Idea and guidelines on end to end AWS solution - amazon-web-services

I want to build an end to end automated system which consists of the following steps:
Getting data from source to landing bucket AWS S3 using AWS Lambda
Running some transformation job using AWS Lambda and storing in processed bucket of AWS S3
Running Redshift copy command using AWS Lambda to push the transformed/processed data from AWS S3 to AWS Redshift
From the above points, I've completed pulling data, transforming data and running manual copy command from a Redshift using a SQL query tool.
I've heard AWS CloudWatch can be used to schedule/automate things but never worked on it. So, if I want to achieve the steps above in a streamlined fashion, how to go about it?
Should I use Lambda to trigger copy and insert statements? Or are there better AWS services to do the same?
Any other suggestion on other AWS Services and of the likes are most welcome.
Constraint: Want as many tasks as possible to be serverless (except for semantic layer, Redshift).

Your options here are either to use CloudWatch Alarms or Events.
With alarms, you can respond to any metric of your system (eg CPU utilization, Disk IOPS, count of Lambda invocations etc) when it crosses some threshold, and when this alarm is triggered, invoke a lambda function (or send SNS notification etc) to perform a task.
With events you can use either a cron expression or some AWS service event (eg EC2 instance state change, SNS notification etc) to then trigger another service (eg Lambda), so you could for example run some kind of clean-up operation via lambda on a regular schedule, or create a snapshot of an EBS volume when its instance is shut down.
Lambda itself is a very powerful tool, and should allow you to program a decent copy/insert function in a language you are familiar with. AWS has several GitHub repos with lots of examples too, see for example the serverless examples and many samples. There may be other services which could work for you in your specific case, but part of Lambda's power is its flexibility.


AWS lambda function for copying data into Redshift

I am new to AWS world and I am trying to implement a process where data written into S3 by AWS EMR can be loaded into AWS Redshift. I am using terraform to create S3 and Redshift and other supported functionality. For loading data I am using lambda function which gets triggered when the redshift cluster is up . The lambda function has the code to copy the data from S3 to redshift. Currently the process seams to work fine .The amount of data is currently low
My question is
This approach seems to work right now but I don't know how it will work once the volume of data increases and what if lambda functions times out
can someone please suggest me any alternate way of handling this scenario even if it can be handled without lambda .One alternate I came across searching for this topic is AWS data pipeline.
Thank you
A server-less approach I've recommended clients move to in this case is Redshift Data API (and Step Functions if needed). With the Redshift Data API you can launch a SQL command (COPY) and close your Lambda function. The COPY command will run to completion and if this is all you need to do then your done.
If you need to take additional actions after the COPY then you need a polling Lambda that checks to see when the COPY completes. This is enabled by Redshift Data API. Once COPY completes you can start another Lambda to run the additional actions. All these Lambdas and their interactions are orchestrated by a Step Function that:
launches the first Lambda (initiates the COPY)
has a wait loop that calls the "status checker" Lambda every 30 sec (or whatever interval you want) and keeps looping until the checker says that the COPY completed successfully
Once the status checker lambda says the COPY is complete the step function launches the additional actions Lambda
The Step function is an action sequencer and the Lambdas are the actions. There are a number of frameworks that can set up the Lambdas and Step Function as one unit.
With bigger datasets, as you already know, Lambda may time out. But 15 minutes is still a lot of time, so you can implement alternative solution meanwhile.
I wouldn't recommend data pipeline as it might be an overhead (It will start an EC2 instance to run your commands). Your problem is simply time out, so you may use either ECS Fargate, or Glue Python Shell Job. Either of them can be triggered by Cloudwatch Event triggered on an S3 event.
a. Using ECS Fargate, you'll have to take care of docker image and setup ECS infrastructure i.e. Task Definition, Cluster (simple for Fargate).
b. Using Glue Python Shell job you'll simply have to deploy your python script in S3 (along with the required packages as wheel files), and link those files in the job configuration.
Both of these options are serverless and you may chose one based on ease of deployment and your comfort level with docker.
ECS doesn't have any timeout limits, while timeout limit for Glue is 2 days.
Note: To trigger AWS Glue job from Cloudwatch Event, you'll have to use a Lambda function, as Cloudwatch Event doesn't support Glue start job yet.

Is AWS Lambda preferred over AWS Glue Job?

