sprintf-js').sprintf
const inflate_len = data_packet.length
const deflate_len = zlib.deflateRawSync(data_packet).length
const delta = +((inflate_len - deflate_len)/-inflate_len * 100).toFixed(0)
console.log(sprintf(`%03i,%03i,%3i`, inflate_len, deflate_len, delta))
If you want to "compress TCP packets", you might consider using a RFC standard technique.
RFC1978 PPP Predictor Compression Protocol
RFC2394 IP Payload Compression Using DEFLATE
RFC2395 IP Payload Compression Using LZS
RFC3173 IP Payload Compression Protocol (IPComp)
RFC3051 IP Payload Compression Using ITU-T V.44 Packet Method
RFC5172 Negotiation for IPv6 Datagram Compression Using IPv6 Control Protocol
RFC5112 The Presence-Specific Static Dictionary for Signaling Compression (Sigcomp)
RFC3284 The VCDIFF Generic Differencing and Compression Data Format
RFC2118 Microsoft Point-To-Point Compression (MPPC) Protocol
There are probably other relevant RFCs I've overlooked.
All of those algorithms are reasonable to try. As you say, they aren't optimized for tiny files, but your next step is to simply try them. It will likely take only 10 minutes to test-compress some typical packets and see what sizes result. (Try different compress flags too). From the resulting files you can likely pick out which tool works best.
The candidates you listed are all good first tries. You might also try bzip2.
Sometimes simple "try them all" is a good solution when the tests are easy to do.. thinking too much sometimes slow you down.
I don't think the file size matters - if I remember correctly, the LZW in GIF resets its dictionary every 4K.
ZLIB should be fine. It is used in MCCP.
However, if you really need good compression, I would do an analysis of common patterns and include a dictionary of them in the client, which can yield even higher levels of compression.
I've had luck using zlib compression libraries directly and not using any file containers. ZIP, RAR, have overhead to store things like filenames. I've seen compression this way yield positive results (compression less than original size) for packets down to 200 bytes.
You may test bicom.
This algorithm is forbidden for commercial use.
If you want it for professional or commercial usage look at "range coding algorithm".
You can try delta compression. Compression will depend on your data. If you have any encapsulation on the payload, then you can compress the headers.
I did what Arno Setagaya suggested in his answer: made some sample tests and compared the results.
The compression tests were done using 5 files, each of them 4096 bytes in size. Each byte inside of these 5 files was generated randomly.
IMPORTANT: In real life, the data would not likely be all random, but would tend to have quiet a bit of repeating bytes. Thus in real life application the compression would tend to be a bit better then the following results.
NOTE: Each of the 5 files was compressed by itself (i.e. not together with the other 4 files, which would result in better compression). In the following results I just use the sum of the size of the 5 files together for simplicity.
I included RAR just for comparison reasons, even though it is not open source.
Results: (from best to worst)
LZOP: 20775 / 20480 * 100 = 101.44% of original size
RAR : 20825 / 20480 * 100 = 101.68% of original size
LZMA: 20827 / 20480 * 100 = 101.69% of original size
ZIP : 21020 / 20480 * 100 = 102.64% of original size
BZIP: 22899 / 20480 * 100 = 111.81% of original size
Conclusion: To my surprise ALL of the tested algorithms produced a larger size then the originals!!! I guess they are only good for compressing larger files, or files that have a lot of repeating bytes (not random data like the above). Thus I will not be using any type of compression on my TCP packets. Maybe this information will be useful to others who consider compressing small pieces of data.
I forgot to mention that I used default options (flags) for each of the algorithms.