In AWS Glue job, we can write some script and execute the script via job.
In AWS Lambda too, we can write the same script and execute the same logic provided in above job.
So, my query is not whats the difference between AWS Glue Job vs AWS Lambda, BUT iam trying to undestand when AWS Glue job should be preferred over AWS Lambda, especially while when both does the same job? If both does the same job, then ideally I would blindly prefer using AWS Lambda itself, right?
Please try to understand my query..
Additional points:
Per this source and Lambda FAQ and Glue FAQ
Lambda can use a number of different languages (Node.js, Python, Go, Java, etc.) vs. Glue can only execute jobs using Scala or Python code.
Lambda can execute code from triggers by other services (SQS, Kafka, DynamoDB, Kinesis, CloudWatch, etc.) vs. Glue which can be triggered by lambda events, another Glue jobs, manually or from a schedule.
Lambda runs much faster for smaller tasks vs. Glue jobs which take longer to initialize due to the fact that it's using distributed processing. That being said, Glue leverages its parallel processing to run large workloads faster than Lambda.
Lambda looks to require more complexity/code to integrate into data sources (Redshift, RDS, S3, DBs running on ECS instances, DynamoDB, etc.) while Glue can easily integrate with these. However, with the addition of Step Functions, multiple lambda functions can be written and ordered sequentially due reduce complexity and improve modularity where each function could integrate into a aws service (Redshift, RDS, S3, DBs running on ECS instances, DynamoDB, etc.)
Glue looks to have a number of additional components, such as Data Catalog which is a central metadata repository to view your data, a flexible scheduler that handles dependency resolution/job monitoring/retries, AWS Glue DataBrew for cleaning and normalizing data with a visual interface, AWS Glue Elastic Views for combining and replicating data across multiple data stores, AWS Glue Schema Registry to validate streaming data schema.
There are other examples I am missing, so feel free to comment and I can update.
Lambda has a lifetime of fifteen minutes. It can be used to trigger a glue job as an event based activity. That is, when a file lands in S3 for example, we can have an event trigger which can run a glue job. Glue is a managed services for all data processing.
If the data is very low maybe you can do it in lambda, but for some reason the process goes beyond fifteen minutes, then data processing would fail.
The answer to this can involve some foundational design decisions. What is this job doing? What kind of data are you dealing with? Is there a decision to be made whether the task should be executed in a batch or event oriented paradigm?
This may be necessary or desirable because the task:
Is being done over large monolithic data (e.g., binary).
Relies on context of multiple records in a dataset such that they must be loaded into a single job.
Order matters.
I feel like just as often I see batch handling chosen by default because "this is the way we've always done it" but breaking from this approach could be worth consideration.
Glue is built for batch operations. With a current maximum execution time of 15 minutes and maximum memory of 10gb, Lambda has become capable of processing fairly large datasets in a single execution, as well. It can be difficult to pin down a direct cost comparison without specifics of the workload. When it comes to development, I feel that Lambda has the edge as far as tooling to build, test, deploy.
In the case where your data consists of a set of records, it might behoove you to parse and "stream" them into Lambda. Consider a flow like:
CSV lands in S3.
S3 event triggers Lambda.
Lambda reads and parses CSV into discrete events, submits to another Lambda or publishes to SNS for downstream processing. Concurrent instances of this Lambda can be employed to speed up ingest, where each instance is responsible for certain lines of the S3 object.
This pushes all logic and error handling, as well as resources required, to the level of individual event/record level. Often mechanisms such as dead-letter queues are employed for remediation. While context of a given container persists across invocations - assuming the container has not been idle and torn down - Lambda should generally be considered stateless such that the processing of an event/record is thought of as occurring within its own scope, outside that of others in the dataset.

Is there an AWS service for visualizing triggers between other AWS services

For example say I build a workflow that uses 10 lambda functions that trigger each other and are triggered by a dynamodb table and an S3 bucket.
Is there any AWS tool that tracks how these triggers are tying together so I can easily visualize the whole workflow I’ve created?
Bang on, few months ago, I too was in a similar situation for my distributed architecture running on AWS.
So far, I have found the following options as possibilities. I'm still figuring out which is more suitable. But, hope this information helps you.
1. AWS-Native option :: Engineer your Lambda code to trigger Cloudwatch custom-metrics for any important events from within the code. Later, you may use Cloudwatch dashboard to visualize them.
2. Non-AWS options :: There are several of them, but all of them require you to engineer your code with their respective libraries / packages to transmit the needed information. Some of them support ASYNC invocations, so it shouldn't keep your master lambdas in the waiting state for log tracing.
3. Mix of AWS & Non-AWS :: This is a more traditional approach to our problem. You log events to Cloudwatch Logs (like how Lambda does it out of the box), "ingest" these logs into popular log management and analysis SaaS tooling to make sense between these logs via "pattern-matching" and other proprietary techniques.
Splunk Cloud
All the best! Keep me posted how it is going.
If you use CloudFormation you can visualize the resource relations with CloudFormation Designer. However, if you don't have the resources in a CloudFormation stack, you can create one from all the existing resources.

Automation of on-demand AWS EMR cluster - Using Python (boto3) over AWS CLI

We are in the process of automating the launch of on demand EMR clusters. This will be triggered upon the arrival of certain files in AWS S3. In this regard, we are evaluating two options -
1. Shell script that will invoke a AWS CLI to launch the desired EMR cluster
2. Python script that will invoke methods for EMR start, stop using the boto3
Is there any preference of using one option over the other?
The former appears easier, as we can take the CLI from the manually created EMRs from the AWS console and package it into a shell script. While the later option has intricacies and doesn't have such a starting point and the methods would have to be written from scratch.
Appreciate your inputs in this regard.
While both can achieve what you want, I would suggest to go with Lambda (Python).
Create an event trigger on the S3 location where data is expected - this will invoke your lambda (python code) and lambda can in-turn launch your EMR.
s3-> lambda -> EMR
Another option could be to trigger a data pipeline from lambda which will create the EMR for you.
s3 -> lambda -> pipeline -> EMR
Advantages of using pipeline vs lambda to create EMR
GUI based: You can pick and choose the components needed like resources, activites, schedules etc.
Minimal Python: In the lambda you will just configure the pipeline to be triggered, you don't need to implement error handling, retries, success or failure emails etc. All of this is inbuilt in the pipelines
Flexible: Since pipeline components are modular and configurable, you can change any configuration quickly. Code changes often takes more time.
You can read more about it here -

AWS Cloudwatch monitoring for S3

Amazon Cloudwatch provides some very useful metrics for monitoring my EC2s, load balancers, elasticache and RDS databases, etc and allows me to set alarms for a whole range of criteria; but is there any way to configure it to monitor my S3s as well? Or are there any other monitoring tools (besides simply enabling logging) that will help me monitor the numbers of POST/GET requests and data volumes for my S3 resources? And to provide alarms for thresholds of activity or increased datastorage?
AWS S3 is a managed storage service. The only metrics available in AWS CloudWatch for S3 are NumberOfObjects and BucketSizeBytes. In order to understand your S3 usage better you need to do some extra work.
I have recently written an AWS Lambda function to do exactly what you ask for and it's available here:
It works by parsing S3 Server side log files and aggregates/exports metrics to AWS Cloudwatch (CloudWatch allows you to publish custom metrics).
Example graphs that you will get in AWS CloudWatch after deploying this function on your AWS account are:
+ many others
Since metrics are exported to CloudWatch, you can easily set up alarms for them as well.
CloudFormation template is included in GitHub repo and you can deploy this function very quickly to gain visibility into your S3 bucket usage.
EDIT 2016-12-10:
In November 2016 AWS has added extra S3 request metrics in CloudWatch that can be enabled when needed. This includes metrics like AllRequests, GetRequests, PutRequests, DeleteRequests, HeadRequests etc. See Monitoring Metrics with Amazon CloudWatch documentation for more details about this feature.
I was also unable to find any way to do this with CloudWatch. This question from April 2012 was answered by Derek#AWS as not having S3 support in CloudWatch.
The only thing I could think of would be to import the S3 access logs to a log service (like Splunk). Then create a custom cloud watch metric where you post the data that you parse from the logs. But then you have to filter out the polling of the access logs and…
And while you were at it, you could just create the alarms in Splunk instead of in S3.
If your use case is to simply alert when you are using it too much, you could set up an account billing alert for your S3 usage.
I think this might depend on where you are looking to track the access from. I.e. if you are trying to measure/watch usage of S3 objects from outside http/https requests then Anthony's suggestion if enabling S3 logging and then importing into splunk (or redshift) for analysis might work. You can also watch billing status on requests every day.
If trying to guage usage from within your own applications, there are some AWS SDK cloudwatch metrics:
S3 is a managed service, meaning that you don't need to take action based on system events in order to keep it up and running (as long as you can afford to pay for the service's usage). The spirit of CloudWatch is to help with monitoring services that require you to take action in order to keep them running.
For example, EC2 instances (which you manage yourself) typically need monitoring to alert when they're overloaded or when they're underused or else when they crash; at some point action needs to be taken in order to spin up new instances to scale out, spin down unused instances to scale back in, or reboot instances that have crashed. CloudWatch is meant to help you do the job of managing these resources more effectively.
To enable Request and Data transfer metrics in your bucket you can run the below command. Be aware that these are paid metrics.
aws s3api put-bucket-metrics-configuration \
--metrics-configuration Id=EntireBucket
--id EntireBucket
This tutorial describes how to do it in AWS Console with point and click interface.